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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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are "AI artists" even real artists?
No, it's more like programming if anything. You need to learn complex lingo. Still good for concept stuff though.
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We are not. But normies don’t care, and more importantly we no longer have to pay you for our porn.
Side note: a hundred years from now the only art movement people will be studying from the 10s and 20s will be basedjaks, by the way
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well they sure describe themselves as "AI Artists" on instagram and so on. wonder if they make any dosh that way.
gay furry degenerate artists are pretty much out of business because of AI. glad i havent sold my soul when times were rough to me
That looks really uncanny valley.
no, i think the only thing you could argue is whether or not the program is an artist. the proompter is essentially a commissioner
she has no intestines
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A year ago you were laughing at sloppers. Now you’re angry at them. A year from now you will be a slopper yourself.
>another /ic/ doesn't know jack shit about AI thread
Please, get new material. I tire.
I'd rather take this and draw it. Because that takes skill. How much did you influence the AI to make that other than "Poison Ivy, standing, huge boobs"?
i dont condition the word depending on the medium i use. i just call myself an artist full stop desu
the collar bone lmao
if theres intent yes its art.

all disciplines are about abstracting ideas from the real world.
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>AI sloppers get uppity
get a job
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>hehe artist are le bad and ai le good are u mad yet are u trolled yet r u baited yet r u trolled yet wow ur so angry
If you want to make pornfags or artists mad, that's not how you do it. It is merely annoying until everyone can simply ignore you but all you're doing is shitting up threads like a bot.
>all you're doing is shitting up threads like a bot.
anon this is a thread about AI
>all disciplines are about abstracting ideas from the real world.
so does Neitzsche said
> out of business because of AI
is that true though?
nb4 "you're all tripfag"
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It isn't an excuse to post like a bot.
would you pay 100$ for drawfag to make a comission or do it yourself/give 5$ to pajeet to make it in AI for you?
>repeats the same two year old cope
>calls anon a bot
the collar bones lmfao
AIshitters are the same type of people who complain about companies fucking them over and taking their money for less than mediocre product.
i mean i draw my own porn and have never commissioned, but im not really seeing the loss of business you are implying.
PYG (post your gen)
I think this is only really a concern for people that deal with words.
These threads are unfun and mind numbing because not only are they attempts to farm drama, but any response is not even an attempt to be funny but just spam insults and porn.
I have a dream that one day /ic/ will have a reasonable AI general
Figures that the type of person into AI art would be just a coomer.
We had them, until tripfag showed up and got btfo to hell and back and could do nothing but lie and using chatgpt to spam threads.
Not always. It's also heavily autistic low IQs who happen to consider themselves genderfluid.
> basedjak
You could have saved a lot of time by saying you were a retarded faggot.
>until tripfag showed up and got btfo to hell and back
any quick links to him being obtuse and derailing an otherwise reasonable thread? sorry i wasnt here for that i think
but based on your reply to that other anon, i have a feeling that you may not be apt to have any sort of reasonable discussion about the artistic aspects of it.
op here, i made last a thread here like a year ago
if it was the same kind of bait OP as this one then i dont think you can say you are trying to foster reasonable discussion kek
I'd say it depends on how deep you dive in. If you're just prompting then no, it's the equivalent of somebody describing to an artist what they want.

If you get into inpainting, controlnets, and start looking at how to manipulate the style and concepts, then to an extent. It's like you're a co-artist, though wether you are the main artist or just the intern is how much you leave up to the ai.

In the end, does it matter? Not really. It's a new tool and it's one that companies are going to move over to. If you want to be competitive from a business perspective or like it more than the process of creating art traditionally, go for it. Personally I got insanely into AI art for a bit, but found that there was a certain aspect of drawing it myself that I sorely missed. It's freeing in a way though because it got me out of the trap of constantly trying to git gud or draw better than others. Now I just draw for the love of drawing and embrace the more abstract elements of creation. I'm more focused on interpreting the things I see in my imagination or in life in a way that I enjoy and in a personal way than in some way to get likes or to eventually use in a portfolio.
>well they sure describe themselves as "AI Artists" on instagram and so on
I don't care what they call themselves, they aren't.
im more intesrested what people have to say, just amusing myself with "AI artists". and youre the only person derailing discussion for some reason
how long until you move on to more modern talking points instead of harping on the same ol "its not real art" cope
>youre the only person derailing
fuck off back to /b/
im not a coomer nor do i think im a woman
>yes you are and yes you do
>are "AI artists" even real artists?
Even furfags reject them like picrel.
>If you want to be competitive from a business perspective

Well, I say that but realistically I'm sure people who can really bring out all the functions with SD will still make pennies on the dime. Perhaps there will be a place for hybrid artists who can take advantage of controlnets and manually fixing errors, but I'm not sure. I think people who know how to create full on models will probably be in the most demand, but only until that becomes streamlined.

I know Epic is already using AI to gen fortnite skins and not even bothering with the cleanup.
degen artists probably got butthurt and bombed it
Sure, why not, artist as a lavel barely has a meaning nowadays. Ever since the avant-garde movement there's little reason to "gatekeep" being an artist, unless you try to actively sound like someone without an ounce of education in art history.
Oh yeah, if we are talking modern art then it's definitely art. Hell, there's more thought that goes into most basic gens then a woman smearing herself in period blood and smearing her body on a canvas.
>furfags are valid and their opinions matter
mokay anonie
Pretty much. There's still plenty of creative ways to use AI that aren't just generating a picture and uploading it. I haven't really stopped to experiment besides doing a couple images for fun but I can see myself asking AI to give me interesting textures or pictures to photobash into something new, it sounds like a fun thing to do.
Try controlnet if you get the chance, particularly scribble. It's like having a lackey artist to finish your art for you in whatever rendering style you'd like
Buy an ad sirs.
I enjoy turning parameters past their "breaking point" to sort of exploit what makes AI unique from other mediums. Crank up that CFG or throw it into SDUlimateUpscale but crunch the tile size down below what the model was trained for. So many avenues outside of photobashing or controlnet (not that those aren't interesting thoever)
I don't think ai sharters have the desire to create like actual artist do, but rather they just want the flair that being an artist gives.
>are "AI artists" even real artists?
Define what a "real artist" is first. People get bent out of shape over having this label applied to them, but most of these judgments are worth less than zero and serve little more than to preserve overblown egos.
what flair, anon?
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>what flair, anon?
no idea im traditional artist. try to image search author and ask him personally
I think there's a real draw to being able to instantly get to the end result and have it be in the style and skill level that you want. The weird thing is that I wonder how many artists, like myself, would eventually realize that that isn't what they wanted in the end.

I worked so hard for years to git gud, more or less made it (at least to the point where I had regular commissions and gigs), then jumped at the chance to get into AI considering it's just the end product with none of the work if you know what you're doing. Problem is that, at least for myself, it highlighted that at some point along the journey I became so obsessed with gitting gud and the end result that I left behind the whole "fun" and "self expression" aspect. I was so hellbent on drawing in a professional way and in the popular styles, that it genuinely became a slog. Then AI comes along and can do all of what you want it to in the popular styles in a matter of seconds. For a while it's a fun novelty, but I think some artists will find it hollow. Now if you are somebody that only cares for the end product and getting more of what you want than the act of creating, I think it's perfect for that kind of person. Or if you delve into the tools and have fun mixing your art with others, still neat. But for people like me, it can't quite capture the abstraction, styles, or basically, the exact way you'd create something if you'd just let go of all preconceived notions and expectations of proper or good art. It's annoying because the whole thing sounds super pretentious, but after drawing for 10 years and using AI for 3, that's the conclusion I've come to.
You're an undiscerning retard and that's all you've ever been and will be, AI or not
For anyone who actually cares about their art AI will never be able to create anything even close to what the artist wanted
Bitter artist here, if you haven't spent 10,000 hours drawing, you can't be called an artist. AIfags can just plop words and shit out rendered masterpieces, that would take me hours to do the equivalent-but you arent an artist.
define "create"
NTA but skill issue
sure, and bruce jenner calls himself a woman
It's best not to humor him. He probably watched a 5 minute youtube video of some artist "breaking down" what AI is and just gave some knee-jerk reaction.
>It appears that my superiority has led to some controversy.
Threadly reminder that shadiversity is a little bitch jealous of his artist brother
>Complex lingo
Nigger, no, absolutely no, yes I do agree that it's similar to programming than it is to make actual art, but if you think stringing a few words together is anything remotely like real programming then you should ki- I mean, you should learn programming
This seems predicated on the idea that one cannot find enjoyment from tweaking their workflow (or code for that matter) to arrive at something they find pleasing. How much different is that to figuring out how to draw anatomy? Outside of the literal, obviously.
>it can't quite capture the abstraction, styles, or
The newest model has gotten quite good at styles (if you know how to train it) but I agree that it can always get better. I suppose the abstraction I find myself in is a different kind to that of traditional art. Perhaps there's no point in trying to convince the ones who feel it's hollow that it doesn't always have to be.
>he thinks the only thing you can change is the prompt
Smells like late 2021 to early 2022 in here
What happened now that got the AI trannies uppity? This is obviously coordinated.
Fuck off back to your board, fa/g/got.
(you) samefag kek
I think the thing it comes down to is:
>which approach do you enjoy the most and derive the most satisfaction out of
>how important is abstraction, self expression, and the specific way YOU see things and portray them

