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post your:
>traditional artworks
>questions about traditional media
>sketches, wips, inspiration

Old: >>7275163
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reposting because studies are dead
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Progress from last thread.
What surface did you use?
it's store brand gessoed cardboard
There doesn't seem to be any sort of 3-holed, plastic sheet protector sized larger than 8.5x11, is there? Aside from the pocket binders with built-in protectors. How do you guys store 9x12 art, anyways?
This is just pornography.
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Used to paint quite a lot still life back in the days too.
Boring. Take some notes from Brian if you want to make shit that'll actually sell.
Your biggest problem is the broken forms, you have random dents and bumps on your whores.
The second one is the colors. Very boring, the single materials is nearly monochromatic.
But this two problems are systematic it takes years and decades to master form and color.
But one big problem you could solve right now is the edges, try to make them more even, especially the silhouette, its quite wonky. The sharp, dark outline on the saggy tit in the middle, for example, makes it look even more saggy.
I haven't seen him in a while. Where is my boy Brian at?
Do you have any personal work that I can look at to see what I should be striving for? It's always good to learn from a master.
I’m not huge on painting so I can’t comment on the other criticisms, I will say I do agree with the color use. The most interesting color in all of these is green, and that isn’t necessarily good. Yeah they’re on beds and beds aren’t usually rainbow colored but some type of other colors would be more visually appealing, especially since their skin is so close to the bed colors/values. Like the one on the furthest right, it’s beautifully done, especially her fiery red hair, and then you have this dull background resembling her skin. Make the backgrounds just as intriguing as the subject
to be fair, brian sells his shit for peanuts, op could sell that if he lowballed it like him
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If someone came to you and offered to buy one of your works, how much would you ask for it?
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my next daily
Pricing art is usually some dollar amount per square inch + materials + labor
$50/hr + materials x 1.2
What is labor cost generally?
what could you make at a "real" job per hour if you weren't painting? I'd start there with my thought process at a minimum
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I currently have a next piece that's ready to get started.
is that mila azul?
You might just be referencing blown out photos but I think your paintings could use more attention to the value ranges. Other than that, incredibly impressive from both a finished result perspective, and just being able to finish this many large canvases.
Thanks. I am beholden to the composition of the original photo and I'm not keen on straying too far from the original colours (I will be more comfortable with experimenting with that and stylization if I didn't had to worry about money). My goal later on is to be able to make enough money so that I can pay for the models and photo sessions myself.
Next painting is Victoria Lynn.
I don't get it, are you being paid to replicate the photos? Because you're not copying colors and values when working from photo references
I do use the photo raw filter to exaggerate colours and other adjustments in the image. It's pretty clear that you guys absolutely love highly chromatic paintings, so I'll take that into consideration for later paintings (no promises though).
Your value range is shit, why are you talking about chroma?
Dude, post your traditional work and then I'll take you more seriously.
Would you, though? You posted yours and nobody takes you seriously
Sounds good, being too scared to show your work is all I need to know.
Too bad it's not all you need to know how to paint LMAO GOTTEM
Plenty of work has been shared in this thread and the previous.
An anon has no obligation to backlink their own work every time they share a critique. If you want a permanent identity, consider posting elsewhere.

As the artist, it's your own decision whether to accept critique or not.
If you can't demonstrate your own applied skillset and you're being antagonistic in how you critique another person's artwork, then I'll just assume you're responding in bad faith.
I won't ask you to respond with your own artwork because you're replying to me in a professional manner.
Yeah, I think it's best to just ignore the trolls. Crab mentality runs strong.
What I'm seeing is that you got a critique for your value range >>7299594 then proceeded to talk about us loving chromatic paintings, which is a deflection of the actual critique, which tells me you're the one replying in bad faith.
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Im continuing my impressionism journey. Dabbing paint, was very tedious, i wanted a more painterly approach to brushwork. Now i basically reinvented Cezanne.
I think i will make a series of 10 to 15 decorative paintings in small format and try to sell them.
I don't like the background to much, i may dry brush over it with a lighter color once it drys.
>It's pretty clear that you guys absolutely love highly chromatic paintings
I don't think its what he meant.
I ordered 4 tubes of oils from an American oil paint company, two of which are Flake White. I am in a nanny state EU country and not a licensed art conservator. Can this get me into trouble? I imported Genuine Naples Yellow (also a lead paint...) from the UK post-Brexit before and that was no issue.
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next daily
Impressionism isn't dabbing paint.
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Prud’hon copy
you will be absolutely fine, relax.
If they catch it, they will confiscate it. The eu is a moronic union. But it isn’t much better in the us. California banned turpentine

Thanks anons. I sent the company an email about my concerns. I hope they have experience with this. I really want to have flake white o my palette because other whites just aren't cutting it. I think if it all goes to shit I can get Old Holland Cremnitz White in this huge ass half liter tin but I really don't want to because that is much more hazardous (spillage getting the paint out) than a fucking tube and way too much for my usage. Zinc is shit and titanium is way too cool, opaque and overpowering. Fuck the EU. If only they were this strict with importing rapefugees.
Friends have tried OH lead white and they say it's super thick (OH is always super thick compared to other brands, but lead white is even more). I recommend Michael Harding Cremnitz white or Holbein's Silver White (which is lead, just under a different name). Holbein can be purchased online at https://peters-art.de, they ship to EU without any issues, even "forbidden" pigments. Good luck, anon!
If you want optical mixing, you need some sort of dabs or short brush strokes. But it feels very robotic.
Cobalt should be quick drying. But my Schminke Norma Cobalt Turquoise is quite the opposite. A did a test, and it wasnt dry even after a week.
I know Schminke Norma is quite low quality, but have the cut the pigment so much with shit or what?
>they ship to EU without any issues
From where? Looks like a honey pot to me, to be honest.
A friend of mine has bought a gps locating device from amazon, then they changed the law, they send them letters to return it, but he ignored them, several weeks later a police troupe has raided his home to confiscate the device.

Maybe check the pigment # on the tube. Cobalt blue should only say PB28 if it'a the real thing. Could also be they add a bunch of stabilizers and shit. Also check what oil they use.


Yeah I get that, I don't like OH that much because it's so stiff, though I do use their Vermillion Extra. How is Holbein oil paint? I will wait and see if my order comes through otherwise I'll get that. Thanks anon.


Nah petersart is a legit store. Weird because Germans are super anal about regulations usually.
Bros I feel bad about painting images that I didnt invent myself. How do I get over this?
Use references to enhance the images you invented, instead of just copying the refs.
Copying is for studying. If you are doing it just to study then the only thing that matters is what you can learn from it.
Its PG50, the oil is not mentioned.
Schminke is really shit, i have light ochre and it has a very bad consistency, and takes a lot of time to dry. And is a blend of two pigments. Cad red and yellow is okey, but i have a feeling it dosnt contain a high amount of pigment. German products are shit for years and decades, its not even funny, but they still price them like its the good old days.
I like Gamblin the most, but its totally overpriced here (as all american products), i buy it only if its discounted at least 30%.
>How do I get over this?
Anons im trying to put together a limited palette with not too expensive colors.
I found Scheveningen Red Light as replacement for Cad Red, i like it quite a lot. Its very colorful just a little bit colder and more transparent than Cad.
What is a good replacement for Cad Yellow. Is Scheveningen Yellow Light from Old Holland any good?
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Done this one and moving on
Not a fan of the flat black background, otherwise it looks nice.
There's quite a bit of noise and variation in it, and the picture makes it looks flatter than it is I think. I do agree with you though, that's one of the big weak points in the painting, but I do just need to move on from it now.
my refs are shitty photoshops so I have to add some stuff myself anyway.
Im using them to get consistent quality/technique though
Really Useful Box makes an 8.1 liter container that comfortably fits things a bit larger than 9x12. It even comes in a "smoke" color that should help against light damage. You can stack glassine sheets between things to keep them from sticking to each other.

