/Ic/ humour thread.
Self bump, because I am a retarded Jartycuck.
>>7296663Ok the top right steve a cool design thoughbeit the alex design is still shit.
>>7296663Humour's meant to be funny
>>7296729Post an example nigga.
>>7296760>>7296761who is this guy
>>7296854Marshall Vandruff
>>7296858i am not so foolish as to believe such lies and deceit
>>7296854marshil prokopantso
>>7296854Kim Jong Un
>>7296854Glenn Quagmire
>>7296854joshua tomar
>>7296854Glenn LooPoo
>>7296854stanislut prokopenis
>>7296854Andrew Loomis
>>7296854Glenn Villppu
>>7296922x) doubt
>>7296663Top right is extremely cool and part of a redesign and intentionally "grimdark" type of world based on the concepts of minecraft and they literally arent humans in their world since most if not all died long ago trapped in the ancient cities as part of the very canon death-cult that is the sculk and and the others are just plain "lets make it a gay black women" type of deal with no reason... if you are going to make it gay dont make it gay and lame>captcha:YGAY (lol)
>>7296854Adolf Hitler
>>7296970Also more art of illwilledomen because its cool
>>7296970I posted his old art, so heres the "slight redesign" he made
>>7297039why did the builders create constructs that look like the average italian
>>7297005>>7297039i dont like it
>>7296970buy an ad faggot
>>7296970they just redesigned the enderman into an emaciated african lol
>>7296970>>7297005>>7297039>HumorYour Head
>>7297260I will derail the thread and (you) will like it >>7297258Great design choices, right? >>7297250NEVER>>7297223You are actually right... >>7297246Thats totally fine anon, you have your own tastes in art and design choices and thats okay
>>7297374whats with the huge fat ugly darkened noses?
>>7296663>Posts terrible gen alpha meme>Only posts one total>Bumps his own dead thread 3 hours laterGreat thread OP, way better than drawing
>>7298591Thats why i took over the thread! So, lets discuss the minecraft headcanon art designs!
>>7297374This is just bad dude. Like straight up. You have no sense for aesthetics at all. You're hiding behind muh grimdark to hide the fact your art is just ugly.
>>7296663the original model is dysgenic you retard, kys
>>7298709Lol its not my art, im just shilling it>>7297382You know, you are kinda right, i didnt realize it but maybe the fact that they all share the nose maybe tries to tell that theres a common ancestor, otherwise i dont get it either in the case of the enderman...
>>7298709Just leave this vapid thread and OP to play with their toys alone.
>>7296854Can you repeat the question?
>>7296970why isnt steve wearing pantsAlso any interpretation of steve that doesn't portray him as rugged/grizzled individual is a bad interpretation
>>7298825You are not the boss of me now
>>7296663>wojak >humourjust make an sjw art thread
>>7298898I need to make a compilation of "woke" tumblr art like this
>>7298898I'm still glad they left Muffet out of this. Chinky spiderscrooge shall not be corrupted.
>>7296766Are there any more edits of this guy's comics? I think his comics only exist to be editted, because the edits are always infinitely more funny than the original work.
>>>7296663 (OP)>>wojak>>humour>just make an sjw art thread
>>7296766>flipped exclamation pointsokay, this one got me
>>7296663steve is literally non-white. always has been
>>7300088steve has blue eyes hes just a tan white guy, always has been
>>7300089>non whites can't have blue eyesyour bigotry is showing
>>7300088Real CRAFTHEADS know steve is white.
>>7300099Juxtaposed to BLACK steve
>>7299559Sauce for that thread? I cant belive there are no /ic/ threads archived
>>7296710>>7296718>>7296729>>7296732>>7296858>>7296864>>7296865>>7296874>>7296874>>7296876>>7296879>>7296880>>7296890>>7296892>>7296910>>7296920>>7296922>>7296926>>7296977>>7297223>>7297246>>7297250>>7297258>>7297260>>7298591>>7298709>>7298726>>7298825>>7298849>>7298872>>7299170>>7299249>>7299419>>7299546>>7300077>>7300088>>7300089>>7300093>>7300099>>7300100>>7300129WHEREISTHEFUNNYJOKEINTHEHUMOURTHREADYOUFUCKINGTARDSIF YOU WANT TO TALK LIKE FUCKING RETARDS LIKE YOURE ON FUCKING DISCORD AT LEAST ATTACH PICTURES TO YOUR POSTS YOU FUCKING MORON NIGGERS!!!!!