You'll notice that when I talked about abstraction and styles I specifically said it in the context of the way you'd personally create them. AI can only create what it knows though you can mix and match certain things (artist prompts/loras) to get some wild variation. Still, it at this point cannot translate exactly how you'd draw something into a gen. It may get close and that may be good enough for you, but it'll never be exact... which is again why it took the pressure of skill and professionalism away from me. I can more focus on just the joys of creating something I want in the way I want it when I draw now. I don't have some invisible skill ceiling I have to hit because with AI those professional ceilings are shattered in seconds which allows me to instead focus on the more enjoyable aspects of art and progressing at a more casual and natural pace simply because I want to rather than the need to. If I wanted to draw like another artist who's way ahead of me, why not just use ai? Drawing like myself though, that's where the traditional approach still matters... for now anyways.
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It’s easy to criticize, but you can’t do better. Good artists don’t care about slop because their art is better. Your art is below slop, and you spend so much time crying over slop when you could be improving your skills
Do you can laugh at the collar bones but you know damn well that my slop gets more clicks than your /beg/ character study
>I think there's a real draw to being able to instantly get to the end result and have it be in the style and skill level that you want.

As shown here >>7303349 the people using this technology lack the discernment even to be able to judge the "skill level" of a work of art. It has never yet produced anything remotely close to the level of a Bouguereau, or the work of any other great artist. Those who know, know. It takes years to develop taste and judgment in these matters, and one has to love art and be curious enough to want to know everything about it. What we have here are sub-room temperature IQ dickbrains *believing* they are getting their fetish porn as if from the hands of Bouguereau, when they are really getting some uncanny amalgam that could not have been the product of human hands or a human brain. It is a photo but not quite, a painting but not quite; the anatomy exhibits mistakes that would never be made by an artist who could carry off the rest of the image. In spite of the naked flesh, it is not pleasurable to look at this image.
Here is a song about you and your "clicks":
and who is that
and who the hell is bruce jenner
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Again, these pajeet ruining /ic
yes its jews and masonry coming to get you
I respect your stance, as you said it comes down to one's own feelings and desires. The only thing I'd add to
>AI can only create what it knows
Is that you can do something like what >>7303342 alludes to - that is "circuit bending" the AI to force it to output things wildly outside what it was trained on. Sure, it's likely something that'll mainly appeal to AI bros, but it speaks to one's ability to lean into aspects that are entirely unique to AI. For example, Holly Herndon recently shared a few images where she does not shy away from the errors that AI typically falls into (repeated objects, incoherent anatomy, etc.) She even goes as far as to show off blatant CFG artifacts that are in no way present in the training data but are a consequence of "using AI wrong" if that makes sense.
I agree that it's not in any way shape or form the same as traditional, nor would I try and say you have the same /kind/ of control, but I think many are mesmerized with outputting images that can be mistaken as not AI when, in fact, it's much more interesting if you play into what separates AI from trad.
>*believing* they are getting their fetish porn as if from the hands of Bouguereau,
Who said that?
Meant to quote >>7303402 as well
>are really getting some uncanny
im Polak you schizo, how insecure can you get
>if you play into what separates AI from trad.

That's pretty much why I still play around with it, though it's more for the novelty from a personal standpoint. Having used it since it's inception and seeing it grow it's nice to be at the point where I can finally approach it and traditional art from completely different angles. Still, they simply don't serve the same purpose for me and I'd say I get much more enjoyment out of traditional art for the reasons I listed earlier, though that's a personal thing. I just wish there were more people to discuss it with in good faith, I've gotten to the point where I just ignore the people looking to fight. I think it's a super interesting topic and it'll be interesting to see how it evolves, but I do think it definitely changed the end goal for creating art traditionally for some (ie:me) and it has made art a much more relaxing and fulfilling experience. I'm no longer trying to be something I'm not when I draw, because if I was I'd rather just use AI. It's much more fun to just draw in the way only I can, imperfections and all (again, sounds very pretentious).
OP here, posting living example. thing is those works are not bad at all - guess he took minimum effort to correct AI's mistakes
i enjoy the process of creation while it seems you just generate slop for the hollow approval of coomers, i hope you can find some way to monetize it so something useful will have come out of your wasted life.
>(again, sounds very pretentious).
I think it's an incredibly refreshing take compared to most of the discussion about it I see on this board.
>I just wish there were more people to discuss it with in good faith
I have a dream...
>I'm no longer trying to be something I'm not when I draw, because if I was I'd rather just use AI.
Did you find that your trad works changed literally or was it just your perception/intention/process of the whole ordeal? I find that part really interesting, it's not something I've heard others say.
>shitting up threads like a bot.
so the average 4chan troll since 2004?
Little bit of both. I'm an old /ic/ guy who's just passing through again, but things used to be a lot more brutal here. It was a strain of constantly and desperately trying to improve, posting your art, being absolutely torn to shreds, then trying again. Eventually you're looking at better artists, suffering to draw better than you can to get to that next threshold. Eventually you become equal to or surpass them, you still aren't happy, drawing is a pain, and you aim higher thinking if you can just be as good as the next step you'll finally be happy with your art... so you repeat the process over and over longing for the skill but never just enjoying where your at and all the while you are learning to draw like all these other people with their techniques and never really drawing like yourself. You're losing your own approach and vision, or again, at least I was. My art has become a lot more abstract and my approach is infinitely more relaxed. Looking back I even wonder how many of the foundational skills one would need to know before jumping in. Sure you need to build on a solid foundation, but if you just drew a ton for the love of drawing and did life drawing, would you develop an even more unique approach or Eventually just rediscover those foundational skills but take the long way around?

But those are just my current musings. Either way SD was very freeing for me in a lot of ways and especially in realizing that gaining that ultimate skill or drawing like others would have been a horrible dead end to hit.
Also, as a weird aside. When I was getting deep into SD I eventually started training loras on worse and worse art to capture a weird "soul" factor I was longing for when in reality I just wanted to go back to drawing.. still got some neat gens from that though
>I'm an old /ic/
op here, me too. theres no point of coming here if youre getting from bad to medicore - crabs gonna grab you no matter what
Can't help but notice none of you accomplished /ic/ oldheads have managed to post any of your actual work yet, isn't that weird haha
they are being ignored, either that or people tell me to stop attention whoring and posting my works again
NTA but considering the amount of curryspam on other boards is this another case of poos law.
Honestly say something bad about india
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>training loras on worse and worse art to capture a weird "soul" factor
It is an incredible shame that most model makers prefer the airbrushed sovless corpo art styles. Thankfully there are a few like yourself who realize making """bad""" art with AI is supreme kino.
Again, I feel that leaning into what makes AI unique (and in turn, looking like bad art but in a different way to that of trad) is the path forward. Anyway, the newest model, Flux, is SOTA for mimicking artstyles. Something like picrel that another anon posted the other day - but I'm sure you can extrapolate what one can accomplish.
I don't care. It's some of the better AI discussion anyway.
You haven't asked.
Just did, chop chop
People saying "post your art!" Never have good intentions.
Oh yes pat eachother on the back, the meanie doodoo head just wants to bring us successful entrepreneurs down, mmm come here lemme get a whiff of that ass gas again baby oh yeah now you
This board is dedicated to people's art. Look at the examples.
what would an /ic/ AI general be called? no troll replies please
Precious little actual art has been posted ITT so far
Old sketchy oekaki art with varying styles was what I was after. That and super Soulful old vidya ads. It'll be neat to see what all Flux ends up being able to do. I know it's got some serious hype behind it.