Michael Harding sells a Warm White that approximates Lead White in basic color (tinting strength is different). You can see it and a few other whites in this video, which is a pretty good demo of them: https://youtu.be/jzohs3ivb3k
I hate this stupid comparison videos. If you mix the same amount of lead and titanium, the titanium mix is more washed out. Who could have thought?
Has anyone ever done a real comparison, by mixing both mixtures to the exactly same value?
The point is to show the tinting strength is different, and by how much of a degree. Getting "exactly the same value every time" isn't what most people aim for, but knowing roughly how much they can add together at a base before inching small amounts towards the desired color.

Thanks I have it though. It’s still very much a titanium white in tinting strength. I really did try to find an alternative.
The lemon yellow shown in the vid might be the ticket

Weird. It’s probably because they add other shit then. Can’t find what oil they use online either. I have some schmincke soft pastels that I like but I have never used their oil.
Maybe try winsor & newton artist oils. They’re good imo and they shouldn’t break the bank as much.
Why not just add chalk, and adjusting the oil content, to titanium white to make it less tinging/covering?
Tinting strength is a question of experience with the pigment. It takes a couple of paintings to get used to every color.
The really important thing is the vibrancy and luminosity. Do you really think lead is better for portraits, cos it has lower tinting strength and not because it has deeper colors and more more subsurface scattering? And all this qualitys can only be judged when the value of the mixture is exactly the same in both.
Too easy, let them reinvent the bicycle.

You know as well as I do apparently that it is indeed not only the tinting strength that is different between the two. I know of the calcium carbonate way but I really don't want to go through all that hassle if I can just buy a superior product that I can simply squeeze out and use right away, one that has existed for millenia if our masters and overlords weren't coddling retards. Call it pure spite by now.
Also good luck adding quite a lot of oil to your grisailles
You can buy velazquez medium, or mix it yourself in 5 minutes. Just chalk and oil, or standoil. The mixture with regular oil has a short body, with stand oil a long one.
The dynamics in the western world regarding crazy amount of small, stupid regulations but the overall incapability of the state to provide safety where it really matters is well described in the essay Anarcho-Tyranny by the american Samuel Francis.
In regards to lead, the industry of house paint is much bigger than the industry of fine art paints. Its way bigger. And lead pollution of environment is shit, i can even support a lead ban in facade paints. But now its overpriced even in countrys that allow it. Like analog photo film, niche demand = overblown prices.
If someone wanted to buy that, how much would you ask for? And do you do other characters too? Asking for a friend ;)
That's very nice of you to ask. This and the Hu Tao I did were both favours for friends, so I only charged them for the cost of materials. I don't actually know what I'd charge for them normally.
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Been working on this on and off since late August, it's been really fun, 10 billion points if you somehow understand the reference. It's a first in many ways in my art journey and I can't be prouder of how it's coming out (despite it's many, many mistakes I already made)
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Should've clarified lol, what's on this piece.of paper in particular I've only worked on for 3 hours max.
This is what the initial draft looked like back in August
How much were the materials, if you don't mind me asking? I actually have zero familiarity with costs involved with painting. I just buy cool art of cute girls
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Some random oil studys.
Go slower, be more mindful. Look at the mark making on something like https://www.getty.edu/art/collection/object/108FAM and compare it to yours

>Zinc is shit and titanium is way too cool, opaque and overpowering
Add liquin? Not perfect, but it does the job.
Pretty sure lead white is PW1 (lead carbonate/basic lead carbonate) the only difference chemically is blc has h20 bonded to it instead of the lc, so it is slightly less dense, but their properties are virtually identical.
Stack process uses acetic acid vapor and a source of carbon dioxide. Others production methods use boiling lead in paracetic acid.
PW2 is lead sulfate: similar to pw2, but theoretically more compatible with sulfur-containing pigments. Anecdotally, lead white only seems to darken when exposed to free sulfur ions, and more modern manufacturing processes appear to have reduced this problem.
PW3 is basic lewd sulfate, haven’t used this one
Prud’hon used tinted paper.
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Can someone please explain this painting to me? Why does it look 'transparent'? Why does it look like the subject and the background are the same color, but we can clearly identify the subject? is it only a monochrome underpainting, with a layer of light on top?

Im trying to understand what was the process behind it, but its making me confused.

Thanks in advance.
>Why does it look like the subject and the background are the same color, but we can clearly identify the subject?
Because they are not the same color. The subject clearly has a darker value.
The process is rim lighting. I use a white gel pen to give life to my anime girl's eyes. I'd use a gel pen for the rim lighting here, but that's just what I'd do.
Also this, squint your eyes next time. >>7302397
>Prud’hon used tinted paper.
... How is this related to mark making? Are you the same anon as in the /artbook/ thread or is this epidemic.

>Im trying to understand what was the process behind it, but its making me confused.
Make a color study?
it is related to mark making when you link an image that is entirely dependant on the tinted paper. Without it it wouldn't work as you would not have the mid tone to contrast with the shadows and highlights
but yes as far as the mark making goes OP resembles nothing of Prudhon. looks just like a beg study with random hatches
>Can someone please explain this painting to me? Why does it look 'transparent'?
Dammar varnish is prone to yellowing.
lets trad
Classes in my Atelier

Good effort anon! I'm not sure why but the way you painted this flattens the forms. I think it might be your edges and lack of midtones. Get your instructor to look at it.
I'm the instructor, this is a student's job. And it's halfway there.

This is mine >
The background is very flat, its is just black without any indication of form and the color itself is very flat. Dark opaque background is a mistake most of the times.
It is an academic black and white exercise in Bargue plates.
Study of mixtures of white, black and raw umber.
I know, american academic tradition is shit, unfortunately. Its just the stupidest and most tedious practice one could imagine. Its just tracing from life.
Compare this blank and amateurish kind of painting with Rembrandt, the difference is mind blowing. Its a regress compared to the old masters in any way.
The image I copied it from was three times smaller. It is hard to make an exact copy from a photocopy out of a 30 year old book.
>compare this student's work to a literal master
r u a dumb dumb?
Its not american, its from Florence Acd
Its about the approach, not the result.
yep ...it is.
Develop plz
Ive seen a lot of Americans doing it. And its in the American spirit, fast results, without any deeper understanding of the art. Its literally like tracing a photo, its an antithesis to real painting.

Tell me more, because this is the Florence Academy study program, for pencil and oil on canvas/wood.
Barge plates and master copy.
What's wrong with learning/study.

