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This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware.

Recommended tablets:
>Pen tablets (non display)
Wacom Intuos pro
Huion Inspiroy
Xencelab Pen Tablet
XP Pen Deco 01 v2 / Pro

>Display tablets
Wacom Cintiq pro
Huion Kamvas plus/pro
XP-Pen Artist series
Xencelab Pen display

>Mobile tablets
XP Pen Magic Drawing Pad
Apple iPad Pro (3rd gen for new pen/reduced bezel, 6th gen for hover)
Samsung Galaxy Tab

>What tablets does /dtg/ use?

>General guidelines when picking a tablet:
All of the recommended models are part of large lines with multiple sizes/generations available. Buy the biggest/newest in your budget. Medium-Large pen tablets or 16-24" display tablets are considered the sweet spot by most artists.
If you don't see a tablet you're interested in listed, ask about it. This isn't a definitive list, just one to give you an idea where to start looking.
Wacom is still the industry standard, but they're overpriced and a lot of pros and studios are switching. Chinese brands have caught up in the past few years and will provide a near identical user experience for a fraction of the price.

>Recommended Software:
Clip Studio Paint
Infinite Painter

>Display Calibration tools:

(Use this guide to roughly calibrate your display if you don't want to invest hundreds into a colorimeter you'll only use a few times)
How the fuck do you guys keep your screen clean in the hot summer? My problem isn't cleaning afterwards, it's during. This shit pisses me off on such a level it detracts from my work.
glove + monitor cleaning solution (either buy some or make your own with 1:1 distilled water and isopropyl alcohol)
Any news on Huion Pentech 4 screenless tablets recently?
second general?
someone probably made this to get ahead of the schizo guzzler, good riddance
it's a fingerprint magnet but a dry microfiber cloth cleans it up perfectly (S9 ultra so idk if real tablets are harder to clean)
huge. Thanks for the cleaning solution tip. My dumbass was about to buy some premade off amazon.
china numba wan
Yeah that's all cleaning silution is from what I've read. I got a $1 travel spray bottle at Walmart to put it in and just keep it on my desk.
yeah this is the op with a reasonable unbiased thread cap that actually has some useful links and isn't just blatantly shilling for one brand.
How often do you Zoom on a tablet? I just got one and I'm finding it difficult to navigate around the canvas.
Your hand is probably sweating. Use a glove.
I pretty much have it zoomed in all the time. I only zoom out completely to check the composition and maybe initial sketch.
which is why I don't really think resolution matters that much for a tablet. most artists are zoomed in pretty close and everything will be pixelated anyway
nta I still think you should scale down whatever the thing is when it's finished though. Resolution kinda matters in that way. Most online places will squish it down further when you upload it. Better to have as big as you can for the source.
I should have specified I meant tablet screen resolution, not the drawing's resolution. 1080p, 1440p, 4k, I don't think it matters because most people will draw zoomed enough that they always see pixels regardless.
More screen resolution on your display tablet means more pixels per inch, meaning it's clearer and more detailed regardless. It's be way easier to see fine lines and subtle details, even if they're pixelated from zooming in. Higher resolution means more accurate pen strokes. And there's also more screen real estate for programs and windows and larger canvas and less eye strain.
What brush size do you guys generally use?
for what brush? csp g pen I use 7 for most things
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I just switched from screenless to screen tablet and holy FUCK it feels so much better/natural
thanks for reading my blog
I feel the opposite.
there's absolutely nothing even remotely natural about screenless tablets. you might prefer them, but having the disconnect is inherently unnatural for the art we've made for thousands and thousands of years
Help me bite the bullet.
Tab s9 (demo unit) or the magic drawing pad for roughly the same price
I dunno, I might be weird but it honestly doesn't feel too weird of a disconnect to me. Feels not a lot different than using a mouse for general computer use really.
MDP has a better screen for drawing (coating and size), arguably better pen too
S9 has more horsepower and a better screen for everything else than drawing and longer software support
If the choice came down to those two I'd take the MDP at this point
do you have any kind of cellphone/electronics store near you? the verizon store and bestbuys near me have galaxy tabs on display. could try costco or walmart too.
Personally, unless you need tilt, I would go mdp.
I tried screenless and immediately hated it. I kept trying and was told it "takes some getting used to" but had to dump that crap and get a display. It's like a poorfag cope. Also, did you draw that? Very nice
It does take some getting used to. By the time you do and move to a screenless it's like Goku taking the weights off though.
I really like a screenless because my view isn't obscured by the pen and my hand.
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>Also, did you draw that
nah I just like tanukis
How sketchy should the sketch layer be?
Don't worry, alot of people use pay2win to skip that phase.
screenless is noticeably awful if you have invested hours in trad. The only people I've ever met that are fine with screenless are those who were begs that started with digital and screenless and were molded by using it.
So you started bumping the previous thread again so you could bake?