One thing I'm waiting on is a way to get a consistent light source and shading between gens. I really want to do a controlnet based animation using traditional animation techniques, but there's still a bit too much variance between gens to get it just how I'd like it even though the PONYXL models are much better with consistency and prompt adherence.
Man, that's some old fashioned salt right there.
its worst country on Earth, i have more respect for Africans
It just be image dumps /g/ gets since it only invites reposts or other shit and spam as far I could tell even looking at this thread.
>what is there to critique if most just spam out stuff
>could even repost other stuff and it's not like most even give a shit
You could easily filter the thread. I'm sure there would be plenty of anons spamming in only good faith. Surely you wouldn't spam because you hate AI, right? Also, I don't care, it would die down after awhile. Also, is that any different to the numerous "spam art you like" threads already present?
>It just be
Better question, are "AI artists" even real?
well at least that helps confirm. Not sure why but pajeets on /pol/ started spam attacking everyone yesterday.
like baby flailing about having tantrum, worse part too they unironically made "jeet" = winner threads
dropout general
Yeah, that's pretty much why I stopped coming here back in the day. More often than not it got to the point where people would only be interested in seeing your art in the middle of an argument. It really messes with your perception. I got gud enough to be successful but as I said in the previous posts, success doesn't really bring happiness, joy, and only fleeting satisfaction.
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its just low IQ in action
/ic/ is such a bad learning experience for drawing it's driving people to use AI instead. I hope you're all proud of yourselves for what you've let this place become
Considering the amount of larp that goes on with AIniggers I'm not sure why you believe people would be accepting of y'all.
Especially too since other boards AI threads are just image dumps any nigga can make it reach bump limit spaming AI shit
I'm pretty sure this was always known as the crab board. What are expecting
rephrase your reply in the white mans english and perhaps i will respond
i think its laziness and wanting to get cheap prize quickly
its slav world and youre only living in it Timmy
> doesn't deny being a faggot or tranny
> "it's toooo hard!"
How did you survive to adulthood?
he did right here >>7303293
so just regular /ic/?
thats what i was implying
>im a pajeet insecure and project in others my schizo trauma
>all AI generals are just image dumps
Not the good ones and no I will not tell you which
Yes, but since art follows the laws of both market economics and LTOV, they are terrible ones.
Dude can't even see the glaring anatomical mistakes. Even if you did you couldn't even change it in the first place.
Yet you feel entitled to compete against real artists using tools made to replace them. Tools trained on our work. Work that took us decades to perfect. Tools made for the purpose of generating revenue for megacorporations and at the same time destroying future prospects for millions of real artists.
You can act smug all you want but you're nothing more than a pawn in another mans game and you're too ignorant/ stupid to realize it.
Artists look down on you, normies don't even respect you. The whole world sees right through your bullshit. You posess some of the worst human qualities. Entitlement, arrogance, laziness, spite.. The list goes on and on..
No wonder you overcompensate. Because deep down you know you're a piece of shit. And everyone else does too.
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AIrtists rights are human rights
Since when did AIniggas care about "human rights"
google you lazy ai nigger
i enjoy this picture.
is that shad's oc kek
you just described ALL OF 4CHAN!!!
I think so, skillfully prompting pictures with loras or whatever you created could be its own branch of art. Like making macaroni art, or music with differently filled cups, or anything else you can imagine. Anyone is allowed to do anything to express themselves artistically. But it has nothing to do with drawing or painting, just like photographers will not say they painted something they took a picture off. There is an understanding that the person set up the shot and took the picture with consideration for composition and stuff. We know its a photograph.

AI seems to have this half-and-half thing where people want us to be impressed but also believe they basically drew it.
What is the best free ai generator in 2012?
Permabeg 2.0 by AI FuckOff
/aids/ , d -draw, s -soulless/software/slop
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I love completely buck broken /ic/ is over AI.
What stage are we at right now? Is this bargaining?

also assuming you didn't know this was AI. How would know if a human drew this?
i know your coombrain can't see anything past boobs and pussy, but wtf wrong with her shoulder and her eyes and wtf going on with those reflections on her tights?
Somewhere between bargaining and depression. That model is absolute shit btw, pure slop
NTA but honestly, I've seen regular human artists fuck anatomy up way more with hardly anyone being that critical. It seems like an analogy with any other process where, no matter how badly humans perform, even the slightest error made by a machine will be treated as evidence that it's inferior.
You are a retard if you think that the way a human fucks up anatomy is the same way AI fucks up anatomy. A human would know that hair would not melt shoulder the way it did in that pic, a poor artist might not see that they drew eyes differently sizes, but there is no reason for a rendermonkey to leave eye bleeding the way AI did, a human would not draw in weird hair-like shapes into highlights for no reason.

>even the slightest error made by a machine will be treated as evidence that it's inferior
An evidence of scam. Machine doesn't know what it "draws"
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>AIggers come to /ic/
>spam their slop and attempt to ragebait
>"y-you guys are so mad haha! Rent free! Rent free! You guys sure do think about us a lot, r-right? Right?!"
YWNBAA, AItranny
>gay furry degenerate artists are pretty much out of business because of AI
simply not true
Now generate Zelda and Link kissing while engaging in the mating press.
You can't, because AI completely shits the bed on interactions between multiple people; which is probably the most popular type of art out there.
>its just the mathematical average of all the real art it was trained on!
Okay, explain.
i agree with you and im trad artist, not even digital one. you should post normal art saying its AI made and AI saying its human made and they would bitch anyway
>People trying to have serious discussions
>anti-ai copers rush in bloohooing and trying to start fights
>I-I'm not mad!!!

how do you prevail in these hard times?
no, next question
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>"People trying to have serious discussions"
Those discussions: Everyone making fun of the one delusional retard itt shitting out slop that thinks he's an artist.
Post your hand drawn work
they aren’t but i have no problem with ai art. it’s going to force people to get better and tell better stories ultimately, and those who have made a living over vapid 1girl pin ups or fat love live girl with self harm scars or coomers drawing the same three poses over and over will get fucked (based!)
>and those who have made a living over vapid 1girl pin ups or fat love live girl with self harm scars or coomers drawing the same three poses over and over will get fucked (based!)
agreed, it had to end at some point. shit was awful and always got more attention than it deserved
That's exactly how to get you faggots mad though, that's why you're so fucking mad about it
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Until AI can make cool stuff like this, ai sucks
This is fucking dope and I couldn't give two shits if a computer made it
>the one ai faggot itt replying to himself and posting amateur renderings done by 15 year olds
talk about insecurity, if slop assembly liners really believed in their "artistry" they wouldn't be trying so hard to get approval from actual artists, no?
>watch this
>have a good lol
>decide to do the deep dive on him as I remember Jazza from a long time
>turns out he actually does have a workflow with ai that involves traditional drawing and painting
>his base art definitely isn't professional, but neither is his brothers for that matter
>the videos I watched on him took his worst piece and put it on display (also talked about how he was an evil right winger for some reason)
>see if he really is egotistical by watching the employees he had that left
>they all liked him

Mind you, he's still not what I'd consider "good", and his taste in even AI art is pretty bad, as in, the most generic slop, but the guy does put some effort into his art and generations:

I can see why you'd get a little salty if your brother and his friends are making fun of a skill you're trying to develop. Still, it was a really poor reaction. There's a reason to develop the art of "letting it roll off you," and he certainly hasn't managed that yet leading to a real, real bad look.
>a computer made it
There is a human-made drawing that is very close to this somewhere in that ai database
That isn't how it works you absolute fucking retard, you don't have the first idea, literally not even the first inkling of what you're talking about.
That's a cope
keep saying that, I bet you think so about that girl with cat image too.
If we are supposed to learn how to become good artists by copying masters or other good artists, how is it different from training AI on sets of other artist's work?
stupidest shit I've ever read
1/10 troll or 10/10 retard
y tho

otherwise your replies are purely emotional ape responses
You're literally an Indian and the one retard that keps replying to himself trying to convince himself he's an artist. To even humor a roach subhuman like you here's the obvious answer:
Is a computer a human? Is a hoda civic an olympic sprinter?
Calculators are mathematicians!
I ask why is your-
>serious discussions
-are followed with one nigger just spamming their shit even at the start of the thread. And it mostly seems like 2 guys in the same discord talking to each other.
>and I swear it's just the same niggas repeating threads every month or so
>No better than bot farm fags
a) no im not
b) If we create a biological brain in a robot that learns similarly to humans (neurons connecting in brain) but as fast as machine learning algorithms, does that brain owe royalties to artists for studying their art work?
So if I use a calculator my output is not valid?
Valid in what sense? Are you claiming that you calculated it yourself? Or that the calculator understands what its calculating?
Lemme put it this way. It's on the same level of delusion as a guy who says that fucking a femboy is straight. You can spin it however you'd like, hell I want you to shout it to the world and be proud, but just say the fucking truth. You're a faggot. AI 'artists' you AREN'T the artist. If anything you're the commissioner. You're the consumer. That's literally all you are. The computer is the 'artist'. Stop deluding yourselves. Jesus christ.
>how is it different from training AI on sets of other artist's work?
it's different
> but ...but ..... what if it was a mechanical brain that learns like human
>so you undertstand that AI doesn't, ha?
Sure thing Pajeet, everyone is laughing at you and the slop you create will always be the subject of mockery.
>If we create
Who is we? Did you create the algorithm? Does using a camera make you the engineer?
>So if I use a calculator my output is not valid?
I know Indians like you have exams as well and even a roach like you must be able to remember that there are no calculator sections in the most elementary of subjects.
I like the guy claiming 1/10 troll but the entire thread is raging at him
Idc about any of that and I dont think ai prompters are artists but it seems some people dont think ai art is "art"
I never claimed to be anything but okay. Im being generous in even replying to this since there really is nothing to reply to when its just an angry baboon typing. I found the real pajeet.
The answer is the same whether I used a calculator or not provided everything else was done correctly. Like is one not an an actual answer because I prompted a machine?
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The AI can only draw figures of standing, when you try to give it orders to draw something more complex the damn thing is a disaster.