I really doubt it, I intend to study there or in Madrid.

And where is the Atelier of this painting Anon?
> And where is the Atelier of this painting Anon?

Im in South America, after 5 ys in Florence.
I disagree with anon but would like to know more about desu
>Florence Academy
Does it make less shit? No.
>I intend to study there or in Madrid.
European art schools are dead, go to Moscow.
>And where is the Atelier of this painting Anon?
>master copy
Show me.
What is the point? There's no point in doing this.
>What is the point? There's no point in doing this.
If we are honest, this and this >>7302714
is exactly the same. I respect the photorealism guy even more, he is more honest and authentic.
Master copy > https://www.madridacademyofart.com/pt/Programa-de-arte/c%C3%B3pia-mestre-de-pintura-de-retrato-1-semana/

you say St Peters Academy?
this is a student's work. you only said crap about student and master
>European art schools are dead, go to Moscow.
Its opinion...we love opinion.
What is this, i dont see no images.
Show me the approach. Do they coppy the technique, do they reproduce the layers? Or to they just trace the paintings alla prima?
>you say St Peters Academy?
Any good school from the soviet era. Is not perfect, its too mechanical and they do not really learn historical painting methods, but in regards of academic painting and drawing its the only system thats not dead and not a scam today.
>European art schools are dead, go to Moscow.
>>And where is the Atelier of this painting Anon?
I am in South America... Moscow was to far, sorry.
But I agree, theyre best in all.
But i feel ok being in Florence.
anon best link

The instructor up said 5 years there, tell more
>this is a student's work
You are a little bit dense my friend? As i sad, its not about this individual painting, its about the approach.
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Im not impressed. They dont copy the proper technique, they dont use historical materials, they dont start the painting, as an old master would.
Whats the point of it? Its not academic art, its just larping.
As i sad, i respect the the guy who traces his whores a lot more. He is straight foreword and honest. This fake old masters schools are not.
it turns ma mind now. I was planning to go there in 25 to study.
Where is the guy who mentioned 5 years studying there to speak?
Like just the background alone is cringe.
What is this, chiaroscuro? More like shit.
350 yeras ago, Rembrantd would never block in such a flat, dead black background. He used transparent colors, which where deep, so the opaque light could come forward a lot more. This alone shows, how stupid it is.
then whats the point? at that point you are just copying a figure not a person's "work"
The amount of ESL this thread turned into amuses me. The quality of discussion is pretty good, I just find the fact you guys are obviously from different countries and communicating effectively with clumsy english to be art in and of itself.

Nothing to comment, study wherever you want, Madrid or Florence, and maybe one day you won't make frivolous comparisons on chan between a study by a ''student'' with a painting and the work of Rembrandt.

That's not how you teach drawing and painting to people who know nothing.
They discover it for themselves, and so will you.
Classical NA xenophobic who thinks he is superior, i trumped and left.
some here cant see def btw student and former artist pfff
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I painted a street thing. Was fun but would love to get some feedback. I think i need to practice my washes more, here they bled a bit over the ink borders.
It's a mix of mediums, pen drawing first, then ink and watercolour washes, then a bit of gouache and then some more ink drawing
>Its not american, its from Florence Acd
It's in Florence but founded and directed by an American (Daniel Graves), aimed at rich americans, with a big part of the student corpus being said rich (and dumb) americans.
>I really doubt it, I intend to study there or in Madrid.

Where in Madrid? Be careful there, there's some decent places there but there's also one with great, flashy marketing but no real substance. Do some thorough research before committing. I've heard horror stories about some ateliers there.
Children's book illustrator/10
why not
Hard to critic, its very fantasy like. There is no realism, no real light, no perspective, not in a bad way, it was clearly intended this way.
What were your goals with this one?
Overall i think its too blue, too much simple blue out of the tube with little interest and there is zero yellow glow in the environment.
What is the point? Do you have a reason to force yourself to do otherwise?
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with some leftover oil paint
ignore the jealous permabegs. you're clearly passionate about what you do so keep on doing it, good work

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Its like
>see funny pic
>want to paint it
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After all the talk, i decided to paint something realistic as well. This one is from life. But i used to draw photorealism back in the days. But never in color.
I may try it, could be fun. But it takes ages to complete and if i work from photos who shoot someone else it feels like cheating.
Is he dead?
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tried mixing a warm red, warm green, organge tones, but i only get cold hues. what am i doing wrong?
Every single one of your colors is cold. Google "split primaries"
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To start, you might be misinterpreting the meaning of "warm" color. Mixing yellow + magenta should always come up with a relatively warm color, even if it's not precisely the color you were hoping for.

So I'm going to assume what you actually mean is that the resulting colors look dull and gray compared to the initial pure colors.
The answer to that is that you're using shit mixing pigments. All three of those tubes are mixes that include titanium white to brighten and improve the opacity of otherwise fairly transparent pigments. This is fine in isolation, but means your mixes will be muddier. When you mix 2 colors, you are combining two different sets of atomic crystals that reflect/refract/absorb a range of wavelengths. When viewed independently these produce a strong, saturated hue. When combined, the farther apart the two hues, the more likely the resulting mix is to block out ALL color. This leads to less saturated resulting colors. Instead of a color wheel, you're working with a color triangle. The 3 base colors being the only points that touch the most saturated outer rim of the wheel. When mixing between two, the only action you can take is to increase/decrease the ratio of the the 2nd color being mixed into your starting color - this is a one dimensional action, a line.

If you want to mix colors with maximal saturation, it's best to start with 2 pure colors that are close in hue to the target. This site has some good info on ideal pigments to choose:

As a final note, the colors you've achieved by mixing may not satisfy your intent, but in truth most painters historically only had access to dull pigments in the first place. You don't necessarily need or even want pure, saturated colors to produce a decent painting.
Also red/orange may seem instinctively important, but they actually cover a fairly small range of the color spectrum. It's easy to lose the precise hue you want by over/undermixing.
Mix two greens, one with slightly more yellow, one with slightly more blue.

The former will be warmer than the latter. Don't forget that color characteristics are better appreciated relatively. That is, color temperature is in great part relative:the same color can feel warm or cool depending on what's around it.

There will be limit to how much colors you can mix, even with so-called "primary" colors. Color temperature can be tricky; I would honestly recommend not to pay too much attention to it in the beginning, it's more of a convenient shortcut.
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this was really cool. helped me a lot to understand, thank you!

*there is distinction between pigments (coloured powders) and colours, which is the name of the paint, in this case: magenta is the colour name being a composition of different coloured powders/pigments (titanium white, quinacridone magenta, Lithopone)

*the 3 base colours are most saturated by themselves, but when combined they block each others wavelengths due to their amount of white pigments, that bring opacity to the coloured pigment.

now what exactly do you mean by this
>2nd color being mixed into your starting color - this is a one dimensional action, a line.
yes i can go from blueish green to brigher-yellowish green.

>Instead of a color wheel, you're working with a color triangle.
but i create the colour wheel by working with the triangle, no?

