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This is a thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?" / "What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

>"Are there other brush sets aside from the CSP ones?" / "Has this brush set been uploaded before?"
Check the archive. Chances are if it's popular some anon has uploaded it already.

Previous: >>7272681

(Brush in the OP is in the CSP assets rentry.)
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>Suspicious encoded link:

Full of viruses (real).
Hey any idea where I can get opne of those expensive 3D anatomy models?
Requesting this Mixed Media Brush Pack for Procreate. And all the extras that comes with it (18 brushes, 3 color palettes, 2 paper texture brushes).


seconding this. i'd love a posable 3d model with realistic and detailed muscular/skeletal anatomy (particularly female anatomy). recs would be much appreciated!
Has anyone had issues trying to dl from catbox in the past several hours? I've tried to grab some of the links posted in the last thread and it's giving me errors




requesting these, very odd request i know. but could be useful for some.
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Looking for this bloody brush. Is the one missing from the artist's collection

https:// assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2110269
Anyone got this one?
Sorry if I am supposed to drop a code I don't use these threads often.
You can find it in the rentry csp paid materials link in OP
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Does anyone know a brush that'll let me draw something like pic attached? Honestly, I've been trying to improve for so long and I think once I've got a brush that I feel really comfortable with then I can put in 1000% of my effort and "get gud" as they say.
Look for G pen brushes.
Has anyone tried to replicate Gege Akutami's pen?
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>Gege Akutami did an inteview with Tite Kubo, Author of "Bleach". I remember reading it a while ago and found the article again. He says he can't even create his own custom brushes and just gives everything a go until he finds something he likes.

So is either real G pen or https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1686820
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If I want to make comic/manga, are there presets speech bubbles in CSP or do I need to download some pack?
As usual, matter of taste. I think nothing I find meets my needs so I just use the bubble pen to draw my own bubbles. Most of the time I just draw them with a normal bubble brush though, more layers just get in the way.
Both. There's a generic speech bubble, but you can download ones from asses according to your taste.
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Sharing this really cool deleted brush that I got a bit ago and it's honestly so fun to color with!

im looking for paper textures if anyone has any.

There's also TGTS, Daub, Lane, etc... texture packs in the external rentry.
thank you!
What's your favorite brush to sketch with, anons? Personally I prefer thicker brushes that emulate a Sumi-E style.
any pencil brush
Kyle's china box.

Pencil style mixed with white (白混じりペンシル風) https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2086488

REAGANS2 Pen https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1715553
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Has anyone ever made a 5 or 5.5 head model based on girls like Ranma and Urusei Yatsura? Those body types are peak for drawing
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I have a very weird question...

You know like "most of us" are sketching with a pen, and basically making a contour of a character(for example), and then properly line it, and then color.

But I saw some dudes do a shape thingy that remotely resembles a figure, and then go from there, forming every part separately, adding shade and features, and even if they do lineart - they would add it on top.

I don't know how to even search for it.
What that technique called? Can you recommend something related to that?
that's called blocking
Did anyone get these 3D things during the limited period and is willing to share them, or get them for me?
I would really appreciate it if so!

yeah blocking-in or silhouette
Anyone know good impasto brushes with heavy texture for CSP?
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Looking for a specific kind of brush if you have time.

I'm looking for a very specific kind of brush compatible with CSP. One that can mimic a .07 led pencil. Pic is an example of a brief little sketch i did with one.

i want it to have that same texture to it, that light grain, but most importantly of all, i want it to only be dark if the pen pressure calls for it. What i've noticed with a lot of pencil brushes i have is that they start off at a very dark shade. a real pencil wouldn't start black, it starts off a few shades lighter at a dark grey, going lighter grey or darker, dependent on the amount of pressure applied to it. Another BIG thing, i didn't want the brush to overlap. If i draw a line with little pressure, and draw another line over it, i don't want to be able to see the 2 lines overlapping, if that makes sense. I want every line to appear solid, so i don't want it to rely on low opacity to mimic the different shades and tones of grey you can capture with a real pencil and applied pressure.

