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How do I ensure to have max acuracity?

It's tracing to get the proper measures the only realistic approach?
Don't draw with your wrist, use your elbow and shoulder, and increase stabilization to get rid of jittery lines. And yes, trace.
use your elbow and shoulder decrease stabilization and dont trace. idk how you expect to get better at copying something onto paper if you never have to visualise it
eye measures are a worse and more inacurate version of a grid system or tracing systems or ruler systems.
yeah but do you want to do one piece accurately or learn to do everything accurately? gridding and tracing are crutches
I'm talking about drawing from imagination versus usign measures from references.
if you want to draw from imagination youre not going to get much from tracing. you dont get any practice of actually planning proportions or lines or understanding forms from just tracing them
You're fucking pathetic, OP
I'm talking about tracing the landmarks, not just tracing like a child.
Study where the basic landmarks are on the figure. This helps you with proportions when you make poses.
same answer
Ain't nobody got time for a grid system. That's how you burn out if you're just learning. And it's useless if there's foreshorting.
Tracing actually helps a bunch with understanding form and line work.
Doesn't matter how many imagination work you make.

You'll always get wrong measures unless you use a way to compare to a reference.

My issue isn't drawing from imagination, but the fact there's always some wrong measure unless I basically use a system to copy the measures from a 3D or photo reference.
>but the fact there's always some wrong measure unless I basically use a system to copy the measures from a 3D or photo reference.
this is because you dont practice enough
>I basically use a system
Is the system.
Been years drawing from imagination.

That's not the issue.
The issue is acuracity of proportions and body landmarks.

Drawing without a reference to double check always has some inacuracities.
>accuracy of proportions
Useless to strive for unless you're doing photorealism, the most autistic of the art styles.
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ok, retard.

Draw me from imagination a 2.86 cm vs 5.97 cm square and get it perfect without using a measuring sytem.
>Drawing without a reference to double check always has some inacuracities.
idk what to say other than practice more lol. this shouldnt be an issue for you after a while of drawing. if you trace a lot that might be why. study proportion more, and having issues with body landmarks is a really confusingly beginner issue. im not trying to crab but id have to assume you trace a lot in order to not be able to map out basic landmarks
>also why do you say acuricity instead of accuracy

Draw me two persons with a height diference of 20.8 cm, and get it perfect.
>Drawing without a reference to double check always has some inaccuracies.
This is because you don't practice enough or you're practising wrong somehow and haven't built up a memory bank. You think pros map out all the construction lines whenever they draw a face? No, they just draw the features because they've done it so many times before and have a feel for the way the proportions should be. I'm not saying reference is bad, not at all, but you shouldn't need it every time you draw.
>Draw me from imagination a 2.86 cm vs 5.97 cm square and get it perfect without using a measuring sytem.
if found your issue anon, just use imperial
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Draw me a bunch of poles in a background in foreshortening at 30cm, 2meters, 15 meters and 45 meters.

Or all being 2mts tall, next to a box of 80 cm in a distance of 10 meters.

Do that from imagination.
doesn't matter what measure you use, you will need a measuring system.

Why would I need to? What kind of autist breaks down art into such technicalities? If you approaching drawing, something that is supposed to be fun, with such strictness you'll abandon it quickly.

Also I like how you went on a rant about accuracy and posted a picture of Stimpy.
Nigger, measures are important if you're trying to do stuff like industrial stuff, arch vis, blueprints, technical drawing.

There's a reason why shitters never improve seriously.
>get it perfect
Why does it need to be a perfect measurement? Honest question. Because you asked? That's not a good enough reason.
you say this like its impossible lmao. have you ever drawn landscapes and scenes with people? have you ever drawn heavy perspective? thinking this is an insane issue is going to hold you back, literally no one past low/int struggles with sizing things. if you really need to just use a ruler
because I want to improve and stop drawing le waifu from imagination with wrong measures.

perspective uses a diagonal measuring system.