>resulting colors look dull and gray compared
yes! picrel. is there a way to make the prism colour in the background translucent but bright, should i use more thinner combined with colour without whitish pigments, or purely without thinner, as they are already translucent? in case i work with cmy is there a way to counteract the reflection/refraction/absorbtion?
>color characteristics are better appreciated relatively.
>depending on what's around it.
nice, objects in the mirror may appear larger, slightly laxative when consumed in large quantities, even colour has to be enjoyed with caution, haha!
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What is the meta for transferring the image on canvas for photorealism?
Drawing the outlines in photoshop, printing and transfering on canvas with transfer paper?
Is there a faster way?
> magenta is the colour name being a composition of different coloured powders/pigments (titanium white, quinacridone magenta, Lithopone)
No, not necessarily. "magenta" is the name of a "hue". When packaging paint, manufacturers will pick pigments (colored powders indeed), sometimes one pigment, sometimes multiple pigments, mix them to obtain that hue.

Then they'll *eventually* add other things, to cut costs, or to "normalize" the behavior of paint (some pigments like phtalos are notoriously pungent: cutting them make them easier to handle, more comparable to other paint in the manufacturer's range).

> *the 3 base colours are most saturated by themselves, but when combined they block each others wavelengths due to their amount of white pigments, that bring opacity to the coloured pigment.
When mixing two colors, the mixed colors will always be duller than the base colors. Always. The effect is increased when the base colors has been cut with cheap white stuff.

> but i create the colour wheel by working with the triangle, no?
Grab a copy of Gurney's book on color and read it carefully. The handprint stuff is way too sophisticated for artists in general, for beginners in particular.

>picrel. is there a way to make the prism colour in the background translucent but bright
Don't mix white into it, and dilute the paint with water or solvent instead. Adding white to a color lightens it, but also grays it. Diluting it however lightens it, but doesn't gray it.

I don't get it :X
Projector is the fastest way I know of
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I actually love your work. I asked this in the old trad thread before it got archived - the one on the bottom left behind the one you photographed (pic related) - do you have the reference image? I love that one.

Aside from that, I actually love your work and output! Good stuff, keep going!
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>but i create the colour wheel by working with the triangle, no?
I don't have a great image on hand, but a decent way to think about the concept is with computer monitors color standards since they rely on the 3 RGB channels.
Similar to 3 primary colors of paint, this 3 color system creates a triangular plane across the color spectrum. If you look at the distance between red and green, there's an outer band. Adjusting the values of these two allows mixes at points between the two - in this case to produce yellows. There are colors outside the spectrum that can never be reproduced (although modern panels do incredibly well).
Of course, screen pixels rely on an additive light color scheme whereas with painting you're mixing under a subtractive scheme - so a better representation would have black in the middle, and the cyan/magenta/yellow primaries in your case.

Not every palette covers the full color spectrum. Zorn palette is popular in portraiture and has no blue/green.
I think the best way to see what your palette is capable of is to take the 3 primaries and a throwaway canvas, mix 90% magenta 10% yellow, then 80/20 next to it, 70/30, and so on until the end. This will show you approximately what in between colors your mix is capable of producing. Repeat with other colors. Eventually you can work with a larger palette and instinctively know the right mix to produce the correct hue, dulled down to the right level.

>is there a way to make the prism colour in the background translucent but bright
Sure. I find glazing layers of transparent colors over several sessions works well for me, but there are other strategies to get nice effects wet on wet.
To get the brightest colors, you'll always need an opaque layer. By their nature, a white must be opaque or it'd do nothing. It must bounce light and obstruct what is underneath to have any impact. However, you can still apply an opaque color thinly enough such that it'll only partially obstruct.
I have a very old one, not even hd. Not sure if it would actually work.
What you do with it, is it just fo just transferring the sketch. Or do people try to put the right color over the projection, like with camera obscura?
>Diluting it however lightens it, but doesn't gray it.
many insightful remarks, you are very helpful, thank you! you have very well pointed out about the greyness and white, even before i posted the pic you understood my issue. if you still have a minute, i think im making mistakes with my application, i generally know the 3 rules, but is there a video or other ressource you in particular reccomend?

>I don't get it :X
i always find it amusing, how things talk, colour is an interactive component. it is not just static and us perceive it differently, but depending on its dosage, surrounding, usage, it changes its traits. its living.
Thank you!

I intended it to have some sense of depth, perspective, like you're walking through some mysterious weird street and tried to communicate that with the level of detail of the stone path fading, and the doors getting smaller.

Frankly I didn't consider light too much which was a mistake, I would have liked some proper shadows but didn't know where to put them.
I tried adding glow from the lights, but it just looked blotchy so covered it up. How would you have done it?
As for the color, it is very blue. What could I have mixed in to add to it? some warmer tone closer to the viewer and that way add some atmospheric perspective?
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>Zorn palette is popular in portraiture and has no blue/green.
Zorn palette is still an RGB palette, where the black is your very desaturated blue. Mix some ivory black with ochre yellow, you get a desaturated green.

Pic related is Zorn palette, where the black reads as blue.

If you want hi-def, transferring with an oiled drawing is the best (like tracing your work). Projectors don't tend to have very hi def, especially if you want to make a large piece. Look at Slew's latest video, he used a projector and didn't nearly get the level of detail he wanted.
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The fastest is probably using a plotter, either a vertical one like picrel or the type that's basically the same kind of rig as a CNC lasercutter for wood but with a pen instead of a laser.
It isn't technically faster than a projector or transfer paper, but you don't have to sit there lining it. You can work on something else or jerk off or whatever. They're purchaseable and also DIY-able.

Jesus christ man simplify your shapes

I hope he stays gone forever
Well, it's fast to get the bulk of it quickly; you can then use a grid system for the details

>but is there a video or other ressource you in particular reccomend
Really take the time to read Gurney's book. There are alternatives, like 3D total's color & light, but it's good enough. It takes maybe a few hours to get through it, but that's a good use of your time.

Unstructured bits of advise you receive here won't stick as much as a well-structured book, that's why I'm recommending it.

>it changes its traits
Well, to be precise, our perception of it changes. Many things are like that: girls who've been maybe-deceived by one man once, then turn lesbos and hate all men as a result.
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Took me over 2 hours, i think i can work with it, no problem. But its very tedious, especially to do it twice. And you do not really learn anything from it, just wasted time.
Try to find references that resemble the lightning condition of your picture.
>transferring with an oiled drawing is the best (like tracing your work)
Whats an oiled drawing?
I should also add that you can additionally use just a CNC router to do something similar by carving out a printing block and then stamping the canvas with it, but it's only viable costwise if you're (for example) doing many many versions of one painting. Like doing a series in different colors or really focusing on studying one particular piece.
I would still have to do it once, but it would be better, sure. But i dont have any engineering skills, i dont think i could make it work.
Well i havent done something like this i years, i think its good to have as much information as possible.
>grid system
Na, hard pass on that. I still want to use transparent colors, it would show trough. I used a grid several times back in the days. I had big problems to cover it up.
Well if i look at it now, maybe ive really overdone it. All the lines in the shadows are to thick and dark, they will still show trough.
Maybe i should paint them white, before starting.
>Whats an oiled drawing?
10-minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEpnJ_-_2cM

some guys here shit on ateliers but then walk around like headless chickens not knowing the most basic things. This is why an atelier, where a proper mentor-student relationship is fostered, is a good idea.
>I would still have to do it once, but it would be better, sure. But i dont have any engineering skills, i dont think i could make it work.
You'd just have to convert the line drawing into a file the computer can read is all. But yea it's a more techy solution. I just figured I would put it out there in case it was either helpful or some other anons found it a useful idea.