There is no negotiation
ai artists are artists
>it seems some people dont think ai art is "art"
Even if you think that everything is art and you smear shit on sidewalk and call it art not everyone will think it's art too.
It is certainly subjective and some forms are definitely more debatable than the next
artists of deluding themselves
Thats a good one lmao
I trained a checkpoint on commenters and asked it to make a picture of you . I had to double check my weights and ensure there weren't any LoRAs enabled, but after 5 group gens through multiple diffusion models it was clear this wasn't a mistake... AI consistently and unequivocally always produced a faggot. I know I was shocked. I even set the cfg slider to 0 our or curiosity. It actually produced an ultrafaggot. I mean, do with that what you will man. I'm just the messenger.
I enjoyed reading that! It was art. Thank you.
Lol you stupid fucking Indian roach, since English is not your first language (the first one is shitting on streets) I'll have to remind you that your original argument was that there was no difference between using (not even training) a LLM and an artist learning from old masters, the implied postulate being that both are artists. I know you're just some dumb as shit Indian, but the contraposition of your post is that a calculator is a mathematician. Even a nonhuman parasite like you should be able to logically understand that, no?
furfags hate ai with passion
I wasn't calling ai prompters the artists, I can definitely see how what I type might seem like I inferred that, though. The ai is the artist. It was my mistake for having not made that clear.
Furries have a strong community sense with a stress on 'individual' work from the 'heart' or something. They reject anything corporate, AI falls under that umbrella to them.
You inferred that ai learns the same way a human does
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I prefer nekopara but sure only because you ask nicely.

I doubt this, it was a furry community and a few rich furrys that funded training for a few models out there
They are as much an artist as a gamer who lets the CPU play for him. If he likes doing that on his free time then whatever but what he does isn't art and has 0 merit

Bonus minus points for polluting the internet with petabytes of pure garbage.
>want to draw just like X
>download a bunch of X's work as reference
>train a model from X's work, make some gens, and also use it as a form of reference
Explain to me why the 3rd step is bad without sounding mad
Personally idgaf if you don't post it on the internet. Do what you want.

Once you upload it and contribute to the enshittification of the internet then i hate you.
>enshittification of the internet

You're right, there's so much good to protect on the internet.

The internet died in 2008. What an awful, awful stance.
>Don't upload them
The gens or the drawings? The former, absolutely. The latter is fair game
Fucked up arm and fingers, are you really masturbating with this????
>that's not how it works
*taps the bench keanu reeves midjourney gen* >>7303438
*points to video of Stable Diffusion being trained on a small dataset* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mryOZ1qBaCU
Now, as you were saying, AIgger?
Nah fuck off like more than 50% of the content right now is AI generated garbage? I don't know the exact number but I don't want bots and AI garbage flooding everything with low quality slop made in mass
You're right, much better to have it flooded by diverse, ugly, low effort calarts style lesbians. Art has been shit for a while, you aren't protecting jack anymore. Not since the new "modern art" became a thing.
You will not be able to draw like X if you use those references, you will be drawing like AI that uses X in its algorithm. It's like saying you want to draw impressionistic plain air landscapes and then sit home and trace heavily filtered photos.

Then again, I doubt you will see the difference, considering you wanted the explanation in the first place.
no lol
If all art were calarts garbage you would never have models making high quality tits and ass.

I want to see real posts and real images made by real people. Not trash made by bots and retards copypasting prompts. At best you are a philistine, at worst you are a slop eater shill making the internet worse for everyone.

By the way, your whole stance is regurgitated outrage trying to justify replacing the evuuul leftist calarts twitter artist(A strawman) with AI.
No, don't believe anything, there is no intention, there is no intellectuality or human emotion. It's just statistical data presented in a digital image.
Lol, no. I'm saying I'd rather look at pleasing images and twitter/deviant artists are hellbent on the uglification of art. Normal people are sick of ugly lesbians too. Perhaps if the art community was worth protecting then I might feel bad about their jobs getting swiped up, but they are the most vapid, nepotistic, cult like group on the net and they feed off and regurgitate their concepts more than ai does.
>evuuul leftist
I'm guessing you're one of em.
The word "art" comes from the Latin word ars, which originally meant "skill" or "craft". The meaning of ars was more specific, referring to a craft activity that required a high level of technical skill, such as embroidery, goldsmithing, or tapestry weaving.
You sound pissed (did these artists stole your bread?) and unable to follow artists you like, definitely a you problem than anything else
Image models have no "database" of images within them. They are trained on image databases like laion but they themselves do not have any actual images within them. Not even in a compressed or encoded fashion.

Images like Keanu showing near 1:1 is a limitation of the model and result of bias during training. Often because said images are popular of celebrities.
Ideally you would not want that effect unless you stated to the model "give me an exact images of x".
The problem with today's world is that little to no one in the population cares about the skill involved. No one cares if your project took 5 minutes or 5 days: if it's shit then to their eyes it's shit.
Oh yeah, I am pissed. A large group of people used and abused the skills they either naturally had or worked up to push degeneracy, others agendas, and subverting everything beautiful. Now they all get to lose their jobs to ai that do the job they do 10x faster and the people that preyed off people's lusts will increasingly lose their commissions to ai.

See, no matter how smug, or angry, or condescending you might be the future is already set and all the artists that used the craft for anything other than the base love of it can do is punch at the ocean.
It's already happening retard. Lorcana is using ai to generate the art for their cards then doing paint overs to fix the mistakes. Hasbro is using it for DnD, Epic is using it for fortnite skins, who knows how many other studios are using it and just not saying anything. It's already here.
You have to be an absolute pedant to not understand that when people say ai database they mean the images they are trained of off.

>Images like Keanu showing near 1:1 is a limitation of the model and result of bias during training. Often because said images are popular of celebrities.
Ideally you would not want that effect unless you stated to the model "give me an exact images of x".

not always, there are models trained on very narrow data on purpose, for very specific output.
>Replacing jobs
I said nothing about replacing jobs you shitter. If a company replaced all their artists with AIslop I have 100% confidence it would fail. I have no worries about this. Morons being able to prompt anime tits or Mario shitposts does not constitute even good concept art. I just said it was ugly botted garbage and have 0 interest in even looking at it

>Artists, drama blah blah
I follow mostly japanese artists and if one of the few western artists I follow starts posting politics or drama or whatever I instantly block them. If you surround yourself with people that enrage you then of course you will start hating the other group. Social media amplifies whatever keeps you stuck to the screen the most, which is ragebait. It purposefully shows you things that enrage you. I block everything that bothers me. And I don't go to the subreddits of the rabid AI shitters like aiwars or shit like that. I simply ignore it. AI tards can keep doing their shit and circlejerking about how they are real artists, I don't care. Just don't upload your slop. Several retards upload dozens of sloppa garbage everywhere and untagged and they deserve the hate

>I guess you are one of them
If Hitler were still here he would send all of you AIjeets straight to the gas chamber. Remember that. You are an enemy of the human spirit
>Muh artistic job
So just use AI to keep up in the market. Or draw faster. You can be mad but your moral views means shit when money is involved
i don't care about industry monkeys
idk what to tell you, visit a shrink maybe?
Again, it's already happening.
That's what I'm saying. The people most pissed about this are industry artists that were creating their own version of slop long before ai was a thing. It's why I don't really care and if anything I push for it. The only people I feel genuinely bad for ate the Japanese anime workers who had a genuine passion for what they did and got pennies on the dime for it. Our industry though? Our little slice of the internet? Screw em. The more crying from em the better. The more of them that lose their jobs all the better to. They destroyed every creative industry so the sooner they are gone the better.
Lmao this is some cope
I don't think that word means what you think it does.
i hope that at very least you are not the sort of idiot who think that grunts losing their jobs will stop the slop, so idk where you see better in all this aside from you seething and feeling vindicated, that is.
You are incredibly pathetic and delusional. You want AI to work out to harm all the people you hate, which is somehow all western artists.
I really have nothing else to say. You are a delusional weeaboo sour grapes retard.
How is an ai learning from other artists work different than all the posts here advising to copy other artists work?
Oh no, it's one slop for another but at least it lessens the amount of people being paid to push their weird agendas into various media. I'd rather nobody be paid for their subversive work and let a machine do it.
It's already happening. Again, you guys can respond how you want but industry artists are being replaced to ai left and right and they deserve every bit of it. I need to find the video, but one of the animators at Pixar even admitted to it happening to them to.

Insult me all you want, doesn't change the reality of the situation or what's coming and what's coming is a lot of art jobs going the way of the dodo and at least in the west it's well deserved.
Are you in the calculators are mathematician category or in the copying means becoming another artist copycat category, perhaps both?
Would you even be here if you knew that you were talking to a bunch of AI bots instead?
nta but I think that the investors who run the media industrial complex have almost no sense of aesthetics and are already on the warpath to burning everything down in the sake of quarterly growth. Accelerating this destruction would be good because we really do need this bubble to burst so that new ground can be broken by people with love for their craft.

The top media companies now are larger than the entire industry was half a century ago. Part of that has been from mergers and acquisitions, part of that has been from multinational globalization allowing for the penetration of a greater % of worldwide markets. The bubble has to pop sometime, I'd rather it happen within my life.

Consider how we're a decade past the dorito pope days and the dillution of popular media has only gotten worse.

