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Kot edition

>What is /fag/?<
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines<
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


Previous Thread: >>7289817
pls do not the cat
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What's the consensus on /ic/'s preference of art style?
Be it bara, kemono, mesokemo, western, russian painterly, toon, Lackadaisy comic, VGcats, alt indie, whatever. What art style do you like the most? If you have hate in your heart - which you do - what is your least favorite?
i like anime styles but not so anime it treads moeblob territory. strong fundies stylized and dynamic gets my dick hard and its hard to see that done well on furries

>what is your least favorite?
toonsre on the opposite side of the spectrum to me. grew up with hanna-barbera shows and it didnt stick
friend group of mine loves braeburneds shit but they dont know because i dont talk about it
friend group of mine loves braeburneds shit but they dont know i cant stand it because i dont talk about it*
i plan to keep it that way though. if lurking this board taught me anything its that you cant argue something as deeply ingrained and personal as preference
Kemono is what I slick to the most
I'm about the anime life style. These uwu anime eyes are bringing out the deviantart in me.
Those are indeed very good uwu eyes.
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daily sketch

oh, bara all the way
least favorite out of these? i think toon
>What art style do you like the most?
Academicism. I could spend hours looking at all those cute lolis painted by William-Adolphe Bouguereau.
>what is your least favorite?
Action painting. If you think canvas with a residue of you shitting and vomiting paint over yourself is art, then I despise you, your "art", and everything your very being represents. You're either fucking retarded or you're trying to swindle money out of other retards in the most disingenuous way possible, like a parasite on our society, who've never had a day of honest work in their life. You have no honor, no decency of a human being and to make it worse, by convincing art schools to teach this kind of "art", you're preying on young and destroying their lives, you're no different than a pedophile.
>I could spend hours looking at all those cute lolis painted by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

thx for the input, pedo
If you don't think this painting is beautiful, then you're blind.
i didnt say the dude is shit, i said that youre a pedo
If you think arousal is the only reason why someone would look at a painting, then you're a fucking retard, just as those "artists" that shit over themselves I talked about earlier.
I think it's the fact that you referred to young girls in a classical painting as "cute lolis" that tipped the other anon off.
Like imagine passing by a school and turning to your friend and asking, "How many cute lolis do you think are in there right now?" Context is important.
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Thanks for the help in the last thread, /fag/! The crits really helped me pull along here!
ah, I see. You guys just don't know what "loli" means and think it's some kind of pedo slang. Well, it's not. It's a japanese term meaning a young or young-looking girl character in Japanese anime / manga and that's all, no sexual connotation needed.
>Like imagine passing by a school and turning to your friend and asking, "How many cute lolis do you think are in there right now?"
A normal person would reply that I'm watching too much anime and to stop using Japan terms so much as it's cringe.
In summary you're baka, desu (meaning: you're a dummy, t b h)
holy shit just take the l and fuck off
it wouldn't help even if you'd written it in plain english
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this is for the braixen anon. sorry for not fulfilling the art trade we had as well as you did. the guilt had been eating me up and i couldnt stand it anymore, so please accept this work of your favorite girl and have a nice day.
Too cute. Does the cat cooperate when you have to set it up for a reference?

I tend to like more the painterly stuff, and tend to dislike kemono.
how do i baramaxx
step 1: look at bodybuilders. A LOT.

I would honestly like bara art more if it was less incestuous. A lot of artists rip off of NullGhost or Morenatsu and they bicker amongst each other over who copied who.. but there is good potential there. Darkgem for example has great volumes.
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>and they bicker amongst each other over who copied who
wut. how do you tell the difference between the styles. literally all bara art i've seen look like photocopies. not that im judging that
Looks good. Would fuck.
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reposting cow from last thread
i really like your penmanship, she reminds me of my girl actually.
great use of pose and lighting!
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Thanks! All done.
I bet she fucks human men.
Guess I'll jerk off to it again (pensive emoji)
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A recent commission.
how did you learn how to draw furry faces?
that poor cat
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depends what kind of faces youre looking for. got any preferences?
for example, I like drawing males with more detail and slightly more "realistic features," but females should usually be a bit softer with a slightly more human resemblance.
Any particular genre you looking for?
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i'm mostly interested in drawing males
i want to be able to do the typical western head/face style (pic rel.) but i also want to be able to do a style similar to SODA_UYU on twitter
I'm your greatest nightmare, arent i
i hate that mainstream twitter furry shit with a passion, you know what I mean. Protogens and such
And what is your skill level now?
mm nah this isnt really moeblob. an anon above mentioned SODA_UYU.. i consider that, the boykisser meme, and young youtube animation meme furries in that threshold but your face proportions (especially, and most importantly) look mature. cute fur btw

