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>half a month away from Inktober
>No hype or interest whatsoever
Ok, so did the fag trying to claim copyright kill'd it, or was it the really uninspiring prompts?

The fucking official page isn't even updated, it shows the 2023 one
I gotta say it's kinda sad. This WAS the only big artist driven fun thing.
This could have been our thing you know, like film festivals for movies or lollapalooza for music
We don't have a big thing that bring the boys to do something together, it's really really sad that this was the closest thing to it, and now it's almost completely dead
those prompts are retarded. trek? passport? uncharted? journal? ill just draw flavor of the month weebshit for likes.
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>giving a fuck about inktober
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I blame it on people forsaking the spirit of the challenge and just using it as an excuse to draw whatever they want and shill. Unfortunately that truly already muddled it so much it lost all meaning even before there was any controversy.

It was fun and even if I never finished the streak, I made things I enjoy.
>HALF A MONTH away from Inktober
>No hype or interest whatsoever
hmmm, i wonder if there's a correlation...

i see as much enthusiasm for inktober as i always do around that time. people talk about it, maybe prep, but they dont fucking shout it from the rooftops

>This could have been our thing you know, like film festivals for movies or lollapalooza for music
wtf are you talking about
its a social media art challenge, not a fucking houndreds of thousands of dollars festival.
like idk, what do you want? a fucking parade? or a gallery show?

people dont talk about it, they do it
I've been wanting to do a makeup Inktober because I missed last year's. So much for that.
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I get I am a retard on a Tajikistani rock scrambling forum but these seem dull and samey even by normalfag standards, no wonder people forgo these prompts and just draw fat fotw anime girl pussy instead
better than posting this meme frog
I really don't care about doing Inktober. but I may just put a #inktober tag in my regular uploads. shameless but whatever.
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i am going to do it out of spite for myself
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Usually you can bend them a bit to draw whatever you want anyway. some girl having sex in the woods would clear half those prompts, for example.

I think the fun comes from deciding which ones i'll pull a thesaurus for because fuck it, there's got to be a meaning of "roam" in old norse that lets me draw gacha characters being transphobic, and which i'll play straight because I haven't drawn a horse in three months and might as well.
And then you have the very dull, unambiguous, "binoculars" or "violin"
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Indeed I always enjoy making it tangentally related, if not literal. Also the inktober threads on here are actually fun and there's good info that gets shared as well. I mean we have to sacrifice a permabeg-nodraw/AI cope-seeth thread or two, but thats a sacrifice Im willing to make.
>mostly nouns, specifically just tangible objects rather than more abstract concepts/feelings
pretty boring ones at that.
last year, palestinian anon was sacrificed
Jaketober did threaten litigation on anyone trying to sell sketches that includes the inktober logo, so good luck. Just wait for /ic/tober
He stole a niggers book layout or something and people have been seething since.
Protip: Don't sell things with official logos. This could have easily been avoided.
i usually dont say it, but the prompts suck this year. its all indiana jones stuff, like you could literally just draw indiana jones scenes aside from maybe a couple of them
guess im kind of frustrated, since i also try to build my own theme into them, but i need prompts that have "variety". trek, hike, roam, expedition? its just variations on the same word
same, i wasnt able to finish last year, but gonna try to this year. helps im unemployed haha
i do look forward to the inktober thread. its the closest thing i can get to actually drawing with real people
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>like film festivals for movies or lollapalooza for music
The art version of that is burning man. Similar crowds.

There's always October alternatives for various niches anyway, and the lists float around forever. D&D, Vtubers,

even niche fetishes
There's an inktober for vtubers 2024 already?
There was one for 2023, I don't think I have it saved. It didn't list vtubers, moreso was "draw your oshii(s), here's a prompt list"
You should sell that as a sticker

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