This is why you're a desperate shill, chinese moron.
Huion is garbage.
Because it's Chinese, right?
No, it's because it's simply a garbage brand.
I can't fucking stand drawing on these things. It's driving me fucking nuts.
How the fuck is anyone supposed to draw on these things?
Doing line work on a tablet, even a screen tablet, is the single most infuriating shit I have ever done in my life. The inks never look good, and the sketches are always fucking mush garbage because your not using an actual pencil. You're using some fucking shitty facsimile of one so nothing ends up looking good.
It's not just me. Look on youtube and every fucking guy is just mushing shit around until it looks good enough or going through some asinine 8 hour process to draw a single fucking tiny retard character.
I fucking hate these damn things.
OP is a known shillbot.
less post makey more meds takey
there's a reason why 90% of pro artists use heavy zoom in and stabilization for good line art, either that or they are ctr-z'ing 100 times especially on pen tablets, the technology just isnt there to replicate the exact feel of paper

digital art leans more towards painters not draftsman
Yeh, you really have to use heavy stabilization. And then it looks obviously digital and not hand done at all.
>not draftsman
What? Do you know how many programs offer stuff like the ability to make totally straight lines and generate perspective?
How is the cintiq 22HD compared to the pro?
used one for 8 months, stopped when my back ached due to long hours of drawing , never had that kind of pain when drawing in trad or using a screenless tablet , might consider getting one again if i find a cheap wacom screen tablet.
real, freaking hard to replicate the lines i can do in trad in digital using a screenless tablet
if only there was some way to raise the tablet...
i actually did use one (just because i use one already on my large intuos pro) and it didnt help at all lol , i placed it on my drafting desk, my stand desk , i even oriented it in portrait mode to simulate my drawing board , it just made my back hurt , read people on reddit having the same issues , some theorized it with pen grip surprisingly, said people bought those fattening pen grips and it aided them with their back problems -
Or maybe your posture is shit and you dont pay any attention to ergonomics lol
Maybe you grip the pen way too hard.
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Using a gamepad for shortcuts improved my drawing posture.
Before I was hunched over keeping my offhand on the screen to do undos, pan/rotate the canvas etc. Now that I have that stuff on the gamepad my off hand can be somewhere comfortable, and I can pan/rotate the canvas wit my drawing hand without having to let go of the pen.
Overall drawing on my iPad has become a lot more comfortable and I feel like I can effectively draw further from the screen.
I just moved from a Wacom Intuos S to an XP Pen pro and It feels like im trying to learn to walk again.
My drawings are x10 worse and having so much shortcuts feels overwhelming. dont get me wrong the tablet is amazing and I dont want to scratch it which makes me draw very slowly and carefully which just kills my lines because its all shaky as hell.
any thoughts that might help me out?
plenty of professional studios are still using old cintiqs to make the stuff you see in TV/film/games, the HD versions are fine
What does a tablet pressure sensitivity curve do? Like, moving it to the left or right, I mean.
Glad that he- >furry art
That's cool, I never would have thought of a video game controller. How customizable is it? How does mapping work?
That's what you get for being scammed you stupid idiot.
XP Pen stuff is pretty bad in terms of build quality like that, yeh. Either use it as a screenless and don't care about scratches so much or crank up the stabilization.
Huion and XP Pen are both poor quality garbage.
See, I actually offered advice. You just shit on it. This board has too many people like you.
No, you're a worthless shill moron. Piss off.
Did you miss the part where I talked about the brand negatively?
unless you are drawing with a razorblade or have a pet cat you will never scratch the etched glass, especially not with the plastic nib. give it a week or two, youll get used to it
the tablet is excellent tho.
Read the post, wacom schizo
Oh, you actually like the way it feels? Ok, up your stabilization and maybe play around with the pressure curve so you aren't pushing as hard. Make sure to rotate your pen so you don't turn it into a chisel. You WILL scratch it at some point. It's just normal wear and tear.
It's garbage, idiot.
Not my art