>Transparent colors
You probably do want to use a projector then, since it means not having to deal with lines under your paints. The most effective way would be to have your setup static so you can work on it and leave and not have things shift. Alternately you can really just YOLO and reference your line drawing and not give as much of a shit about it being 1:1.
>prime canvas
>sketch portrait
>paint over with raw umber
>make some simple light/dark distinctions
>add more values and colours
Now with the last step I keep correcting and going back and forth painting over different areas, sometimes letting it dry for a few days
How the fuck do you know how much added medium and linseed oil u would need every time to adhere to fat over lean?
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I did basically the same with charcoal. Im working with acrylics on this one, oil wouldnt work.
I thought maybe there is a new, easy solution, but its seems not to be the case. Anyway, i dont really like photorealism, i may quit after one painting anyway.
Use lean medium for lover layers and fat for the upper.
What causes a brushstroke to be so thin it's barely glazed in the center but pushes up opaque furrows on the sides? Incorrect paint loading? Wrong consistency? Using a no 3 round with acrylics over other semi-gloss layers not base gesso
are ya smushing it
Not at all. Maybe my brush is damaged or something.
>Use lean medium for lover layers and fat for the upper.
I mean I know this but after 100 corrections how do i even know which one is appropriate or necessary

Maybe you're using a transparent colour vs an opaque one. Maybe you need to wait til the surface is dry. Maybe too much medium. Could be many things.
practice more so you don't need to do 100 corrections
I don't think round is a good brush for glazing. Use angled, half load, spread.
>100 corrections how do i even know which one is appropriate or necessary
Oil is not made for too many layers. Use acrylics for so many corrections, or remove the painting layer with sanding paper (but dont forget to wear a mask a get a vaccination!)
Or use a long drying medium, so the painting can stay 100% workable for weeks.
Everything is possible, but in reality, if you correct your painting 100 times, you are polishing a turd, just move on.
No even with opaque paints this happens, its not really flowing off the brush tip right. Maybe its coming off the belly and the tip is just wiping it. Honest to god i tried some shitty royal and langnickel paint i got from a cleance bin (for toning/mixing since its transparent as fuck) and straight from the tube it flowed much better off the same brush than the higher quality stuff like golden fluid. I'm really not sure what the problem is.
Its when trying to line or just cover, not glaze.
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4 hours in, quite fun. Switched to oil, acrylics are unusable.
As tought, the lines were to dense, have problems to cover them up properly. Will need a second pass.
After all the impressionism, this one feels very different.
Hopefully i can finish it under 10h.
fwiw, the lines aren't visually disturbing, they're part of the design, at least as things are right now
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details are wonky but im really proud of the posing and drawing in general
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havent done any serious sketching in a few years, want to pick it back up as i start to journal again. please send pointers and tips my way
Now they are only slightly visible irl. But while painting the showed trough, so i had to mix a more opaque color and go over them again and then blend the new color in.
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This looks great so far and makes me want to try a still life painting myself.

Just finished this watercolor and it was a lot more work than I normally put into one of these but I’m very satisfied with the results. This was a challenge because I wanted smooth sky washes with all those tiny branches. I masked the branches with diluted masking fluid on a small brush, then put in the sky, removed the masking fluid and then painted the rest
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Does the extent to which you can erase charcoal depend on the paper?

At figure drawing I made a gestural sketch first, but I couldn't erase everything perfectly later when I was refining parts. I have a kneadable eraser which helps get most of it off, but a trace of the lines still remains. The other erasers don't help that much

I feel like I am missing some information
Everything plays in. Usualy the darker the charcoal, and the rougher the paper the harder it is to erase without damaging.
Also the better the charcoal stains the paper, the harder is it to erase.
You can use natural vine charcoal, its very soft and very light, and you can erase it very well from any paper. But the darkest it can get is grey, and it has a very soft bond to paper, you can erase it even with your finger.
Charcoal is not as workable as it may seem, you have to plan your drawing quite good, before starting, you need to know where you lightest lights are and safe them.

Sure you're not using compressed charcoal? With willow or vine charcoal you can erase it fully generally, even in most severe cases where you worked it ibto the paper like a retard you won't have lines as that after erasing
Good, this guy again. Why is he do all this le artistique brush strokes, he is twisting his hand like one of those pretentious japanese calligraphers, when in the end, the background is just one flat, grey color? Can you be more cringe than this?

It looks like compressed charcoal to me. That shit's impossible to erase.
post your brush strokes
Here >>7303971
kinda stiff, try twisting your wrist more
Dont wory, i will cover everything with a flat grey in the end.
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I used a charcoal pencil this time (pic related), so I think that explains it!

I will use vine charcoal for the gesture phase the next time.

I think I need to spend more time experimenting with the different kinds of charcoal, but the fact that I always have to use fixative on it when I finish is making me less likely to start on a charcoal sketch instead of just drawing graphite (and when I do I have charcoal sketches laying around for days because I'm too lazy to spend the five minutes spraying fixative)
>the fact that I always have to use fixative on it when I finish is making me less likely to start
Well, natural vine and willow is even worse in this regard, you have to drawn your painting in fixative, otherwise it still lifts up even by the lightest touch.
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bigger pic i worked on since tuesday
Nice, what has you used as ref for the poses?
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i used donny's pose from the cover of shredder's revenge, and pic related for mikey
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Working on a Tom Thompson study. Reusing a huge canvas for it and I've never done a landscape before.
Very nice. I think her arms are a little short though.
Those tomatoes are looking fine! Excited to see how it will turn out. I would just ask if you're using pure white for the highlights. Some people like to contrast the highlight temperature with the mid-tone temperature, so in your case, adding just a touch of blue might make the highlight pop out even more. Just a thought.
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6-7 hours, im figuring stuff out while painting, need a different color consistency and different brushes than usually.
Im working with graham wallnut oil medium. And if i delude it, so much that i have good ink flow, the color became to transparent. The avocado is painted with titanium and cadmium, both very opaque. But its too transparent, i will to repaint it.
The good thing is, you can just draw, without thinking to much.
I want to make at least one more realistic painting afterwords, but with a human as subject.
Afterwords, i will go back to impressionism. Or i ask my mom, if she likes it, i may continue.
Thx mate.
No the highlites are a mixture of titanium and yellow cad. I have cheated a little bit. I color picked the photo, to see the color, it was yellowish, so a madi it yellowish. But it looks still to wight irl. The photo of the painting is even worse. Its night, and i only have two weak daylight lamps over my easel. The are at least 4500k or even 6000k.
So yeah, the photo is too cool, and i cant do anything about it, without spending money on good light.
I try to make a photo in the sunlight, when i finish it. But i live somewhat nordish, and the sun is already very blue. But i hope, i will get a better photo, still.
damn thats lovely!! I understood. you are very helpful, thank you!!

thanks for your recomendations.