Independent artists aren't affected by this by the way, anyone who claims it will kill coomer commissions doesn't understand that market. It works more like an "underground pornographic fine arts scene," the people who pay for coomer artists' rent aren't random schmucks who want the mcdonalds of anime tits. It's why the most dedicated AI artists who are attempting to do interesting things (instead of posting 40 shitty images a day) are in both the coomer realm and the fine arts realm.

It's not meaningfully different, people just like to inconsistently anthropomorphize a tool when it's convenient to their argument. There's no problem with use of art to make new art, loading copies of other peoples' art into your works has never been a problem and in fact using small bits of many things has been more encouraged than large chunks of few things.

Too many people are focused on "art as some kind of competition that proves your value within a hierarchy" rather than realizing artists are outside most hierarchies once they get good enough.
If the dead internet theory is true, I already might be. You might be too. But I see the point you're making which is why I said it's a losing battle for anyone who don't have the basest love for art and their means of producing it. Those who used art for political/social slop like you see on Twitter or industry artists who were molded into a cog, those people are the ones most affected and who deserve to be affected. That's why we go back to my first post of "What were you protecting in the first place?" The internet was filled with slop long before ai. These people are programmed to produce the same kinds of arts with the exact same concepts over and over and over again to the point where it's genuinely draining to see another animated film thesis with the same two lesbian characters. The same cutesy drawings with their genders plastered all over them. The same designs of pre-approved ideas mixed and matched. It's creatively exhausting, and that's before getting into how morally reprobate the artists and directors producing children's films are. I learned the term "baby gay" from a Disney animator who inserted that into her cartoon and storyboards...

This is getting way off base though, but needless to say, that's why I don't feel a lick of sympathy for our side of the internet. The nips more so. Maybe the Chinese as they were making some pretty significant creative leaps recently, but then, they don't seem like the kind to really care about ai and would probably just as quickly embrace it.
>Art as some kind of competition that proves your value
It's not just art. It's every creative medium that can potentially be turned into a job. Just look at all of the promotional advertisement placehoaaaAAAA- i mean YouTubers and streamers. If you're not at the top, you're insignificant. If you're not connecting with the top, you're insignificant. No one wants to be around insignificant people.
you two both missing the point and yet bring it up too.

> it's genuinely draining to see another animated film thesis with the same two lesbian characters
People love their tropes, it's as simple as that, really. It's not that artists rehash the same concept because they are incapable of anything new, it's that the consumers like these concepts. Commercial artists do not exist without consumers, and the overwhelming majority of artists on the internet are commercial artists. Pretty much everyone in here either is or aspire to be a commercial artist.

> investors who run the media industrial complex have almost no sense of aesthetics
Your average consumer also has no sense of aesthetics.

So your hopes for this bubble to burst is very optimistic
>Your average consumer also has no sense of aesthetics.
Say what you want but garbage like Concord catastrophically failing does prove the masses have *SOME* standards, however low they may be
The consumers don't like these products though, it's propaganda being pushed, recycled, and made financially viable by shadey investors. If anything consumers have wholeheartedly rejected these things for years, it just so happens that western artists seem to be oddly susceptible to the propaganda though and begin spreading and propagating it in their circles quickly blocking out or chasing out anyone opposed to them. It's vile. I myself was blacklisted from a certain industry for publicly pushing back on something everyone hated and ended up being canceled for the reasons I said it would.

And I'm pretty darn confident in the professional art scene being drastically different in 3 more years if that. I think people who have a genuine love for the craft will need to aspire to be something much more and much deeper or they might as well go for AI.
oh please, concord didn't fail solely because of aesthetics, the aesthetics was just the easiest point for ppl on the internet to gang up on to it for a day or two, especially with all the clout chasing artists chiming in.
Dead internet theory is primarily about site traffic and webmasters realizing that a huge chunk of the visits and inactive "users" are actually bots scraping or observing. It's not, and never has been about visibly-active users doing malicious acts as part of a botnet.

You can be significant by just being someone who others find value in, this doesn't mean having to simp for BS social status.
The path of the artist is invariably a path towards making people upset at you, because the very nature of creativity is intrinsically in opposition to orthodoxy.

>Pretty much everyone in here either is or aspire to be a commercial artist.
Most people on this board want to be a successful social media artist or some sort of fine artist. I have no solidarity for commercial artists, but I do have sympathy for them. I've seen them talk about how leaving the industry felt so good because they could finally be creative.
There's a significant minority that can't handle the drudgery and are actively act malicious in their commercial art jobs, and end up subtly sabotaging projects because they hate their situation and bosses and know that they won't ever really be blamed for why flops happen.
>it just so happens that western artists seem to be oddly susceptible to the propaganda though and begin spreading and propagating it in their circles quickly blocking out or chasing out anyone opposed to them
Yeah, and yet they still have an audience for it, I mean the artists themselves, so clearly there is a good chunk of consumers that do not oppose it.
their fandom is built around art, so yeah. it matters a whole lot more than an AIcuck's, that's for sure
you can't do anything at all, retard
>Most people on this board want to be a successful social media artist
Social media artist is very much similar to commercial artist in that more often than not they are just concerned in selling a product and not their own voice as an artist. There are some who manage to be successful by selling their own voice, but they are the exception to the rule. Just look around, question on how to emulate someone else's style as closely as possible, because it's popular, advices to only draw what's popular, joining popular trends and constant clout chasing via things that are popular.
Well yeah, for a while they'd get pushed forward via algorithms by supporting current approved "thing." It was very manufactured. It's why once Elon took over Twitter suddenly the artwork and subjects being pushed forward changed drastically. Many artists were willing to change their beliefs and personalities to chase this, very few stuck by what they believed in. Also, it's hard to tell just how many consumers would oppose these things if they didn't have the fear of being banned or blacklisted which happened (and continues to happen on some sites) to people, but we can see from a professional standpoint the "woke" products seem to flop quite often.
Sure. You can be content with your group of 5 and be perfectly happy. But the path that you just described already has a requirement that people have to know you exist before they even have a reason to be upset at you.
>We are not. But normies don’t care, and more importantly we no longer have to pay you for our porn.

I feel like it's a failing of the English language that we lump in the word "art" with the concept of "art", which is making things. You are surely making something, but it is vanilla holographic meatloaf slop. If that is what you want to make, then fine. But do not overstep your boundaries, and do not confuse them with the type of artists that make things that are influenced, and influence.

As a manual drawfag with a sustainable audience I'm grateful AI took the attention of coomers away from me and those that are in it for the love of the game remained. I don't want people that look at what I make for its quantity versus quality staying around. They were the most insufferable patrons I had, shitting up my Discord with their half-sentient "where boob version?" because they didn't get breastfed enough as a baby.
>Social media artist is very much similar to commercial artist in that more often than not they are just concerned in selling a product and not their own voice as an artist.
This is not true at all. Anyone who believes this is going to burn out hard and fail. It's more like decentralized fine art.
>popular, popular popular
Lemmings going off a cliff.

Many people refuse to evolve their art and get stuck because they're either afraid of rocking the boat, or (worse) they are completely ignorant as to what needs to be done and think - like the other anon I replied to - that simply trying to appeal to group pressure and/or authority will eventually make them seen as great.
>Also, it's hard to tell just how many consumers would oppose these things if they didn't have the fear of being banned or blacklisted which happened (and continues to happen on some sites) to people, but we can see from a professional standpoint the "woke" products seem to flop quite often.
True, it's hard to tell, but the important thing is that they exist not whenever they would or not, and that's exactly why the professional standpoint really doesn't say a shit. We are all living in this manufactured reality, and we are not the ones who manufacture it. At the end of the day, if the slop produced by humans now is produced by AI might end up being even worse because there will be even less resistance.
> It's more like decentralized fine art.
Brazilian Miky is decentralized fine art?
Again anon, no one is going to care about the tree falling in the woods if no one sees the tree falling. That alone places a hierarchy of whose opinion matters
>gay furry degenerate artists are pretty much out of business because of AI

not really, im doing fine. a lot of the best paying regulars want their fursona specifically as a clout thing, like the art is a trading card, from a person who is their trophy.

hell i even consider giving AI a try to clean it up from a base for the more braindead prompts
>Organically popular instead of being artificially pushed by globohomo corporations
Yes it is. Even if it's low brow lewd slop
same anon here to add on: now if youre talking about some shit like Legoshi x Nick Wilde, yea those artists are out of business in that avenue lol. maybe its better that way. drawing that stuff's just bleak unless youre autistic and unaware and happy doing that for years and years
>gay furry degenerate artists are pretty much out of business because of AI.
Lmao you unironically do not know anything about the furry market. Furfags LOVE their artists and utterly hate AI
Your standard on organically popular is abysmally low, like bottom level of hell tier low.
>Furfags LOVE their artists and utterly hate AI

Furfag vouch: saw someone explaining this to an anon in another thread (or maybe even this one just far above) and he said "i doubt that." Looked over at my other monitor to my Twitter and Furaffinity feeds shat up by artists and their drones rallying together against it.
Some of it is, yea. People making things because of passion, others who genuinely enjoy it being inspired and approving (or paying them)? That's fine art baybee!
Some of it is boring clout chasing though. Like it's clear the artist is just... desperate. An aura of desperation drives people away from you more than the stink of not showering does.
None of what you are saying matters. The audience for an artist's work are fans of that artist. It doesn't matter whether they make anime tiddies or paint the soles of shoes with aztec patterns. Of course you have to get yourself out there, but you are not reliant on brownnosing people who are in The Industry or some specific subculture to find those people.

