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Are artists online getting too comfortable with ignoring criticism?
low effort smut art im shocked ive never seen such a thing before
generally online idk if any artists listen to criticism
>waaa why wont artists listen to me saying theyre bad?????? im right stopppp drawing the same thing!!!!!121
lol I feel bad for him
My nigga's just trying to get his goon on and now he has a bunch of tumblrinas clowning on him
Dude just wants to draw cum art. they don't have to listen to criticism if they don't plan to get better.
Same honestly, if he wants to be a perma/beg/ let him. 8 fucking million people shouldn’t be harassing him. Every new post he does 30+ comments are attacking him
I just block the retarded bitches that talk shit about my art
>ignore criticism
>nerds spazz out and give you free advertising
four eyed retards never learn
Yeah I feel bad for this guy, he's getting dogpiled for no reason. Who cares if his art is samey or derivative or coombait? He's just some guy
listening to critique from twitter nodraws/begs might be even more retarded than listening to the krugerlets on this board
They're probably legitimately on the spectrum and or still a minor or young adult. The people bullying them? Mid twenties or older, washed up and bitter artists. How do I know? Because a successful artist wouldn't be wasting their time and energy on such pointless retarded shit.
I can GUARANTEE if you look up the people talking shit their art will be WORSE if they even make art. LOL.
Neither of them make art. This is the closest one of them comes to creating.
I usually hate on people like madelikemade, but something about twitter troons beating down on them pisses me off so much.
>I usually hate on people like this
>but now that the people I don't like are doing it, I don't like it
Nope. It's like if someone is bullying you little brother. It's only okay if I do it. Faggot. Or course you wouldn't understand.
NTA, but it's a good moral heuristic to feel contempt for people joining in on dogpiles. It prevents you from giving into the mob mentality and doling out cruel and unusual punishment. If it's just me that's shit-talking the artist for having no ambition, then it's fine, I'm just some guy, and it's really on them to ignore me. On the other hand, if it's a whole crowd of people engaging in a struggle session with someone for being derivative or some other trivial non-crime, it evokes a feeling of disgust in me. It probably does in you too. You should listen to that feeling.

Morality is aesthetic and feeling revolted when cravens join in on a beatdown is as natural as feeling revolted when you step in dogshit.
>Are artists online getting too comfortable with ignoring criticism?
Literally EVERYONE online is actively ignoring and deflecting criticism by calling the criticizing people names adding whataboutism and ulterior motives like racism, political leaning, discrimination etc.
You are 8 years late OP.
critique is useless garbage because any idiot think he is fit to give his dogshit opinion, it is a waste of their time and yours and is just inviting trouble.

what you should ask for is advice, not critique, bad artists and normies understand they cannot give any advice to artists, so they do not respond.
nah he stopped posting this gooner style and people are saying they're hopeful for him now lol
That's not a good thing
they bullied him out of his horniness
I'm not against making fun of someone's shitty art but posts like these always just reek of bitterness. Like you can tell that a lot of people dog-piling on the artist are just mad that they have a following from art they perceive as low-value or immoral; there's no other reason to feel such vitriol towards some literal-who with only 7k followers.
This. At such a young age, no less. A quick glance through the media history shows they're just a roblox autist. Let him play with barbies by himself, don't nag him for "muh soul".
>"are [generalized segment of population] xyz ?"
>"singular screenshot of some imbecile on twitter"
they're also trying to imply the artist is a pedo because they're friends with a 15 y/o while they're 18
i used to tell 14 year olds to draw hentai when I was 20
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I think that's a bit different buddy
8 million views and the guy gained 4k followers from all of this. Used to br 3k followers before all of this, saw it from a screenshot
Good. I hope the bitter fags that dogpiled this degenerate autist seethe.
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perhaps the same can be said for all religions
I'm struggling to understand what the problem is. There's way more repetitive art on deviant art, this is nothing. And why is someone drawing the same thing over and over such a big deal to these twitter people? The people dogging on them type like they're 14.
they're attention whores. the only thing that hurts them is silence.
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Is nagging just built into women's instincts? It's like they can't last a minute without henpecking and trying to manipulate and bully literally anything that crosses their sight. I don't waste my breath trying to lord over everything that annoys me but women mobilize online armies to completely crush the most miniscule trifling garbage? Go to any female dominated spaces and you see them reenact game of thrones over fucking nothings every time. What the fuck is their problem?
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that shirogane tranny is probably member of that mendrawingwomen reddit
You’re just describing every thread in /ic/ now, including this one.

It’s just a few mentally ill retards calling each other begs and acting like cunty girls and anime edgords. Really there’s no difference between twitter and this place in that respect. I wish you all would just quit projecting and kill yourselves already so we could have a comfy hangout without you larping midwits.
>few mentally ill retards

Dude the entire western anglosphere lives and dies by feminism. It's not "few mentally ill retards at all. If you don't acknowledge this you're being willfully ignorant. Why are you trying to defend this behavior?