>girls who've been maybe-deceived by one man once, then turn lesbos and hate all men as a result.
Not sure why you had to call yourself out with the same token, but ok.
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Ok first of all I would say you need to focus on structure, don't bother putting in darks, you can outline shadows with a soft edge but at this stage you need your lines to be soft and movable so you can adjust the drawing as you go. But really practice the structure of the head, the features also look more like stickers placed individually, try to find connections between them to get them to relate. For example pay attention to the little space of the cheek besides the nose between the eye and the nostril, it's usually 'empty' space but getting this helps with the placement and shape of the eye and nose. This is just one example.
Second, when it comes to rendering I advise you to look at works by other masters, Ramon Casas comes to mind, look up his drawings and try to see how he deals with edges, the sharpness and softness of edges throughout the picture, sometimes subtle, sometimes very obvious, but this is important to give depth to your drawing.
Hope this helps you get going, you have started now its important to keep practicing and find areas to improve one step at a time. First, structure!
It's a bit funky, the stretched out arm grasping the bar while the head goes underneath another bar gives me MC Escher vibes. Otherwise it's a nice drawing. Only the placement of his left arm bugs me.
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9.5h in, this session was the hardest so far. The background reviled a lot of mistakes.
I have switched to liquin, but the problems with the paint being to transparent are still there, visible lines everywhere.
looks good, except there's no depth illusion between the tomatoes and the avocado. You could have changed the part where the tomato and avocado meet to show a clear front/back relationship, and maybe desaturating the avocado a bit. It's not just a depth issue, it's a focal point issue: you need a primary object, but in your case it feels like both tomatoes and avocado are competing for it. Great job nonetheless!
Simple solution, use more paint, or at this stage, just go over it again, less medium and more paint.
What brand of paint are you using anyway? Some student quality oils are just not as opaque as their "artist" quality counterparts, due to having different pigments and different fillers.
>no depth illusion
Simple way of understanding that: Tangents.
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Yes, i agree. I started too spontaneous, now im stuck with it. I dont think i have the experience, to change things from imagination, i think i have to finish it as it is.
Maybe i will tone down the avocado a little bit on the second pass.
If the paint is to thick the soft brushes arent strong enough to handle it. I cant really paint the tight corners anymore.
But if i take a stiffer brush the brushstrokes are too textured, i have grooves in the strokes from the bristles.
I think the problem is in the paint. The producers put filler in it, to make it stiffer and i put filler in it, to make it fluid. There is too much filler in the end.
Oil without any filler would be great, i guess, like rublev, but its not existent in eu-stores.
For this paintng i used
Titan White - Sennelier
Cad Red, Cad Yellow, Chromium Oxide Green and Burned Umber - Schminke Norma
Ivory Black and Bon Arylamid - Old Holland
very good! pick a more interesting thing to paint this time. I have been lost in writing G-code for CNC mills so almost no paint on canvas to show for past weeks.
/greyscale guy
is there a more detailed explanation of this?
They're just things that fuck up your composition due to merging the depth of objects via unintentional interactions. Usually you solve them by just not having things touch, make them overlap more to create distinctions or separate them. Others (such as the Antlers one) just require you differentiate the bg from the fg more.
lines touchy = eye no likey
Is it better to not use medium at all until i git gud then?
Satisfyingly chunky.
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I used this photo for a painting last year, before my impressionism phase. I knew i didnt likeed the cropping of it. But i looked it up today, and at least i overlapped the fruits a little bit more.
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11.5h, first pass is done, i will let it cure for a couple of days, before painting the second layer.
No, why not. Just restrict yourself to 3-5 layers.
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Got btfo'd by ink
Practice helps but also simply taking the time to measure and plan things out before laying paint.
Measure twice, cut once.
Background is a transparent wash of diluted earth colors over a white gesso while the subject was done 'opaquely', i.e. a thick layer of white was overlaid upon the finished, dried background to fill the outline where the subject should go, and then diluted washes of transparent paint were used to color it. Kinda like how you would layer a watercolor painting. The contrast between transparent and opaque layer is creates a 3 dimensional illusion, because the transparent layer seems to recede from one's eyesband the opaque layers pop out. All of this is just my theory though, the real process could have been much less complicated.
does anyone here (besides brian who is apparently dead) actually live off their art?
Yeah but not from trad.
If you look at the background closely there are some shapes like smudges or streaks that continue under the body of water and mountains. The white of the clouds are just patches of white that vary in thickness, with the most light parts also the most opaque.
Can i use fixative over an oil ground?
ic is good for learning, but after becoming an established artist, with a following on insta and a gallery contract, it would be just stupid to post here. If some normie finds out you are posting on a nazi forum, it could damage your brand.
Not even pro concept artists post here, only coomer artists.
I wish.
if you weren't, you'd know
Maybe i wanted to test you?

I don't see why not

Really soulless. There is zero visual interest in both your colours and your paint application. Loosen up and learn colour theory.
I figured out the problem. Size + Viscosity. Most acrylics are for using much larger brushes, like a no. 6 at the smallest. I need to either be thinning mine a lot more or buying paint made for airbrushes. Even runny fluid paint is too thick from the bottle. And cause of that, most brushes aren't really built for that level of thinness. It will work but softer = better for the context.

Headache. There's so much context when artists write instructional material, I wish they would be more explicit about what certain things applied to.
>a no. 6 at the smallest
A nr 6... you know the paintbrush numbers are meaningless, right? They don't tell you anything about the size except that it's going to be bigger or smaller than another brush in that specific series of brushes.
Anon... It's like clothing sizes, not drill bits. It's still a good reference point.
If you follow the thread, i can see why i paint it this way.
Do i get ink or liners
Which is better and if im broke who to pick
Arent liners and ink pratically dimilar

No, you're just making up excuses. You might as well go and buy one of those paint by numbers things, it's the same as what you're doing now.
Yes, its called photorealism.
>Really soulless.
Practice doesn't need soul
liners will give you more precision, nibs or brushes has more flexibility to them but are harder to control.
It's more about preference I believe, I would guess just getting some liners are the cheaper option though
Any artists that focus on cute anime girls in a traditional medium? It's oddly satisfying.
>you're clearly passionate about what you do
He has said he is not.
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you could look through old capcom art
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Long way to go with this one but I’m making good progress. Soooo many skulls left to draw too
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Miles to go on this, and am really pushing myself with watercolor (still fairly new to it). Any pitfalls you can see that I might be missing. I've had my nose in this fucker so long that I feel like I'm missing something. I know the values are pretty samey at this stage, but I'm trying my best to preserve the light areas as I've fucked that up royally before.
I will buy traditional media anime girl art
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How much?
Very nice, good work. One minor thing i dont like, Misato in the foreground looks like she has a hole in her hair. The bluish glow looks too much like the wall behind her, similar color and texture. The blonde girl has a dark hole in the face, but the black haired one, has a much lighter hole.
not him but it's really not when a #2 is literally the size of a #12
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I looked up some popular artists on instagram, photorealists and people who paints more painterly, like J Lipking.
And all of them have a very narrow style, the always post similar subject maters, with similar lighting conditions, done with a similar color palette.
Some are nearly autistic about there subjects.
Well i think i should find something to paint over and over again.
I would like to find something, i can stick to, so i prepared some different objects to see whats work best.
I don't think you know what that means
I think consistency is very important, especially in your process.
Also subject matter and lighting is just a good way to create consistency also. I think also for galleries they want a bunch of paintings that more or less look like they belong together and not leave people wondering who the artist is with each individual piece.
Yes, your right. But its quite hard for someone, who is just starting. Before you are able to make your own references, you have to buy reference packs but they do not offer a lot of diversity. Most ref packs you can buy for around 10 bucks, are women in a grey void.
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Thanks, I think I got sloppy when I was doing the inking and made the neck hole on blondie way too dark. Hopefully I can use guoache to lighten it up and make it less jarring, and hopefully the same will work with the dark haired figure to emphasize the glow where the face should be.