This particular gamepad (8bitdo micro) has a dedicated "keyboard mode" switch and there's an app that lets you map each button to a keyboard combo. Even the dpad can be configured to separate keys.
drawing sitting down after getting used to standing up and seated on a chair that has no back support for years definitely didn't prepare me for working on a desk- shit sucks
that's why its essential for me to have a Wacom device, i used an xp pen before (deco 01 v1 and star GS something) but the pen of wacom is really fat and nice to hold-idk about the modern models of xp pen now but im hoping there is one that has a thicker pen like wacom's
Anon recommended me last thread and i ordered one, cant wait to use it. Mapping brush size, eyedropper, undo and my brushes to a tiny device in my offhand is going to be a gamechanger.
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>that's why its essential for me to have a Wacom device
every brand has basically an identically shaped pen now and have for the past like 3 years or so.
I rarely look at pen tablet companies after I replaced my deco 1 v1( which was back in 2019 i think), holy crap this is awesome, will look into xp pen since I have experience with them before.
wacom by one isnt recommended?
fuck no
the wacom one is like 10 years behind in tech but costs as much as budget-mid level modern tablets depending on if you get the useless 12" or the slightly less useless 13".
meant one by wacom
The only Wacoms that are recommended are the pro models
No, it's still better than your worthless chinese trash.
Anyone has a Kamvas with touch? For some reason my touch applies to my other monitor and never to the tablet area itself. I couldn't find anything about the touch on the software.
Huion is trash.
What drawing program do you use? There's no onscreen quick wheels or anything like that?
Not what I asked you fucking nigger.
Do you get tired of spouting the same garbage everyday and like not offering any advice?
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Hi Guzzler.
Keep crying, shillbot. Won't change the fact that Huion is garbage.
He does it to inflate the number of posts in the thread to reach bump limit quicker so he can make a new thread when this is at like 270 posts. Just ignore him.
If you draw, MDP easily. The Samsung's suck for light strokes. I had both for awhile and returned the s9 even after buying a Wacom one pen.

Samsung has a better processor so maybe better if you do very high rez textured stuff that would lag out the MDP.

Also the MDP sucks as a day-to-day tablet. Just lots of little jank that adds up to an annoying experience. I still prefer it, but if you use it for stuff other than art more than like.... 40% of the time, I'd reconsider.
I have the mdp and enjoy sketching with it
I don't use it for much else tho
>Also the MDP sucks as a day-to-day tablet
yeah it's pretty shit for normal tablet things. it feels "cheap", like a budget chinkshit tablet. but the drawing experience is unmatched by the premium offerings.

mdp is a drawing tablet that you can also do tablet things with
galaxy tab/ipad are media consumption tablets that you can also draw with
Procreate. There are quick shortcut wheels and I was using them before, but either I use my offhand for em which causes me to hunch over the screen or I use my drawing hand which has better posture but it's slower and awkward.
With the gamepad it's the best of both worlds. I can even map a button to bring up the shortcut wheel.
>The Samsung's suck for light strokes. I had both for awhile and returned the s9 even after buying a Wacom one pen.
You didnt even try to change the pen pressure curve in the software, did you? I did and mine captures light strokes just fine.

You know samsung is literally a wacom cintiq board under the screen, right? You got a nice tablet and returned it because you're retarded. What a waste.
>You know samsung is literally a wacom cintiq board under the screen, right?
no it's not lmao
Youre an easel chad? Just get a vesa monitor arm, you can stand up or sit up straight while you draw. If you have a smaller tablet you can just place it on a table easel.
Sure anon youre correct, its a mystery then why we can use wacom lamy, wacom staedtler norris, and wacom Mr. Pen with the totally not wacom samsung tab
they use a wacom digitizer, that's not the same thing as a wacom cintiq board you dumb cunt. go ahead and try to use your cintiq's pen on a samsung tab and let me know how well it works. It's the same digitizer you'll find on wacom's budget shit like the wacom one.
Wacom one is the same as cintiq, dumbshit. Theyre just different frequencies, same as different cintiq models with non compatible styluses. You know intuos pro and cintiq/wacom one use the same boards too, right? Fucking dunning krugers thinking they know everything.

Do you really think wacom cant make all of the pens compatible if they wanted to? Lmao.
what the fuck schizo shit am I reading?
That's kinda false. Pen tablets and pen displays do not share the same internals. Each model is designed for different purposes. Differences in features like display technology (e.g., screen resolution, type of display) and input processing suggest different hardware architectures. Look for teardowns or disassembly videos/reports from tech reviewers. These often show the internal components and can highlight differences in the boards used. If that was the case, what justifies the price differences?
wacom releases the same product in different shells at different price points but intentionally makes some worse. Beginners will start on the cheapest then wacom gets another sale down the road when they upgrade. but manufacturing costs are cheap because its only one product.
So ALL Wacoms, displays and tablets, are the same thing?
Huion is garbage. Avoid that poor quality trash at all costs.