maybe its bc im in a different corner of the internet, but i neither see them copy, nor fight with each other
and darkgem has some cool stuff, yeah
well, not high at all, it's why i'm asking on how to learn how to draw faces/heads. i'm not expecting to be able to bust them out after 5 minutes of doodling. i'm also asking because the one resource i've found (the japanese "how to draw manga furries" book) sucks
This and attention whore vrchat furries redoing skits with their ugly recolored rexes. Obnoxious.
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lemme also repost something
No Anon. It's your fault you're too brain damaged to see how gay it is to accuse others of being pedophiles because you're projecting your own insecurities.
Kewl drawing
Very edgy (in a good way)
dude, you brought up lolis unprompted. the question was whats your fav art style in a furry thread, and you just deadass answered " I could spend hours looking at all those cute lolis"

>You guys just don't know what "loli" means and think it's some kind of pedo slang
anon, this is not my first 5 minutes on the internet. like fuck dude, were on 4chan. you can check one of the billion AI threads and see what people like you mean when they say loli
You're getting baited, I think.
yeah, maybe
let me try and bring this back on track

i like this style
I had a friend give me a lot of critique anatomy wise. It hurt my pride cause I was really happy with this but I needed it. I still like it so I at least wanted to shoe it here
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"Loli" is absolutely pedo slang; it quite literally originates from a book where a man fucks a 12 year old girl. Anybody who says otherwise is lying in an attempt to keep going the open secret that they are sexually attracted to 12 year old girls, with a wet one-ply toilet paper veil of plausible deniability in saying "it's a japanese term" as if that makes a lick of difference knowing their cultural values surrounding the topic.
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>not high at all
With all due respect friend, that doesn't really tell me much. So I will break it down like this, if you are new to drawing as a whole, you will need to start with construction as a whole so you can start understand form. Such as the poorly drawn left sketch. If you are further along, then simply start comparing and contrasting your work with those artists you like so you can learn their technique. Yeah, the manga furry book sucks, but if you REALLY don't know how to draw furry, its an alright start. Why not just shoot your shot and post what you can do?
What did your friend say? Cause given your skill, it looks alright, friend.
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Fake it till you make it honestly
Early on I used guides made by kihu, and then just copied/heavily referenced artists I liked. Later found x6ud and combined bits from there (snoot, nose, ears, rough fur placement) with some random human head/simplified skull turntables on sketchfab (jaw, brow, cranium etc) to figure things out further. It all looked like shit until someday it was just a bit less shit, and now I like to think I'm half way decent at barashit
>"Loli" is absolutely pedo slang; it quite literally originates from a book where a man fucks a 12 year old girl.
You're contradicting yourself. Sexual attraction to 12yo is hebephilia, not pedophilia - totally different things. Just admit that you pulled your pedo accusation out of your ass and move on.
> t. the pedophilia expert
Yeah, that's fair. I have spend some time reading NAMBLA brochures and they do have some excellent points.
Oh, wait, I forgot we're on 4chan and supposed to throw malicious accusations and insults at each other over the smallest of things. Here you go:
>t. ignorant on every topic that makes you even vaguely uncomfortable
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Also I wouldn't really call null-ghost "western". But if you want some bara(not soda) artists with eastern looking faces check out artists like syukapong, anthyutena, Xherlock1, tooboshoo, Uleezoo, jacketbear and nomifuki. That and tfiddler are my go to if I'm feeling stumped or are doing some warmup studies.
Busted ribcage, uneven boobs, bad hands
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My younger sister wants to me draw a fursona/furry oc for her, pic it's her sketch.
>his name is "Ladle"
>slightly tall
>he is a builder
>wearing a helmet that makes his ears going down
>burnt tail tip
Gentlemens, wish me a good luck.
me to draw*
pedophiles should be ignored
sorry, hebephiles
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>Taran Fiddler mentioned
based, that dude is a god
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Attempt 1
I'll show it tomorrow and let her take some notes to fix shit
Never draw raccoons before btw so i'm open for critique
whatever you say, zoophile.
you missed one of the suspenders being of off the shoulder, it added some cute asymmetry to the design. also inquire with your “commissioner” if she’d be down to add some sort of a nose, at the moment the character almost feels more human than furry
>jump into a furry thread
>go on about how much you like young girls below the age of consent
>get called out
>"ok zoophile"
What a self-report. Definitely bait. You're a retard.
Certified cutekino
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Hello /fag/ do you like my esteemed gentleman?
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Holy fuck, you're so stupid. First of all: did I hit a nerve? And secondly you really can't see how hypocritical you are, are you? Since you're legitimately brain damaged (probably from all this gooning to bestiali-, sorry feral, anatomically correct, furry porn), let me spell it out for you:
>calls others a sexual deviant off of a tangent
>ignores any rational and logical arguments to the contrary
>gets called a sexual deviant off of a tangent in retaliation
>get ape shit crazy
Retard. The point is: calling someone a pedo, because they enjoy Bouguereau and his girls is just like calling someone a zoophile because they're furries. If you still don't understand this, honestly go drink bleach.
Wow, you seem really mad. Don't like being called out, pedo? Maybe /b/ is more your taste, they have plenty of loli--sorry, esteemed hebephilic content--there.
You're beyond hopeless.
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oh god, hes still here?
stop shitting up the thread