>>7300280mass-replying like this should be a instant ban.
>>7296854Phil DeForm
>>7300129Pretty sure archived.moe has /ic/
>>7300804Kek. Gets me every time.
>>7300280Ur a slut
>>7300804Oh god. I was laughing so hard I shed a couple tears. Shit never gets old.
>>7296758Funniest thing in this shitty thread.
>>7296663>Steve and Alex are salt-of-the-earth survivalists>they’re placed in a disadvantageous position, spawning into a, largely, uninhabited world>this makes them underdogs in the players mind >the average leftist’s biases interprets this situation as definitive proof that the player avatar is a minoritySimple. They’re wrong, but it makes sense.
>>7300280sorry, i don't have any
>>7300982>stops at 2014>he doesn't know>>7301002>>they’re placed in a disadvantageous position, spawning into a, largely, uninhabited world(Personally, i don't like minecraft that much) I haven't seen any fanlore that frames the players as underdogs unless it's some youtuber RP shit, IMO there's much more "steve is a ultra powerful slaver psycho lmao" stuff out there
>>7300982Crazy. Even though it doesn't feel like it. 2014 is over a decade ago. That picture is wildly outdated.
>>7296970>Top right is so COOL because it's literally about le dark edgy minecraft loreThe top right looks like if a twink and his fat gay husband went to the renaissance fair. You have shit taste. NGMI
>>7300979What's the joke behind this one? View Same on the archive isn't giving anything besides one of the recent humor threads.
>>7296854Stan Lee
>>7296663you shouldn't look at ugly art too much. It will influence you on a subconscious level
>>7296663This is a trick to get me to draw, isn't it?
>>7301737If that's true your post is not helping.
>>7302317Don’t slander Yotsuba
>>7300981Isnt hoogarth just to learn medicine?
>>7301336OP was asking for advice on his art piece, mentioned he tried drawing pecs but clearly turned into F cup knockers instead, hilarity ensued
>>7300982USA should not only learn from japan on that aspect, but also learn how not to draw ugly Tumblr ass characters
>>7302661was this board purple in 2019
>>7305480It is a marked post on warosu.
>>7307182seems hard living that way hope he got medicated since then <3
this redline
>>7308721what dunning krueger does to a mf
>>7308819I like that his expression is full of contempt while saying it
>>7309466give her big tits and I would
>>7308819bitch the french and italians invented paintingand french bande-dessinee>manga
>>7296854that's the late great Akira Toriyamaalso newfag detectedgtfo of here before (you)'re stuck here forever or just lurk more before posting retarded shit like that question
>>7296759It feels good painting naked when it's hot, give it a tryI don't mean it in the sexual sense, it just feels relaxing
>>7298898Burn it to the fucking ground, shit like this makes me ashamed to be an Undertale fan
>>7296759weird feetif I drew them just like that anons would call me beg
>>7299559>00280>>>7296729>>7300129If anybody wants a screencap for additional posterity's sake, I made this screencap when the thread was first posted
>>7309548all those people are dead and forgotten
>>7299249please do
>>7301260what was significant about 2014?
>>7310661I'm guessing that things got worse since 10 years ago because of the 2015 UK grooming scandal.
>>7296854Moot's dad that works at Nintendo
>>7307182Surprisingly good post, I have a simplified system of Skill x Innovation, with even a very low effort piece like the Duchamp Urinol being acceptable, as long as there is enough originality to it.But yes, despite its innovation, it can't be enjoyed in a non-meta level, so maybe a point system is more proper.And the commercial aspect of it wasn't something I took into consideration, as I consider both the audience and the original context not that important.Skill and Beauty can be packed into a single thing, even if you are drawing something supposed to be terrifying, you have to do it in an orchestrated manner. Dissonance is essential for Harmony to be enjoyed.
Tell me something funny /ic/
I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else.I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
>>7298898>this unironically predicted the rudy/asgore fagshittoby you fucking hack
>>7296763was this made by the creator of spongel?
