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What does the French Comics scene look like right now? Is it possible to make a living as a French Graphic Novelist (both writer and artist)?

Learning French literally only takes 1/10th the amount of time as Japanese. I don't know why everyone is so obsessed with Japan, when you can go to France and have the same kind of career, with less effort, and a better work life balance. Tell me if I'm wrong or not.
The nip market is huge, the French market, though influential is relatively obscure. That means a big difference in money.
However, nips are known to literally pay peanuts to their sla.. .employees.
how big is the difference though? And is the french market bigger than the american market?
American comic book market is now the top thanks to the movie industry.
Second is manga, and arguably manga industry has a bigger comic book industry based on comic sales.
I think France would be maybe even smaller than the Chinese or Korean (Manwa) markets, but I could be wrong.

However France has a very rich culture of comic book making, and the only thing hindering its sales was the relative isolation of French culture on the global market and lack of english translations.

The French market is tiny compared to Jap and US markets.

If you're an english speaker. US market or maybe even independent/digital+social media is the best way of growing your audience.
Wait, wtf, US is the biggest? Can you send me some stats? Because i remember reading that demon slayer outsold the entire US comics market
That's literally a lie though. Manga takes up to 80% of the comic market in France, followed by a 15% share of BDs and the rest is comics. Remember that during the pandemic the government gave like 200 euros to teenagers to make culture-related purchases and the vast majority of them spent it all on manga. France is probably the second weebest country in the world outside of Japan.
Dear anons, neither of you read my post.
The American comic book industry is now integrated into the movie and tv industries, that's why I considered it larger.
DC and Marvel probably make the most money from games, tv, movies, cartoons and licensing, NOT from comic book sales.

To the second anon. Can you point out what you claim is a lie?
Try to take things in good faith, a mistake vs a lie is a big difference. But I do not see how what you wrote has anything to do with what I wrote.
Cute dog.
>The American comic book industry is now integrated into the movie and tv industries, that's why I considered it larger.
Cope, then. The MCU fan isn't buying comics. The anime watcher IS buying manga.
>Paycheck for nips is shit
This makes for a good case of joining the industry as an indie, but good luck making it to the fullest extent. You might get a printed manga, but odds are against you for having your own anime or game, unless you can budget and license that stuff yourself/find good contract legal stuff, etc
That's exactly what I said you superb retard:
>and arguably manga industry has a bigger comic book industry based on comic sales.
>Learning French literally only takes 1/10th the amount of time as Japanese.
What doesn't make sense is why you would go through the wasted years it takes to learn a language, just to be eligible to work in a smaller (relatively tiny) and less paying French industry, when your native language is English and you have one of the largest markets on earth you can jump into.
I understand the adventure aspect, but most people don't practice enough anyways.
You should spend your time getting gud, instead of masturbating with new languages.
>can you point out what you claim is a lie?
>r.. retard
Sounds like you're the one who has an issue with retardation there.
Try learning how to debate like the opposite of a subhuman.

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