You are wasting your money.
That was the first thing I did you fucking gorilla hands idiot.
What I don't understand about the guy that's getting weirdly butthurt that you didn't like [brand]'s argument is how would changing pressure curve affect IAF? you can't set the pressure lower than zero.
If you adjust the pressure curve to be flatter near the start (lower pressure levels), the tablet becomes more sensitive to lighter touches. This effectively lowers the IAF, as lighter pressure will start registering earlier. If you make the curve steeper at the beginning, more force is needed to reach the minimum threshold for registering a stroke. This raises the IAF, meaning it will take more pressure before the tablet starts recognizing input.
You can never make it lighter than the physical limitations of the hardware. If your tablet required 30g of force to make a mark, you can make the curve a completely flat line if yoy wanr, it still won't make a mark with 20g of force.
Bro they dont set the default to be the 10g of activation force or whatever that the stylus is capable of. The default setting is 50% between the lightest force and heaviest force the stylus can report. This is why you can make the IAF lower - youre not actually lowering it, youre telling the software to stop limiting the stylus pressure curve. If you want to experience the true maximum sensitivity of activation force just turn it up 100% to soft handed mode.

Different styluses have different pressure levels and IAF btw, since theyre what reports position/tilt/pressure to the tablet, but are never the same bc theyre all built slightly differently. Heres a handful of styluses on the same tablet.
any guides on how to properly set up pen pressure on XP Pen tablets?
i like my cat one
Go ask youtube or google.
Pressure settings are personal preference.
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XP-Pen is garbage.
jfc just go get a job or something nigger, you've been spreading this for years and only boosted their sales.
Again, Huion and XP Pen are poor quality garbage. No amount of desperate shilling from you will change that, worthless little idiot.
How about opinions from multiple people who actually tried them?
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Why are you in denial about your trash products being poor quality?

To anyone reading, avoid Huion and XP Pen at all costs. You will be wasting your money.
Why are you in denial about companies improving their product lines over time?
You keep saying this, idiot. Nothing has changed, your products are still terrible quality. It's the chinese way, keep pushing everything out on the cheap, and save money by never honoring warranty.

Worthless, pathetic idiots. Stop shilling your Huion garbage here.
When did I even shill anything?
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don't bother. Its the guzzler, a schizo whos been spamming this shit almost every day of every week of every month for the last 4 years of his only life on this earth.
He thinks everyone responding to him is one individual, a chinese shill whos job is to sell tablets on a low-traffic Vietnamese sheep fucking forum. Other than the obvious vitriol you can spot him through his limited vocabulary, "idiot", "moron" etc.
What could cause something like this? This man's brain has been permanently rewired to do nothing but seethe about chinese drawing tablets
What would be the best mobile tablet to upgrade from a tab s6 lite? My s6 lite broke and I only have around 300 bucks.The thing is, I would almost entirely use it for just drawing on the go, and my main P.C. setup is a really good P.C. with a kamvas 22 plus.

It’s a shame that if you just want a bigger screen you’re forced into dropping around $1000 for a tablet that’s as powerful as a good computer but can’t even do a fraction of the same things a computer can do. Not to mention how even if you want a base iPad to draw on, apple locks basic features like cursor hover to only the pros.
The FE version I mean.
magic drawing pad is always the answer
MDP is 500 dollarydoos, maybe it'll go down to be closer to anon's budget for black friday THOUGH
is it? I got mine for $375 earlier this year
depends on when and where you're buying but the usual price is 450-500, that's why i'm saying to wait for a sale
from where
I would like to thank anon for recommended me the 8bitdo. It's very small, handy and easy to remap. It's not made for drawing so it's not super ergonomic, but I think it's doing its job just fine. I hold it sideways and use my thumb on the letter buttons. I've mapped brush size and undo to those buttons and the eye dropper to the right trigger so far. Also shift for R2 , which has helped for uniform scaling.
How does anon use his 8bitdo? I would like to know if I'm missing anything.
nta but I use that one for video games. It's pretty ok for that. How's the emulation scene on Apple?
nta but I'm gonna see if I can link up an old Wiimote to mine. I'll get back to you on that.
Thinking about a Samsung tab s6 lite or the mdp. I always get varying impressions of the quality of both so figured I'd ask.
Also do you use a screenprotector on either? I've only ever drawn on paper
XP Pen is garbage.
>Also do you use a screenprotector on either?
One of the big selling points of the mdp is the etched glass screen. Do not use a screen protector.