>there's no difference between twitter and ic

Ok am I supposed to be fucking blown away by this lil comment? Do you think I hold this taiwanese motherboard recycling forum in any high regards? Why even fucking mention this? Yeah /ic/ is filled with effeminate assholes what else is fucking new
Short answer: yeah, probably.

Long answer: it shouldn't be a problem for you. I have my twitter feed curated so that it is generally high-quality. If something I don't like slips through, I click 'not interested', rather than engaging with it. If the problem of low-quality posting is so persistent, you might have to look for the root cause, maybe unfollow some people.

I do think that for some people, self-reflection is required; ask yourself "why are the circles I am a part of always so low-quality?" Often times people are just attracted to low-quality communities, even if they insist they aren't. It reminds me of people who put stuff like "dni [xyz]" in their bios, because normal people wouldn't ever have a problem with that stuff. It's a problem for those people since they keep seeking out groups that are made up of the interactions they say they don't want.

So in conclusion, you shouldn't care, and if you just stop seeking out this sort of thing, soon enough you won't even know it exists.
what did he do to make twitter people that mad
It's because the girls have big breasts and wide hips. Nobody would fucking care if it wasn't that. But twitter tards lose their shit over anything that looks horny and isnt LGBTQ.
People who are ultra critical of others and tend to bully generally lack self confidence. Normal people aren't bothered that someone is making shit art on the internet. But people who are very aware of "cringe" or what others do tend to spend way too much time worrying about it.

It's normal to feel disgust towards the bullies because they're harming someone to make them feel worse so they can feel a bit better about themselves for a while. It's fucking pathetic.
Most of those comments aren't constructive criticism. They're either trashing him and calling him a "Gooner" for even drawing like that, people trying to promote their art with "See?! My body types are diverse! Follow me!", or people defending the guy because he didn't do anything other than draw.
Twitter was a mistake, art wasn't supposed to be a grift.
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>You're not a real artist! Big-breasted furries for Christ's sake? With thick thighs? What a joke. I worked my ass off to get where I am! And you take these shortcuts and you think suddenly you're my peer? You do what I do because you're horny and you can make people goon? I committed my life to this! You don't... slide into it like a cheap pair of thigh-highs and then reap all the rewards!
this is the kind of shit that goes into negative embedding during AI training
I think people just look for a target thats getting dogpiled already so they can join in. Its fun for these people to be part of the mob, doesn't matter what it is.
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If it's true it will ruin his online career but it would be a good ego check. Synnibear03 would constantly show her minor audience porn and talk how horny she was and she would get away with it until this September when it was revealed she was sending porn and talking how horny she was to a 14 year old and she is 20/21
I wanna kill myself looking at this art
Can art commentary niggas DRAW shit
To the woodchipper, all of them
your words are as empty as your soul
mankind ill needs a savior such as you
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because art is primarily at its teleological onus is about expression of the inner self and youre a faggot who knows nothing you narcissistic whale LOL put down the burger you tubby faggot kek
God, I hate conservatives.
>hey you, 14yo kid, that 20 year old woman wants to fuck you!
If she is attractive then most boys wouldn't have objections to it.
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Most of the criticism I ever get is just the guy insulting me for three paragraphs and saying it's constructive criticism.

Now I'm old enough to read stuff like "you're a traitor to the White race and draw like a tranny, we used to put people in camps for that sort of composition and the ears aren't aligned properly" and reach the end of the sentence but I'd understand why people used to tiktok wouldn't.
just stop drawing like a tranny you waste of space and fix the ears already
Guys, how would you handle such a wave of criticism if it was you? Doesn't matter if the criticism is valid or not.

Should you bend the knee and humbly admit defeat, saying that you are now aware of the issue and promise to improve?
Or should you simply ignore every single quote-tweet that is calling you and all of your followers the lowest of the low, hoping that everybody involved will move on eventually?
depends on what you draw. If it's for an underage anime character, continue drawing them out of spite. You yield in way more benefits from that listening to stop, those people telling you to stop are mostly underage shitters with no money and they weren't going to follow you anyway if you did. If it's for perma beg slop like op, then continue to do it, those people that are made weren't going to commission you anyway and they are mostly underage shitters with no money. The only time you should "bend the knee" if you done a huge fuck up, like not getting commissions done in time and ignoring the people that pays you for it, not act like a genuine retard, etc
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Social media demands you post every day.
There is no time to be fresh, mass-production generic churners win the race against original, well-thought-out artists.

