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Physical 3d art, I mean. Not /3/d cg.

Now I’m a bit conflicted on where I should start. I’m interested in casting/metalworking, engraving, sculpting, chasing/repousse, and wood/stone carving. Obviously very different mediums requiring different tools, but the underlying principles are the same. I’d like to learn them all, but again I don’t know where the best place to start would be. Any advice?
just buy monster clay, some craft wire, a cheap heat gun, and cheap sculpting tools and have at it. If monster clay is to expensive for you, you can get yourself some of these instead, mash it all into a grayish brown glob, and use your freezer to help it keep it's shape.
>you can get yourself some of these instead
mb I mixed up images
Yeah, it's good advice.
Just take some cheap plasticine, make some armature from wire and start sculpting. You can start with portrait or relief.
clay is super cheap and you can reuse it. You also need some kind of stand or metal wires to put the clay on if you want to make a figure
Check to make sure the clay you want to use is the right one. Some do not dry because they are made for stop motion.
Or because they're intended only as a temporary model for casting

As the others said, starts with clay, it's cheap, available everywhere, and enough to practice all the basics.
Alright, I'm looking up clay tools (if anyone has recommendations) so I can get started this weekend.

What would be a good first project?
little people
then when you're used to working with clay, go bigger. You'll need an armature for the clay to hold.
Do they just destroy the sculptures once they’re done with them?
probably, it depends on the type of clay. But yes most of the time you take photos of the finished work then after you're done you just scrape off the clay. The armature can also be reused for the next project.
If they are made in clay (water/oil based) then yes. They at lest take photos or they make molds and cast it in various materials.
In that specifick pic it's look like water based clay, so next step will propably be casting it in plaster.
You need to start with a much more narrow focus and decide what it is you want to make. "I want to learn everything" is not useful. Pick a specific project and learn how to do that.
Already know what sorts of things I want to make, they require interdisciplinary skills in 3d art.
Start small and just using something like a paperclip or a toothpick before moving on to fancier tools.
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