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If you're on a break after drawing and feel like sharing what's on your mind about what you're working on, the industry, things that excite you about art, or anything that frustrates you about drawing or the process of art then grab a cup of water and chill out here. Remember to keep discussion on-topic as much as possible.
Was thinking of spoonfeeding some guy but then realized I don't have to
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>finally the weekend
>piece I wanted to finish wasn't saved and I have to restart from the sketch
>catch a cold too
I'm so mad I wanna kill myself

I'm realizing how much working full time is draining my health but I've got no alternative.
>post art of existing characters
Get 50-100 bookmarks
>post OC
Get like 20 bookmarks
Such is the life of small timer

Kinda sucks to see that, but atleast some people like my OC art, so it's not all bad
Art on twitter does just fine but on Instagram it goes nowhere no matter what i do.
I think it's literally just the retweet function. A big account on twitter can RT you so he actively makes his followers look at your art.
No equivalent for insta. You're at the algorithms mercy with no recourse. If it decided no one will see your art then no one will
Why the fuck don't people like OCs, but when the OCs get an anime or manga....OH NOW THE PEOPLE like it, it's snott fair
The trick to have an appealing oc is having an appealing artstyle to begin with.
I see the most basic ass normal girl in a skirt OCs but they're popular because the artist is good so the OC looks good no matter what.
Basically if people don't like your OC, skill issue
my art does fine on deviantart and pixiv but crappy on twitter. sometimes I think it's just pure luck how well you do
Instagram is barely an image sharing platform anymore.
Zuck turned it into tiktok at home.
People only use it for reels and stories
I'm on a break from drawing since a year and a half ago.

Wat do?
i started studying skulls and drew loomis head/skull on top of anime settei and it really is just a regular skull with giant eye sockets and flatter/softer angles
you'll soon realize people are simply retarded
famous characters are literally ocs, it's really bizarre how stupid and inconsistent people are with their takes
take another year long break, you've earned it
Because they have a story and context behind them. My "OC" is just a boy with questionable tastes in style, but some folks care about him because of all the work I have put into his story and development.
This happens to me as well.
Redpill me on pixiv, i thought it was just a niche japanese site that gaijin creeped their way into. Userbase can't be that big.
Pixiv is just japanese Devian Art, for the good AND for the bad, dont let weebfuckery decieve you, chinks are as prone to bad tastes and awful execution as you and me.
>niche japanese site that gaijin creeped their way into
It is.
But due to the fact that Pixivs tag system ACTUALLY FUCKING WORKS you get some actual growth in there provided you do more or less appealing stuff and you know how to tag.
>Userbase can't be that big
All of Japan and a huge chunk of the west. Make of that what you will.
I have 3 followers in Twitter (1 of which comes from here) and 15 on Pixiv, just so you know how more willing people are to give you a shot on Pixiv.
On Twitter, if youre not "big" people arent going to follow you, people only follow "big" accounts, so until you get out of the "I have no followers pit" youre beyond screwed.
I have to add an asterisk there however. Pixiv is your best shot if youre willing to do weeb centric fanart, if you want to get more into experimental shit or more western properties you may want to try and endure Devian Art or make Twitter work, somehow.
That is unless youre so good you can make the japanese and the weebs like whatever you do and post it on Pixiv.
>famous characters are literally ocs, it's really bizarre how stupid and inconsistent people are with their takes
100% correct. Holding famous media characters and independent artists' "OCs" to different standards is a massive mental plague on artists.

"Canon" does not exist, it's all made up bullshit and changes with the wind. George Lucas is just the equivalent of a deviantart autist with his constructed universe and self-insert heroman OC, he just managed to secure a budget for developing it into something more than scripts and notes. Classic cartoons from around the 1970s and earlier have as much consistency between episodes, films, and comic issues as your average coomer OC does between pinups.