TLDR: want a realistic pencil brush with similar texture to picrel, draws at a lighter shade than the one selected, and reacts to pen pressure, allowing you to make it darker if you apply more pressure. i don't want something that relies on opacity to achieve this look though.
Alternatively, what settings can i change to make an existing brush draw lighter tints of the selected color, lighten/darken based on applied pressure, and not have an obvious visual overlap of lines due to opacity?
I want to say, play with the value (and Saturation) of the color jitter setting for existing brushes. That might help a lot. It doesn't affect the opacity, only the color that comes out. Might need to play around with it for awhile to achieve what you want but that's the best way I know that doesn't touch the opacity
What I have noticed is that there is a trend from 6.5 heads to 7. The animes I've seen that use 6 are to give a moe look like kill la kill or precure.
i’ve always loved kuzuine’s rendering style. anyone know what brush she’s using/a similar brush?
She works in opencanvas https://www.youtube.com/@kuzuvine/ you can try watercolour brushes.
would anyone have these brushes?
my brother in christ, it's $1.50 for the full set.
i'm well aware of that but have you stopped to think i may not be american or able to buy it at the moment? just wanted to know if anyone has it, if you don't there's no reason to reply.

Does anyone have anything for rendering forest backgrounds or anything for nature they'd be willing to post? Thank you very much in advance.
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anyone happen to know the brush this guy uses for lineart?
hard round brush with opacity
thank you
This >>7311095
>play with the value (and Saturation) of the color jitter setting for existing brushes
fixes the color from coming out fully black, but it doesn't seem to darken more if i press harder. that's what i'm lacking.

i need something that will start out as a lighter hue of the color (in this case, the color is black, so the color should be a dark grey) and then reacts to pressure sensitivity by making the color come out darker (black) or lighter (a lighter grey) depending on how faintly or hard you are pressing on the pen.

If anyone knows any solutions, theories, or brushes, i would like to hear.
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update: i have gotten VERY close to my desired effect.

by messing with the color jitter - saturation level, ink - amount of paint, and ink - density of paint, i've created a brush that can go light with little to no pressure and darken the color as you apply pressure.

i still cannot figure out how to make it go full black at the end (when heavy pressure is applied) though.

the color selected is solid black, but i can only make it go full black if i mess with a setting, which would revert what i did.
mind posting your settings for the brush? i'd like to replicate it if i can.
rentry has some brushes that might be what you're looking for
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I need these glases

The only two I know are the most known I think

As for a place to find them haven't seen any torrent of those yet so...
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Minasan, anything new on these full body models? I'm also waiting on the updated version of the cute girl head.
It takes so much time to setup poses... is it even worth it?
I have hundreds of pre-made poses downloaded and can usually get it to do whatever I want in just a few minutes especially if I use them as a base (I’ve also created several poses myself). It has its issues, like the default CSP models also do, but they’re super useful, and the poses definitely aren't a reason to ditch it.
>I have hundreds of pre-made poses downloaded
So I'm not very knowledgeable on digital brushes and I've always had a hard time knowing what's good for certain jobs. If I wanted to focus more on digital painting and rendering, would hard round brushes be good? And what exactly does hard and round mean? The brush doesn't fade in and just has a circular tip instead of a square one?
Also what do you guys think of krita? Have you found it hard to make brushes in it?

I just check Assets every day for some 10 minutes when it's around midnight in Japan and download everything I think may be useful or looks interesting (Without actually downloading it to my machine).
>Hard Eraser
>Soft Eraser
>Hard Round Brush
>Hard Round Brush with Pressure Opacity
>Soft Airbrush
>Lasso Tool
>Transform Tool
>Liquify (Optional, as some softwares dont have it)

Those are literally the only tools you need to draw anything and they come by default on ALL drawing programs. no textures or anything. its all about practice and understanding the fundamentals, if you can master all of these tools you can master all the brushes and textures in the world in any drawing software.
Right on, I like this answer. I was definitely overthinking this whole ordeal what with all the brush packs I was wading through, plus trying to figure out random settings menus was driving me mad.
You can turn off the automatic download?
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I know this was probably posted in the previous threads but I can't seem to find it.
Does anyone have a brush similar to the default one on Drawpile?