Samsung tablet is a better tablet, mdp is a better drawing tool.
The S6 Lite is seriously kneecapped by the lethargic RAM so even for most tablet activities the MDP beats it now
>mdp is a better drawing tool.
No, it's poor quality garbage.
>the MDP beats it now
Embarrassing shilling, hong lu
I thought it was shit. Or is that Huion?
What do you guys think about the S7 FE?
Even just for drawing?
depends on the app and how much you wanna multitask during, you'll always be cucked by layers though and everything will constantly be hotswapping in the RAM causing apps to reload every time you tab into them
i've used it for a year and it was pretty painful, i imagine if you actually wanna render your drawings and stuff it would be even worse
How much RAM is actually recommended nowadays, 16?
I'd actually like to know that cuz i have a Wii too.
anything more than 4 is okay, 6 is fine, 8 is good anything more is just great for future proofing
I was able to sync a Wiimote to my Windows PC. Made the PC bluetooth discoverable, pressed the sync button on the remote to pair. The button mapping I'm using now is:

A Button: Select/Activate
B Button: Eraser
Plus Button: Zoom In
Minus Button: Zoom Out
1 Button: Undo
2 Button: Redo
Up: Increase Brush Size
Down: Decrease Brush Size
Left: Previous Tool
Right: Next Tool
Home Button: Open Tool Palette

Adjust the sensitivity of the Wiimote pointer in your app settings for more precise control. Layer management or color selection might be nice too.
Doesn't the FE have an 8GB model?
Technically yes but you'll have a hard time finding anything more than the 4GB version being sold anymore
Is this it or the 4GB version? https://www.amazon.ca/Samsung-Android-Included-Connectivity-Lasting/dp/B0996WCSND/ref=sr_1_2?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.t2Fx3noQHfZ8U0uGnL4mF67thuGzkqSwL7_4QOczI54t5WDSwO0PLQipXgWlkFUQT1Q1gb1D4vf-NHUKHFbtMzCl26qzdsbgQxAQP273f8NbeLW3A9oJDOLD0srERVLixT_7qjzWwFTuetE1dif9JuJWHo3zbM2y07qwZOzIkn9hd4JjUMrJXUGTV4Y8xAHyjr2RuEKMjLpEeq4rOLV7lGv0jI7H7pT_r4Icfo8WgiZoigRKrKtT6vmDBbbGsQenA0uveZnGeNvFyhQmFaX25Qh4WF5TlNlNUVh6r3nWkuE.1LOQzisTnjLDi04P3aobe2Ptz6eEQiqGlub8cUR2s3w&dib_tag=se&keywords=samsung+galaxy+tab+s7+fe&qid=1727010701&sr=8-2 It says it has 8 processors.
Hopefully the Ipad 11th gen (if it comes out next month) will have cursor hover and apple pencil 2 support
Both Huion and XP-Pen are poor quality garbage, and you will get screwed on the warranty.
tha 64gb only came with 4gigs of ram, 128 had 6, 256 had 8 so no that one only has 4
and at these prices you're better off with a magic drawing pad that comes with 8gb ram by default
This one then? https://www.amazon.com/Electronics-Included-Long-Lasting-Powerful-Performance/dp/B0996VW79N
yeah that should be fine
Why the fuck are there So many versions? Like a different model for every $50.
price ladder and samsung likes having a foot in the budget segment with the S6 Lite they've been refreshing for like 4 years now
This happens when you buy random chink bullshit and then make tablets out of it as an afterthought. They clearly have multiple manufacturers making the chassis for these things and they can't even make the color options the same. Only the first two have the same color options.
certified retard post
Has Samsung prevented some models from upgrading the Android version to get you to buy a better one or is that not a thing anymore?
It's a bug, not a feature...
Samsung partners with Wacom and always has. So, Wacom is random chink bullshit?
not only that but nearly every single high quality display in tech right now is made by samsung, even apple's displays are from samsung
guzzler as usual doesn't know what he's talking about
I own a Kamvas Pro 16 and the cursor is always a couple millimeters away from the pen tip. I think it's normal near the edges but it happens in the middle of the screen too. Calibrating doesn't seem to do anything. Is this a thing that every tablet owner has to deal with or should I get a better tablet?
Are there any magnets behind it? Like on your case? That happened to me.
No, there's nothing magnetic around it. There is a small magnet at the bottom of the stand, but it doesn't seem to have much of an impact.
Its your stylus. If theres no way to adjust cursor offset in your driver, just get a new stylus. Or look on youtube for the pen fix which might involve disassembling it.

