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Artists are now plagiarizing popular AI artworks.
thanks for letting us know, man
adapting to the times
ai steals from artists so artists should steal from ai
What'd they steal exactly? It's not the same pose, or angle. They're both fanworks of Miko, so you could hardly say it's design theft. Are sparkles and musical notes copyrighted now?
this was already a trend welcome to the future anon
You can't steal from an AI prompter. As a matter of fact I'd actively encourage it. I'd love to see their hypocrisy exposed real time.
no honor among thieves
>they didnt fix the twintails and bangs being different colors
Aight nigga (OP) but were you here when y'all niggas wanted to get artists to do stuff with AI for inspiration shit.

I swear you niggas really are the worse type if people going ook like monkeys on every little thing
>but then again you never had anything worth while to show anyways
>Tfw that's what I've been doing this whole time when pixiv started accepting Ai uploads

I sometimes looks at the floodgates pixiv has opened for Ai uploads and some of them look so good on other characters, so I just use their poses instead kek.
I don't know how to feel about this.
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I used to trace AI , now I let AI do everything.
>not only had to copy AI slop, but also had to trace over a 3D model
Lmao. Barely 2 steps removed from the AIshitter.
I took a big shit the other day.
I wonder how many pros secretly use 3D models...
funny how the one that looks like the AI ref the most is the one with the highest like
>ai user
>doesn't care about twitter
Where else are they going to dump all their shit.
When this tech first came out, the first thing pro-ai artists stated was that AI would be a new way for artists to compile reference material for inspo. This shouldn't be a surprise.
It's not plagiarism since AIfags aren't considered real people anyway.
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Drat… us AI bros are being plagiarized. It’s fucking over. Please don’t plagiarize my AI OC you fucking dirty chud artists
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And these ones are off limits too. No chud trad artists allowed
>just generic bimbo bunny girl standing in the void and staring at the viewer
>more generic bimbo fantasy girl standing in the void and staring at the viewer
Couldn't get me to be interested in that shit even if you paid me
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Good. So don’t steal it, tradoid
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And don’t draw this either? Got it, trad chud? AI bros would be mad if you stole our art and ideas. So don’t fucking redraw this
Steal what? The generic bimbos a blind dog could draw with his dick?
Probably a fuckton.
Clip Studio Paint has 3D built-in.
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You couldn’t draw it better. You have been outsourced. I suggest drawing art for enjoyment. Not for likes
I ask myself how these pros can't draw shitty poses like that from a flick of their pinky with all the mileage they have but have to still rely on crutches like beginners
>you couldn't draw it better
>i suggest doing art for enjoyment, not for likes
Cool. What's my cue now? Am i mad or seething?
Who are you quoting?
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>AItard spends dozens of hours mindlessly clicking the generate button until they get something that doesn't look like dogshit with 15 fingers.
>Any artist can just swoop in afterwards and take all the actual credit, recognition, and fame from it since they actually draw.
Sounds pretty based to me.
That's just frankie from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
bad. decent humans are supposed to feel bad about this. dont give proompters any kind of attention. shame them, shun them, ignore them. "redrawing" ai slop is high treason.
forgot to say but i'm trans and only israel should be allowed to use AI to kill babies with our taxes, dont you dare use it artist chuds
based AI kinosloppa
Rule 34 and pixiv. Can’t go through rule 34 when 10+ pages of it is ai slop and pixiv homepage shows ai slop as well. There’s your answer
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If a chud traddy redrew this I would be super duper angry if they drew it better
Little buddy, you are just embarassing yourself at this point.
You really went out of your way to find their best piece for the left side, huh?
I love seeing AI 'artists' having to draw on features like the 01 part and laughing at how obvious their edits are.

By the way, it isn't plagarizing, you don't own it. Nobody does, except the artist who drew their own version with their own extra details.
>didn't wasted time to study art
Didn't waste time to learn English either.
Not that many. Only those who don't trace over actual photos.
>he thinks pros don't trace
He's Indian, don't be too hard on him.
These guys are like mid bitches in high school who used to bully the ugly autistic girls because they were the only ones below them on the social hierarchy. There's a growing trend of high /beg/ to low /int/ level artists who have plateaued in skill but try to vindicate their mediocrity by shitting on aislop rather than keep grinding.
It's surprising how many artists get so far in their career convinced that they don't need to learn stuff like this because it's too cerebral and they wanna draw fun stuff or whatever instead.
Like artists who want to draw in a flat style so insist that learning forms is useless
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Not exactly. The artist used a 3d model to re-create the pose, traced over it and then used the AI pic as a reference.
That being said, the fact that he traced over a 3d model and then shitting on AI is just hilarious.
and they won't stop until you pay them off
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>sees a popular AI art
>traces a 3d model (FUCKING LMAO) to recreate it
>the pose is stiff
>the face looks worse
>the colors are washed
>contrast is gone
>looks worse in every single aspect
Jesus, how do you fuck up that badly?
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"Professional" doesn't mean "better drawing skill" it just means they can leverage what art skills they have to get paid for it.