Unless the artist spends 10 years as a hermit, learning to be creative, fast and dynamic, and THEN joins Twitter, being able to provide a new idea every doodle.
But these people are a small minority on social media. For good reason.
imagine doing that when you have to draw over design bull shit characters like guilty gear, genshit,etc
Ever thought about putting your thoughts out in a coherent manner, memenigger?
why are you so retarded?
"A wise man once said nothing at all"
The only thing a twitter mob wants to see is a tantrum. They want to poke you and watch you explode. If you don't give them anything, they'll move on to the next scandal shockingly fast. The first instinct people have when put under that heat is to fight back or try to play the victim to try to change the narrative, but really all you have to do is be boring.
Seconding this. If you don't believe the other guys who said the same, feel free to look how well responding and trying to either defend themselves, explain or apologize went for others when targetted by xitter mobs.
This artist looks like they drew Roblox or Cookie Run or some other bullshit that genderqueer zoomers love
he just drew
>Some Netflix adaptions were good stop being racist.
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>If she is attractive
This is what she looks like
Would. With the blood.
A fate worse than harsh criticism is when no one bothers to give you any feedback at all.
No, the subhuman trannies and femcels are getting too comfortable existing
Thirties, mid-twenties, zoomers. I've seen it in all of them. Any bitter artists will dogpile and crab on other artists they felt undeservedly more successful than them.
It's like the message was that if you have a good idea you should only try once
ive never had trouble defending myself on a few old viral posts, but that's because im usually even more aggressive than the opposition. they usually only win after getting me suspended. which i will just appeal in a week.
Why would anyone care about critique he didn't ask for, done by internet randos?
their ex-roomate is even worse but somehow they keep getting away with it so idk maybe its just luck
Made's furries are hot, all he's gotta do is give them poses and different perspectives and he's made it. Also a ko-fi and patreon, too. Can't believe that a bunch of jealous faggots hate him for his porn
Chuck is cucked by Jimmy once again, pure kino
what's worst birdie did? worst she did was edate a 12-13 year old when she was 16 and maybe had her pet ferret eat her out when she was 12-13, which is still less than synnibear
i say this as a synnibear fan who thinks birdie's art is awful.
unless synni has some more info on birdie which isn
-isn't already known like those 2 facts. birdie seems to be a lazy bum who didn't do any household chores but it's still not less than synni
birdie grifted 10 000 dollars and is now couch surfing.
i am glad i didn't have a platform while i was young
Birdie "you are very mature for your age" berates other people for the exact same thing she does, including being a groomer themselves
synnibear is an awful person too but what they've done is practically on the same level as birdie, except the person birdie was grooming wasn't another shitty animation memer e-celeb so no one gave a fuck
>worst she did was maybe have her pet ferret eat her out when she was 12-13
holy fuck your standards are low if you think zoophilia shouldn't be something worth career ruining
at least in groomiebear case it was edating so luckily that kid didn't get molested but birdie might have very much fucked their pet ferret IRL and gotten away with it
regardless they're both awful people and should both log off forever
What scares me the most about Birdie is that their entire internet presence was just so full of drama that it's practically the only thing that makes them relevant, and yet people always keep forgetting or ignore the worst things they've done which makes me believe they can just get away with grooming people, unironically
to them birdie grooming somebody else would just be part of the course. They simply wouldn't care.
The latter. Just don't read the comments for like a week or two.
Dude birdie was 3 year age gap while synni was 6. 3 is less than 6 but synni didn't date but gave the 14 year old rape fetish while birdie did date a 13 at 16 so idk
And fucking an animal as a kid is just sad not evil
>Dude birdie was 3 year age gap while synni was 6
Birdie would still call a 3 year age gap grooming, except when it's them
>And fucking an animal as a kid is just sad not evil
Birdie knew it was wrong both before and after they did it. It wasn't like they were braindead or someone forced them they just decided to fuck their pet ferret because?? like i get it people can get sad/lonely as kids but that doesn't mean they're immediatly gonna fuck their pets wtf???
Look. It's one thing to do these things as a teenager because okay let's pull the excuse you're stupid or whatever but then it's another when you go talk about it later and say that no actually the kid groomed you because you must always be the victim in any given situation and then say "haha no guy i totally didn't fuck my pet ferret!" just so you can get the dirt off your hands, not because you actually feel bad about what you did
Birdie isn't as dumb as they brand themselves as. They know exactly what they're doing and it's disgusting

What's wrong with guilty gear? I've never played it but this song has made me wanna play it. The hook gets me everytime.
Never apologize, that's what they want, to see you grovel. Better to just ignore or release a very corporate type letter saying shit like "I'm sorry you felt offended"
no i'm saying if you post art everyday, drawing guilty gear characters will fucking suck, since the amount of detail each character has, some are very simple to draw tho. draw ramlethal with her weapon in 1 day, then nagoriyuki on the 2nd day

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