Its worth talking to support about it, just show a video of the problem right off the bat and itll go faster.
No they stop at the hardware limit now. If there isnt enough ram or a good enough cpu for the version of android and itll make the tablet shit itself thats when they stop updating.

They used to just brick your shit with an update that put your device in a boot loop to make you buy a new one but they got sued for it, so they stopped.
Did you ever drop the pen?
You bought garbage, that's what you get retard.

Lmfao at Chang trying to damage control by suggesting it's magnets >>7308681
What support you stupid idiot? You chinese companies don't actually offer any.
Typical chinaman, blame the customer for experiencing an extremely common issue as a result of cheap manufacturing. You shills are embarrassing.
bitch, xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao
Isn't he tired of doing that? All that time guzzling could've been spent on like, drawing, or something.
He wants to improve himself by tearing others down. Many such cases.
Check the active area in your driver settings, maybe it's not set correct for the screen resolution. I'd had issues like that before on a Wacom.
I don't even have that tablet. I'm just saying that magnets can interfere with the stylus. Please don't be so paranoid. This is not damage control I'm just trying to help.
That's our resident schizo. You can ignore him. He offers nothing of value to this board.
I even had mine resting on my laptop once and that was messing it up.
So are wireless tablets a meme? I'm tired of having so many cables laying through my desk but don't want to introduce noticeable delay or other communication errors.
Kinda. Battery life is bad also.
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>I'm tired of having so many cables laying through my desk but don't want to introduce noticeable delay or other communication errors.
the humble and dependable tablet computer:
Reminder that both Huion and XP-Pen are complete garbage. Never buy that cheaply made garbage. They will never honor the warranty either.
did you try to return a product but couldn't keep your autism from spazzing out in the description of the problem and ended up calling them racial slurs?
There's no need to damage control you stupid idiot. There's an endless stream of bad warranty stories involving your trash products. We already know you're part of the marketing department so it's only natural you want to direct people away from this.
xiao hong shu you stupid bxtch
just stop responding to him holy shit
he's just spamming the same post over and over to increase post count and kill the thread faster.
Ok, this is just spamming now. We can report for that, right?
He doesnt even draw. The only time he showed a screenshot of his browser with a post, one half of the screen was shitposting in this thread and the other half he was watching multiple gay camboy livestreams that he had paid for. I assume that's still all he does all day.
Yeah I decided to get it anyway and it's exceeded my expectations, I thought I was never gonna have a nice large drawing display but it turns out I don't need to spend $1500 on one. Love it so far.
community vendetta and spamming are both reportable, but janitors are tired of dealing with him. he's been banned and had his posts/threads purged dozens of times
Should I wait for the gen3 16 pro for the huion or just buy the 13 inch? I might actually consider it.
Huion is poor quality garbage and will screw you on warranty.
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Don't get a 13". 16 is just so much more usable
Huion isn't usable at all, shill. It's cheaply made rubbish.
I just bought one and its comfy to not have cables apecially since they are short.
but i need to charge it every 2 days or so, its not a big deal.
What enjoyment do you get from torpedoing all the threads on here?
16 is a lot comfier to draw on. The 13 is cramped.

Ive never had an issue with their warranties. Care to tell us your experience with their customer service? Or you can shut up and go back to watching camboys.
Can you use a pen display as a pen tablet if you really wanted to?
They usually have some option to turn off the built in screen in the software, yeh. If not, you could try turning off the display, unplugging it, and plugging it back in.
I might have dropped the pen a couple of times. I'll look into it. I did not suspect that the stylus could be at fault. Worst case scenario I'll buy a new one.
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Has anyone tried both Intuos Pro and Deco Pro Gen 2? I want to know if the latter is actually softer and snappier. I can't stand the lag anymore.
>chinese damage control
There is an endless stream of unfulfilled warranties for your worthless trash. Huion is a dishonest, poor quality garbage brand.
Yeh, that may very well be the case. Those pens are very delicate.