Anyone got that meme about the /ic/ youtuber ethot comparing figure drawing mentors? It had shit from Loomis, Huston, Vilppu, etc
>>7309523who the FUCK is the black guy in orangeI can only guess that's Avdol cause he's sitting with stardust niggas but why is he so unrecognizable
>>7312610the commercial aspect is not about the audience. it exists even if you shelve your art and never show it to anyonethe point i was making with criterion 4 is that you in your mind while creating have a goal in mind. If that goal is non-artistic (like making money), then the work will reflect that, and the choices you make (chasing trends for example) are affected by that
>>7320529So if it's paid work and a commercial success, but you did it the way you wanted, does it score low on the "done for commercial purposes" score?I'm okay with that.
>>7296663I like this one, it's cute.
>>7296758>HOURS PASS AS I PONDER WHY I WASN'T BORN WITH AN ORIENTAL DISPOSTION kek>>7296854 pic related is a comic I made about Vilppu but nobody ever replies to it so I assume everyone doesn't get it: "one must construct oft various tens of boxes or suspendeth thyself of artisan becoming" is You have to draw 10000 boxes to git gud/ kys" "derive sensation of the shapes configuration and heed: Instruments, not axioms" is Feel the form: Tools, not rules.
>>7300981loomis gods still won thoughever
>>7301737I want to draw ugly, hideous monsters for my contrast purposes, though.
>>7308819japs are fucking full of themselves that if you ended up actually wanting to go there and arrive there, you will get this question by someone looking a free engrish lesson "How many seasons does your country have?" You obiously repsond with "...........4" jap:"Oh! same as us!" while smiling with unbrushed, crooked teeth
>>7322829what did he mean by this
>>7298898>Asgore, the transgayman lusting over two dead children
>>7308816How would you even realistically achieve that?
>>7296970Why is the human an ugly gnome? God damn that's the most disgusting looking human male I've ever seen drawn in my life. Even Mexican men who look like that adore Goku and jacked masculine characters. Especially since isn't he building and crafting all day? He should look like a buff woodsman. Not a horrible ugly creature.
>>7297039Hips as wide as shoulders are female proportions. There are many fridge shaped shit brick house men they could have modeled him after. He looks skinny fat and like he doesn't even have muscle under that fat based on his proportionately thin arms vs his fat gut. He has a small jaw of a woman. I was going to edit him but had to delete it off my device because just looking at it makes me angry. He looks like he was inspired by freak troon proportions. I swear the people who can't draw humans are so deep into "gender is a social construct" they refuse to learn masculine and feminine features. If you can't even grasp the basic differences you can't fucking draw.
>>7308730I love DKfags so much
>>7314967That's ok, you don't need to know how to play snooker to know it's not worth bothering with. Do you still like looking at drawings and paintings though?
>>7314961So what happened was I went to go and get cigarettes and beers yeah? And I left him in my painting room.
>>7296763That's an acquired sense of humour. Petting animals for people with disabilities is actually a thing. The story could continue towards an happy ending.
>>7309934Very droll.
>>7314961Who's dark and smells like shite?
>>7324618a stick
>>7300982now do the numbers from brown shitskins only
IM BEG AND THATS GOOD ILL NEVER BE INT AND THATS NOT BAD.There's no I'd rather be.... than me.....
>>7324771that's hot as fuck
>>7296729Maybe you lack humour
here's my mobs
>>7322829I used to watch Game Center CX when I was younger. It was alright fun. I can't get over how they treated Space Invaders like it was the first video game though
>why was i banned from an art server? i only demanded free art from people far more talented that me>i'm totally over the drama i started guys now let me shit all over the thread because i crave attention
>>7327719Is it that easy?
Anybody have the bauhaus mis en scene post?
>>7328313THANK YOU
>>7321061Don't worry, anon, I got it.
>>7297374why they're all jewish?
>>7329233their ancestry
>>7329233why not
>>7301336He’s Main Dude!
>>7298898Muslim women are allowed to play video games? Asking for a friend
>>7308816>>7322890>>7324617It's not bolted on so he just pulled it off and slid it across her butt.
>>7309899Damn the bottom 2 are actually so well made
>>7332189>so heI did what to who now?
>>7332502You slid the board through that poor ladies underwear and put it back on the posts, and she's too short to pick it up off there without giving herself a second wedgie.
>>7332858Saw a disgusting creature in a youtube thumbnail and I had to jak it
>>7332189Fuck NigellaSuch a fucking slut
>>7324771All Tomorrows ahh fetish
>>7296663bottom left looks fine though
peak ngl
Fresh from the oven.