The bar goes up and down every few decades as far as what is acceptable. Pic related.

On R34 you can vaporize all AI results from your search by adding "-ai_generated" (without the quotes" at the end.

Boolean search is an important skill to understand.

>There's a growing trend of high /beg/ to low /int/ level artists who have plateaued in skill but try to vindicate their mediocrity by shitting on aislop rather than keep grinding.
Correct. A lot of them have no real interest in truly making art. It's not just about skill though, it also means realizing that as an artist you are required to explore new territory, which almost always means offending the orthodoxy of whatever social hierarchies think you're under their domain (or which you willingly placed yourself in.) Refusing to take that plunge means willfully locking oneself into mediocrity. Some people do it because they don't want to draw the ire of people they simp for or who they fear, but that's all smoke and mirrors.

You see a distilled, highly caustic version of this same mentality with "closed species" morons.
It's literally not plagiarism when you do it to proompters.
>"It's not plagiarism when you trace from a tracer"
This is literally evil technology. If you give 1mm to proompters, then you have already lost your soul. Like this moron >>7303109. Why are there so many morons? Literally wasting their time to make gAI look good and popular.
oh no, not the masturbation fodder soul, we must keep this high art pure
The artist doing this are retarded, not only shitters can do this and free artwork, but every ai slopper has twitter blue and are literally profiting off of then. That og ai slop post has fucking 100mil views, just block and ignore these ai shitters.
I hate typing
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Oh no, anyway
Wtf why does ai slop have that many views? Do the normalfags not care that it has no soul?
I dunno, there was that one faggot seething that an artist "stole" his idea and demanded credit for pushing a button without a hint of irony.
The AI art was first, you moron.
It only got that many views because people and artist got pissed at the og ai slop. It originally had 15k likes and now 30k likes because of the outrage. The slopper gaines 5k follower dued to the outrage. But then again. Most of his followers are other ai sloppers and normies that don’t know any better
Redraws aren't plagiarism. I think it's actually a pretty good exercise to redraw AI generated stuff if it's not as good like Craiyon.
So making multiple gens of someone's artstyle and using it as reference is fair game. Thanks for this update. I said this would happen a long time ago but I guess /ic/ never listens.
>low confidence lines
>clearly has no idea what they're doing with the dress ruffles
>flat nose
I'm baffled they had the balls to post such a blatant copy
Right? Fucking lazy assholes. All of them. That said I don't need nor want to partake in it. I just want them to leave my shit alone. Or at least for laws to change in such a way that they suffer repercussions/ are held responsible if they decide to launder my stuff through these corporate machines against my will.
We all know your phenotype by now.
Just take shad or whatever he's called as an example. That's the stereotype associated with you parasites.
Implying you nerds would even have the willpower to lift weights in the first place..
You can't even learn a skill. Lack the fundamental drive and self discipline.
Keep projecting.
Didn't even read the meme btw. But nice bait. Here's a (you). Fucking shitstain.
Keep telling yourself that. Most artists regardless of their skill level are heavily against this. All kinds of artists.
Remember how many professional artists up and left artstation when they started scraping their work?
Established artists with great work to show boot just disappeared over night.
You just refuse to see this from a sane perspective. You refuse to see how this is extremely damaging for artists and how it was only meant to increase profit margins for corporations.
You're essentially aiding these same companies getting away with plagiarism on an unprescedented scale.
You're ripping us off, resorting to manipulative arguments, twisting the truth, mocking us and then cry about being bullied afterwards. We're calling you out. You're a bunch of morally bankrupt scammers and nobody likes you people.
tbf 3d tracers are not far away from AI shitters
Again, just because AIfags are the "Untouchables" of the art community who are universally disdained and ridiculed does not mean that some of the shitty artists ribbing on them are not shit and should use AI shitters being shitters to validate their /beg/ness. They should aim to become better artists, something AI artists lack the discipline to do.