>lol @ Misato
I wasn't even thinking about NGE while drawing this, but I can definitely see the parallel.. shit people are going to think this is some head canon fan art which isn't my intention.

Very impressive drawing so far. Wouldn't it make your life a lot easier to do the drawing on either paper or digital and then transfer to canvas instead of sketching and drawing from start to finish on there? I look forward to the next stages.
Amazing. I'm learning to draw anime digitally now and hopefully will be able to draw some traditional stuff too.
Any anons here that tried egg/wax tempera? I enjoyed using those for landscapes in the past and I think the layered approach they promote would work well with anime.
Do you take commissions? I like qt touhou girls
I have never bought reference packs.
I would much rather pay a real model to pose for me or do different subjects like landscapes or animals, heck still lifes are a good way to "find" a process that works for you.
>I can use guoache to lighten it up and make it less jarring
Not sure if its worth it, it looks good as it is. If youre not sure, dont do it. Otherwise i would be partially responsible.
>Any anons here that tried egg/wax tempera?
If youre familiar with the medium, it should be no problem. Just avoid the trap of trying too hard, to make it look "digital".
I did one my mother, she wonted some small paintings for her new kitchen and she paid the materials.
>I would much rather pay a real model to pose for me
I always wanted to make big realistic portraits of my anime waifus. Like booking a professional model, renting high quality wigs and costumes and pose them with interesting light etc.
But such a photoshoot could cost up to 10k even if i do as much as possible myself. And take weeks for preparations.
I mean even a photoshoot, is a compromise. Ideally you would go full old master and let the model pose in your studio in costume for weeks and months.
But it is what it is.
I appreciate the compliment. Genuinely, I’ve never done the transfer method as you described, could you detail it more? As in, why not just plan on another page? I definitely think I should, but the final is going to be in pen and ink so it won’t end as sketchy looking, and though it’s hard to tell now, the focal point, and the only thing I ink, is going to be the hair. So I wanted to sketch the skulls on the paper so the hair lies on the head as properly as possible. I can other approaches as I move forward though, since it’s so early
Yupo is pretty neat to work on. Very slippery, was testing it with (cheap) acrylics on a sample sheet of 2.5"x3.75"
Also produces interesting watercolor effects. Same size.
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I'd obviously pay more than just material price. Not joking btw (as long as it's somewhat affordable)
What character do you want? I know the touhou project only from fanart and normally i paint only characters i know and like.
if i ever reach this skill level i will livestream my suicide. thank you for the advice im going to study Casas' work and do more anatomy and structure studies. Thanks for the pointers bro
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illustration I did recently using Arthur Rackham's method. Maybe large black masses make it too aggressive? Maybe I should've used dark watercolor instead.

very good anon. I hate moe shit, but your brush work and color harmony is wonderful.
very cool. nice efficient washes. Maybe make the shadows more saturated to make it less flat, but maybe that's up to personal taste.
yes, read "Composing Pictures".
This actually has a really good effect if you zoom in so it fits the monitor widthwise. Goes from bright day to dim night as you scroll down.
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What is the best type of easel to buy for large-scale oil painting- for a intermediate trad artist(not anywhere near professional)- Is a metal easel at all worth it? metal Klopfenstein easels cost upwards of 400 USD. is a normal wooden H frame good enough?
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>I hate moe shit
For that the little fucker with the torches is quite kawai.
>Maybe I should've used dark watercolor instead
A little bit more bluish and transparent would be better.
I like the picture overall, the space and perspective are warped, by in a good way. My english lotr book has this cover art, where everything is flowing thru the space, your painting reminds me of it.
I like the reverse perceptive on the goblins, every next one is getting bigger and bigger.
But here some critic. The mass of the tree on the right is to big, and the top of the three has nearly the same height as the castle, shorter or at least higher would be better.
The hatching in the shadows is redundant, just transparent blue would work better. At least i always prefer the shadows to be transparent and simplified.
Its not very clear whats going on. Will the goblins make a u-turn out of frame and then attack the wizard from behinde, before he is able to leave the dark forest? But the goblins dont look very aggressive, they are like smug and they dont have weapons it seems, just food, sticks and a torch.
This is really cool. Where'd you learn Rackham's method? Or did you reverse engineer the method yourself?
How big do want to go? What easel have you right now? Is the canvas too big for it, or is it just unstable?
I would like to start at 40+ inches, up to 90in- I'm trying to work pretty big in my garage. It's a hefty price but I thought metal would hold up to the elements better than wood would. I don't use a easel atm, I just tack the raw canvas up to my wall or just work with it propped up on stuff which hasn't been ideal.
thanks! that was kind of the idea, as in, there was light, but then the darkness came in from the spooky forest!

thanks! I read this link a year ago or so, that's the gist of it. But you end up reverse engineering certain things. I also read his biography by James Hamilton, which has nice tidbits, such as, Rackham used real people for models.

thanks anon, and I appreciate the crit. I struggled with that shape precisely. Ultimately decided to make it as tall as the castle knowing they could "compete". Shorter or taller didn't also look right, couldn't figure out why. maybe due to the clouds shapes Idk

>Its not very clear whats going on. Will the goblins make a u-turn out of frame and then attack the wizard from behinde, before he is able to leave the dark forest? But the goblins dont look very aggressive, they are like smug and they dont have weapons it seems, just food, sticks and a torch.
Ahh that's perfect you think that, that's by design. I wanted exactly that. "What are they up to? what's going on here!?" thank anon.
Tried using them
This was my first attempt at making a piece by finishing it with liners instead of inking digitally.
Any resources on learning to ink better cause often when i draw curves like face or leg line goes straight through
Also perhaps i may be retarded because every time i try and crosshatch and think of form it looks half assed
Basically i wanna ink like >>7309872
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Man i keep forgettin pics
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I posted in /beg/ but I think this is probably a better thread for painting advice. Does this look ready for paint or should I add more details? I've never painted anything like this before so I don't have much of an idea of where or when to start.
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Focus more on shapes

Light and dark, alla prima it’s called

It’s too much detail, painting workflow is a bit different from drawing

Focusing on detail when you paint is counter intuitive to the medium, I find
how the fuck do you draw lips when the teeth peak through like this
I've only got one canvas on me, and acrylic paint if that makes a big difference. Seems like I screwed up from the start. Should I just roll with it and hope it works out?
NEVER paint directly on pre-primed shit, it's basically just to keep the canvas nice and make it look nice and clean and white and sellable. Use either gesso or automotive spray primer.
Here is how to apply gesso: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhD9h4-sKFs
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finished product

definitely have plenty of room to improve but i used oil pastels and linseed oil to blend which ive never used before

think it turned out alright but would love some critique
This is oddly appealing, and I think that the colors look very nice, especially the skin and lips. However, the facial features are wayyy too large. Think of the face as a mask on the entire head, because right now her entire head is her face
attached is reference and a picture of the under sketch

i agree that her eyes are too large and nose is a little awkward. i think her lips are pretty good size tho
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I totally getcha. I'm the same with doing stuff like making fumos. I like Suika, Youmu, and Kagerou! I'm also a Japanese gardener living in Japan, so I have a big connection to Youmu too!