>>7296663new toss
Funny Shit
>>7296663fuck off moid. art and fandom belongs to autistic women
>>7342045Holes will post this shit and then wonder why the entire planet and every major religion has imposed strict social restrictions on their sovereignty since the dawn of time in every place humans have ever lived. Reap what you sowed.>autistic womenOh boo-hoo, you liked Harry Potter and you TOOOOTES are not like these other dumb bimbos at your school and Tiktok told you that you're autistic if you like X, am i right? You would be hanging from a tree if you lived with in an actual autist's body for 6 hours, as you should.
>frogposterOpinion automatically invalid
>>7342049if you weren't autistic you would've picked up on the social cues that indicated that post was bait anon-kun
>>7342053I don't care if you think my opinion is invalid, my future little meat hole.When the time comes, and men are tired of your constant bullshit and bitching, you will see the shitstorm of such extent that Afghanistan with Sharia Law will look like Land of the Free and the wildest, vilest inkel gooner fantasies will seem like Heaven compared to it. Each day you will beg for sweet release of death and you will fondly remember the days you would have a hysteric breakdown when your boyfriend gently pushed you away after you stabbed him 7 times because you had a dream about him cheating on you, "HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU!!!" and you genuinely thought you lived under patriarchy and male privelege. Ah, the good old days when you could have a right to read, have a right to go outside, have a right to piss,eat and shit without permission of your master or government-assigned handler. When you could have sex with other women and animals every day of the week instead of being repeatedly impregnated by 4'11 balding indian janitors. The good life. But it won't happen again. Not in a thousand fucking years, my dear little hole. So enjoy your rights while they last.
>>7342061Are you trying to scare her, or to make her wet?
>Words words words, now make me another burger
>>7296710>Self bump, because I am a retarded Jartycuck.You have to go back.
>>7297374I don't think you know what grimdark is.It's not ugly art. It's ugly themes
>>7342086Both, hopefully
>>7324771this gets me pondering how great it would be to live in a world where women's body could be folded and squeezed into all manner of shapes without leaving any lasting damage
>>7342896Cool I regret posting that image now
>>7308819It's a funny image but I think he was only talking about anime style stuff. Does anyone remember which video this is from?
>>7343152Thanks for the new fetish.
>>7322829>"How many seasons does your country have?" You obiously repsond with "...........4">jap:"Oh! same as us!" while smiling with unbrushed, crooked teethFalse. The real Japanese answers either:a) "That's impossible dumb gaijin. Only Japan has four seasons."b) "Ok, but in Japan the different seasons are more vibrant and seasonal differences are stronger than in The Kaigai."Westerners know about the Japanese dindu nuffin' attitude towards WWII stuff but that's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Japanese cope industry. For example they accept that Japanese have smaller dicks than Westerners but their cope is that Japanese dicks get harder than Western dicks which are soft and floppy even while erect. And that's an extremely widespread belief over there.
>>7338455This isn't even comparable. Art has soul, so AI art not having a soul is a problem.Women don't have souls so who cares if AI women don't?
>>7296763i feel like this kinda reflects the abilities we take for granted such as for instance, socialising. ive been selective mute for a long time and people have been frustrated with me for why it was so difficult for me to talk (i stuttered badly, ran out of breath, and had a near nonexistant vocabulary).now that im not so retarded and can actually crack good jokes and describe things with a level of sophistication, I now cant help but find it confusing how some people cant talk fluent, like ive forgotten how it use to be.
>>7298898imagine the smell
>>7322829imaagine getting this mad over a potentially poor translation
>>7342056back in my day people could acutally spot bait
>>7337647are there really no jobs for new animators these days?
>>7329249Disgusting, they're not even human
>>7345512and it's AI art, as easily recognized on his gloves.
>>7345516The entire thread is AI generated. Yes, every single post.
>>7345516>>7345517It's obvious, not even /ic/ is that retarded to call out "bad coloring" on a monochrome artwork
>>7328313Everything said here is completely right
>>7345512Was this before AI art was more widespread? That's very clearly AI art.
>>7346412>Look at the date retard.Thanks me.
>>7327024Zesty enderman
Does anyone have that meme image about modern art ? It has a black spiral pollock style and a wojack
>>7339138post the one with the crying wojak next to a shitty stick figure he drew (he has different utensils next to him). it's not an ironic picture.also post the "are you drawing son" one with the son crying and replying no
>>7349922Instead, here's a moai/wojak combo.Difficulty: it's /vr/
>>7322829>You obiously repsond with "...........4"I respond with "2" and try to have a conversation instead of seething about them being ignorant of the world
We need more art memes please.