Please I beg of you anons.
You can use a browser that won't open CSP when you click in download (Any newly installed browser works). Most of the time I just open a dozen of tabs and go clicking in download then closing the tab, switching to the next one. You can also just use a device that doesn't have CSP to start with, like a smartphone.
I feel it like the real g pen in CSP.

Found these two.
Thank you anon, this is such an obvious thing that I should have considered but never have.

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I really love the look of this work. Can anyone tell me good brushes to replicate the look of the lines here and specific techniques they might've use? Explaining it is weird but the lines are sort-of blocky with that "Panty and Stocking" look to them.
tried every setting, can't make it the way i want. i think i gotta give up for now.
if anyone can help me out by finding a brush that mimics 0.7 led pencil on paper and goes has the saturation depend upon your pressure applied, i would appreciate it. here's a detailed description of what i'm looking for: >>7311030
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>Not looking at the ones in Rentry

Anon, you have to find which brush emulates the style you want on your own first.
Here's https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2103595 Line Drawing & Coloring Brush Set
Seconding this.
Can someone upload a good pencil brush, and an ink brush with a rough edge, for Photoshop?
Does anyone know if there's a similar body model like this on Clip Studio to help me practice?
see >>7308604

You can modify the 3d models in CSP, anon.
Yeah but the results end up being less than desirable, modifying the models there just end up looking wrong
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Anyone got a brush like pic-related? Been trying to tinker on making a replica of my own but no dice so far
very low quality picture. need better quality image to see it clearer
Looks like any pencil with traditional texture.
This morning I did some tests to make some custom brushes by scanning in pen strokes from a real Gpen and Maru. At 600dpi a Gpen's max line width is roughly 42px, and a maru is roughly 28px.
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Have anyone got these brush via email?

This dude's stuff is recommended by pro mangakas/assistants for backgrounds but his stuff is so fucking overpriced or uses gold which I can't buy with my cc, if anyone happens to have any of his stuff I'd appreciate it

I use this one and it feels like using a G pen.
OK, I carve in. Here it is. If anyone wants a brush that can be paid with gold, let me know.

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Smoke Brush Set Ver.2.0 (煙霧ブラシセット ver.2.0) (updated version of Haze Brush Set (煙霧ブラシセット) )

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Gege Akutami brush (now deleted)

If you could afford any of these sets, I'd be so eternally grateful, kind anon. They are amazing for concept art



Fulfilled a wishlist item and I want to share it with everyone, too! Have a good time painting!

It's this textured brush set


>Gege Akutami brush
you know the ID of clip studio asset?
Thanks, anon.
It got deleted in time record due copyright issues. That's why I'm uploading it.

I bought more brushes for me, but I might buy them next time .
OP here, it was 2119086
should I get CSP on discount if I want a 3D model software for poses/references?
thoughts on using koitatsu party/gmod?
If you want to move the 3D model in the same program, yes. But you can export a 3d model in File > Import > 3d data, but only if is obj and fbx format.
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looks like witch hat atelier
im sorry, are you saying there are packs in the rentry from daub, lane, tgts etc? i tried looking, cant find anything.
ejem >>7308604
oooh, i see. thank you kindly!
did anyone get this one before it got deleted?
for you anon
Thank you.
x2, looks like a cool brush, pls some one T.T
It looks like any hatching brush, you could try the free ones before or the ones in Rentry.
Any bodies similar to this?
It's on the Rentry already. Look up the ID
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>Cross Blood Stain Set (クロス血の染みセット) - 2110269