I am talking drawing from imagination without a reference.
You can't do accuracity measures from imagination work.
I like how the OP is instead of accepting criticism about practicing more is demanding super specific standards that no one in the real world would ever demand.
How do you draw from imagination and get proper measures without a measuring system?
>You can't do accuracity measures from imagination work.
yes you can lmao i dont know how to explain this to you other than its an issue of you being unpracticed
You can actually draw waifus while still adhering to proper proportion.

draw me from imagination a square of 4.9 cm vs 2.5 cm and puit it 10 cm behind with a sphere of 15.8 cm.

do it from imagination, without using photo reference to check or without any type of measure system like perspective grids.

I want to stop being le anime shitter drawing cartoon porn of little girls.
absolute STATE of stemcel spergs
do from imagination a cube and sphere and show me the matematical measures without a reference.

do it.
Why would I need to do something specific like that from imagination when I can just use a ruler? Technical stuff like that you just use a ruler.
that's my point retard.

You have to use a measuring system.
You can't do it from imagination work using your eye.
1 perspective study would solve all of your perceived problems
you need to use reference to double check is correct.
>>7302936 is the measuring system? I honestly don't understand what you're not getting. It doesn't need to be super technically precise because bodies are not super technically precise. Especially anime ones.
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that's just a diferent measuring system.

It simply uses half and thirds, but is just a proportional measuring system.
You never need to draw a totally perfect sphere unless you draw a sports ball or something like that. Why do you need to determine like the exact center of the circle and the radius and all that? You don't even see the inside.
OP is going to legit have an aneurysm if he ever gets to 3 point perspective.
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how do you draw a girl using a bike or riding a car without having a measure system to measure the girl vs the objects she is interacting with?

How do you measure a girl playing with two dogs of diferent breeds without a measuring system?
OP, can you visualize an apple in your head?
can you draw from imagination two horse breeds with diferent sizes and get it correct without using a photo reference or getting the measure data in a tablet?
>how do you draw relative size
sub 90?
and can you prove the measures are correct, using some logical argument instead of trust me bro?
Then what's the problem? You mentally make a note of that system and estimate where things line up when something is bent in 3D space. It's not like people always bend an elbow at 37 degrees or something like that.
you use perspective. are you actually a beg? this thread is so retarded it is indistinguishable from bait
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tell me the size of her head using your eyes and without using a measure system, and tell me her exact measures of her and the table.

Without using a measuring system.

Tell me the exact size of her beer cup, using your eyes.

Not possible.
You don't? You just eyeball it? There is not one standard size of bike and dog and girl. These things will always be relative and you adjust based on what looks best for the picture. Are you just trolling?
perspective is a measure system, retard.

Also, perspective is mostly a guess work unless you use a grid unit system to measure.

eyeball always is inacurate.

try to eye ball her beer cup and tell me the exact cm dimentions.
Roughly, yes, because I've studied the skeletal and musculature system of a horse.
Ok, you must be trolling.
>Also, perspective is mostly a guess work unless you use a grid unit system to measure.
ok anon im like 90% sure youre clinically retarded you might want to get tested
and can you eye ball measure every object and animal and plant and object that exist in the world?

Can you eye ball measure every horse that exist?
Can you eye ball every dog,cat, parrot, chicken breed?

Can you eye ball the measures of the top 500 flower species?
Why? You honestly don't need to.
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tell me the proportions and measures of this bird.

Learning human proportions wont mean shit when you draw non humans.
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tell me the exact measures of this shoe.
You're an idiot. There is not one standard size of bird.
tell me the measures of this bottle, using your eyes.

that's my point retard.

you can't eye ball that shit.
>Learning human proportions wont mean shit when you draw non humans.
learn the proportions of animals then? what is rattling around in your cranium in place of a brain
>tell me the proportions and measures of this bird.
ok are you talking about knowing the exact size of a bird? what does this have to do with drawing it accurately in comparison to other things? it has no bearing on a one subject piece how large or small something is. if youre talking about struggling to accurately drawi a bird youre just a beg trying to argue out of practicing more
You can if you've studied enough birds. You start to remember what birds look like.
It's imporant, because what If I want to draw a girl playing with 15 diferent species of birds.

How do I ge the proper proportions?

You can't simply eye ball that shit.

What if I am a client and suddently changed from birds to cats, or dog breeds, or horses, or fishes?