Many artists have this chronic background level of impostor syndrome that makes them think that since they aren't hired by a billion dollar corporation that their work isn't serious or legitimate. That feeling needs to DIE.
H-how's newgrounds..
actually newgrounds is pretty good for getting the twitter audience if you have a more western anime blend. pixiv is better for anime style
You know I constantly forget that Newgrounds still exists and is used.
You might try to use that.
I just noticed none of the advice I've gotten here and on other places actually helped me in drawing. I always end up figuring things out on my own. I think I might stop asking.
You only need advice up to the point where you can look at your own drawings and pinpoint what's wrong. Because then you can work on each problem on your own
I've gotten genuinely good advice I think
there used to be actual advice to begin with. the horde of newfags don't post advice, just psychotic nonsense that made sense in their head. just look at that "6 months to /int/" thread full of nodraws that are still prebeg 2 years in despite saying getting to /int/ to 6 months is easy
Yes. Most of the time I can easily tell what's wrong with my drawings. What I don't know is how to fix them ha ha. And when people tell me how, I have a hard time applying what they say so I just end up doing it my own way instead. It's like having other people telling me how to do something doesn't get into my head. I can only learn things from my own experience
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>used to get ~50 views per drawing in Twitter
>Twitter becomes X
>drops down to 5 (FIVE!)
Did I get shadowbanned or something??
I feel like I'm making my best work yet, I'm tagging tastefully (one hashtag, for the fandom)

Like, I'm not doing this to become popular but I'd AT LEAST want people to see my stuff you know?
how many views is good on pixiv? I got 300 views in 2 days. Is that good or bad? It was OC so it is on its own merits
i like how wct is 50/50 on getting pruned but anything similar to "vent" gets 404'd (despite this being a thinly veiled vent thread anyway)
>I got 300 views in 2 days
I got 70 after a week, go figure.
It's not a vent thread. Venting is bad for your mental health.
I just see all these other artist getting like 1000's in a day on pixiv. And i'm just getting couple hundred max. Just kinda makes you feel inadequate
Finally found somebody who will let me live and leech free off of them while i get to make art and be a NEET, maybe life isn't so bad anymore
actual vent generals are aids, go buy a diary
Japs get a jap Like bonus from japanese users.
They’re gonna get tired of your whit soon enough.
It really does just mean your art sucks. It especially burns when an AI image does far better than what you made even when the IP isn’t so popular. You need to look hard why that is.
I don't think my art straight up sucks, I know it's still lacking in many areas, but there are still people who seem to like it and that is enough for me to try and improve

I hate how AI art is just actual slop and it still seems to outperform many decent artistsl. I personally just have ai art turned off.
Sadly, I noted this as well. In a few cases, I will find a pretty good artist that isn't well known but sadly he will only get like 1k views and I will go stumble on Ai art and it will have at least 3x times on average. I just think because they can spam AI art multiple times a day it gets more coverage. Since
They can spam it -> can start getting traction in multiple timezones -> spam even more -> more views and more reach
nah, it's definitely going to work out, i'll do anything to not have to work and be able to fully commit to art, i don't wanna make money, i just wanna make art.
There are many artists whose art might be lacking in many areas, but you can still see the artist really cared about what they were drawing, trying to potray their vision. Stuff sometimes just has so much hearth in it

But with ai there is just nothing there
>, but you can still see the artist really cared about what they were drawing, trying to potray their vision. Stuff sometimes just has so much hearth in it
You really read my mind, anon. Sometimes you can clearly see how much someone cares for what they are creating and how much passion and time they put into it... Even if you don't like the image as a whole you can at least appreciate the length the guy went through.

well back to drawing now, my break is over
Time to got to bed : D
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I'm glad I joined an art discord because it helped push me to finish a piece I otherwise would have dropper.
Like, they didn't say anything, but I'd have felt weird posting a new WIP without finishing the old one first.