I'm going to request this pen

does anyone know the texture for this?
萌鼠纹理-颗粒 since it is possible to port it to clip. All I found was it could be in this SAI2-2020终极笔刷包

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Anyone have this? Don't see it in the Rentry unless I'm fuckin blind.
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Requesting this action

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What brush in csp i should use for that manga feeling?
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anyone happen to have this brush for line? it's in clip studio paint
I know this is not entirely related but maybe someone here can help me out.
Is there any way to cycle brushes in csp?
Like when you press E it switches to the last used eraser, is there a way to make it so if I press E again after that it switches to the next eraser?
And back and forth?
So I can switch between the hard eraser and soft eraser without having to drag the pen to the brush window and manually click on the specific eraser I need?
And same for brushes/blenders?
Like make the button you press to switch to them cycle like 2/3 different ones?
No. You're stuck with custom keyboard shortcuts
What are the custom keyboard shortcuts?
You can, but you need to set custom shortcuts. Go to File, then Shortcut Settings.
Just set the same key to all the brushes in a category and it'll cycle each time you press.
Or even between categories (For ex. using B to both Brush and Eraser back and forth)
Oh shit, thanks you're a lifesaver.
Does anyone know of a brush (or even a setting) similar to ireading62's line art? I've been trying to emulate the grunge texture-feel in the line art like him, but haven't quite gotten it right so far
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just checking my old cloud drive, I remember i bought this brush last year.
it's brush used by korean artist youtuber called MINJYE (https://www.youtube.com/@MINJYE/featured). I dunno if someone once share it but I thought I'd share it with you guys if there's people who hasn't (it has around 20+ brush) : https://www.mediafire.com/file/p5cxdaxfqnl75rk/Basic_Pack_Nari_s_Pentagram_Cake_Brush_5c27a33ab3.zip/file

picrel is example (not my drawing but the artist herself). I forgot but I think you need to try tweak/play around with the opacity & brush density if you want to get something like picrel (the artist once upload a video about how to use her brush iirc, you can try check her channel)
it used to be my favorite brush, if you want to have that clean lineart looks with blendy-texture (?)
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Requesting these sketch brushes:

and this crinkly brush:

They're both $1 each

Thanks for posting them, I'll use them too.
Ayy thanks as well anon, happy drawing.
WARNING: cursed brush. will make you ruin your manga, offscreen good fights and major deaths, and fire the only editor that keeps your piece of shit readable.
Hey, guys. No one knows where I can download csp ver.3 on mac? My 1.17 license fucked me up, and I don't want to pay extra for an upgrade.
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Can't you get the v2 in the meantime?
does anyone have version 4.5 of sai2s? latest version posted was for the 2023 build of sai2
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requesting this brush for csp, please
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Even though it costs me 20 bucks I don't feel like paying it at all. I tried it on my iPad - not worth paying for, but worth to pirate
bump for interest, I think the interrupted pen works but it's not exactly the same
I have the v2 and is quite worth to both pay and pirate. I don't plan to upgrade it because [spoiler]my pc is old[/spoiler] don't like the subscription thing.
moved from krita to CSP is there a way to import some of the brushes to CSP?
I really liked the chalk and charcoal brushes
No, sadly. You might export the brush tip and try to replicate the settings, but you need to do it manually.
is there a way to at least group all my favorite brushes under a window?
You can easily mimic this with the default pencil brushes in CSP
Try the default darker pencil brush or mechanical pencil
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Here's a recently deleted brush.
Analog real Ink brush https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2119222
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requesting : https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2068045
ID : 2068045
Check Rentry. Search by ID
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Does anyone know any brushes similar to pic rel for CSP?
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is this just normal pencil in csp?
For a while now, the opacity on CSP's fill tool has been defaulting to 99%. I can change it while I'm still on that tool, but if I switch to another tool and then switch back, it's at 99% again. Does anyone know how to fix this?
does anyone has a photoshop brush that gives screentone effect that aren't technically a pattern so you can resize accordingly? I kinda want to emulate spiderverse style. I thought it would be a lot more common i've never seen a good one yet
I just got this model I thought I'd share with everyone.