Or some animal you've never studied?
>You can't simply eye ball that shit.
yes you can? what the fuck are you talking about? you cant accurately draw multiple objects to measure? are you looking at two birds bewildered as to whether theyre bigger than one another? do you lack depth perception? are you 10 and have yet to develop the mental capabilities to understand 2d depictions of 3d objects? i have no idea what advice to give to you youre either in unprecedented denial or actually retarded
you're still using an unit system, fucking imbecile.

My point is that your eye will always measure some things improperly.

You cant be 100% sure your 10 boxes are measuring the same distance.

fuck off cris
>you're still using an unit system, fucking imbecile.
no? you can do this mentally, youre actually braindead
why is everyone feeding cris
draw me 10 boxes where they have a 99% acuracity rate of having the same pixel measures using your eye and mind.

One bird's skeletal and muscle system is roughly similar to another's, depending on age. That's why you have to have a basic knowledge of those to understand proportion. It doesn't need to be exact because there IS no exact.
what if the client suddenly switched to something you haven't studied previously.
>Or some animal you've never studied?
Ok, well, that is when you break out the reference.
that's what I am trying to get you to understand.

You need to double check with a photo reference.
Why do I need to do that from imagination? If something demands that level of accuracy I use a ruler.
my point is that eyeball system from imagination is inacurate and you need to double check with the reference to ensure the measures are correct.
All skeletons and muscle groups are basically the same. This is why you need some knowledge of anatomy. Someone post that picture that shows that animal legs are basically elongated human hands.
Ok, but even that you eyeball. You don't painstakingly measure all the distances and ratios when you compare unless you're going for photorealism.
What if I want to draw a machine like a washing mashine motor or a person fixing a bike, or a carpenter working with his tool box?

Not possible to relly on imagination for every possible animal, plant and object that exist on the planet.

You still have to use a photo reference to double check measures.
You don't though, unless it's something you've never drawn before. Depending on the complexity, I mean. All cups are basically the same shape I mean, stuff like that.
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Draw me an animal girl holding a VIVE 100.

Pretty sure you have no clue what's that.
>Tracer struggling with proportion and accuracy and malding over it saying it’s impossible without external help
They made ai for those who need training wheels this badly
You keep moving the goalposts. What is your question again? You started with something about proportion, then super specific measurements, now you're on references.
That you can't relly on imagination measures and you need to double check with a reference from 3D or photo or video reference or master works.
What kind of animal girl?

>VIVE 100
An energy drink from Mexico? Ok, that explains it.
what if I made up a brand, or I request the measures from a biblical temple that there's not photo reference?

There's a lot of situations where you need to have a measuring system.

You can't eye ball a biblical temple from imagination and expect it has the same measures as the text.
For some things, yes. Complex machinery or a vehicle or something you've never seen before. But you seem to think muscle memory and drawing completely from imagination is not a thing.
Not possible to relly on imagination measures, because they are too volatile.

You can't double check imagination measures and expect they to be correct.
Math-brained retards are so fucking stupid, holy shit. Just give up on drawing.
missing my point.

Been drawing from imagination all my life.

Not possible to get accurate measurements from imagination.
Why do you need accurate measurements from imagination? Also, that seems kinda obvious. Real 1 + 1 = 2 stuff.
That's what I am trying to discuss.

I had to give up on the idea of doing 100% drawings from imagination, because is not possible to get proper measures and the drawing will always have something off.
So it's more a fact that you don't like it because it's not perfect?

Ok, yeh, honestly, seriously, give up on drawing. You're not cut out for it.

It's more being dissapointed I have to relly on copying a reference if I don't want it to look like cartoon/tumblr shit.
You seem to think something is shit or it's perfect, no inbetween. There is.
I don't want to draw like an average pixiv shitter.
Then practice more. Draw circles and tubes a lot and you get really good at it.
I've been drawing since 2005.

Again, not amount of practice will make you draw from imagination with the same accuracity from using a reference.
How are you gonna check the measurements on a fictional character like Bugs Bunny?
head proportions.
end your life, cris, you talentless spic
what if I have a small intuos wacom, there isnt much space to use the elbow and shoulder

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