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Can someone redline what i'm doing wrong with my lineart. My monke brain does not comprehend where to use heavy and light lines
You decide which lines are thick or thin depending on the light source, composition, etc. If you are not sure about these things in general then you should take the time to do more studies and to copy the work of people even posted in the lineart thread.
lineweight is a beg trap and that hand is ai tier
learn to draw
>drawing moles
You're ngmi
Whats wrong with moles they're kinda cute if placed well
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It's not the lineart. You need to work on everything because your drawing is incredibly flat. Look at pic related, just from value and line you can see depth, perspective, and form. The hair you drew for Miku doesn't flow like hair would because there's no gravity in your image. Her clothing folds are either lazily drawn or don't flow naturally. Start over or continue studying.
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Here is one I've been working on since i last posted, i think my main issue has been controlling dynamic lines with the pen, and spending little time on them, I'll probably finish this one later since its a pretty boring drawing shot
He asked about the lineart. Not the shading or texture.
>drawing off-model fanart
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Nothing wrong with the lines themselves exactly; your understanding of form is what makes everything look thin and wishy-washy. Marks are just a way to describe form, if you dont understand the form then you cant make the "right" marks. it doesn't have to be perfect anatomy and perspective or anything but that "form" has to follow some sort of internal logic that you've figured out by doing a lot of drawings. Don't worry about the specifics of linework, just keep drawing and your linework will naturally improve with your understanding.
You may be \beg\, but you're right on the mark. Over-simplistic explanations like thicker outlines will never help OP.
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>You may be \beg\
Lineweight for dummies:
>Closer to camera = thicker lines
>Facing away from lightsource = thicker lines
>Silhouette of a figure/object = thicker lines
>Further away from camera = thinner lines
>Facing lightsource = thinner lines
>Details within a silhouette = thinner lines
General rule of thumb: Double the thickness for every "thicker" category it falls into, and halve it for every "thinner" category it falls into.
heavy lines: outline
normal lines: where a part ends and another starts, like the sleeve in front of the arm
light lines: everything inside a big part, cloth folds, skin/body details folds, details of hair strands, etc
You try to draw the lineart one time and call it finish. You have to redraw as many time as it take, trace over until the line feels right. That is why everyline feels wrong. Because you are lazy.
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The lines are overlapping or going where they shouldn't be (red) and they are too thin in some areas making it difficult to read them (green). You just have to polish your drawing. That's it.
The places I highlighted are just a few. There are many more areas needing some work
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Decided to make a visual tutorial because I see this question often. By no means a pro but hopefully this helps.
Wtf is that pigku LMAO way to throw your whole post credibility into the trash.
>it lacks appeal
>therefore the underlying theory doesn't count
Do you wrinkle your nose at muscle diagrams too?
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youre not wrong, sadly that drawing is really uglly
you don't need much, your lines end up bad because you arent confident enough, it's a you need to draw more problem. don't look at western drawings if youre drawing anime, western comic line theory wont help you much

