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So few anons paint with real paint. Post your acrylic or oil paintings here. No drawings or digital. Bonus points for nude or sexual art, that's mostly what i make.

image is mine. Acrylic, hoping to finish it soon.
Stfu brian
Is this the guy who's shitting on people for doing making digital art? Lmfao. I knew it'd be bad but I'd didn't expect this slop. Why are the most insufferable faggots always the least skilled?
I'm not sure who you guys are trying to talk shit about but that's not me. Feel free to continue to vent though I guess.
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i did this with acrylic and oil
idk why, but i always end up finishing quicker when i do traditional than when i do digital
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Stuff I've been working on lately. It's a mix between printing and painting, done in acrylic on paper. some have watercolor too but none in this pic

Paranoia is a sign you might want to get off the computer and breathe fresh outside air
I like that one. And yeah that's odd. I'm garbage with digital so i can't talk. But i definitely prefer looking at traditional stuff

What kind of printing? like screen printing?
These are the people saying digital art isn't a valid medium.
a gel plate. its a similar process to what this fellow is doing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1boGJnACLc&t=52s

In addition to stencils/stamps I'm also using black and white prints of some of my photos, which will act to absorb paint on the white areas and leave paint on the plate anywhere there's black ink
who has said that in this thread? why are people on this board so threatened by people posting artwork in physical media?
>Bonus points for nude or sexual art
Well, if you insist. Painted my friend's character.

This is my first real full "normal" acrylic painting in over a decade. It's watercolor paper that I put gloss pouring medium down on as a base layer since I don't have gesso. I used holbein acrylic gouache for the background. The cracking I think is because I added too much water to the first coat. The rest is fluid and airbrush acrylics from various brands - decoart media, golden, liquitex, createx, and even a little bit of vallejo model paint - with holbein super opaque white acrylic ink for the highlights.

>go back to /sex/ with your weird hyper degeneracy
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I abandoned this painting a while back. It's called the clown
No one is saying that bro. And even if we did. Who cares, our opinions shouldn't matter to you.

I've never seen that before. Wouldn't mind giving this a go at some point
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This is intense but i like it, never seen anything like that keep it up bro

This is your call to get back to it. I just picked back up on that original after about a year. This is wat it looked like before.
I'm actually a primarily a digital artist but I've been dabbling in trad because it's nice to make art in many different ways. Thing is im mostly brute forcing these things with my fundamental knowledge, would you happen to know if you can paint over acrylic with oils? I have been tempted to redo the painting and paintover some of the errors with oil based paints and just move forward with those, but I don't know if it'll do something stupid like chipping or peeling.
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I paint in acrylic, but I'm very boring, and only paint foxes.
You can paint over acrylics with oils. It is common for painters to do an underpainting in acrylic and then paint over it in oils. Not everyone does this, but some do.

You cannot paint over oils with acrylics.
Thanks! The whole painting is only about 8.5"x7.75". The photo of it is cropped smaller than that. I originally intended to scan it but that made both the texture ugly and made the hair a weird brown color, since the purple and pink are mixes with fluorescents in them.

Kind of a storybook feel to that. The lighting around the fox is very good composition.
sick! One last question, If i were to use a solvent like mineral spirits or turpentine would it mess with the acrylic base?
I would assume so, though don't quote me on that. I suspect people who do acrylic underpaintings thin their oil paints with things like linseed oil, rather than being heavy-handed with the solvents, but you'd need to ask someone more knowledgeable than me. Solvents always gave me a migraine in about five minutes flat, every time, so I said fuck it and just used water-miscible oil paints instead. No more solvents. I hate the dry time with oils, though. Keeping dust from sticking to a painting while it's drying is a nightmare, so I usually paint only in acrylics these days.
That said, you can paint over acrylic with acrylic. That painting of the fox? The first three paintings I did on that canvas, I hated. That's the fourth painting on it. I just started over, slapped down a new base colour layer that covered over everything else, sketched my new idea, and got to painting.
Thanks for the advice y'all I really appreciate the knowledge.
Not really an answer to your question but do not try to use nail polish over acrylic, it will not work. the ethyl acetate solvent will eat through the acrylic.
... Nail polish as an underlayer though, I haven't tried. I can't imagine it would be durable though.
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I'm still learning how to do it, but soon I'll create one good enough to hang
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I posted this a moment ago in /trad/ as well, but I'm always down to discuss traditional stuff even if I don't know much yet.
Oil on canvas for what it's worth.

Love the rendering on the reflections
Very nice fox and background
The rendering is very interesting. Creates a vibe that I usually associate with digital but it's cool, you should keep working on it.
Nta but I think it's the other way around actually. As someone who primarily paints digitaly (although also do trad) every time I go on here there's some anon evangelising how digital art is not real art or even how digital isn't a "real" medium. It's grown to become such a meme that you can't help but assume that the people posting are compensating for something.
Personaly I admire works from artists regardless of mediums.
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my lil painting
purple mountains
oil on canvases
sauce on the model you used as reference?
This is pretty sick. I'm imaging a glass-framed variant where it's constructed like a black mirror (no not like the show) so the background falls away the head look "floating". If I remember correctly how those are built - some fuckery with one-way mirrors - it might also make the head disappear if there's too little light in the room
Why would you all not just post in /trad/ gen? Fuckin idiots.
because this thread was created by a troll to bait and gaslight the digitalfags they were shitting on in another thread.
Wow, that rules. How much would you sell something like this for?
oh wow that's very touching considering this a personal piece. I'll take that as a sign to complete it haha. Uhhhh quite frankly I'm pretty bad at pricing my trad art since I'm more used to the digital market and relative price to my skill level. Considering this is a 18x24 canvas I think 150 for something like this including material cost is pretty fair, though clearly it'd be finished. If anybody else wants to chime in on trad pricing I'd be more than happy to hear. I've been wanting to have both a trad and digital storefront considering the intrinsic value of trad is going to go up in the coming years.
Im learning how to use oils.
I'm not good at all but did this one as a Christmas gift to my friend that's into Star Trek. I got pretty drunk near the end and got lazy with the stars.
Here's my most recent
There's probably a market for meme paintings on Etsy
There is a very slow traditional thread, whats the point of this one?
/tradsex/ I guess?
well some of the stuff here isn't trad pre se though I guess the distinction between physical media and traditional techniques with physical media is a bit arbitrary

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