If anyone else has any of their models that aren't already available on Rentry I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, Anons!
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what brush is this?
Does anybody have this brush? "Custom flat watercolor". Unfortunately it's been deleted from Assets.

this guy worked on spider-verse, he says to just resize the scaling of the pattern
>the whole fucking brush set for environment painting and such
holy based. thanks anon. i will definitely checj this out later after work!
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Any brushes to achieve similar rendering to picrel? I’m like 99% sure they use sai/ps since they’re chinese, but I’d like something for csp. Would pretty much any watercolor brush work?
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Anyone has this?

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Am i doing good? how do i attach the new customizable 3D heads on the model on CSP 3.0
Options that immediately come to mind:
Paint and Apply
A2 Brush
PS Hard Round
Hey that looks pretty good, I don't think the head is super necessary.
anyone has this? the ones for photoshop were already leaked but was never lucky to find this one
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Please let me know when it's ready and if you're uploading it on Clip Studio or just here
i got these i'll upload them when i get off work
thank you anon! really apprecWiate it
here u go anon have fun
Has anyone got this?

Seconding the Toriyama brush. I'd buy it but I'm fuckin broke.
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By chance, does anyone know the brush @uchuunin uses?
This picture shows part of the name on the left, but I don't know Chinese.
Or otherwise, how do they achieve that texture?
If anyone has 10cp to spare
I do, gimme a sec anon
Already downloaded it, how can I find the files?
Ok, I just exported each brush as a sut file, hope this is the right away.
Enjoy anon.

I might do it tomorrow. Is only for Procreate?
looks like some sort of watercolor brush
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Somebody tips on good lineart pens for CSP? Gpen looks so boring and all other ones I tried the opacity is shit so I can't use erase along edge without it looking jagged
If anyone with 30cp wants to grab before it gets ludicrously more expensive
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hey all. anyone got these?
You should play with the pen pressure option.

But this one is my favorite - https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1688502
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Toriyama brush for Procreate.

Thanks, I'll try it
Yeah my current line brush just sucks I didn't notice too much until after coloring. It's more like a pencil than a pem and cba to fiddle with the settings.
Thank you anon!

Catbox seems unavailable atm, so if someone adds to rentry please reupload to there instead.
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sauce on this brush?
I like it when you can sketch, draw and paint at the same time
Is everything ok with the model, anon?
Can't wait to use it
is there one for CSP?
That's at least 3 brushes retard
Not sure where to ask, but since this is a digital related thread:

- heavy paint: will re-installing the app after the free trial reset the free trial?

- is there any free (open-source even) alternative to heavy paint, which works on android phones? Krita is only available for tablets.
I know, I'm talking about the one he used to draw the body, not the 5 lines in one brush he used for the hair, I want the one he used for the whole rest of the body, it's the same one he used for the eyes too, it's a same brush with pressure opacity, but I don't know exactly what brush, not it's not a round brush
Oh and it's two brushes at most, not 3
dumb retard
lick my clit, twit.
Seeing the preview, looks like a textured g pen. You can find free or in Rentry tons of g pens.
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This one is the closest.
You can bypass the heavypaint demo with RunAsDate: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/run_as_date.html
It's not *that* big anon, but thank you <3

> *slap* *slap*
Thanks anons.
The image of settings for what brush is?
>>The image of settings for what brush is?
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1702020 From the same user.
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Seems like this one got deleted from Rentry.
Afaik it's only procreate
>It got deleted from the asset store
Big thanks for grabbing it when you did, I guess
Author deleted the upload, didn't reimburse clippy back because it didn't violate any rules, and then reuploaded everything looking the same to just include the texture he forgot in the previous upload. All of that instead of providing an update, just to 'scam' another 30cp.

I hate this behaviour, even if it's only for such small amount of clippy it's just so scummy.
A lot of paid brushes I used to have are undownloadable for the same reason, deleted and reposted with slight change or none at all.