If you aren't confident right now try using solid hard round with no pen pressure. When you get better you can try using pen pressure. Also like everyone here already said your forms are bad and you should start with that before worrying about lineart
>can't draw
>bUt THeOrY
Your anatomy of hands and arms needs improvement. Also there are many lines that arent touching their ending point. They just thin out an vanish. Connecting these will give that area more weight and structure.
Well that doesn’t feel very nice. I don’t know, looks fine to me.
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The lineart isn't really the issue with the drawing. Even with more dynamic lineart, the drawing has very confused forms. It can't be saved just with better line work. But when it comes to line work, it helps to think of values and contrast. An exaggerated shadow underneath the chin can help push the head forward in the composition, for example. You just have to develop a feel for it over time.
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Tf are on about, the advice is sound. That's like if a beginner told you perspective is important so you decided to never train perspective.
>muh credibility
I ain't saying it's bad, just pointing out the previous nigga's brain damage. Imo facial anatomy's on point it just looks goofy with the tumblr nose and grin
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Okay so i've read up on all the advice so thx for that i am now trying again but this time without being a lazy slob so its wip
Good shit, looks much more readable and consistent
are you the same guy who made the me vs my younger sister thread
And how the fuck would any other beg know it's good advice if the example provided is utter shit?
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why she suck finger?
mix of line weight, line structure, line accuracy, shape, and composition
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I don't know what you retards have against my silly girl. Tastes vary, i dont like the anime look, i like big noses and think she looked fine and cute, if unrefined, and I'm definitely not a beginner. If you disagree, post your art.
Why is her nose darker?
>muh realism
still /beg/
Use your skill to make pretty art, you are adding moles and ugly noses, art is a reflection of the soul, you have an ugly soul.
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you would have a valid point if it actually looks good. I have a different example, but didn't feel like searching my folders.
good looks better
studying the lineart of this guy helped me a lot, no flashy shading or other stuff so lines are easier to understand https://x.com/T1kosewad78
>enters anime thread
>posts a western, red-nosed pig
>complains when people rightfully call it garbage
If you truly weren't a /beg/, you'd be able to fix OP's art without sacrificing the appeal and draining the life out of it.
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Kek. Your drawing is fine man. But anime is just better
Not OP but still really thorough. Thanks.
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Thanks guys those tips really helped me understand what i was doing wrong, here is my latest piece which is still flawed but I'm still working on it
yes improvement in the lineart department, no doubt about it
if you allow yourself to grow in everything else like you did with lineart you gmi
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It is really ugly
Appreciate it a lot my man
I actually like your shit, bro.
You completely ignored what was posted here >>7304846.
You didn't thicken the overall silhouette.
You didn't thicken lines facing away from the light source.
You didn't thicken lines closest to the viewer.
This picture is even less readable than the one in the OP.
Not him but all of those are stylistic choices, not "requirements for good line work".
And yes, the images still have massive problems, because 1. reading a handful of posts on 4chan won't suddenly make one good at line work no matter how good their advice is and 2. the forms are still confused, the perspective off, the anatomy wonky, etc. The drawings are still fundamentally quite weak.
Anon who drew that guide here. >>7306884 has it right. Def not "requirements" but the underlying point is whatever style you go for your lineweight should have consistency and logic behind it. Sharp angles/extremities are also prime spots for thicker lineweight and focal points can benefit from more contrasting lineweight to draw the eye but in the end it depends on the image and the mood you're trying to convey. Proximity is more suited for technical/mechanical illustrations and silhouettes alone are enough if you're doing simple comic art. Even completely uniform lines like what >>7306512 posted makes for appealing linework (doubt it's their own work, people at that level don't crab). >>7305638 also looks good for the same reason (unless you have anime brain), the main forms have consistent lineweight that make them stand out from each other with a clear hierarchy as the forms get smaller. That said I'm still getting my head around it myself, drew that guide for my own benefit too.
>anon who can actually draw posts
>crabs recoil
many such cases!
>i dont like the anime look
i do. and i want our art styles personified as this girl to scissor and breed. if anyone disagrees draw them scissoring and breeding
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Okay i added some more bolder lines on the left area as that side isn't receiving much light, although right now I'm trying to figure out the top portion of her hair and whether to make her foot more pronounced or not with lines but thanks for the tips
has anyone actually tried drawing scissoring? i feel like itd be difficult
>why did i spend time on this.png
To own a dunning kruger /beg/ faggot. Well done!!
hot, what is your @
ugly but not beg
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Damn that's a cute artstyle, adding it to my fan art folder.

Attempting to apply what i learned to quick doodles, I'm aware the anatomy is very bad
this is a kino thread now
your sister MOGS you at art OP, remember that.
You won't get any better than her.
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you could probably optimize the lineart a little better (post a style you want to emulate), but in general bigger issue is bad drawing, design, forms, anatomy, stiffness, no movement in hair, look at that hand and where it leads to it's super long and would look ridiculous if you drew it. the way you drew those hands as lumpy blobs it feels like you don't know how to draw any anatomy, you just draw a blobby idea of it, no sense of clothing/hair texture, or sense of 3dimensions.
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Another late night study, i feel like i'm kinda getting the hang of it but for now i'm satisfied, i just need to improve my planning and compositions, personally don't care for learning anatomy and what not atm since its easy to learn that
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>pssh anatomy's too easy, I don't need to learn that
If it’s so easy then why don’t you care to learn it?
Yeah that's what i meant by "atm" I love anatomy but i think I'll stick to studying proportions and figure drawing instead since I'm fundamentally bad at that, anatomy wouldn't help with that
Anon anatomy is one If the most important components of figure drawing lol
One of sure, but that's why i won't focus on anatomy right now since my proportions are bad, gesture is also another important component and as you can see my drawings are very stiff and boring
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But the thing is proportions come from anatomy. Gesture all comes from anatomy. Hampton demonstrates how the spine works before getting into gesture