any of you guys plan on taking part in this?
>>>7306553 (You)
>oh god, hes still here?
>stop shitting up the thread
Then stop throwing around baseless accusations, simple as that.

>any of you guys plan on taking part in this?
Yeah, I was planning to! Seems like a fun way of getting out of my comfort zone, some of these are pretty hard to draw in an appealing way.
pedo, i stopped responding to you hours ago
>post from 24 minutes ago was written hours ago
That's not time zones work, bozo.

youre fighting with other anons, schizo pedo
im done responding, piss off to /b/
>only one person is getting enjoyment from your unending seethe at being called a pedo
lmao even
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If you want people to recognize which one of you zoophiles is which one, then start using tripcodes instead of using the same name "Anonymous".
Gonna do Otters every day. Fuck this chart.
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I love it anon! And it looks great! Don't worry about the art trade, they are just for fun!
She's love it and I'll continue to work. No any fix notes.

>suspenders being of off the shoulder
I know, i just wanted to figure out proportions first

>sort of a nose
Yeah, she said just to draw a small circle at the middle of his face

>feels more human than furry
Maybe add something else?


thank you!
>from the tmnt anon
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Would like to see your gallery if it's possible man.
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The final thing
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Back after a long drawing break, finally getting that Pokemon Sumo Wrestling comic that I've been dreaming about off the ground. If anyone's interested, might post actual pages as well later
Norway Airways said "have ticket" they never said mouse has to have a specific ticket!

"Warm memories" the artstyle. Good stuff!
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how do i find a furry artist centered discord server thats not cringe and/or filled with minors
Anon, that's discord in general. Sorry.
I got one but everyone will chimp out if I post it
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new one
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I remember at the begging of the year that I wanted to get good at drawing backgrounds, and then proceeded to draw in a white void for several months, gonna force myself to draw backgrounds for the rest of the year!
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Yeah sure
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progress on woof link
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Finished this Wendy Drawing. Not furry, but sort-of close.
dm me the invite idc bout chimps
From what I can tell you're pretty new to doing art and are just interested in just drawing zorn yes? Not that it's bad thing per say but it's something I really wouldn't set out with for a beginner such as you.

I'd recommend doing studies and learning your fundamentals first before jumping straight into it.
"So what happens if the dampeners fail?"
"We repaint the inside of the shuttle"
Thank you kindly, the both of you
you guys are so much better and more skilled than me ong
Post your work.
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ruined it shortly after by trying to ink the shadows.
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i just started, so im a complete beginner with 0 fundamentals or prior experience. the past few days ive been watching tutorials and lurking this board more than drawing

but i still drew a stick figure with a mouse on mspaint for you because i love you
wheres the dick?
hiding in that speedo
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And the first background is done!
Thank you! I hope Norma L. Mouse gets the compensation she deserves.
Really cute. Really nice use of colors and shading, very appealing palette. >>7308863
Great perspective and form. I struggle with drawing character’s backs for some reason, so that first panel is particularly impressive to me.
Braixen was meant to wear a sweater, it just looks so right. Your line work is very smooth and consistent, great stuff.
thanks im going to change the panel layout and redo it in just pencil.
As long you have a passion for art since you're a beginner, that's what truly matters.
Thank you.
She used the compensation money (27.95 Norde Kronen) to fund the AbsoluttelySaffe(r)(tm) Spaece Shootle Company. Im told they're doing great and so far had no refunds at all.
(no one made it back)
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cute braixen. I love exposed shoulders
These mice can't keep getting away with this!
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finally finished the big boi
Look, as soon as someone comes back from a certified fatal shuttle "oopsie" they're gonna refund* the ticket!