>>7343936>>7324237it makes fun of you nodraw retards
>>7296763This is true for so many things in life, e.g not jerking off. People who don't jerk off don't have to uninstall Instagram, devise a plan to not use social media at night, or always keep busty, they just don't jerk off.The same with socialising.
>>7358012>This is true for so many things in life, e.g not jerking offYeah. The No Draw has built a consistent bad habit of not drawing so now they see drawing as a monumental task. They the bad habit in question is running away from hard shit and thinking you'll do it when you're 'motivated'. Same as the coomer, they built the bad habit of escaping shitty life with cooming instead of facing their problems head on- the only difference is that cooming is second highest in the dopamine spike next to drugs so it can evolve into something wild and normal sex will seem bland compared to it.
some stuff i did last yearI guess its humor
>>7358035This one is good.
>>7355214?i don't get it
>>7342061>a paragraph of 'YOU DON'T HAVE RIGHTS' and larp with 0 mention of fanbase cultureInsane amount of cope for swearing you're not a tourist.
>>7349741What it means to own a Swarez? Do you stand on your two feet anon? Then you're worthy of this
Kool shit
>>7359337Solar Sands runs a YouTube channel which is known for his art critique videos, although in recent times he has moved away from that to different kinds of content. https://youtu.be/mNnRlUsuiKU
>>7355214L OST
>>7308816>mfw this stupid drawing is 13 years oldtime flies
why are tumblrinas so obsessed with making steve black/brown lol. he's like slightly tanned so they ran wild with it
>>7363490ok but why is the sonichu ai?couldn't you just fucking pick an actual sonichu drawing? does CC draw too well for you that you have to use ai?
>>7364314It's AI? Lol. I'm not familiar with CC's art. I thought it was really his. I mean hers. I was going to use a cute Yuno pic instead but changed my mind
>>7364327NTA but you can tell because of the eye.
>>7324793One in 72 muslims in manchester is a known child rapist
>>7322829Say 4 but regionally 6 and refuse to elaborate.
>>7314961What type of dog likes art? A drawhound
You can tell this Dunning-Kruger has never used watercolor paints in his life.
>>7364327you clearly have some sort of disability
>>7367305wew ladI wonder what's the original
We need new memes /ic/, come on now
>>7322928theres so many posts like this in /ic/, do none of you go outside? most people i know in real life have vastly different proportions and none of them are trannies. you can draw animeslop proportions all you want but you cant expect people to take it as serious criticism
>>7371209Anon you gotta understand. It's 60% autistic shut-ins
>>7329249NGL, the right most hawk girl is kinda cute
>>7309523>Polnareff is white
>>7372832hawk jews almost look like humans, don't they
>>7329249Which phenotype do Gal Godot or Bar Refaeli fall into?
>>7342061Why do you care so much about women’s rights? Did they hurt you that bad? Do you need women’s rights to be taken away because you feel that’s the only way you can fuck a woman?No one gets this butthurt or cares this much about a woman’s place in society unless they were personally affected by one
>>7373424Some of them have evolved to be hot in order to steal the life force (semen) of Aryan men. It's a clever evolutionary strategy.
>>7342061Kek cmon now
Sugoi japan
Wanna hear a funny joke?>post your drawing>thread dies
>>7375471isn’t this good advice tho?
>>7329249>first row far rightkinda would
>>7296760dose anybody have the meme where he is grabing a women's belly
>>7377449Greeks went from the Classical Period to this..
I miss /qa/ can we reset time where the jannies didn't royally fuck up by locking /qa/ and opening pandoras box for these teen infested altchansAlso >>7296663 what's wrong with top right? Looks fine tee bee aych, Alex could appear more feminine tho
>>7324771Pretty well drawn so I'm not even repulsed
>>7383074lmao I 'made' both of em, maybe I should watch Vilppu again...
>>7384365Fucking legend
>>7384365Is this feel the form guy?
>>7298898the text was added later by some troll btw
>>7372887He's already disabled, you don't gotta give him a second disability.
>>7297039that enderman is terrifying
>>7342061the most dysgenic troon hands you can find in hasan piker's chat typed this
>>7389010The worst part is, this faggot was probably not a troll and meant every word of it.
>>7390238rent free
>>7390255He got into a fight with his AI discord and Twitter group, spam suicide meme then deleted his account.