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Hey looking for just general art communities, I don't have any art buddies so it would be nice to have some so post your discord servers
hate to see this is definietly getting deleted
why does it hurt when i pee
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-post work upon joining or kick
-no work for a week = kick
-semi-active vc
-criticism for all effort posts
-no begs

bunch of gnark gnark gnats.
How does one make a discord server without it becoming infested by terminally online retards? Every promising one I've seen has at least one schizo idiot that posts 5000 messages a day.
Every server is just the same 20 people who don’t draw. I’ve been here for a long time, and I’ve never seen a server that didn’t devolve into drama or die from inactivity. Just draw.
That's why you gatekeep and have standards instead of inviting anybody in because you're desperate for members. If /ic/ seems like a place with good prospective members for you then you've already failed.
is this the pedo server or normal
admin is a pedo with a superiority complex
Swat your flies elsewhere, NGMI
This is why the elimination process is crucial. Schizos are the perfect fuel, they’re why it’s promising.
She’s a nice girl, fester in begtard purgatory
i'm serious is it a pedo server or what do you guys draw? or do you have screencaps of what the channels are, i just want to know if it's an actual art server before i join
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actually based on your response you probably are a pedo but i still want to know if the server is for drawing
Yes, we draw. Composed of a small saturated bunch. Faggotry isn’t permitted, otherwise PYW and read the rules for entry.
She is 15ish iirc. I'd only join that server if you're comfortable being around minors.
That’s pretty gross
>run by children
>the state of /ic servers/
that beg tier painting ruins the mood of your post

but you're based for liking Steven Universe, so I forgive you
Enjoy your permastunted paradise
Yeah, nothing like learning from a server of high school aged children to really help you grow as an artist
And yet your westoid jeans prevent you from outdoing a group of highschool girls. You will never break out of the cope cage you’ve found yourself in.
>westoid jeans
Assuming everyone who doesn't want to join your pedobait server is your strawman
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>he doesnt know about Charcoalman
thought ab joining b4 u said this lmao no
Why are some other board's 4chan user made discord servers either adminned by an edgy fat white boy asking for arm pictures or white tranny always trying to start movie nights.
I feel so fucking lonely that it's eating me from the fucking inside.
I'm rotting.
I just want some people to talk to, that's all.
movie nights are wholesome though
The point is for the 20 nodraws to jerk off the one drawfag who made the server.
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I joined an art server and it had one guy spamming shitty ms paint drawings of cats like 5 times a day in both the sketch then completed drawing channel in that order and not once did the mods think to tell that autistic fuck to calm down or post less often and nobody wanted to post because it would just immediately get flooded

I only tolerate autistic people in discord servers who draw well and that's it. if you suck at drawing your hyperfixation shut the fuck up and go join chris chan in the corner of shame
he's talking about me, hehe
>I don't post my work because it'll get drowned out.
Add it to the list.
>if i pmw it will get drowned out
Haven't heard that nodraw excuse before.
No, Thanks
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Does that one sketchbook-style ic server still exist?
Each member has a channel (their sketchbook) where they post their work and others can comment and stuff.
I thought that set-up was pretty neat.
practically died when it the "hand over your phone number before posting, goy!" rule was implemented
Ah that’s a shame. It was pretty cool.
there's at least three servers like that
art barbarians has this system implemented
>-no work for a week = kick
Who even is monitoring this shit
>Art barbarians
Owner does this with weekly pings, failure to post once a week results in a kick. She does this to prevent inactive nodraws from sticking around and bloating the community.
lol lmao
that would sound fine if that discord wasn't run by an underage shitter. lolishitters would love that server though.
Anybody have a nice, low effort server?
mine, but it's a patreon only server. nobody from 4chan give me anything.
Well fuck you, too.
Plz let me on your server so I can spam Happy Merchants and report myself with alts until it gets shut down.
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Set up Art Barbarians to be a drama free /ic/ art community, and over the course of almost a year now it's succeeded. It's been a consistently chill space and a great community has grown on there.
>all abilities welcome! I don't care if it's your first day drawing, just post work.
>drama free, very friendly art homies.
>welcoming to boomers. (we have plenty of zoomers too, and the server is 18+) If you are an older artist, these are your people.
>huge library of resources and references, tools, guides, tutorials, organized and updated frequently.
>lots of VC sessions most days a week with a deidcated VC role so you can ping someone to VC whenever you want (some get really huge). Including a movie night weekly
>Anyone can have their own sketchbook channel to moderate and build as they wish. Some people assemle a portfolio, some people post their cat all day! chose your own destiny.
>Role ping system: need crit? ping the role someone will come running. Want to study? ping a role. Want to VC? ping
>A channel for paid work. We have a dedicated group of freelance artists who pool resources on paid jobs from across a bunch of servers and sites and share them. If someone's getting paid to draw it might as well be one of us.
You may have heard good shit about us, may have heard bad. I can only say the best thing to do is check us out for yourself:
how many begs are there?
You make a hidden politics channel and they'll be there all day every day but won't post anywhere else.
Browsing through it it seems the majority are begs and a handful of ints. The best part of the discord imo is the community pool of freelance job offers and that alone makes it worth joining.
yeee, Crayon Golem's Sketchbook Server

Kick these schizos the moment they become nuisance and keep making rules to cull all these people until they are all gone. You have to remember that these people offer nothing besides being a net negative to any server they touch even when they draw good. Mental illness not even once.
Is it LGBTQIIA+ friendly?
It's very /beg/ friendly. You don't need to be any particular level to join, as long as you post work. We have plenty of /int/s and a couple /pro/s.