See, you faggot, user error is often more the issue.
s9 ultra or ipad pro
I'd prefer the ultra but apparently the apple pencil doesn't need replacement nibs while the s-pen is rubber
you absolutely do need replacement nibs for the apple pencil if you're going to use a paper-like screen protector, which a lot of people do.
with the s9 ultra you can get different pens that still perform optimally, including the wacom one pen and the staedtler noris jumbo.

either way, just stay far away from chinese trash like xp-pen and huion and you're safe.
I'm not going to use a paperlike screen protector, I'm drawing on a tablet not on paper
put on a trip so I can filter you
this just tells me you're an idiot
You won't be using the S Pen because you'll buy a Wacom One pencil instead with its own tips, elastomer or felt
But then I'd have to order the pen separately and that's 30€ and a week to arrive and order pen tips from ali that would take a month to arrive.
The felt and elastomer nibs come from wacoms official shop and they arrive pretty quickly
I live in a shithole, the only reason the S9 and Ipads are an option is because they're so common even shops here stock them. There's also some Wacom Intuos Pro mediums available and Wacom Ones but no pens. This is all sold through third parties.
Actually the 13" 2024 IPad Air seems to have everything and it's half the price compared to the Pro. Besides Procreate having layer limits is there anything else the Air lacks?
no it even comes with the same itoddler binky and sippy cup as the pro
please point on the doll where the apple pencil touched you
>Besides Procreate having layer limits
Is this not a HUGE limit?
Would you rather you be allowed to make as many as you want and then the program slows to a crawl?
CSP doesn't limit your layers and runs fine with hundreds, why can't heckin epic procreate?
I'll just use another app or merge layers? It's a pretty retarded limit though, especially since the fruit company won't let you pick RAM.
Because Procreate is funded by Apple and they can limit the number of layers to force people to buy new Ipads, just like Apple does with the Pencil.
Have any Appleheads used Sketchbook?
The S9U apparently can have issues with the magnets on the back messing with pen detection. But iPadOS is so shit compared to android... Truly I suffer having so much money to set on fire.
never had any interference from the magnets on my S9U, no matter what pen i use
You're not convincing anyone to buy your garbage Huions.
If I get that one should I instantly try and order another pen like the Wacom ones and replacement nibs? I have the S24U as my phone and the s-pen there is kinda grippy, is it the exact same pen for the tablet?
Who said anything about Huions? Just not Apple shit. More of a status symbol than an actually good product.
afaik they use the same nibs now since at least the S7 or maybe even earlier, my previous S7 FE had the exact same rubbery nib
I think the S-Pen is fine on its own if you don't wanna spend more but the wacom one pen is thicker and more comfortable to me, and I also prefer the felt nibs although all the nibs are interchangeable between all the different pens the tablet supports, even the S-Pen
>More of a status symbol than an actually good product.
Sounds like current wacom
Wacom's top of the line is still very good, it's their lower tier products that are phoned in just for the sake of having something to compete at those price points
apple's top of the line is fine too. they operate on the same business model.
Apple's top of the line is just as consumer-unfriendly as their cheaper models.
Apple's top of the line is even more inexcusable because it has the same planned obsolescence as the cheaper models. I mean, a physical Home button, who does that?
just use pen and paper you lazy gits, you don't need to spend 1k to draw
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please wacom dont make buy an overpriced pen noo
ipads dont have this problem
it's weird how you don't see digital artists randomly go into trad art supply threads and say just buy a tablet.
what does your lack of arthritis medication have to do with shitty pens?
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found out that the eraser side is skipping too
how is this possible? I dont even use that thing
ipads have inherent wobble on diagonals. The problem gets worse the further the pen is from the screen like for example if you use a matte screen protector. it's actually one of the main reasons I sold my ipad and have a magic drawing pad instead.
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I'm also legit contemplating about getting a screen tablet. For the better part of my life I've drawn trad. I've only had a screenless tablet twice in my life. When I was a kid and then now when I'm almost into my 30s. The gap between then and now was mostly just me using trad work.
I'm currently using Wacom One tablet and I fucking hate the way the pen deals with sensitivity.
Fun fact Apple uses Wacom digitizers
Do you even draw? How many tabs of eboys do you have open today? 6? 7?
I have the s9 ultra and I'm enjoying it. You can use any stylus compatible with the wacom one on it. I've been using the Dr. Grip and Staedtler Norris a lot. Also have a magnetic paperlike on top of it sometimes, feels good man.