*in company scrip
**minus technical fees
***T&C's apply

(also the light came out great, anon!)
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>Want to draw a bg with lots of clouds
>Doesn't know how to draw clouds

C'est la vie

Cute drawing! Someday I'm gonna draw a Meowscarada.
NOW we're talkin
do you have any ocs barachad?
Nice job
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actually pretty proud of this one i did of Juno today. i still cant make any sense of line art though
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not at the moment,but im thinking about making this guy a recurring character

thank you!
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hes the only character that i drew a 2nd pic of
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How would you achieve this level of softness?
I really really don't like coloring, but I'd like to get to something as simple as this, but it doesn't feel soft whenever I try to copy it.
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requesting crit
clouds are moronically easy to draw, turn down your stabilization into 0 and just make shapes that vaguely resemble what you're going for, then you can refine them
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Still mogs me
Instead of hard edge shadows, why not use a soft eraser or an air brush.
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working on warwick
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>brother found the sketchbook
bye /fag/
At least it wasn’t your parents. Or grandparents.

how bad
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Testing colors before fixing and cleaning everything!

Everyone says that they are easy to draw but for some reason I always struggle with the clouds.
>turn down your stabilization into 0
I don't know how someone could draw with stabilization, the delay is so fucking annoying

Don't know enough about anatomy to help you with some critique, but imo the right thigh looks shorter than her left one
this is like an alternative universe sethpup where he isn't such a massive pervert.
>not doubling down
Oooo... lots of nice wok in this thread
R-Royce?! Is that you ?
Anyone have experience posting on instagram? I s it worth it?
I'm afraid to look that up lol.
Don't. I did and I can't believe I completely forgot about it... It is related to what is probably the worst scandal in the fandom
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Y'all what the fuck happened to FalconMcCooper. Did he get bodysnatched by the ghost of Tom of Finland or something?
I'm always impressed by people who can wrangle detailed scenes like this, even if the style is naive. There's so much going on.
I want to fight this boss in an FF/KH-style JRPG featuring loads of furbait. The freakin' pre-battle cinematic where he unfurls his wings on a simultaneous dolly zoom out, leaps into the air and [ JUMP ]s
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First timer here, thought itd be fun to try.
Looks decent, the face could use work. Got a blog?
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5th captcha attempt ffs

Storybook for kids where parents didnt catch on its gonna make their kids furry later on in life.

Keep going, you're doing good!
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Thank you both, I will take another swing at the face. I didnt make it easy for myself doing a mostly front facing angle.

I do have blogs but they arent much. Trying to build up stuff to post.

Space mouse anon your stuff is great
I recommend using this, references are also your friends when drawing animals.

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Damn thats some tech. Pretty happy with it now.
definite improvement, is there a way to reach out to you? You seem like an interesting dude to chat to lol
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yay another bara artist, this is what im working on
isnt that pic PurpleBirdman? that dude's around

i take that as a compliment, thx

soon we will overtake the thread from all the booby artists, and make this the real /fag/
>popular furry artist makes a YCH
>no AB
Yes. I mean, what happened to his art. Who's the crusty bitch who told him that his newer faces were okay. His work used to be so good.
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new in digital art in general

first one is me trying to draw using the methods explained in the pdf.

the second is a drawing over, better known as tracing

Is there a way to avoid going for the obvious cheaper/easier option?
It's just too tempting :(
there will come a time when you can't trace something exactly and will need to adjust a body part or angle of something to make it look good. going the easy way now means you're hindering your growth in the long term and you will have a lot of trouble trying to create your own stuff. if you learn to use 3d shapes to construct the body, you'll be able to move things around however you like, set up guidelines for proportions/features, and create your own unique characters and props without any problems. it's like building a house without a foundation, it's just going to cause a bunch of issues with the end result.
OMG cute cat :DDDD
yeah, not a huge fan of his faces
theyre well drawn, but it just doesnt fit imo. at least the bodies make up for it
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Good advice!
With this I now have time to learn how to draw faces.
Thanks :D!
It's 100% a compliment. It's such an evocative work, I can see him moving in my head.
man im almost sure the other anon didn’t mean 3D pose dolls, but meant moving the 3D forms in your head via the power of imagination
This reminds me of Tattoo art but also of conspicuously jacked anthropomorphic gym mascots.
thank you!
that pic is more than 2 yrs old, i need to make more with that guy

conspicuously jacked anthropomorphic gym mascots sounds like my perfect market niche
>>7312589 is right, I meant actually drawing the shapes themselves and rotating them in your head. for example, a head can start from a sphere, ribcage + ovoid, pelvis + bowl shape. Try getting used to drawing 3d shapes on your own, they're building blocks for everything else.
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Decided to get back into digital painting.
One Layer Only Too. Started from Colored Blobs.
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what do i need to learn to draw like this

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