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>Artist picks the lowest hanging fruit possible for a redesign
>Still looks worse

What's with all these perma-begs tricking themselves into thinking they're "professionals" and that they have any business fixing someone's art? Like what, just because you figured out how to put a skeleton rig on your fugly ass v-tuber model?

People like this can get fucked.
>Artist picks the lowest hanging fruit possible for a redesign
>Still looks worse
You can't fix shit unfortunately.
How about instead of making this the 4th retarded thread about this people actually start drawing and posting their redesigns of the character? That'd ACTUALLY be interesting and fun.
>local beg pointing at other beg
>"look, look at the beg! i'm not beg btw!"
/v/ is aids
>Fatty is the healer not the tank.
there's nothing you can say to convince me the constant stream of concord related threads with an army of anons defending their god awful work isn't just the now unemployed faggots that worked on the game trying to hype themselves up and make it look like people actually like their work.
Crew Bonus: Anchor
Struggling to land those headshots? Emari might be your saviour. This character’s strength lies in their defensive capabilities, boasting a powerful shield that absorbs incoming fire. However, while this shield provides unparalleled protection, it also prevents Emari from returning fire. This makes them a crucial support character, best paired with aggressive teammates who can capitalize on the enemy’s vulnerability.

I thought you added a bulge in the crotch but its in the original design too what the actual fuck
The first two were people saying the artists in question might be ass, but the Twitter trannies larping as industry pros are worse. Now these threads are just bait at this point and I'd rather see it turned into something productive like a challenge thread than beating a dead horse.
You don't need to be Loomis to recognize when someone's made garbage art, but try again kid
Am I too late to get free clout by posting a redesign? What if I redesign every character? I want to farm twitter likes
He's just scribbling random shit over the original model lol. actual retard clout chaser
>pro artist
No way in hell. lazy ass bitch.
I tried, but man, its hard to get it going.
Although its hard to blame people for not posting work because you always feel like you are sticking your neck out when you do on /ic/.
>118 subscribers
Certified clout chaser
very appleseed, but learn perspective as if your life depends on it if you want to do this sort of designs.
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i don't normally provide my services for free but I suppose I can make an exception here to show you all how it's done.

i feel like this character could have been popular if she were in a different game
How many of these threads are we going to get?
Yeah, it's woke nigger garbage.
It's also dead. Take it to /v/
this image have lack of futa horse cock
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hm, what's the problem you saw?

You mean IT-Z right? I felt her outfit is too casual.
yeah the green girl, she makes me think of if the baldur's gate girls were mashed together
>another flavor of the month thread
Is developing a real personality in the current year this much of a hurdle?
Many things, most glaring: the far away arm is practically out of its socket, i have no idea what's going on with the helmet and with that thing above the head.

Your shading also don't help at all to show form and keep it in correct perspective.
can you redline it please?

yeah, I have hard time seeing it, but I admit I had some bias because I know in my head what those shape was suppose to represent, but way I worked was pretty abstract, mainly trying to pull out or grafting shapes I thought was interesting overtime, I stopped working on it more because subject wasn't keeping my interest at the time and I didn't think my take on it was very fresh.
should double down on the moebius influence, not stray from it.
speaking of moebius, I made an attempt when someone suggested that it was the influence, although I don't know where it was stated. It didn't turn out very well though.
up to 0:05 it looks fine for shape brainstoriming, had you not posted the progress I would not figure out that the big shape on the helmet is on the top of it and not the side. Hard surface is generally less forgiving than organic with the way we fill in the gaps in that we see.
cool. kinda has jetset or bombrush vibes, maybe it's the goggles and big feet/puffypants.
well, I think being kind of lossy goosy is fine for preliminary sketches, since I am not someone who is capable of good perspective in the abstract, I'll break out the rulers when I had to do the turn-around for the people who push polygons.

I had no idea what to make of this character, so I made something different too. Although that's before I saw she wielded daggers. I wonder how many alternative designs they went through, because its hard to imagine they settle for the one they ended up with. directors with strong opinions might not explore too many variations.
Nice cock Nosebro, can tell you've been practicing
>perma/beg/ niggers on ic should actually draw instead of criticizing artists better than them
You must be new here
Not the artist fault. Some things are just unsalvageable
It still looks bad because the entire design is flawed in the first place. The shapes suck, so it needs to be completely remade, instead to just keep the general aspect and change a few things.
Everyone ITT is cappin. Right is literally just World of Warcraft armor that everyone is fine with while left is a dorky diarrhea colored stormtrooper with lesbian lipstick
Honestly might try this. Could be a fun exercise for someone like me who has little knowledge in regards to character design.
Oh yeah, by the way, I was thinking about something that I found out was called jodhpuri breeches, which is old fashion horse riding pants often paired with high leather boots. i thought its evocative of old fashion colonial adventurers of the Victorian era.

