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Figured we'd restart this thread
Same rules but lets throw in some color if we want. Any cool arts allowed as long as you think its got some nice lineart
Hate how blueberry isnt translated
in print I should specify
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also shortstack shehulk
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Nice, this is John Buscema as a penciller too?
some legend called José González, couldnt find much about him online though
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It lives again!

Guess who also has some comic art
Uhuh, that's right
Max Dunbar
Does hatching really not work in color?
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Of course it does.
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Of course it can.
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Depends how good the artist is. Jojos part 7 color scans are interesting to view, the start is awful and the color fucks the manga but later on I reckon the colored scans are better than the original one
Interesting. I do see that hatching must be subtle, otherwise everything ends up drowned in shadow

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