At that point why not just upload a v2 of your brush? Such a fucking scam move.
ys_cs made the loli model golden only too quickly... If I could go back, I'd spend all my CP to get all those models. Clip Studio deleted all my assets anyway, so I don't even have anything saved up now.

answering myself: sketchbook doesn't lag, seems to be free, and complete enough
I saw as soon as I bought it. What a boomer, but it doesn't look different than >>7330209
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What's up /Ic/. I used to frequent this board and I like giving back to you guys, I loved the SAI watercolor brush and a lot of people agree that it's one of the best blenders out there so I spent a few days meticulously replicating it for my favorite drawing program Clip Studio Paint.

It's totally free and exactly the same as the SAI version, you can download it here: spinehaus.gumroad.com/l/cofrv
Oh shit anon, the watercolor brush is amazing! way better than the one in the assets. Thank you for sharing it.
Double it
What is up with the brushes Christophe Young is selling on Gumroad?

I picked up his drawing and painting brushes from the reentry, and they're nothing like the brushes he draws with on his Youtube channel.

Does anyone who's familiar with his work and/or his brushes know what he actually uses?
Looks like either a "milli" pen or a g-pen with texture, try looking at the popular page of the CSP assets store
thanks, i will
There's also lots of paid ones in the rentry, feel free to browse and experiment bro
Doesn't he mostly use that soft round/oval textured brush? Idk if they are included in his brush packs on gumroad
Something along those lines, but — and this may just be my relative like of Photoshop-knowledge — in a lot of his videos, he'll set the brush size real high, say 300px, and somehow the stroke he proceeds to draw appears much smaller than that.

Here's a screenshot from one of his videos.
Watch the rendering guide video. He uses the textured soft round with low flow and size + opacity jitter so that when he presses lightly he gets a light tone with a size smaller than the brush size.
Thanks, Anon. I will.
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Hey /dbag/, anyone know what brushes this person uses? They make absolutely gorgeous art.

Thanks a lot, how did you manage to buy gold? My cc gets rejected every time.
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I use my virtual card and never have problems with it.


I'm still looking for this brush. I'm angry that CSP doesn't give some clippy coins if you purchase gold.
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brush name? plox.. looks fucking epic
Is catbox down for anyone else?
Here's https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2122674 Jarring pen (じゃりするペン)
Here you go anon, you deserve it. Thank you for your hard work.

I've been crying for this little girl model here for a while now. It's gold only.

But since you said brush, any of these on the wishlist would be amazing to have, thank you.
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Akino Painting brush set - aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5jYXRib3gubW9lL3dyNDFrMC5yYXI=

Painting Brush Set (うみのいえ Painting Brush Set) aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5jYXRib3gubW9lL2VmdWoyai5yYXI=

Akari Painting Brush Set (ゆきあかり Painting Brush Set) aHR0cHM6Ly9maWxlcy5jYXRib3gubW9lLzd1NXVpYi5yYXI=

I bought the model, let me see how I can export it.

And I want to request these - https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2103169
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I can't believe how much it took me to export her.



hard round brush.
The Akino painting brushset (ID: 1685943) is missing a brush:
- あきのよなが 陽 / Akino Yonaga Yang

The Akari painting brushset (ID: 1705523) is missing 5:
- きたのもり / The Forest
- 針樹木 Parts / Needle Tree Parts
- snowcrod
- かがやき吹雪 描 / Snowstorm
- かがやき吹雪 / Blizzard of snow

If you could upload them, I'd appreciate it very much. Thank you so much anon! I'm honestly overjoyed.
Thank you, anon. She's perfect.
あきのにわ Painting Brush Set with the missing brush - aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91Lzd6QWM1SjRw

Akari painting brushset with the missing brushes - aHR0cHM6Ly9waXhlbGRyYWluLmNvbS91LzM4S3JTa2NM
Thank you so much, kind Anon! I have updated the Rentry with the new sets, too! You are the best ever :D
You're welcome! I left the ids of the brushes I want since I don't have clippy if someone want to help me, although I'm happy to fulfill something in the wishlist.