here is another unfinished attempt, I wanted to try adjusting her to more closely resembles the silhouette and details of the concept art design, but I have come to the conclusion I wasn't good enough to change it piecemeal and still change her posture to one I considered more appealing.
why do these people always fall back on the asymmetrical pauldron
nta, but you nailed the form with this one, especially with the shoulders being lower and not created the boring round shape anymore, and the waist, good job. She now looks like a heavy trooper and not an inflated ball.
Because they were told that good design needs to be asymmetrical and that's how far their brain goes when they hear asymmetrical
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Asymmetrical pauldrons are a practical design that puts heavier armor on the leading side of your body, and allow for better mobility on the trailing side.
If I have to raise my arm to hold a gun or swing a sword, a fuckhuge static chunk of armor will get in the way.
But if my arm just has to sit there and do nothing but act as a shield, mobility doesn't matter.
yeah they did them in italy that doesnt really explain why 90% of fantasy armor now has asymmetrical pauldrons though
I promise you that's not why op drew the armor the way he did, he wouldn't do it that way if he knew all this shit and thought about the practicalities of a design. He just did it because "costume design must be asymmetrical" mantra
Pauldrons were asymmetrical throughout history. Whether the guy knew that or was just going by rule of cool with other fantasy armor he's seen is irrelevant. You're more likely to get struck on the left side, and need less mobility on the left, assuming melee combat exists in this world, or assuming the body will be angled to have the left side leading.
The gun she carries needs two hands to operate, that piece of pauldron that sicks out would be in her face. Notice how in your pic it's on the left side, always. The design is retarded, I'm sorry OP
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If there's no melee shit though, the benefits you get from better mobility outweigh the benefits of added protection on just one side. I know nothing about concord so have no clue if it would make sense or not.
"It is dated to 1553 and was made by Filippo Fegroli of Milan"
asymmetrical pauldrons were not particularly common outside of italy. the vast majority of armor was symmetrical
why would I draw for free?
It still makes sense for practical reasons. I imagine a lot of the stuff we have in museums was more ceremonial though, or for shit like jousting.
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I started to draw a redesign but then realized I really don't fucking care after like 30 minutes. The game is a dei shitpile that doesn't deserve further thought. So I'm abandoning this and will go back to drawing things I like.
imo the main problems with the design are the ogre-bodyshape and the monotonous colors. i do kinda like how its supposed to be football-armor-like.

did i improve it or make it worse?
How does a fat fuck getting shot help other people aim better?
high mass = easy target = instant better aim (for enemies)

idk what they mean by capitalizing enemies vulnerability, but the way they describe it I imagine a setting where the fatty is in the front line accepting all the fire due to high mass and using shield to defend themselves while not be able to do anything else, which I wouldn't say is a very politically correct way to treat fatties.
I can't see the like:dislike ratio, but the views seem to be good. What's wrong OP? Why is this permanent making you upset to make this thread?
>T-they're not good!
Who cares, what matters is that they got views. Welcome to the algorithm game.
Not that different from the original
still fucking ugly
stop just slightly tweaking the original design. it can't be saved. she needs a full redesign to be good.
rent free, huh?
Who is nosebro
$200m would pay for a lot of perma beg autists on fiver.

Just think, sony could have made 199 millionaires instead, and still have more to show for it.
>kept the flag
this is the new 'draw this in your style' thread
this guy took the already awful looking characters and just turned them into coomer bait. this some how sucks even more than the original designs
That's not coomerbait.
that's fucking terrible lmao
From woke slop to weg slop
Old /ic/ character
You are now a manager at BlackRock.
+1000 ESG points, xir!
I saw this guy's redesign and I'm like bruh you're just replacing someone else's terrible OC with your own terrible OC. Thankfully the guy clarifies that he's not an actual professional because this absolutely looks like something that a Skyrim 'redesign' mod would end up being. Like look at that fat tank. She now looks more like a fucking EDF5 character!

Seriously these kinds of shit are like something you'd expect from a bethesda game mod, not a brand new character design.
Speaking of this. While I'm trying to draw I notice I also need to have fashion sense and since I want to draw girls because they're cute I also need to know what looks good. It's pretty difficult to try and design an outfit on the fly. Which makes learning twice as hard.
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Here's a quick try
I would've made her hot, reload by pulling ammo out of her big cute afro, sexy british accent, gattling arm instead of carring a gattling gun
The only fix that character needs is a gender swap. The armor is pretty cool it just looks dumb when it's a girl baby face on a big ass man.
And lose the little flag.
I'd also prefer they'd already let the "minigun carried by a big soldier" trope die, it was funny exactly one time when TF2 did it as a gag.
>The armor is pretty cool
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apparently her armor and shit is meant to be made from junk scrap so thats what I went with.
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nerf this
I will now buy your game
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this is one of the most retarded comments ive seen on this board this month.
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fixed the design. The game will now sell 10,000 copies minimum guaranteed. Thank me later
feel free to not learn perspective if you want to draw hard surface designs, whatever floats your boat
hes right
Female Yakub?

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