There's a good amount of furries and furry artists that are fine with it. It just happens to be that the ones who hate it will shriek and, for example, leave discord servers with a mutable AI channel, or block people who keep their AI art on a separate gallery account (or even just if they're friends with AI artists!) Meanwhile, ones who are fine with it will just exist in spaces run by those hostile to it and not say anything outloud most of the time, just sometimes screenshotting batshit arguments to send to their friends.
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BUT there will be less people profiting off the production of said slop. We'll have to see how it shapes the landscape in the future. Personally, I'm just glad more of these weirdos and cultists will be losing their jobs/followings. That's good enough for me. Everything is already at the lowest of low in terms of quality for western entertainment, a machine is just going to change how many people profit from churning out the filth. The western creative industries really could only profit from AI as we are already in the dirt and now it's a chickens coming home to roost situation in my eyes.
The majority of ppl who participate in these trend waves are there for clout, some are just better at hiding it than others.
One point is also that most people don't have taste because they don't interact with art much. That's why slop sells, it's to people who literally know nothing and have no solid opinions on art. So if art becomes so prevalent that they experience it a lot more, they will develop their own taste and thus the incentive to produce slop decreases.

It also means that homogenous culture will break down further, but that was always a farce anyway.
>Trust me saar, furries actually secretly like AI and screenshot the anti-AI to laugh at them behind their backs
Are you unironically a shill? What the fuck am I reading.
You can't fake authenticity.
>uhhh ackshully guys furry artists love AI they're just too afraid to say it because of the meanies who don't
yeah, there will be fewer people profiting, but the ppl who will be profiting will be profiting more. The real cultists, well actually a bunch of sociopaths, but whatever, are the ones sitting at the top of it.
oh my sweet summer child
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A lot of furries are tech nerds and find AI art fascinating. They still commission art even if they generate shit too, it's not a competition.
picrel is a server that has had only a couple people join, then see the AI room, and leave. One even went to screech on FA and twitter about it without mentioning the server owner's name.

PonyDiffusion, the biggest coomer model, was made by furries as well.
What makes you not think that the exact filth you hate wont be churned out even harder thanks to AI?
nta but that's fine, because then there's no "but but what about the poor people who made this??" argument to support garbage. It becomes easier to convince someone shit is shit if it's certifiably made by nobody they can empathize with.
That's kinda what I'm saying. Our art scene as of now is just one massive black pill. I'll never forget the time I got on a kick of looking at videos of various student art books and watching them progress and seeing how every bit of their amazing talent was worked out of them by the end of their College journey, then they'd be snatched up to be a talentless cog in the propaganda machine. Now, with no financial incentive to draw and maybe only the social aspect (if that) it'll leave artists creating art simply for the love of it and exploring individuality. No more slop where people are drawing the same cutesy furry lesbians for the hundredth time because people will just gen that. Bean mouth? There are 20 models that will do that perfectly. That generic but technically skilled concept art style? Same as above.

It'll require people to get into self reflection and finding the truly individual.
Nah, the artists are just as nuts. They are all cut from the same cloth at this point, some are just more evil, sneaky, and have more power. Plus, I'm sure they'd all subscribe to the "no truth but power" mind set. The people who could create art for this crap just lost their power and usefulness, that's all and none of them are worth the sympathy. Like I said, I'd rather the evil suit do it for profit than the creepy artist who inserts weird agendas into childrens entertainment out of a mix of profit and pleasure.
>Of course you have to get yourself out there
And how are you going to do that? Especially in this oversaturated market filled with AIslop and bots. It doesn't even have to be The Industry, it could be /ic/ of all places, but saying there is no hierarchy amongst artists is straight up crabbing talk
Except that the "but what about the poor people who made this??" is completely performative, and in reality it makes zero difference whenever this argument can be used or not to convince anyone
I don't really care about the people or their horrible works that they put out. But people need to realize AI isn't going to cure pozzed media, it'll help accelerate it if anything
There are two scenarios that play out.
>it replaces them and continues to produce the same garbage they were at double the pace but now removes the financial incentives for artists and creative types to push this stuff as their job is now gone
>it replaces them and suits now no longer have to deal with the liberal arts kids who push back on everything and push this stuff

There are several incidents in recent years the suits wanted to change course only to have the purple haired diversity working for them have major blowbag and "protest," them. Either way, we are already the lowest we can go from and entertainment and the morality that's in it stand point. It either goes up or stays the same but with it being less financially viable for people to pursue.
There's no hierarchy because nobody is stopping you from posting your work or from people who like it from making it known to you that they do. Artists live and die by having passionate fans.

It does make a difference because their moral highground drops away. A lot of marketing is based on moralizing a product nowadays, that's part of the issue.
>make some slop
>add controversial element that knowingly pisses off core audience
>core audience complains, still buys it
>call the complainers some variation of bigot
>entryists who don't want to be seen as bigots whale over the product harder despite having no passion for it, and drag their uninvolved friends into it because they want more social points
It's why ignoring this kind of garbage is the best bet to kill it. Apathy spells doom for a product when a corp banks on ragebait marketing.

Accelerating it into the ground is what I want. Total Industry Collapse.
Sorry for the messy post. I've been responding for a while and am getting burnt out.
>Accelerating it into the ground is what I want. Total Industry Collapse.

This guy gets it. Maybe in 2012 there could have been some course correction? Now it needs to all be ashes. We need a new industry from the ground up and a new way in which it works. For a while I thought things like patreon could have been the way forward, but that got subverted pretty quick too.
>It does make a difference because their moral highground drops away. A lot of marketing is based on moralizing a product nowadays, that's part of the issue.
And it's not like that argument is the only argument in the moral high ground arsenal, literally a drop in the ocean
>For a while I thought things like patreon could have been the way forward, but that got subverted pretty quick too.
and that should have taught you something, but apparently not
>lets burn the forest because that one tree stinks up the place!
This is how lots of you guys sounds like
> proompters charge money
> "it's to offset the credits I paid to make this possible"
Do these fags really?
I think using AI to make images is like being a curator. You aren't making art, but you have to know how to guide the program and have a good eye to select the best results
Well it has things I'd like to see. Products either being funded directly based on consumers want for them, or a way to donate to ongoing projects you like. In a way it was similar to how the old Japanese manga industry worked in a digital setting. You make manga, you set up at local book stores and sell out of them, depending on how well they do you expand or dial back... but then you had people going around policing the morality of the projects and even had at one point somebody on patreon who would advise you on what to put into or remove from your work before it was allowed to be funded.
>one tree
>ONE tree

Cmon now.
Let's say the industry completely collapses and art becomes absolutely unviable as a career? Who do you think will still be doing art?
That's right. Posh burgeoise with nothing to lose since they are financially secure. And what art do you think they like to do? That's right! Performative woke garbage with 0 skill required since they themselves are the 2deep4you artwork. Or AI since it's piss easy too.

Come on. Unironically the future you envision has the most possible slop outcome. Thank god you seem to be unintelligent and on a moral crusade to own 'the woke westoid twitter artists" by burning everything to the ground, and your opinion doesn't matters.
We're at a point where 18 year olds were still shitting in diapers in 2007.

>Who do you think will still be doing art?
Anyone who sees it worth their time to do so. Unlike prior centuries people can now share their shit outside of their immediate local area. And the market for individuals funding artists they like is still there, and is unaffected.

The only people who are crying about this are people who worship institutions and corporations as if they're gods, or people who think that being an industry artist is the career equivalent of an Easy A.

>Posh burgeoise with nothing to lose since they are financially secure
They already do that. Nothing changes.
Making AI art is letting the CPU play a videogame for you and then posting the credit screen as you say you completed the game. And doing that several times through a randomizer until one outcome arrives at the ending screen. And doing that every day and flooding the internet with said 0 effort screenshots. And mocking the people still playing videogames themselves and calling them cavemen and claiming you will replace them.

No one outside of your circle takes you seriously. You have no skill. As soon as people realize they denounce you, and the only consumers not utterly repulsed by you are horny coomers.
Love how you keep reverting to insults. Won't change anything though.
>you think will still be doing art?
That's right. Posh burgeoise with nothing to lose since they are financially secure. And what art do you think they like to do? That's right! Performative woke garbage with 0 skill required since they themselves are the 2deep4you artwork

Wow, so like, exactly what's happening right now.
>or AI
that would be an improvement to what they are drawing now, even if they are only doing it as hobbyists because the jobs are gone.

Who do I think will be doing art? Gee, I dunno. People who genuinely love to create art maybe? Or do you need the incentives to push you to do art?

