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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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I've been telling everyone I'm learning to draw for the last year or so. The truth is that I spent the first week diligently doing DrawABox, lost my motivation, and I haven't drawn a single thing since. Not a doodle, not a sketch, nothing. I can't even draw a decent looking stick figure. They all think I'm a decent artist now because it's been going on so long, they even buy me fancy art supplies and I think them and tell them how 'x will be so useful for my paintings' and so on.

I don't think I can keep this lie going on forever.
What do I do?
>What do i do?
ok gimme a minute I've gotta charge my phone. There's some stuff in my sketchbook.
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>What do I do?
if it comes up, just be honest. but in general - with drawing or any other endeavor - stop putting the cart before the horse and telling everyone you're doing such and such when in reality you're not. I've actually heard telling people about a fresh enterprise actually lowers the likelihood of you reaching your goal(s) in it. have some humility and be diligent.
you can spend a year on drawing and still be bad
just draw
You should commission a semi decent artist to make it believable - have them create some stuff for you and tell yuor friends you did it.
I mean... are you in college or something? Have you made it clear you're wanting to pursue some kind of job in the industry? If the answer to either of these is no then nobody gives af except you. They're just being supportive of your hobby as all parents do.
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I forgot to mention that drawabox is retarded despite having a bit of solid advice, made by a literal beglet, picrelated is his work.
Anyone telling you to draw boxes without giving you an actual reason why are you supposed to do them is a tard, you should wise the fuck up.
>"muh i have drawn for 1 year.."
It literally does not fucking matter... How many hours have you spent drawing in that year? How many artworks have you produced? As you have said:NONE. People can stay in the same fucking swamp for decades just because they make 1 shitty sketch a month. Along with that, even if you have drawn consistently for one year, you wouldn't fucking get to an at least "not shit" level as an average IQ individual. One year is fucking NOTHING in terms of honing a skill that's as complex as art. Even a single aspect of it. It's not even a (You) thing. It's like that for the rest of artists. I stayed a pre-/beg/ for about that time.
>"They all think i'm a decent art-"
No they don't. Only a moron would judge whether someone is good or not without seeing your works, even if you bragged a lot to them. And if you're talking to morons I suggest you distance yourself away from them. Also, normies' (or people not that close to the drawing sphere in general) opinion on art is vastly inflated, they can praise a dogshit sketch you made in 2 minutes, even as a mid-beg.
>make a lie bigger and force yourself into spending cash instead of owning up to your failures and actually fucking drawing
Reminds of a study, where if you tell people you are going to do something, you are far more likely to drop it.
>What do I do?
Do you still want to? Nothing is stopping you from restarting.
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>inb4 if drawabox is le bad then how do i l2d??7
Keep drawing what you like for now, no matter how nigger dogshit it looks, you have to power through it. No amount of studies and fundies can help you due to general inexperience and therefore, inabilty to implement them. What's the point of learning perspective if you can't even comprehend it, pic related was posted in some old /beg/ threads.
>Do you still want to?
I do! I have lots of things floating around my head that I daydream about all the time but I can't make them real so others understand what I'm seeing in my head. I want the ability to do that.
No, I just want to draw.
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>I don't think I can keep this lie going on forever.
>What do I do?
stop being a fucktard and own up to your mistakes without any excessive nigger self flaggelation and get to drawing without those gypsy courses
Its almost just as good as drawing and all else will be none the wiser and you're supporting artists.
Get yourself a win. Find an artist you like with a simple style and try to emulate them. Put one of your ideas to paper.
You aren't going to run a marathon your first time out.
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another victim claimed by actual aphantastic gyppo beglet retard courses. quit being disingenuous with yourself and others and either take it from the top and start learning properly or drop the facade and move on
instead of drawing fucking boxes 9 million times why don't you pick an anime character and draw them 9 million times while learning and practicing fundies
Drawing a box is fundies
It’s a foundational skill that helps build up your technical knowledge and skill level
why the fuck do people who don't draw post threads on the drawing board
What if I'm so unbelievably bad at drawing that I struggle to emulate doodles made by ordinary kids? No matter how much I lower my expectations and standards, I can't seem to find anything I can actually do. A drawing that fails to even communicate its subjects/ideas is such an abject failure that it can't really even be considered a drawing, so I'm left without even the basic satisfaction of having created something.
I'm OP this is not me btw, I don't want to be associated with this kind of pathetic whining.
Are you physically 5 years old or mentally 5 years old and that's why you can't figure out what to do?

Honest question.
Air gear was so kino
>"oh anon how are the drawing thing going?"
>I haven't been feeling like it, I think it wasn't my thing, I had fun though
it's that easy, faggot
Like are you saying that the only thing you're doing is learning to draw? Then yeah, they're right to think you're probably better than you are - but if you've been saying you're doing it in you're free time, just say you're slowly improving, and that they should temper their expectations...

And actually fucking draw, you stupid poser!
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>still hadn't posted anything
This is the funniest thing ive read lately
We got another one lads!
another useless thread with way too many replies
request that bunny railed by futa milf
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boring thread -_-
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Sorry it took me a minute anon
oh thats dire
Oh god how retarded are you
flee the country
Oh god how retarded are you
let me take the opportunity and ask
bros if i want to learn how to draw and eventually make some side $$$ on twitter commissions
should i just start learning right away with a tablet to be used to digital drawing?
or its ok for me to start with pen and paper?
Could literally just say you gave up because you weren’t making any progress lol. It’s the truth; you did nothing regarding it all this time. Zero progress.
both are fine the only thing that matters is that you DRAW
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This will at least teach you to draw some cute cartoons quickly
>I've been telling everyone I'm learning to draw for the last year
>they all think I'm a decent artist now

Have YOU been telling them that you're a decent artist now? If so, then yeah you're fucked.

If not, you can just be honest and say "Yeah I'm still at the beginner stage". Only really dedicated people become decent artists in a short time frame. It's okay to improve at your own rate. You should only push yourself when you're no longer satisfied with your current skills.

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