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Are these things useful?
better to just memorize them than get one imo
No, not really. They have limited motion. Get a 3D modelling thing like https://app.justsketch.me/ or better yet, learn to draw basic shapes like tubes and boxes from any angle and learn basic anatomy so you can make poses that way.
>They have limited motion
Not necessarily an issue:they can still cover a fair range of poses.

Good advice.

They can be, but either you need someone to spoon-feed you about how and when, or you'll discover it on your own as you train. Keep practicing and you should naturally come to a point where you start to understand their benefits naturally.
It sits on my desk, it really only help when I'm trying to get a top down angle.
As others have said the limited range of motion is what really sets it back
nah, by the time you have the skills to make use of it you can pretty much achieve the same result without, most of the time.
Severely mogged by most other reference tools. Mostly use it for holding my pen.
Get free blank models for blender and move them however the fuck you want
yeah for taking up space and collecting dust
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Does anyone use these kinda things? They seem neat but they're only like 5 inches.
Not even a little bit.
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I've been using figma figures as an assist , and as long as you put enough life into the models, you can get a decent product
How big are they?
If/When I get a 3D printer (or a friend does) I might print a Dummy 13 or two. I don't think I'd ever buy one though.
I feel like past a point they're more useful for pose invention than straight reference, if that makes sense.
I use them to do small comps over my desk and do a quick sketch, even small quick paintings, you can use 3D too, but anything you can pose in real life has the advantage that can be arranged in whatever way and lighting you need.
Also I'm not sure if everyone knows this but you can actually pull the wooden figure out of the stand
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Ive been trying to find the stl of picrel for a long ass time. I have a resin printer but havent tried printing maquettes yet, but now i will, along with a dummy. I just like how this guy looks so andro. And i can make him any size i want.

I have never seen one of these that doesn't have an uncanny valley face. I get that you want to keep a generic face but at least make it look human.
Those seem even more brittle than Figmas.
Theyre very neat, can be a little fragile depending on the model you choose. I have that sports-kun, booby body-chan, and the 2 pokemon body style ones. Super handy for lighting and poses, and nice range of motion. The accessories are nice too

They're a little under 5.5" tall
In what world are figmas brittle, ham hands?
anyone got a cracked copy of this?
mans buying fake chinese ones
Design doll is better.
Design doll is TOO complicated. If I wanted to work with a 3D model that much, I'd just use blender or something. I want to draw.
Girl I just had to reverse image search to find that try harder
NTA but older figmas can be a bit brittle, certain dyes make plastic brittle. Theyre definitely delicate, so likely anon is hamfisting them
Old figma joints and nendo joints especially can get brittle, newer ones don't have that issue. Either they changed the materials or they're not old enough yet who knows.

Also yeah OP if you want to buy one of those just buy a figma or some girlpla toy instead. They'll be more fun to look at.
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right after losing mine, i noticed that they're pretty good for foreshortening and lighting reference.
If design doll is too complex, you might be too retarded to draw
>nendo joints
Nigga what
Nendos didn't have joints
They have at least head, arms, legs, and sometimes their hands and feet and they always crap out after a while.
Complex in the sense that it has a lot of extra features I don't need if I just want to make a pose. I'm not interested in shaping the mesh of my pose reference and stuff like that.
>They have at least head, arms, legs, and sometimes their hands and feet
Old nendoroids had 3 joints. Neck and top of each leg
So don't? How is having more features than you personally need a bad thong if they don't get in the way?
>How is having more features than you personally need a bad thing if they don't get in the way?
Are you serious? It's like an action figure advertising loads of articulation points but all of them have a poor range of motion. I'd rather something be really dedicated to one thing rather then a jack of all trades. Also, more features WILL get in the way, even if it's just making menus more clunky. They have shortcut buttons on tablets for a reason.
Honestly I kinda want one, a simplified one, that has a better range of motion.
>those hips
>It's like an action figure advertising loads of articulation points but all of them have a poor range of motion.
no it's not. design doll has the same posing functionality as justsketch, just with more shit available if you want to use it.
>even if it's just making menus more clunky. They have shortcut buttons on tablets for a reason.
so we circle back to
>If design doll is too complex, you might be too retarded to draw
Wanting something easy to use doesn’t reflect intelligence, it often shows a preference for efficiency and accessibility. Sometimes, the most straightforward solutions are the most effective, allowing people to focus on what really matters without getting bogged down by unnecessary stuff. Ease of use can often enhance learning and productivity.

Someone who assumes that a preference for ease of use indicates a lack of intelligence reflects a tendency to judge others based on their own standards, which is bad because it leads to misunderstandings and reinforces biases. This kind of judgment fosters negativity and resentment. I would expect such an elitist and judgmental attitude on this board though.
they are pretty much fucking useless
you can have them in your home if you want to pretend you are an artfag
The belief that things need to be done the harder way, or that being done the harder way makes them more noble is also deeply ego-driven. There is nothing about long or arduous approaches that makes them in and of themselves more valuable. However, a lot of people who take up creative hobbies feel attraction to this ethos because it's an easy metric of "seriousness".
>The belief that things need to be done the harder way, or that being done the harder way makes them more noble is also deeply ego-driven.
I will never personally understand this.
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They're decent for some common poses, but the range of motion is very limited when it comes to sporty flexibility.
>the range of motion is very limited when it comes to sporty flexibility.
What I mean is you can't replicate poses like Pic related or some ballerino or acrobat poses.
yes, but people make the mistake on not understanding what you're supposed to learn from them
>No proper hip to torso and coxis joint

Design doll is just as easy to pose as anything else, but let's you dive in deeper into customizing model if you want to. It's not doing things the hard way. Holy fuck you guys are actually braindead
Not exceptionally, but they are ok at letting you get a feel for extreme forshortening perspectives.
Why spend so much time customizing the model? You do that when you draw. It wastes time that could be better spent y'know, improving your drawing skills. If I wanted to do so much in 3D I'd get Blender or something.
What are you supposed to learn from them?

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