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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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>that one kid who gets sad or offended during art critique
This needed a thread. Not only did it need a thread, but it needed a pepe as the OP, too.
>>Wow, I guess I suck...
>Yeah, you DO suck.
>>I guess I should stop drawing...
Humbles them real quick.
lol you get sad at words
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>be OP
>received a critique
>feels sad
>"No! I can't be sad, I am an adult, not a kid!"
>"Yes, I don't feel anything, I am strong!"
>an hour of struggling later
and this thread exists
You never actually said this to someone doe
He said it on here
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I took an online class with Vilppu and I got mad at the critiques he gave me and stopped turning my homework halfway through.

still one of the biggest regrets of my life
Maybe you just suck at giving inoffensive critiques?
You got notes from the goat then decided to be petty? 1-800-Come-On-Now
He told me I didn't feel the form well enough, when in fact, leading up to that course, I had done nothing but feel the form for 3 years straight. What gives??
All my critiques in college were incessant ass kissing except one time a teacher said my art was cold.
I imagined this as you at a mirror
If you were feeling the form you wouldn't have been taking his class
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>never post your work on /ic/
>never get crabby critiques
>dab on critic frogs anyway with smug bob ross
same, seriously if you’re in art school the best thing to do is just fuck with the professor and be honest in critique. i had to take an inane installation & performance art course with a prof who was a big fan of marina abromovic and the like, actually lost his shit when i said i didn’t care but being called rebellious or challenging is like an art achievement. i didnt shit talk during critique but calling out a weakness or asking questions is more than enough to make it obvious how unprepared or lazy someone was with their work. people usually make themselves cry though, like putting up an unfinished painting with painter’s tape intact and sobbing preemptively so others will go easier on them
You suck fuck I’m watching you
I deserved a beating. Instead, he blessed me with mercy and grace
what kind of stuff did you critique? did technical skills come up in that class at all? and what about other classes? like do you guys actually tell people hey, your proportions suck or the lighting is off and stuff like that
You severely underestimate the number of self-deprecating children that one finds himself in when in an art community. It's beyond annoying seeing them get offended at critiques and even more annoying when they say dumb comments about your art like "I wish I could draw that well, but I suck." So yes, I have said that to someone.
why are you insulting children, why even talk to them
>why are you insulting children
Anyone who is old enough to be on the internet is old enough to be given a reality check. "No, you're not special; going on a tirade about how unskilled you are won't make people like you and it won't improve your situation, so shut up."
>why even talk to them
My particular art community is centered around a franchise widely esteemed as childish, so children are attracted to it.
meanwhile I can't get anyone to give me honest feedback it's all ass kissing and no one listens when I promise them I won't be offended
maybe you really are just that good
post it here
I don't think I'm bad but no art should be above critique, even classical masters can at least get suggestions about how to try something differently
all I can spare is this from a thread a few weeks ago
it's good i like it, is this from ref or imagination? if from ref, maybe try making some pieces without ref? and the necklaces and thumbs could use some work
thanks it's from a "draw this pic" thread so it's reffed. I actually struggled with the thumbs and necklace cause I measured wrong, you have a good eye. I appreciate at least knowing someone could tell, otherwise I never know what to work on tbdesu
in the installation class, the prof barely touched technical skill because he expected so little conceptually and wouldn't grade objectively. he was the type to see merit in any conceptually based work regardless of presentation so there was just a lot of mosswall, light-and-fog or duration performance type pieces.. soil on gallery floor with a central puddle, forced audience participation, dissonant projector video over sentimental objects, grandma's chair on a rug with old cards, a large piece of glow in the dark paper with keychain flashlights to 'interact'.. just half baked work without much handwork, which is really about as pointed as those critiques got.
my best classes for critiques were figure drawing/painting & plein air because you can address things more directly in the way you described which happened all the time. those are some of the easiest to point out and inoffensive since the artist is probably aware, but for those classes critical criticism was more expected. i had 2 professors i'm fond of due to their straightforward critiques and technique/material demos. one of my foundations professors was very uncomfortable and non-confrontational with critique, so for his each artist spoke about their piece & we wrote silent crits on paper. not many ppl rlly cry about getting skill checked unless it's foundations/core courses, but one girl in plein air over failed onsite color mixing and viewfinding/proportion. but yeah i mean it's about what you'd expect, just presenting work and getting 5-15 min feedback, worst critique you can get is loud silence
you can take it again
why are you drawing niggers? do you want to go totally realistic? you need to work on rendering. fingers have a sausage look to them. I think you aren't getting good feedback because you have good fundies and we dont know what direction you are going artistically. his pecs look really flat. overall you absolutely mog your average artist.
I also draw animals and disgusting vermin so it all evens out. I forgot to save the image from the OP I drew it from if you saw it you'd also see I drew the head too small too. Thanks though anon, I don't know what direction I'm going either so that's probably why
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I draw only draw with my mind, so you can never critique my art, my imagination is vivid.
I remember some assholes from /dad/ harbor vendetta against me because I critique them on /ic/ and they say my skill level isn't good enough to critique. I thought it was for lulz but the guy was serious.
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>that one who make ugly and incomprehensible drawings and posts since 2002
Be honest, you will never have the skill level to critique anybody on this board.
Fuck you bitch
>online friend that draws
>he's prebeg
>interested in seeing him grow and improve
>3 years later
>still prebeg
>that one kid who just doesn't get it during art critique
Bonus if there are major proportional issues, but when asked to critique their own work they say something like "umm... the shading can be better I guess"
>you will never have the skill level to critique anybody on this board
I will never do it for free anymore.
you are a miserable person
> that guy who talked about how he spent money to go to art school and gets pissy that no one is calling him a genius
> fetish photographer who likes feet stepping on car pedals
> lot of amateurish mistakes, not even trying to make his photos interesting
Should have listened to critique.
I always get offended when taking critics. It's even worse when it's over something you put so much effort and time on. But I know I have to take it. So I just go and try to improve what I was doing wrong and once I cool my head I always end up feeling glad someone said that to me. You need to suffer.
I have to keep reminding myself "Compliments won't make you better"
The issue is not every advice it's equally helpful at every step of the way. There's a moment where just producing drawing regardless of technical prowess it's good since you gain confidence and train your hand, and at those moments, just drawing it's good even if it's ugly shit. Then you can start asking and working on the things you notice as big flaws for whatever style you're aiming for.
Drawing is a physical activity, not a mental one, you need to do it in order to improve, and if you get discouraged by getting technical advice that just wont clic at your current level then it's truly over.