And your right, my opinion doesn't matter because it's actively happening now. Sorry to poop in your cheerios, but you're right in the middle of it.
Are fractal artists artists?
What about paint pouring artists?
The trees shouldn't matter because we're all having fun right? Right? Even the stinky trees are having fun.
Anon was right, AI has fucked this place and I can't tell if it's for the better (exposing this "don't do it for popularity" mentality) or for worse (all hope is lost)
Don't make me feel old.
Play the sophistry game all you want, you'll never be a real artist
>because the jobs are gone.
??? Like I said, you are delusional and deeply emotionally invested. Unironically patreonfags make way more now than before AI since there's a push to reward human-made content. Most videogame companies that have tried to replace their art teams with AI have completely failed. There are 0 good videogames, comics, or any kind of media where artists have been replaced. I used to be spooked but not anymore. The thing makes pure slop and the only people pushing for it are either rabid AIfags, spiteful losers(like you) and CEOs trying to cut more jobs. Not consumers, and certainly not anyone with the slightest artistic sensibilities
>The younger zoomers and older gen alpha don't remember the napster wars because they weren't even fetuses at that point and their parents were moronic genXer normies who know nothing about computers because they missed the boat in the 90s.

I'm not an AI artist, but I have posted my work on this board. You're welcome to go figure out which of the work-posting threads it's in!
The simple fact is that your criteria about control over the output has never been required, plenty of artforms about "oh, that didn't look right, try again." Hell how many times does someone have to use the undo button before it counts as them just gambling against their own lack of skill?

I think he was implying the "CEOs trying to cut more jobs" would... do just that.
Lol, okay. Whatever helps you sleep. I've already said the various companies that are already phasing out traditional and even Pixar is in on it, but nah, throw another insult and go back to sucking your thumb and hiding under your blankey. Don't worry, that cushy art job where you can draw ugly black lesbians will still be there for you next year. Probably.

And of course I'm invested. I don't like creepy "artists" sneeking or blatantly throwing political/social engineering propaganda into every form of entertainment including children's media. Who wouldn't be invested in that outside of the weirdos that support it?
I was a little after that in terms of my computer usage. We were late adopters. I am glad I never got caught up in the limewire related lawsuits though. I used it a ton to download music so it's by the grace of God I wasn't sued into oblivion.
I sleep 8 hours every day and have a cozy, secure job while I make art as a hobby. I don't need to have an art job to think people like you are just pushing for AI to spite artists. You admit it yourself. There's nothing for me to prove. You have no skill and just hate artists and want to see them suffer.

Also I'm not a tumblr whale drawing fat black lesbians. I don't think I've ever drawn woke garbage. I simply think you are a fucking loser.
Cool story, and yet at the end of the day I'm going to get what I want, spite and all.
Artists are already hated LOL. The only purpose AI has in that is to skip the commission line. Erasing AI will not suddenly erase the artist hate.
Let's see that art
artists aren't hated, a specific set of shitty lazy fraudulent artists that accept pay and then deliver garbage while obviously doing shit other than working are hated. Most people see artists as weird hippies or monkeys that make things for entertainment. Almost everyone looks at artists as if it's a pitiable type of mental slowness, unless they're clean cut and articulate in front of a camera.
People's eyes light up when they can see you can draw above average though. It's like they see that you're a "real" artist, or at least with their limited knowledge of art. But I will clarify, unlike that anons previous assertions, I've given my stance on the artists I don't like numerous times in this thread. I imagine he just found himself in one of those camps and got real salty.

(On a weird side note, I don't even like the title of "artist" any more. I just say I draw a bit or am a cartoonist then leave it at that.)
I've seen peoples' eyes light up yea, but that usually comes with the idea that it means they will get free art from me, or see it as an invitation to be entertained by getting to see my artwork like a free museum ticket. Goes into the "monkeys that make things for entertainment" angle.
But it doesn't happen so much with people who do things that they don't really think of as art, like knitting or woodworking.
>Almost everyone looks at artists as if it's a pitiable type of mental slowness, unless they're clean cut and articulate in front of a camera.
Who is this "everyone"? Other than those weird AI vs artists subreddits, or /pol/tards that think all artists are woke idiots, I have never seen this to be an actual commonplace opinion, nor IRL not online. Before this AI culture war started, the people that hated artists the most were artists themselves.
Thankfully I haven't experienced that, probably because it's friends of friends that ask to see my sketch book sometimes if I have it on me. They just really like flipping through the pages and I'm always happy to see them enjoying it.

Still, it is weird. I'd say 3 years ago I stopped calling myself an artist? It was mostly to avoid what you brought up but also because it started to hold an air of pretentiousness, at least in my eyes.
>A specific set
- people who are lazy at doing their job
- people who just straight up take your money
- people who push an agenda and expect you to accept it, see Concord as example. speaking of which October is almost here
- people on the wrong side of the current expected moral compass
- natural blind hate from other artists (they're not that skilled, they're not that talented, they trace, see sakimichan CSR etc for examples)
idk man that's a lot of camps
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.kkrieger.exe is a 96kb file, and it doesn't contain a fully functioning 3D first person shooter either.
What it does, however, have, is an algorithm that, when it is run, procedurally creates an entire fully functioning 3D FPS game called .kkrieger from scratch, all of the code, textures, music, the renderer, physics, all of it. Just from a single 96kb file.
Each Minecraft world, when fully generated would weigh in at a whopping 55 petabytes of data. And that's just one world created from one seed out of something like 18 quintillion. The world generating algorithm of Minecraft possibly contains more data than we could store on Earth.

That is the magic of an algorithm. It doesn't contain data in some kind of database, they are instead contained within the algorithm's latent space- or in other words, all of the possible outputs of the algorithm for every possible seed.
So, just imagine- what if we created an algorithm that trains itself to copy images exactly, and then trained that algorithm on, say, a few billion images, and as a secondary quirk of the algorithm, seed values that land on latent space coordinates between coordinates that correspond to the original training images would result in an interpolation between those images? Like Animorphs. Remember those? It's a very delightfully devilish little trick that inflates a few billion images into, lets say, a few quadrillion interpolations (although probably more). And then there's the fact that on top of that, the algorithm is capable of rearranging individual elements taken from within images + all possible interpolations, which inflates the number of all possible images to even more astronomical proportions. And all the while, you can say that the algorithm doesn't contain those images in anything like a database even though it can and does output things recognizable as the training images, and you would be technically correct- the best kind of correct! Very slick.
Actual artists are revered. Even those that work at pop media like John Buscema, KJG or Yusuke Murata.

You merely hate twitter shitters. Which is a completely reasonable response btw
If we were in more normal times I wouldn't dislike artists on the "wrong side of the moral compass", but we are boiling down to straight up good and evil. Which is why one side is so desperate to paint morality as grey and giving orcs families.
It isn't hate. It's more that artists tend to exist outside of the normal social hierarchy, and so the
>Oooh you're an aaartist?
question has the same tone as someone looking at a zoo animal. Most normies will tell their kids that art isn't a real job, but they will not insult someone for being an artist. They just view it as low status, and they do not wish their children to attain what they see as lower status. In reality, artists exist outside this structure but that's not really understood by people who don't even realize there are multitudes of social hierarchies that exist, much less people outside them.

Yea my art contacts are mostly online. The people I interact with IRL are almost entirely not involved in arts at all. Very basic "wow I could never make something like that" types.

It's not really that many camps when you realize a lot of these overlap and pull from the same retarded viewpoints in life. It's more like "one shitty artist who is one of these things is highly likely to be at least 3 of them" rather than a bunch of distinct, coincidentally-allied groups.

The samplers for different AI models are fucky enough that, while you have some level of understanding of this, interfere with your conclusion. Even if you have all the same parameters, seed, model, etc, you can't actually regenerate the same image as someone else with the sampler set to say, euler a (an ancestral sampler - meaning it's randomized to some degree).
.kkrieger is cool though, really neat game project and art in and of itself.

They're revered among people who are already interested in art, which includes artists. Unfortuantely most normies if you asked them to name 3 artists would probably say something like
>"bob ross"
>"da vinci"
>"uhhhhhhhhhhhh the campbell's soup guy"
Oh yeah, then I could definitely see why you had that experience. Online "friends," are definitely like that. Once had a guy ask me to draw his sonic oc for free and when I politely declined he asked me to at least buy him a pizza then.

Thankfully all my friends and family are real supportive of my art and it helps that some of them are into art too. Ironically, one of the guys I taught to draw a bit eventually taught me how to use A1111. Don't really use it anymore, but just a funny little tidbit.
i dont need to know about this stuff
Oh no I meant the inverse. People IRL are kind of obviously immediately viewing me with less respect when I say I'm an artist. They didn't used to do that when I was aiming for a different profession. Online people tend to be very respectful.
Not him but irl at my office job, the people's average past time there is clubbing. All they do is work and twice a week get drunk at the club. When they see that I do something else other than getting drunk and trying to woo random 6/10s at the club, they are actually amazed, unironically, even if all I have shown there are some studies and copies. Art as a hobby is very respectable, but as a career is kinda dubious since, you know, unless your family has money, you are most likely poor and starving.
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I don't have anything against artists, I paint trad so why would I? But it is hilarious to see low end digital artists in full cope mode over AI. Just like with photography the paradigm has shifted.
When did /ic/ kevetch over AI back in late 22' right?