I made this suika before!
Why oh why do you work on lined paper?
As with anything you just need more practice. And the crosshatching just looks unfinished because you only applied it to a handful of islands in your drawing instead of using it to give form to the shapes in the whole drawing. Why are you not applying it to the whole thing? Don't hold back, especially with ink it's good to let go and loosen up a bit.
>Focus more on shapes
>Light and dark, alla prima it’s called
??? Alla prima is more about painting in one session. Are you talking about chiaroscuro?
Doing little notan studies can also help.
Everything is out of proportion, anon. And the shape of the head doesn't match either.
Next time in the sketch phase, take a bit more time asking yourself why the drawing looks different before you start painting, a lot of things could have been solved in the drawing stage.
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colored pencils fill my heart but hurt my hands..

I will now proceed to cry at the beauty of this. I wish color pencil could get this kid of look as easily as watercolor..
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how are my proportions on this skull study?

Your angles are very off. Check out how comparative measurement works in drawing things.
>Why lined
I got some leftover notebooks from previous year with several empty pages so i decided to use them up

While not an excuse i was just afraid i'd ruin drawing further with my hatching that i didn't really plan off so i just feared i'd make it even worse
When i drew joker i said fuck it and tried to loosen up it and save it best way i can
Perhaps worst issue is that i get too attached to sketch which is why usually i put solution to instantly ink after sketch
you need to train your eyes. look at the eye socket in relation to where the nose cavity and the jaw is on your drawing vs the ref.

this is one situation where lots and lots of master studies comes in helpful.
I really like these shitty hardware store ox round brushes, they're super soft and don't spring, and lay thin acrylics down beautifully. BUT the two smaller ones shed like crazy when i first tried them out and required like an hour of rubbing between my fingers til they stopped. The larger one NEVER stopped after 2 hours so I got out the scissors and it's now a stirring stick.

Everywhere online I see people recc'ing synthetics for acrylics and saying "snap" is good, but these floppy soft brushes are the best feeling I've had so far.
Are there any decent brands that have a similar feel but aren't so chintzy and sheddy? When these finally give up on me I don't want to have to go through that labor again. I'd rather spend more than 2$ a brush to not have to fuck around with it.
could you provide a specific example where my angles are very off?
Face of the skull is too protruded. Like the other anon said your eyes need training, and master studies would indeed be helpful. Work on your values too, they’re currently very lazily applied and the darks aren’t really dark at all. Also work on those forms, it’s very flat as of now. If you can afford it, I’d also recommend getting a small skull model. I have one and it’s been extremely helpful, especially since understanding 3d forms of a skull is difficult with just pictures

The entire jaw for one. Your cranium is also wrong In your ref the cranium is this sort of oolong shaped, yours is more round. All this is caused by you not being able to see correctly yet so you have to measure more. Keep in mind that even extremely experienced artists measure.
Lay a paper over your screen and lightly trace it. Examine what you're doing closely.
Then make another study from observation.
thanks anons

will post a study with multiple angles later for critique
don't, go to /beg/
you don't have a question about traditional media, you have questions about basic things like measuring
just stop being a dumb faggot and use the beginner thread for beginner questions, it's why it's a thing
while you looked at a skull and drew a skull, you didn't study the skull that was your subject nor did you reproduce what you saw when examining the skull.
Very much so here. The original was notable for its gray hues evoking pinks and blues. There are reproductions out there that attempt to recreate the original look. Google Paul Chabas September Morn.
Do you guys know any decent places where artists sell their paintings online?
that looks nice
Haven’t posted in a while but here’s a recent oil painting of mine
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Tried to paint with transparent brown iron oxid, but it looks a bit to muddy for my taste. I think i prefer my usual red oxid.
Nice plushi. Sounds interesting, i will see if i can come up with some decent composition with this characters.
I like it overall, but not a big fan of the background, looks dirty. Blanc white or a little bit more blending, would be better i think.
The head of the snake is hard to distinguish, and the fig leafs a gigantic, what makes the figures look small, big heads with cartoony eyes as well. I dont hate it, but the grim background and the cartoonish dont fit too much. Not sure if it was intended or not.
This one is very good.
>and the cartoonish figures
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Stellar mate, please do!! What do materials normally run you on a project?

I got this from a friend for $50, so I was just curious about your stuff!
Is it really necessary to judge the painting as muddy when you have only done the underpainting?
The muddiness can be taken care of when you add in colour especially in the light areas.
Stefan Baumann reccs using masonite (hardboard) cut to size and primed with spray auto primer, unless you're painting larger than 20x36 or something. He's painted plein air with oils for over 40 years, has had a PBS show and apparently still sells pretty well.

His reasoning is that the texture of canvas acts like "noise" on your painting, darkening it, making your strokes less clear, and forcing you to use more paint than would otherwise be necessary. The use of canvas, in his view, is primarily for large paintings where the weight reduction is worth it and the texture of the canvas is less visible from a distance. Tighter-weave canvas is needlessly expensive in his eyes, so unless you are selling your work for decent sums and it's a market where the clientelle are impressed by it being on linen or something, then there's no point.

Obviously some of this is down to his own taste. He does also specify that the auto spray primer saves time too, since you don't need to be messing with brush primer and that stuff is meant to hold up to the wear and tear of the elements, not just being kept inside a climate-controlled home.

What do you guys think?
Never heard of him, but I hate canvas texture and think a lot of canvas painters use it as a crutch along with spotty drybrushing to give an illusion of complexity to the painting.
Basically what he says, I can tolerate it on large paintings when I can't see it
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First try at acrylics. My palette dried up at the end and i dont know how to blend.
Adam and eve anon here, It’s kind of odd but I used a reference of two clay adam and eve figurines as opposed to real human bodies so that’s possibly why it looks weird— because I deviated from the reference a lot. I can emphasize the snake more but it was intentionally placed hidden among the leaves. I don’t really know where to go from here in terms of the figures because I feel like if I shade even more realistically they’ll become even more uncanny valley. I could go into them with more shades of beige variety though just to add more emphasis too…
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to keep the palette from drying you need to either have a mister to spray the paints occasionally, use an airtight palette, use a wet palette, or add retarder. The more paint on your palette, the slower it will dry as well.

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