Although I saw the artist uploaded more brushes, should I buy them too?

>Two-color printing style processing auto action (2色刷り風加工オートアクション)


I just checked the Rentry and what I already got. Rentry got Sora no Painting Brush Set (ID 1695748) and I got the Secret Ponkichi Painting Brush Set (ID 1690099) I can upload it in a bit. They are amazing brushes for adding textures into your work. Let me add your IDs into the wishlist of the Rentry. Rn I don't have enough Clippy but once I get another 20 clippy or so from my asset I will happily get something from your own wishlist :D
Then I'll buy the ones missing to complete the collection. Probably I'll buy more gold this Friday.
Hi anons, I'm having trouble figuring this one out.
This would be done with nonblending, opaque brushes with a lot of texture variety, right? My attempts to copy just wind up very blocky and without any sense of being natural.
juju line updated but i can’t make sense of what the update entails even with google translate, could anyone decode it for me
i love this brush by the way. my only complaint is that it’s tough to get hard, thin lines unless you draw with the tip of your stylus
thank you very much, based anon
As far as I can tell, seems like they just added a square and triangular brush to it.

Prioritize the golden only assets anon, if no one buy the clip ones you need I'll 100% get them for you as long as they don't cost 2000CP.
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I don't seek for expensive af assets (I can't believe some shit cost more than 1000cp), so your cp are safe with me.

I would really like these too.

If possible, pretty please.
>I would really like these too.

They are available on the Rentry, anon! But here, I got the link for you :)

I thought you meant you had the upgraded version, but thanks.
Couple of things i got
https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2004742 Updated JUJU Line

https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1924905 Fox Tail

https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=1895820 soft biscuits - soft brush

And two deleted brushes Pluto and Dry Paper pen (Looks like shit in the thumbnail but is actually God-tier.)
Can't access catbox(even with vpn) so these are all on pixeldrain.
>Upgraded JUJU line
Bless you, anon.
Bought more gold brushes. It might take me a little bit to upload them all.

Still requesting these:

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Natsuno Yume Painting Brush Set (なつのゆめ Painting Brush Set)

はるのうた Painting Brush Set

ひみつきち Painting Brush Set

ねこのもり Painting Brush Set
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does anyone know the brush that used here for coloring?
手描き効果セットNo.2 id=1736401
I was going to request this author's assets, but after checking them out, I realized they're too expensive to justify, even though they’re amazing.

I have >2122579 but I can only upload it in about 2 hours.
You can find some on the Rentry.

And take your time.
hard round
nothing about that is round retard
its literally a hard round you perma/beg/, explain why its not a hard round then
Stop wasting bumps here's a brush that looks similar to it
Adjust the settings if you want it to look more solid
Here is 2122579, sorry it took so long.
does someone who does have this N-R brushes and tutorials? need for references purposes (the new one is opacity sketch brush)

Spent my last clippy on this https://assets.clip-studio.com/en-us/detail?id=2123639 4 Rough Textured Brushes.

P.S is there an easy way to delete unused brushtips and textures from Image Material>Brush?
I wanted to save some space so i started exporting and compressing infrequently used brushes but apparently deleting the brush from the subtool still leaves the texture and Brushtip files in csp which is beyond fucking retarded and annoying so i'm stuck with hundreds of materials that i have to clean up manually unless there's a better way.
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That's a good one
Have you thought in going to the material:download and deleting them from the folder? The other solution is reset CSP from the default setting and then install the brushes that you use the most.
Best solution I have found is, inside CSP and the Materials tab, select all brush tips/textures and hit delete. It'll only delete the ones that aren't in use/installed in your toolbar, everything else will ask for a prompt and will list the brushes that are using said tips/textures to confirm. It'll take a few minutes depending on the size of your library.

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