I personally think AI art doesn't belong on /g/ though. I also I don't think this is as big a deal as artists are making it out to be.
Digital art has been over-saturated and hurt long before AI art was even a thing.
I mean it was never a get rich quick scheme despite popular belief. But it is true that creatives have no reaped the benefits from the digital age and AI is just a continuation of that.
Yeah, that's been more my experience too. Especially younger people as it's wild how many of them genuinely don't have hobbies or aspirations (which is kinda sad). Still, it's not something I brag about. Sometimes people ask, or like I said, get curious if I have my sketchbook on me.
Mam, that kinda bites. My friends and mom are what kept me from quitting a lot of times, not knocking on your friends though.
That was the older mentality of /ic/ for sure. I don't know about the more recent and hopefully if nothing else AI sorta frees people from the preconceived notion of "making it" eventually and puts the focus more on the simple passion and pleasure of it. It's wild to think about how many things I was sold back in the day by /ic/ but I think that's mostly because in the time that Loomis wrote the books that he did there really was a certain point where you just sorta "made it" and could get hooked up in various ad jobs or draftsman work
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>That was the older mentality of /ic/ for sure. I don't know about the more recent and hopefully if nothing else AI sorta frees people from the preconceived notion of "making it" eventually and puts the focus more on the simple passion and pleasure of it. It's wild to think about how many things I was sold back in the day by /ic/ but I think that's mostly because in the time that Loomis wrote the books that he did there really was a certain point where you just sorta "made it" and could get hooked up in various ad jobs or draftsman work

The sad fact of the matter is these jobs aren't comming back and/or not going to be the same and that with AI not being in the picture either. The funding has long dried up for a lot industries for creatives (a good example is Anime in Japan post bubble). The labor is just over saturated and honestly alot of the illustration work can be outsourced. Even fine/trad work is really hit or miss and it has nothing to do with how good an artist you are but just how you market yourself.

Anyway the butthurt needs to end.
My experience is that people react to the mention of being an artist with interest as it's novel and rare, not because it's something that commands respect. Maybe it's because it's not a hobby to me, you may have a different experience because it's viewed as an addition onto what you do at work, not art itself being your profession.
Though my area might be weird. A couple months ago I saw some weird dumpy looking nerd guy in a sweatshirt getting a fucking NFT framed at hobby lobby - in 2024 - and the clerk, an older man, had genuine curiosity in the picture.

Wasn't this something people were talking about 2 years ago and it ended up being like 3 idiot boomer AI artists? A lot of pro-ai people are a mix of tech nerds in the camp of being pro-piracy, opposing the PATRIOT act and remember what the feds did to Aaron Swartz. The EFF and Creative Commons are also both fine with AI art and have written extensively about why they are.
I think that there's generally more consistency among the pro-AI crowd in terms of their ethics (obviously not fully, because it spans people from many walks of life) than the people who oppose it.

Screencaps like that just seem like people making up enemies and then repeating it from others, despite it being hilariously disconnected from reality. They don't really care though, and I know this because I spoke with some before. It's a classic Movie Blob stance:
>No bad tactics, only bad targets
>I will lie if it hurts my enemies. Yea even if I'm totally mischaracterizing them, I still hate them purely because the people who give me status hate them, and if I show how much I can hurt them I will get rewarded.
>Screencaps like that just seem like people making up enemies and then repeating it from others
I mean this thread has dozens of paragraphs of a pro-AI anon trying to explain how every single western artist deserves unemployment and technological obsolescence because of a strawman he has made in his head. You really can't trust people that are too deep into a culture war. Their views are completely warped and think they are doing the world a favor by opposing an ontologically evil group, aka the other side. I have blocked both the artisthate and aiwars subreddits because they are fucking obnoxious circlejerks and any opposing view to any AI issue immediately marks you as an enemy "from the other side" and whenever I had to see one of their threads in my feed I ended up angry seeing how any moderate response ended up downboated and swarmed
Right, it's why I never really cared to much about ai taking jobs. A lot of us were never going to get into the various industries, and God help the few of us that did. They were so shut up with nepotism by 2014 you were just screwed, though it's easier to realize retrospectively. The people ai hurts, at least in the western industry, have had it coming for a long time.

All it did to me was sorta give me an existential crisis. Did I actually like creating art or did I like the act of having art that I wanted and that was directed by me? In the end, I liked creating art more so than having it created, even with the tools that gave me more control. Artists are gonna art wether there is incentive or not, now you just won't be sold a lie with it.
I don't think they "deserve unemployment" but I recognize that companies like disney and WB are absolutely awful for society and have their hands in the government pocket. The most effective way these juggernauts can be defeated is via acknowledging that their leadership is as greedy and sociopathic as can be. If they start turning to AI to make a quick buck and burn their companies for short term profits, it can solve a lot of the problems that exist in the media field.

If industry artists were smart they would be focusing on their personal art in prep for having a landing pad for when they need to jump ship, instead of jockeying to try to become activist e-celebs and naiively thinking they can strongarm people who've already shown their true colors multiple times over the past decades.
Industry artists are just as short sighted and sociopathic though. Really, I think the landing pad is going to be passion, relatability, and creativity and a lot of people working in the industry traded that in a long time ago. They can't relate to the average person anymore and are much more bitter and reprobate than the worst person here. Their creativity died in art school. Seriously, one of the most black pilled things you'll ever see is a students art book from when they enter a place like calarts to the point where they get a job in the industry. By the end every bit of technical talent is worked out of them. It's bizarre... and passion, well, they are passionate about "the message".

It's not like it was back in the day where you had people with varying beliefs but in the end the consistency of the worlds they were creating or the love of their craft itself won out. Now "everything is political" as I'm sure 90% of industry artists would proudly say.
A lot of the younger crowd got pulled in while naiive, and then got sunk-cost mentalitied into not leaving. They just are repeating what everyone around them is telling them because they live with 3 other people in a 2 bedroom apartment and are at risk of losing everything if they start to doubt things are as they've been duped into believing.
For a lot of people it's a "dream job" which means they're willing to put up with a hell of a lot of manipulation and abuse. But then they end up internalizing it, and the cycle renews as they do the same shit to the next crop of recent-grad hires.
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>Even if you have all the same parameters, seed, model, etc, you can't actually regenerate the same image as someone else with the sampler set to say, euler a
You're referring to the random noise generator that allows for generating from a smattering of points in an area of the latent space instead of just the one exact point that said parameters corresponds to. Regardless of that, every generated image has a corresponding set of parameters and seed and if you have these then you absolutely WILL generate the exact same image every single time if you don't have random noise enabled.
It's math, damn it, there is no such thing as "randomness". Algorithms don't have a spark of animus, and your weakly clinging and grasping at the belief that there is anything there but hard, cold math that goes 2+2=4 and nothing else is pathetic cargo cultist cope. I was on the mark about how image generators work and you know it. Sampler my ass.
Oh I'm sure. It's probably especially hard not to lose who you are when you are constantly surrounded by it. Still at some point you need to draw a line or you have officially become the thing you are just going along with. For instance, I was willing to get black listed and made an example of just to stand up for what was right by fans of something, let alone something genuinely morally reprehensible. I've always been real hard boiled on stuff like that though to the point where my friends call it "almost" autistic. I got my morals, I stick with em. I wonder if these people would find themselves in the same predicament if they stuck to theirs? Maybe so, but perhaps they'd have more people internally willing to fight for what was genuinely right rather than throw them all under the bus when something better came along. Who knows, but I know that most deserve what's coming particularly in the western entertainment industries.
This whole thread reeks of language models, will there be another after this one dies?
I know next to nothing about generative model theory and you know less than me.
old enough to remember that brief period when these chuckle fucks were referring to themselves as "prompt engineers"
>the prompt: big tiddy latina quality:99 ass:99 tiddies:2
>How would know if a human drew this?
zoom in. I mean, look at those eyes.
like something bad :D
if draw make me coom than its art + have soul
Moron, I just explained that you can copy all of that INCLUDING THE SEED and if the if the sampler is an ancestral one you will not generate the same image each time.
A friend of mine was experimenting with this shit tried moving to a local model after he used civit or pixai or something, and he was asking why his local model wasn't producing the same image. So out of curiosity, because I assumed the same shit you did, I dug into it and most of the samplers induce random elements by their very nature. Add in the fact that some people alter which sampler, models, loras, etc they use at different generation steps and you get things that are sufficiently complex to not really matter.

I'm not really sure what the fuck you're even arguing btw. AI image generation tools aren't entities, they're tools. Do you freak out that someone making CNC milled aluminum sculptures can have his work exactly reproduced by someone else using the same parameters? Do you have an issue with fractal art due to the fact that it's just algorithms?
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Yeah so, AI won
One day, maybe soon.
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this is AI
Something about her mouth makes me wanna stick my dirty-stick into it.
AI could never
No, they are not
And this whole fad just proves that just as long as your rendering is good, you can sell an image
New bake?

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