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Post the best anime artists as well as works you find inspiring
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What the fuck is your definition of anime?
Anime? Did they animate these?
Has the grifter quit?
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my hero
your pedantry will be your coffin to confines you
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Abe is my goat of all time
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monogatari series
xD ik, idk why poeple think 3d cgi render = anime.
The legend.
that guy's such a monster when it comes to clothes and accessories. not a fan of this one though, one of his weakest i've seen.

now we're talking.
what do you like specifically about his art?
to me it's his dreamy urban landscapes. i like the mood his art conveys more than i like his character designs.
i actually prefer the anime lain than abe's.
she looks weirder with her far apart eyes
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>what do you like specifically about his art?
The way he draws his characters. Anime-ish but also idk subdued or grounded, don't know the right word. They usually have fairly realistic proportions, expressive faces and nice relaxed poses. Also I love his choice of colors, very unique and dreamy. Haibane is my favorite work of his, it's everything I love about his works turned up to 11.
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Another pic that I love
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yeah man yeah
That's not anime, dumb fuck.
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found the pedantophile
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