my point is that there’s no separation, they go hand in hand. Even stylized stuff breaks established rules to a degree
I think he's talking about muscle anatomy, either way he's on the right path breaking down what his weaknesses are and focusing on them. GMI attitude right there.
lol no he isn't, begtard
focusing on lineart when you can't into forms is like focusing on rendering
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Sorry if this sounds like shitposting, but is it really necessary to focus so much on value and depth in your line art? Just look at this art, you can barely notice any thick lines, yet it still looks fine enough because the lines are consistent and clean. Wouldn't it be better to focus on that aspect instead?
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I disagree
I barely even draw anime but i think if you are remastering anime drawing i'd be good to draw it in same art style or something alongside less realism

You are not showing that you are better. You are flexing you can draw realism but i believe true strength shows in how good you can exaggerate and make it appealing without huge detail
Because the values and depth is provided by the color work. There's no indication that OP has plans to color his work, so the lines need to stand on their own.
refer to >>7304302
lineweight is a westoid meme
you don't get that much variation with a nib because it's fairly stiff and it's difficult to control the line while pressing down on it, and that's what they're used to
obviously there are exceptions, but generally what you see in manga is thick outlines and thin hatching/inside contours
so let's say you're drawing a sleeve with folds, the westoid thought is to make the folds thick because muh shadows, muh foreground, but generally in manga they'd draw the outline thick and folds thin, with relatively little lineweight variation within the lines themselves
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>lineweight is a westoid meme
Why are you lying?
>obviously there are exceptions, but generally what you see in manga is thick outlines and thin hatching/inside contours
That is line weight.
>so let's say you're drawing a sleeve with folds, the westoid thought is to make the folds thick because muh shadows, muh foreground, but generally in manga they'd draw the outline thick and folds thin, with relatively little lineweight variation within the lines themselves
Oh I get it, you think "line weight" means "that one often-reposted image of the super hero dude".
The image here >>7310096 HAS line weight. It's subtle, but it's there.
>ECKSCHOOYALLIE technically if you zoom in and count the pixels-
shut up, nerd
this >>7304846 retardation is what everyone means when the talk about lineweight, see: every single correction of op pic
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>crops the outline of face, the single place where the line is thicker
Show me the line weight.
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>is what everyone means when the talk about lineweight
Well, you're wrong.
>see: every single correction of op pic
What corrections? >>7305051, obviously doesn't mean that. Neither does >>7304750, or >>7304674 or >>7304451 etc.
Really it's just a couple of posts (>>7304716 and >>7304846) that suggest anything along the lines of what you propose "everybody means".

>nuh uh, that doesn't count!!
cope westoid
post your anime I want to laugh
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Now you.
I can't even spare a (You) for that
You can't because he ended you
seethe harder, westroon
Was that supposed to be an own?
best piece of art itt
That's funny. Weeb retards are furious when someone doesn't draw their slop
>how do I dra X?
>lik this
>but that looks nothing like X
>y-you're mad! I-I didn't even want to draw X anyway! i-i-i-it's supposed to be ugly!
Op anime shit is really ugly, another anon drew in a different style and weeb degenerates began to whine about the lack of their own garbage ugly anime
op's drawing is ugly because he can't draw
the copetard's drawing is ugly because his taste is ugly
you can fix one of those
who died and made you arbiter of taste?
your future as an artist
And they're based for it. Seethe.
oh no how will i ever make it if i'm not drawing sameface animeslop
But instead you draw sameface tumblrslop
it's ugly, stop crying
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I've been working on clarity today and i just wanted to draw Lucy getting hogtied, the linework still isn't finished but i hope at least its a bit clear on what is happening in the image, I forgot to draw the ropes though

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