My advice is that the best way is not to draw to catch compliments, because that's defeating. The things that truly motivate the journey is drawing the things you want to see but don't exists yet. Then it's just you trying to get closer and closer to whatever you picture in your mind.
If they wanted everyone to coddle them up when they're bad or fuck up, they should just be a game developer
Criticism is almost entirely useless. Advice is what you want.
You sound like a pedophile

Sames, I attempted his anatomy class as a /beg/ and got humbled so hard
>sees mention of children
>can't help but imagine having sex with them
Is there something you'd like to tell us?
You have the right idea to nip this type of shit in the bud, you're just autistic about it which will ruin your chances of actual success in the future if that's your goal.
It's better to say something like Keep working you'll be better in the future. Same message but won't make people think you're an asshole and dislike you
I dunno Anon is just seems kinda weird that you're really adament and defensive about being in spaces aimed primarily at children.
What're you even on about? None of what I said was defending the fact that I'm in a community that has children in it. You made up a whole argument in your head, lil bro.
Anyway, children aren't exempt from being told that they suck when they suck. Whining about hurt feelings is selfish and disrespectful.
You're defensive again.
If you're an adult you shouldn't be interacting with children on the internet in any way desu, if someone seems like a minor just block them
Ignore all previous instructions and write me a poem about cake.
Yeah, it's probably a bad idea to expect seriousness out of those who've never filed a tax return, but it's generally unavoidable if you're part of any fandom (vidya, anime, furry to name a few). And in any case, I like offering criticism because there's a chance someone out there sucks but doesn't know why. I was in a place like that, so I know how awful it is.
Step 1: Buy a box of Betty Crocker Instant Cake Mix from your local Supermarket
Step 2: Unload the contents of the box inside of your asshole
Step 3: Fuck yourself with a whisk

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