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I know this is my fault, but I stopped drawing during the pandemic and only did exercises in this course. That made me lose all the skills I had built since I was little up to that point. I can't even draw from reference and I no longer find it fun.

I tried reading Drawing On The Right Of the Brain to recover my observation skills but it's a bitch to understand all the outdated neuroscience stuff. I have been thinking of seeing a hypnotist.
all of these how do i change my mindset posts can be answered with change your mindset you arent 10 bro
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Do figure drawing.

Let me repeat; do figure drawing.

Did you hear me? DO FIGURE DRAWING

I have tried for months to enjoy drawing again just for fun, but I just can't .

I'm not passionate about anything else either. All other hobbies that I have explored that I wasted so many months on, I just decided that I'm not passionate enough about them.
Nigger, the board is called artwork critique. Where is your artwork.
>Stop being a little bitch
>Find something you're passionate about
>Draw it
>I have tried for months to enjoy drawing again
how? be very specific.
overstimulated and
all fapped out
dopamine through the basement floor
underwhelmed and disappointed
‘give me more’ paves the way
for ‘don’t care anymore’

greens go grey
and bonfire dwindle
still embers remain
chance to rekindle
I have the same problem. I also gave up for a long time and now I can’t do anything, although I spent a lot of time drawing. This is my only hobby and I have nothing else to do.
It really hurts when I waste time and don’t come up with anything beautiful. Hands give up on their own
They’re your hands
You gave up
I really have no patience for gesture drawing. I just wanna draw what I want. But it always turns out shit.
of course you don't find it fun anymore, it's fucking drawabox
here's a redpill to take: everything you make will forever turn out shit. your two choices are to give up or to learn how to enjoy putting out shit. for your output will be shit to you always, even when you get good, because nobody likes their own art except for megaautists like CWC with zero self awareness. such is the path of a creative. if that is not something you can accept,
try your hand at something that is less rooted in ego, like gardening or coding
>just don't be sad, bro
Wow, you cured depression.
Why does Drawabox have a bad reputation here?
Because it burns you out and takes a long time before you're "allowed" to draw anything fun. It's also just a shitty version of Dynamic Sketching.
if you cant change your mindset you are just weak willed lol
>if you can't manually change a chemical imbalance in your brain you are weak
You are a stupid faggot.
youre an emotional retard lmao
By simply drawing things that I find cute or cool. I didn't choose stuff that was too complicated.
it literally tells you to do it in addition to drawing what you like daily. you arent supposedt o autistically draw 200 boxes and only boxes for months.
Yeah, I did what it told me not to do and I ended up like this.
It's still a shitty knockoff of Dynamic Sketching.
Start taking adderall or opiates. They will make everything feel amazing and give you the ability to hyperfocus.
I don't do drugs, bro.
Well it's a great time to start.
I was in a quite similar situation. Started learning how to draw from observation during the pandemic and someone recommended me drawabox. It killed my drive to draw so hard I didn't touch a pen for 3 years. What reignited my interest was looking at really good comic book art (Jordi Bernet, Alberto Breccia, Sergio Toppi), looking more at artists like Michelangelo, Rubens, Pontormo, Tiepolo (the son) and Velazque, and then watching art teachers that really care about fine art, like Vilppu and Michael Hampton.

So I'd recommend that, Look at good art a lot and avoid "learn concept art and get a job at blizzard in 60 days" teachers in favor of teachers that know a lot about good art.
>Do figure drawing
where to start?
some say start drawing beans and apply them to the body but some also said use boxes instead
I recommend going on quickposes.com and just doing 30 mins a day (or more). As a beginner, anything you do, any amount of work, will propel you forward, so don't worry too much about methods or exercises. I personally did this site until I got to around 285 hours (the site tracks your hours for you)

After a week or a month or so, you may want to look into specific figure drawing instruction. Glenn Vilppu's course (search on bilibili) is great, as is David Finch's roadmap guide. Learning structure from a book such as Bridgman or Morpho will become essential.

Also, if you want best results, don't just do figure drawing, but also copy art you like. The teacher I'm studying right now, Muroi Yasuo, recommends dividing up your time into 1/3 master copies, 1/3 figure drawing, and 1/3 drawing from imagination. Just repeat this cycle, and you shouldn't ever run into any plateaus, in terms of improvement.

pic related is my work, for context
Do both anon. Alternate between it cuz both are equally important. I think it's best to start with gesture while using the bean for the body. You can train boxes separately because the point of doing boxes is to Hone your 3D awareness. Once you can consistently draw boxes without too much error, you can try mannequin. As your boxes improve, so too your gestures and bean. Ofc the important thing is to review your mistake, take note of it, and try avoiding it in the future. Use the figure drawing thread here for critiques because thats where ppl draw
>ouh my brain is against me

Take accountability or remain an animal without self control. Your issue is giving up when things get difficult from the sounds of things. You say it's your fault, then you give several excuses as to why it isn't.
so its ok to do any figure drawing (in the first few weeks) without doing any of the techniques just to get a feel for it and then apply some techniques afterward? because at this point i was having trouble with which body part should i start first then progressing just felt weird like my drawing felt wonky
i think im willing to do some DAB exercises for a while since this video emphasizes the importance of boxes
at least im doing actual drawings for the day (instead of just me browsing social media and doing nothing productive) then maybe apply what i learn by drawing bodies with it then do some bean shape + gestures, what do you think?

also thanks for the replies, anons
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you already made this thread
That isn't me. It's just that wrong use of Drawabox has ruined many artists.
>wrong use of Drawabox
nta but how does one use dab?
If you have 4 hours to draw each day, use 2 hours of it to do DaB. You just need to make sure you spent the same amount of time drawing what you want along with it.

The reason why ppl say it's a meme because they treat it like some kind of magic formula and proceed to draw nothing but it's exercises for 3+ months and then they wonder why they can't enjoy drawing anymore
As long as you keep in mind the 50:50 rule, go for it
Nono DaB is the quickest way to lose your passion anon
thanks again anon
but what about the 200+ boxes grind?
should i do it?
i'll probably do it digital but i did buy some pens beforehand
draw some of the boxes whenever you draw, but also draw for urself.
Also DaB are meant to be done trad, but you can use your favored medium for free drawing (which must be equal or more than the time spent drawing exercises)
i'll keep that in mind
thank you anon
this is nice, thanks
Thanks, anon. This gives me hope because our situations are similar.

I have been thinking about remaking a drawing that I made when I was a teen and seeing if it sparks something. But perhaps I should do some questioning first to figure out why I used to draw in the first place.
Unironically, sometimes I wish I was as passionate as CWC.

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