No pedophilia please.
But apart from that, sure.
(nobody gets any special treatment, though. This isn't a fucking HR department, lol. Just bare that in mind)
I’m in that server and it has a couple of schizos already in there. It’s pretty easy to get in, just show a half assed sketch and they let anyone in.
Anyone got the discord where tableguy and the rest of the /dad/ faggots are there drawing everyday?
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What does paid work mean? genuinely curious. what if i have a patreon and i don't want people to publicly share my work?
>no pedophilia...
aaaand dropped
Yes, but letting new people in is always a mistake. Ask anyone that's there personally,I'm sure they'll let you in. if you don't know anyone big whoop
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>majority are begs
fuck off
Yep, interacting was meaningless. If you’re in the server, notice how all the /beg/s in there have 5-20K+ messages/post there. There’s rarely any decent or /int/ artist there that has even half of that amount(mainly because they are too busy drawing)
i thought tableguy retired
>very /beg/ friendly

What's the point? Don't you realize that most schizos and other maladjusted personalities can't draw for shit? The "I'm normal and want to learn how to draw" person is 1 in 10 begs at best, the rest are subhumans who will spend a whole day typing about the west collapsing and posting memes about niggers
west has fallen
All of it?
I don’t like any of the posted discords somebody post another.
Depends on where you're standing. Some days I move so far west it becomes east.
All of it, its so over
Has the east fallen?
for the animefags the asg server is decent, you’ll get some pretty good feedback if you ask for crit

Where's a good server to get retweeted?
that requires you to actually be decent at art and have a likeable personality(90% of this fails at)
Which of these servers is best for being groomed?
This one
^ This is your best bet, you might even be groomed out of your lazy habits and become something worthwhile as an artist. Who knows.
The server is resistant to your accusatory glownigger tendencies, unadulterated talent only. Come draw with us once you’re ready
You sound like a bitch.
They wanna confirm all members are groomable I guess.
lol. confirmed grooming server. seriously fucked up.
this is the blog of the admin
High-beg at best. Also actual pedo too. Don't waste time with this sad circlejerk.
is she hot?
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>"Discord trannies aren't real and if you say so you are a schizo"
look at profile pic. it's an actual mentally ill BPD transexual.
>im totally an underage girl teehee :)
can u link her onlyfans please?
Tableguy's been inactive since his second kid afaik. DAD basically always has at least a couple of people in VC during euro day-times.
>15y old girl
>these subject matters
Yeah no way who believes that shit. Creepy admin and creepy discord
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Vanilla Barbarians is a drama free art community, and over the course of 2 months it's broken records of being based. It's been consistently chill and great and the so called golden age is still on the horizon.
>only talented and highly advanced artists welcome!
>drama free
>boomers are welcome but I prefer young, attractive girls
>huge library of whatever
>we do voice chatting sometimes but we also acknowledge that properly socially adjusted people don't spend that much time on Discord, so it's not packed at all times
>anyone can have their own thread in the designated channel called journals
>need a critique? Maybe we will help
>unfortunately there is no channel for paid work

You have heard only good things about us, add magic_man777 if you want to join
man, you're a fucking faggot
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I'm too bad to join this server, they all mog me (I'm low int).

I'm so sick and tired of /beg & int/. Nothing but shitty beg scribbles, nodrawers, crabs and schizos. There are only a few good ones far and between.
Guess I'm going to make my own discord and post my drawings into the void, it certainly beats the alternative
what kind of schizos infest this circlejerk?
what is a crab?
Lurk for at least 2 years before posting.
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you can't build communities and trust in those communities when the qualifications for existing in the space is arbitrary rules on how active you must be
you're forcing people to participate in their own confinement - no one is friends in this server, they can't be
newfag nigger
holy garbage. all those studies and the art still sucks
This is cool.
This spiderman picture is unrelated, but is also cool.
What makes it cool?
Kek 9/10
no schizos so far
Your mom’s a schizo
factually true
CLEARLY this is low tier /beg/ this is worse than pewdiepie's art...
Any discord that asks for identifying information is guaranteed garbage and you shouldn't even bother.
what's the point of asking for this shit over letting people have their privacy?
besides grooming, of course
Sounds like sour grapes.
answer the question
Sorry that you’re too shit for our server. Go try those little bitches at Art Barbarians.

Jesus christ he had a second one already? I thought they had all this trouble conceiving the first one.

I want to join and am not a begshitter but I am not that active with discord, tend to just check in every now and then and only talk when i have actual things to say because i am not terminally online. Is that okay or will that get me kicked?
Yes, that's perfectly fine
I bet that anon feels like a real fucking retarded nigger now that the thread has lasted six weeks.

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