Mocking AI art does not automatically make these Sudra-tier niggas Kshatriyas or Brahmins.
>A.I. is so creative PaintPiggies are using it as inspo
We’ve won
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thanks Sam we need more fan art of the AI miku one
>fan art
Nah nigga, it's my art now.
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Based and appropriation-pilled.
IMO it's fine for amateurs to use AI as a ref for studies if you they like the picture and want to learn something from it. Like for example trying to copy a specific render style etc. I'd advice not doing a straight up copy, but even that can be good for practice.
Of course ideally you'd want to study from real artists or pictures, but hey if slop gets you inspired then go for it.

Just don't do the gay fucking "TaKing ThE aRt BaCk fRoM Ai" spiel. It's just pathetic performative BS.
I don't think you can even "steal" what's not copyright protected
>IMO it's fine for amateurs to use AI as a ref for studies if you they like the picture and want to learn something from it.
that's how you end up being accused of using ai. There are starting to become more artist that would copy or trace off ai, they would even lie that they didn't even though it's clearly obvious or make some excuse saying"a-ai steals from people so it's ok i steal from it".
The accusations are hollow. Nobody actually gives a fuck except for mental cases who think skynet is coming. Everyone else is just being performative or so fucking bad at economics and accounting that they think the AImmigrants are gonna steal their jobs.
But that's fucking immoral and stuff...imagine stealing from other hard-working artists out of spite...
Good, steal from me, steal from thy.
learn english before you post here you fucking disgusting smelly pajeet
It's even more pathetic to not do anything about it and not fighting back. Are you just going to stand there and watch when Tyrone starts fucking your girl right infront of you like a good little cuckold?
If by "fighting back" you mean tracing AI and posting it on twitter to "own the AI chuds", then congratulations. You are now giving free marketing for them.
dios mio
la creatura...
yeah AI niggers are so hard working
their poor wee widdle fingies must be real tired from typing those prompts
Although I think AI is an inherent objection to art, the AI one does look a lot better than all the human interpretations I've seen on this thread. Maybe because a lot of artists are afraid to leave things vague.
It's mostly amateur clout chasers or literal children that jump into these AI redraw trends, so the quality is inevitably going to be middling at best
>own the AI chuds
Yeah, they did get owned by pure skill and talent.
The AI one looks like shit, her ponytail is melting together with the musical notes. Good thing the actual artists showed the AI fraud how it's actually done.
I honestly wish I could just spent some time on this Ai shit code wise so I can just make my own shit that's actual pro art. Like ffs, I'm so fucking done with every "advancement" in tech for this dogshit being considered a "success" for how much raytraced graphics is pulled art. Realism is and never will be art, otherwise it would have been clearly preferred in media a long time ago.
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Are you stupid?
Bots, anon
Are you? Seems like you couldn't comprehend my point.
My point is if this auto art slop is going to exist, then the least it could do is actually understand the fundamentals of art and reconstruct the actual process that goes into drawing instead of using a noise algorithm to brute force a result from trillions of pointless data.
you don't need to do anything under the hood, you just need to pull a bunch of training data and most importantly label it by hand
this process is of course time consuming
blacksune mikels
You completely mis understood
I would completely approuch this concept in a completely different way that would actually be pro artists and pro automation by actually making AI follow the actual 12 principles of animation and fundamentals of the art process so it actually makes sense to advertise for artists to use as a tool instead of this nonsense that is literally just a means to replace non ai supporters.

And what I propose would likely only come to be by someone that actually likes both tech and art, and understand how to merge the two positively. Anti artists wouldn't touch the idea since that's what Gen Ai is for for them.
ah, i see
you'd be in for a herculean task though as "current" gen ai isn't actually a new concept, it is an idea from the olden times its just that back then they didn't have instagram to feed their algorithms
so you personally would need to reinvent the wheel
>so you personally would need to reinvent the wheel
But enough about Gen AI...
No, what I would do is present an opinion instead of a replacement for the traditional methods if anyone chooses to use the tool, unlike the push for Gen AI to kill people off if they don't use it.
theres nothing wrong with doing this, at least they are admitting it. Obviously they would be a better artist if they didn't need to do this, but they're not, so they do. You have people tracing AI and pretending they are constructing with their mind like KJG, that's way worse. "Worse" in that they are lying about their process to non-artists, so its a subjective thing at the end of the day. I think scamming and deceiving people is wrong.
AI generated this text

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