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Im been seeing a trend of artists with good art that can stand on its own resort to this path eventually what would make them to this? are they tarnishing their legacy doing commer shit
lol yet another braindead zoomer/christcuck
shirow has always drawn porn you worthless genetic failure
have read a single of his manga, retard?
Why do nodraws constantly ask retarded, timewasting questions?
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ah yes, the confusing turn to porn of masamune "these 5 pages of tense lesbian action is instrumental to the character building" shirow
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>why yes, this is the critical page foreshadowing the political manipulation perpetrated by clone jews, how could you tell?
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Why not?
now post all the part with the brown males gangbanging the oily female
>noooooo the two oily lesbians gangbanging an oily female doesn't count
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you never read any of it, huh?
i knew you wouldn't keep the same energy for degenerate that isn't relevant to your own mental illness, classic
learn english
Being anti-sex is what is really degenerate. Castrate yourself for real instead of just mentally.
People start drawing nudes. The naked body is the most classical art. There is no "go", this is what it always was.
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>comparing yuri to BLACKEDshit
This. They are such degenerate perverts themselves, that they just can't handle sexuality. At any level.They are broken people, unsuitable to live in a normal human society.
yeah blacked shouldnt be degraded like that
more artists than you think are drawing porn in their spare time, even if just for personal consumption. why not? cumming is natural and a human need. if someone is good at art, why wouldnt they draw boobs or penises from time to time
its a niche that some of them are interested in. i think its also not super hard to get into if youre already capable of drawing people
shan't proofread my 4channel posts least of which ones made in a kookily bait thread, vladimirovich
i bone my wife on the reg which means that i'm in post nut clarity most days of the week albeit, now let's go back to the interracial fetishist you're dickriding
because they either wanted too, or they don't make enough money from their art due to them not being hirable anymore and can't keep up with the industry anymore. That's the only reason why, you see this a lot from the majority of old school illustrators/mangakas.
It's all the same, you retards are something else. porn is porn, there's no difference.
What the fuck? This is the official ghost in the shell manga?
how new are you? gits was carried by the movie director, the manga is just a hentai with some cool ideas the entire brand became something different because of how embarrassing it is
Why couldn't we have gotten an actually faithful Appleseed anime that isnt CGshit
Oshii is a Nazi-loving chud
no one's perfect
Cancel culture
shirow's actual work is waaaay too high iq and autistic to be mainstream, he's basically the heinlein of manga but with way more tits, it's all philosophising thinly veiled as cute girls with guns
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gits is like 20 pages of this kek
>>you see this a lot from the majority of old school illustrators/mangakas

anymore examples
you need Jesus
I'll pray for you
was meant for
because theyre retarded crossboarding tourists
Are there other works where the original was mid/bad and the anime adaptation redeemed it?
What the fuck. I'm a zoomer so I always assumed the manga was like the anime. Who the hell saw the manga and thought, I'm gonna make a masterpiece out of this? Crazy, I'm sure the director had a post nut moment of lucidity where they realized there was some meat on this bone
The manga's better, you dumb niggers, the anime is watered down for normalfags.
Am I the only one who remembers the Major trying to fuck a brown shota in the anime?
Is it actually possible to get off to your own work? I’m still / beg/ but I heard from here that you only see your own mistakes. I can maybe see it if you get to a super high level and your doodles are good enough that in that sex driven headspace you scribble something out that’s good enough to coom to without putting in too much mental effort to drawing
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I've never read manga so anime is better get fucked nigger. Also link the mangasex
>secondary has an opinion
go talk to the zoomers who only saw the hollywood movie, they seem more your speed
Nah I'm good on the live action. I did enjoy the themes of the anime though. All you've said is that the manga is better, but all this thread has shown is that it's hentai. So what makes it truly better?
>hurr durr having sex means it's hentai
is berserk bbc yaoi, you stupid zoomer cuck?
read it, you dumb nigger
>t. never read it
Yeah nah Berserk has like 4 scenes that have sex and it's meaningful. The sex in the manga for gits looks gratuitous and retarded but I'm still waiting to hear how an actual reason WHY it's better than the anime. Or you can just latch on to the sex part, I really don't give af, this thread and you have shown me about all I need to know about the manga.
>no you don't understand, casca getting raped by gigantic tentacle monster cock after getting raped by griffith is like, soooo meaningful
shut the fuck up, retard
alright don't expand on what makes the manga good or why tentacles fucking the characters or lesbian orgies every chapter moves the plot along.
>the sex in the manga with a literal rape horse meme is meaningful
Be honest, you didn't read Berserk either, and just watched the gay anime, right?
I remember 4 scenes. The first panel of the manga, the rape, the cave, and that goat sex god. I don't remember that panel but I mean, it's there so. Maybe you can answer me instead of the other retard that keeps latching onto the sex. What makes the gits manga better than the anime? Do they go more in depth on the themes of the movie? Is it written better? Or is it really just the sex
All artists are horny. All of them. Disney animators, mangakas, western comic artists, people working for children's networks... every last one of them has drawn something lewd before.