I've had a galaxy note phone for years and have never had to replace the rubber tip nib on it despite sketching and writing with it a lot. So if youre just using it on the glass, I think it's going to be fine.
If it's just sens issues keeping you and you don't feel uncomfy on your screenless you can try a used intuos 3 for ~$50 over facebook marketplace and ebay to see if you could stick with one before you drop like $500 on the first solid screen tab.
But if you have the cash though why think twice, you very likely won't regret a good screen tablet
You are an embarrassing shillbot. Nobody is buying your poor quality XP Pens, idiot.
wacomsisters, can I use a rubber eraser to remove the texture from an intuos pro without needing to buy a texture sheet? saw a guy online that used fucking sandpaper and it seemed to work
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Best bang for the buck ipad? People like to recommend the air 5, but how far back can I go? Seeing the regular 9th gen going for less than $300 but it uses that stupid first gen pencil.
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My sister gave me an old iPad (7th gen) with an Apple Pencil, I want to try using it as a tablet so I can draw cute anime girls and whatever else comes to mind. I've never used an Apple product before, so what's the best software I can get on it for an absolute beginner?
Try HiPaint. It's like a free but less complete version of Procreate.

Or just buy Procreate off the bat lol.
do pro pens 2 break faster than the cheaper wacom ones?
I am using Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+ and I love the experience and think that it's a far superior tool (I had experience with Wacom One, Cintiq 16 and Intuous Pro) But, I have some problems with lags and screen tearing when I have around 10 layers in CSP. I usually work with 5000x5000 canvas. How can I solve this?
how is it far superior? are you using a keyboard?
I find the pen better also rubbered tip helps with that, also I don't need to fuck with the drivers or calibrating the tablet, everything just works, also I can do zooming, rotating and canceling last actions with touches instead of keybinds
Never had any brand of stylus break on me. The fuck are you guys doing with these things that youre breaking them? Please stop hamfisting the stylus when youre sticking it up your ass.
I guess you just dont use them as much as I do :)
nigger it's a fucking stylus if you use it the nib degrades not the pen itself
they drop it on hard floors constantly. probably doing some gay pen spinning shit instead of drawing.
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Got a shiny new kamvas 16. Is it worth getting a screen protector or nah?
I wouldn't bother with a screen protector
the sensor degrades too
mine's about 5 years old, i never used a screen protector and don't have scratches. always wore the glove but i was pretty rough with it moving between desk & couch twice a day
Any tricks for not having your hand stick to the tablet while you use elbow movements to slowly slide your wrist around? I already have a half-glove but even it sticks to the surface a bit
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Only have your middle finger nail touching the surface and for a higher grip you can extend your pinky finger like a faggot.
I like the Wacom intuos pro
I like the girl reading this :3c
Fug one more barrier on learning digital but it works so ty anon
so the S10 is definitely one of the tablets of all time
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Are there decent ENOUGH (I don't have high standards) cheap alternatives to the Apple Pencil for Ipad, or are they all pure garbage?
150$ is too much for my miserable ass, and Amazon offers me stuff for 10-25, but I dunno if they are complete crap, or would get the job done even if not optimally.
why buy an ipad if you're poor?
Didn't, my mother got it gifted. I got an old second hand Intuos 5 myself, but the portable condition of the Ipad (and being able to see directly what I draw in the screen) is pretty comfortable sometimes and thus why I'm thinking of using it when I'm tired of working in my room and PC.
they all lack pressure which is important, i think it'd be best to just look for second hand apple pencils
Ok, thanks, pal.
what do i do if i lose pen
buy a new tablet, they come with a pen
that's kinda retarded
Are you retarded?
You buy used dumbass
Now this is some serious desperation.
Why are you like this?
Refer to the other thread
You don't need 100 layers.
Are there any good general set up guides for drawing tablets and drawing programs?
I'm sorta comfortable with my setup but I feel like I can't figure out a good setup for pen pressure and could probably use suggestions for better ways to setup my shortcuts
The S pen can take wacom one tips and staedtler noris tips both of which are pretty cheap although neither will exactly match the default S Pen's rubbery tip
I'd recommend just putting the S Pen back in the box and picking up a Wacom One pen, specifically gen1 with the flared tip and white end because the Gen2 pens have messed up pressure
>the apple pencil doesn't need replacement nibs
yes it does.
wait for the S10
this. Had a horrible experience getting NY return.
I didn't lose mine, just wondering
No need when ArtStudio Pro exists
What is the point of infinite painter on the iPad?
Samsung is far better than XP-Shit.
at the high end yes, at the price range where MDP is it shits all over anything samsung has to offer at regular MSRP
How is the wacom one pen better than the staedtler noris jumbo? The latter even comes with an eraser


it's half the price and has a nicer shape, i'm not even sure the staedtler eraser works on samsungs but the side button on the wacom pen is more comfortable to use as an eraser
also afaik the staedtler's pressure response is calibrated more for writing (like the S Pen) whereas the wacom pen is calibrated for drawing specifically
you're not grinding that down unless you install a paperlike screen protector
The eraser works on samsungs

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