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Remember, hashtags are still affective and will gain you traction.
even my art is buttugly like /beg/
their art is cute
How long pic is use twitter at first place?
they're useless on Twitter but valuable on Instagram. If you use excessive hashtags on Twitter that don't relate to an event, a fanart tag, or an art trend, don't use them at all. They'll end up making your post look like a desperate bot post. I think the algorithm itself debuffs your reach as well because hashtag spam is so common among bots. I always scroll past posts like OP's. On Instagram on the other hand, spam as many hashtags as you can.
that used to be true, but not anymore. Insta's hashtags are a lot worse than twitter's now because zuckerburg wanted more money from ads. The recent tab for hashtags was removed a year ago, so now you can only popular post. If you gotten big before the change, then your growth slows a bit, but it's near impossible to grow when starting how or have a mid size following without buying ads. At least with twitter's hashtag I can see newly made post.
Last pic I used hashtags on in Instagram brought in nothing but spambots.
I see. So what's the meta now? Keep it minimal like on Twitter or just post and pray to the algorithm?
honestly on insta, there's really nothing you can do. You can try reels and those go viral, but all of those followers from reels don't even look at your art post aka picture post, since insta stop promoting pushing static posting and a different type of audience that want vids. artist would get millions of views from their reels, but get a couple of likes for their art post. The only time you get traction for static posting if you are an art account that got big from just posting art before the change.
still regret not growing my insta and twitter sooner. Things get worse the longer I wait to do such things with the whole musk and zuck fucking up the apps.
>naked girl floating in the void
That has nothing to do with hashtags, OP.
I wish Twitter didn't exist.
Technically it doesn't exist, the platform is called X by the uncle Elon
>This is your brain on social media
All artists post on X, the only ones who post on Instagram are bitches influencers from onlyfans, almost no one is using it, another space would be to upload their shit to a specialized platform like pxiv but you will compete with people who know how to draw
>Surprised a Wamu clone has 7k likes
There's no hashtag correlation
> another space would be to upload their shit to a specialized platform like pxiv but you will compete with people who know how to draw
People who know how to draw anime*
That shithole site specialized in anime illustrations, if you don’t draw it, you get no traction, weeb. Also artist still upload on insta, just the ones with 30k-200K+ followers they average 10k-40k+ like per art post. It dead if you didn’t get a large following before.
The OP barely made that doodle, I assume it was a mistake on my part to have recommended him to go to pixiv
with twitter, you want to limit hashtags to about 3 or 4 tops, and make sure they're really relevant and specific. if you're doing fanart you want character and brand, and if you're cashing in on a trend you want that in the tags as well as the text.
a much more useful thing is alt text. you can be extremely verbose and detailed in describing the image, and that helps the algorithm know what is in the picture. its not just for accessibility, it also works similar to a tagging system but less oblique than hastags.
One, they're an eyesore. And two, stop using more than five hashtags on Twitter. It's not fucking instagram.
Hard disagree from me
How the hell are hashtags supposed to be used, twitterfags says that you should use at least 2 hashtags because if not twitter hides the post or some shit, and I do it and my shit only gets 5 likes while other niggas put walls of hashtags and their shit get tons of likes
>and I do it and my shit only gets 5 likes while other niggas put walls of hashtags and their shit get tons of likes
if we knew we wouldnt be on /IC
I figured they were completely worthless but I used one for fanart recently and the post got like 60x the attention I normally get, it's probably worthwhile if they aren't super generic.
low poly 2d cute sex waifu girl sex sex hips tummy pelvic mound sex sex!!!!!! purple short hair cute sex!!!!
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double the amount of likes and views in just 4 days.
effective* you stupid ESL
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bite your tongue white carrion
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