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Thoughts on drawabox? I'm at the 250 box challenge and I'm wondering if it's a meme
It's a waste of time and a bad meme.
Bait to get noobs to quit.
Drawing is literally the worst hobby I've ever picked up in terms of bad advice. You try pretty much anything else (even other art forms) and you'll get some straightforward, logical steps to get you started. You try drawing, it's MUH 1000000 BOXES!! As if a noob isn't going to be bored out of their mind after box #100.

Maybe it's because few people get into it as adults, so they don't really know how to give advice (which leads to fewer people getting into it as an adult, continuing the loop).
rookie numbers. I do 1000 a day and have for almost 3 months now.
The truth? It's a structured program with a tangible goal and focused direction. Everybody learns differently. It's as simple as that. The reason some people get so butthurt about it is because they tried it and immediately had their spirit broken. Some people finish it fine. Depends entirely on you as a person and if it meets your goals.
sounds like sunk cost fallacy on your part
it completely broke some fragile people
How will I ever get back 16 hours of my life? Oh no! Sounds like you better get back to your league of legends buddy. I can GUARANTEE you play warframe and have over 5000 hours logged. You just reek of projection.
>mentioning warframe/tf2 playtime
you didnt need to go that far...
damn mb bro :( forgive me i just get so emotional about boxes. Maybe all this time I've spent thinking about the box I should have been thinking outside the box.
>I can GUARANTEE you play warframe and have over 5000 hours logged. You just reek of projection.
>forgot the jak award
it's shit. read loomis and perspective made easy and do studies of artists you like, instead of mindlessly drawing boxes like the aphantastic gypsy beg who made the course
but how can I do studies if I don't understand how and why the artist did what they did?
The number of boxes they make you draw is way overkill, especially when you can spend all that extra time practicing other fundamentals and still improve at drawing boxes (perspective, really) naturally.
10 days of drawing 25 boxes
it's not even a warm up, just do eet
why box? why not dodecahedrons??
Dont you question the almighty pajeet you filthy paki
Whatever other hobby I looked into, it always felt that the community around it was keen to share useful, practicable advice. Drawing is the only hobby I know of where not only do people deliberately not tell you the whole thing, but sometimes even mislead you or give useless, time-waster advice on purpose.
Dynamic Sketching for autists
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oh boy i sure cant wait to draw like the drawabox creator
Total meme. There's some good exersizes in it you can use, but overall it's a trap for noobs.

If you want to learn to draw, you need to have something you want to draw, and learn in service of that. Just grinding skills to grind will burn you out very quickly and DAB is designed to kill your interest very quickly in that way.
>mislead you or give useless, time-waster advice on purpose
This is such a fucking meme. Show proof of this or you niggers need to stop bitching about bad advice you got from a beg once.
It's common knowledge that drawing lines, shapes, boxes, plants, insects, animals, objects and vehicles will have a negative impact on your art. why you ask ?

..you fucking pajeet!
because its boring and not what people want to draw and makes them hate art if they're led to believe mind numbing busywork is the way to do art
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>250 box challenge
meme challenge lol(I did it and barely learned something)
you will learn a lot more if you copy cubes
It's genuinely the only thing that managed to get me off the ground. Loomis makes no sense to me and Right-Side is mind-numbing. People also told me 'just draw what you want' which is fucking retarded because how am I meant to if I can't even start?

Anyway, I find it actually helpful. But lesson 2 kicked my ass. What the FUCK is a texture
I mean, I did it and noticed some improvement. So I would not say it's a meme. After a while, in retrospect, at least IMO, 250 really isn't a lot. It makes it so you are able to draw boxes more consistently from various angles. If you intend on following drawabox strictly, you practically have to do it, but it in and of itself isn't immediately useful unless you are already applying boxes to your art.
Copy art you like
Try to recreate it from memory
Repeat those steps until it looks nice and move onto the next drawing
Now please just fucking draw I‘m begging you
>copy art you like
>try to recreate it from memory
NTA, How do I start? Even though I am serious, treat that question as rhetorical, you'll answer with 'just draw br0'. However I do want to make an actual point:

Doing that will ONLY help me to recreate that specific drawing. It does NOTHING to actually help me create something new.
> how do i start
stupid questions deserve stupid answers. You look at a drawing and try to match it. What the fuck do you mean how do i start.
See, precisely what I meant by 'treat it as rhetorical'. I don't get it, and you don't either, it just happens for you, and not me. I CAN'T 'just try to match it'. Where do I place the pen? Where do I go from there??
Let‘s say you like 90% of /ic/ want to draw anime bitches
Take a picture drawn by an artist you like and try to copy it as accurately as possible while using it as a reference
Then you attempt to draw your copy from memory
If it looks fine you move on to the next picture you like and repeat
If not copy it again while paying attention to areas you struggled with, for example the arms or head
Keep repeating this until you can adequately recreate the picture without needing to use it as a reference and then move on to the next one
After doing this a hundred times your anime chicks will look decent even if drawn completly from imagination

It‘s just a way to build up the necessary mileage while also giving you a definite target to aim for
NTA. Asking these sorts of questions indicates that you can literally start anywhere. You're not yet at the point where you should be worrying about what approach to take. Focus on studying the fundamentals instead, in addition to the previous advice.
I only did it up until lesson 5 back in like 2017 and I think that was a good place to leave it but i never went super hard into constructing everything anyway. 250 boxes is functionally trivial in the scheme of things though, just go for it.
Now that sounds like it makes sense in theory but like I said, from experince that shit only helps for that SPECIFIC image.
you can literally start anywhere.
I cannot. It'd be easiest if I was just told where to do things.
>you can literally start anywhere I cannot.
everyone is the same and learns in the same way

holy shit, I occasioanlly hop on this board to get a few laughs in but im still baffled when actualy legitimate advice like this gets completely ingored

or people half ass it, draw a few shitty cubes and give up after getting no results
Theres something I don't understand about drawabox:

he says not to use references during the 50 50 rules and to just draw from imagination.

I don't see the point of doodling crap from my imagination when I don't know how to draw anything. Would my time not be spent better doing studies of various objects? I find those fun
First 50: study the objects, second 50: draw them from imagination, at different angles, place them in scenes, with different designs, etc.
It's retarded. It's fools gold for those looking to improve, just art masturbation for the sake of it.

If you want to learn to draw a tree, study a tree. Not a fucking box.

If you want to learn to draw hot girls, study anatomy. Not a fucking box.
Drawing 250 boxes really should not be a challenge whatsoever, you can do it in like an hour or two.
If it takes any longer than that, you're probably not as comfortable with perspective as you think you are, and at a skill level that would probably benefit from drawing 250 boxes.

anatomy is just forms and proportions/ratios. if you can't draw even simple forms then there's now way in hell you're drawing a nice human body.
imagine if you started 250 boxes a ~week ago on September 18. You would be done by now and you would have a better understanding of perspective.
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>I'm wondering if it's a meme
Do you how many pro artists in history drew this many boxes?
The answer is zero.
Not a single good artist mentioned that 250 box bullshit. The creator of drawabox, Uncomfortable, is just copying and bloating "Dynamic Sketching" by Peter Han.
Instead of wasting your time learning from that fraud you should learn from his art teacher.
He also learned digital painting from Shaddy Safadi's youtube channel, he said so a few years ago, that's why his painting skills are so weird.
I've been doing drawabox for a while and I always tend to take a break and draw something else after a couple of their exercises. At the risk of looking like a fool, since there's a nice, big torrent of resources on /ic/ would you suggest I just switch to Peter Han's course?

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