I once knew a guy who called people who dip into nsfw at all "art hookers" and said they were inherently lesser than him. He turned out to be a degenerate coomer into dick girls and excessive cum, only showing said drawings in private.

When you're given the power to create, you're going to want to make the art you want to see in the world, and often times it's incredibly filthy.

If you disagree, you're kidding yourself.
"I don't remember" is not an excuse to post stupid shit.
Yeah you're all retarded. You know what? Since none of you GEN Y and X niggers are capable of elaborating on HURR DURR IT'S JUST BETTER I'll read it myself. You can all fuck yourselves.
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It may vary depending but masamune shiro didn't goon out for the money. He just decided to become a coomer I guess.
>read it yourself
>but why
>but why
>but why
>but why
>well fuck you I'll read it myself so there
Yo that clap back is LIT frfr on god
It's unfortunate you are incapable of producing a summary. I'll just ask chatGPT to do in 3 seconds what your 50 miserable years on this earth can't produce.
The **"Ghost in the Shell" manga** by Masamune Shirow is often considered better than its anime adaptations for several reasons:

1. **Humorous Tone**: The manga has a more humorous and light-hearted tone compared to the anime. It includes jokes, silly faces, and notes in the margins that break down the story or explain concepts in a playful manner1.
2. **Character Depth**: Major Motoko Kusanagi's personality in the manga is more relaxed and less strictly serious. She is depicted as a tough tomboy with an easy-going relationship with her colleagues, often using silly faces or joking around1.
3. **Philosophical Exploration**: While the anime adaptations focus heavily on philosophical and existential themes, the manga balances these with more action and character interactions, providing a different experience1.
4. **Artistic Detail**: Shirow's detailed artwork and the inclusion of extensive technical notes and explanations add depth to the manga, making it a richer experience for readers who enjoy intricate world-building1.

Regarding the exploration of **sexual themes** in the manga, there are a few reasons for this:

1. **Cultural Context**: Japanese manga often includes sexual themes and fan service, which can be more explicit than what is typically seen in Western media. This is partly due to different cultural norms and expectations around sexuality in media.
2. **Characterization**: Shirow uses sexual themes to explore aspects of the characters' personalities and relationships. For example, Major Kusanagi's flirtatious behavior and the depiction of her body can be seen as a way to highlight her complex identity as a cyborg with human consciousness1.
3. **Storytelling Device**: The sexual themes are sometimes used to advance the story or to provide commentary on the nature of humanity, identity, and the body in a cybernetic future1.
oh no, it's retarded
k on
bocchi the rock i guess? also rumiko takahashi's works aren't mid/bad but the anime adds a lot of life to them
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There's probably more than 4 scenes in this volume alone lmao
>absolute kino
I know, no one should be compared to yuritroons.
ive noticed lately that a lot of zoomers are weirdly puritanical but have never actually read any of the media they want to make their personality, you can just tell none of the ones that whine about shirow never actually read a single one of his works
>you can just tell none of the ones that whine about shirow never actually read a single one of his works
Your dementia is showing boomer. Learn to write before you start generalizing an entire generation. And if you're talking about me, the guy in this thread asking why the sexuality is justified, I don't have a problem with sex. I was asking what makes fhe overtly sexual manga better than the anime but all of you coomrotted boomers couldn't look past me asking why there was so much sex.
Or you could just say that you don't like reading
That's literally what you were told to do and what any functional human would have done unprompted, retard.
>le boomer
ok unc but you seem like some kind of sexless weirdo
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zoomers are fags, reminder 1 in 4 identifies as lgbt lmao
Oof looks like I struck a chord. Sad!
Every great artist privately draws porn for himself. Even us /beg/s learn to draw so we can make the niche lewd art we’re into.
Yuri doesn’t give me the same feeling as I’d get looking at a photo of maggots like blacked shit does but any appeal it ever had before to me has been burned away by obnoxious female yuri shippers and people trying to link my girl on girl fetish genre to lgbt causes. I used to love yuri, but now, not so much.
Still not worse or comparable to black shit tho
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literally goody cares, take it to /cgl/
Heh, Is it unfinished because he finished?
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considering how much he drew women with big cats, I guarantee he had a stash of them getting fucked by sabertooth tigers but the family thought it was too much
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it fits the pattern
"Shit mane we better stan back" KEK
>"To Dave"
LOL who the fuck was Dave?
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could be a different dave, but his best friend and biggest expert on him and collector of his work is called david
Can't read what the girl says at the last panel. Anyone can read that?
Oh wow, cool. So good ol' Dave was into some nasty shit eh LOL
>Can stand on its own
But apparently it can't put money in the bank.
Oh yeah that's the Dave alright. Dave a little freak you can just see it in his eyes
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whew ***'s out a steam?
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My opinion is that making it is part of your sexuality, in the same way that when you post a nude picture you whore yourself, it's the same with your art. Except now you're whoring out your style, you can't really cut and run to make a regular account because a wave of degenerates will follow you and you'll be known as the 'porn guy'. Sad seeing so many wonderful styles get wasted in cheap degen trash, I'll make perverted stuff for my own amusement but it'll never end up on any of my accounts, just like any cock pics wouldn't.
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at least one hasnt stoop so low theres still hope for artists
Attack on Titan
>zoomers are weirdly puritanical
Years of being bombarded with porn and groomers has turned them into self hating trannies or sex hating puritans
>Whew. That’s outta sight
yep that's gotta be it. It's so fucking lame LULW
Golden Boy
I don't draw sex. But I have sex irl and it was ok ig
because they like porn like most people do you retarded moralfag
it only tarnishes their legacy in the eyes of faggots like you, and your opinion is worthless so they dont care
Just my opinion but his art was better before he went full coom mode
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you mean before he switched to digital, appleseed is coomercore
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this proceeds to like 5 pages of them getting massages naked btw
No. This stuff is legit. It's softcore. When I am say coomer mode i'm thinking of the later porn of gangbangs. I haven't seen much of those though
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He does very little of it, it's mostly solo oiled up cowgirls and office ladies, basically the same thing he always did without the plot
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imagine being too gooned out confusing nudity with coomer scenes
Imagine being so new you don't know coomer is just what we called twitter pinup artists after cumbrain got filtered
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go back
Shirow's always been a coomer artist.
Shirow still draws the cutest girls. Today's animeslop can't even come close.
Shirow sensei didn't really become a full time coomer because you just don't hear about those people, but the shift on his preferences/priorities as an author is the logical conclusion for anyone who truly supports such a materialistic, devoid of a transcendent purpose ontology. Masturbation is the activity that makes the most sense, every other task is just an undistilled, less eficient version of it.
Any materials / tutorials for that type of shading for the skin ?
Because they are manly Chads.
I don't get it, are you supporting his coomerism or defending it? Or are you just saying that cooming is the ontological conclusion of making comics?
My purpose is irrelevant, everything I wanted to say responding to OP is in the quoted post

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