I need to get used to finishing stuff again
>wake up motivated
>draw sketch i'm proud of
>post it on /ic/ for advice
>get crabbed
>lose motivation
>even after a bunch of anons give me actual advice and call out crab for being retard I still feel like shit
>don't wanna draw anymore
I feel like only ever posting my art on this site is killing my motivation to do anything since its just constant negative feedback with very little constructive criticism, problem is i don't really know where else to post it, i doubt i'd get any traction on twitter and i'm not a fan of discords. I wonder if the twitter alternative (forgot the name) is a good enough platform to make a start on...
Please by all means gtfo not just this website but the internet as a whole. I've personally had to tard wrangle way too many artists who let faggots on the internet convince them that they're not good enough to Make It or that their work isn't worth sharing with others despite being exceptional.
Go take some time off, reconsider your relationship with art while asking yourself why the negative things people say to you outshine the compliments you recieve, and then figure out why (or if) you still want to draw in spite of all that.
No matter where you go there is going to be resistance, whether that's some faggot calling you permabeg or the lack of social media numbers. Learn to draw for yourself first
don't give up, that's what the crab wants. if people jumped to give you actual advice and shit on the crab that means that you show potential even if your skill level is low.
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Your right anon, honestly I always assumed I could take shit from retards pretty well (previously posted in /agdg/, /3/ and occasionally posted body pics on /fit/) but /ic/ crabs are a diffirent breed. I actually used to exclusively draw for myself but now that I think about it i've consistantly uploaded all of my art ever since getting a tablet and paying really close attention to any and all feedback i've been getting, sometimes getting pretty emotionally invested. I think i'll take a break from uploading anything for a while and just focus on drawing for the fun of it, thanks again anon i'll save your post.
Today was nice art day
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>Start drawing something clearly out of your league
>Set high expectations for the piece
>Obssess over it and draw until your head hurts
>Burn yourself out while your drawing is still shit
>Half-ass your way through it cause you're tired
>Give up on working on it cause "Fuck it. I tried hard enough"

Does this happen in your country?
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>Your right anon, honestly I always assumed I could take shit from retards pretty well
I used to be the same but years of constant negativity will eventually hurt your subconscious especially if you don't have a strong foundation to stand on.
As for getting feedback, if something an anon is telling me doesn't align with my goals (if they just have bad intentions) then I ignore it in favor of advice from people who want me to succeed. "If somebody hates me then why would I listen to them?" type of thing.
Wishing you the best!
ive spent the past month studying the head, torso, pelvis, and arms. im still bad at all of them but i haven't studied legs, hands, or feet and it really shows in comparison to the others
learning loomis style "proper" construction is the biggest waste of time there is and I'm tired of pretending its not.Every single good artist with a recognizeable style cannot construct a realistic human body if you asked them to.
trying to trick the competition i see
There's an ongoing /ic/ raid where these dudes will shit on everything including high tier professionals, so make of that what you will.
>Be kid
>Copy cartoons
>Develop symbol drawing
>Grow up
>Start learning proper construction
>Don't get immediate results
>It doesn't look as polished as your symbol drawing
>Get frustrated
>Claim it's a bunch of bunkus
Many such cases, push through it brother
I dont get the point of sharing art for critique and advice. All advice will boil down to
1. Improve anatomy
2. Improve line quality
Indistinguishable from average /ic/ behavior
It isnt even a raid its just the denizens of this board crabbing. /ic/ literally shit on craig mullins when he posted something here, and that was back in /ic/'s concept art obsession days when they fucking worshipped him and aspired to paint like him. They had no idea they were shitting all over their god at the time. They saw someone who had skill they wanted and crabbed about it.

I know for a fact proko has been anonymously shit on here as well and doesn't post any art, if he even still visits anymore.

So yeah I agree, I wouldn't pay attention to anything that isn't a genuine critique here.
I have so many references I want to use and I can't decide which to go with first
>I dont get the point of sharing art for critique and advice. All advice will boil down to
>1. Improve anatomy
>2. Improve line quality
Sometimes its hard for the artist to see problems especially after looking at the same thing for a long time. Fresh eyes can spot mistakes easily.
I also feel like those are pretty /beg/ tier critiques and theyre definitely the majority here. But when you get into intermediate and especially professional level, the critiques stop being about basic shit and start becoming about more pain in the ass stuff like keying and composition and appeal and storytelling and shit. More useful.
Too tired to draw. I need to start drawing during commute but it's hard and embarrassing

Industry people come here, don't be fooled. I took a class by someone notable and they recognized my handle from this board.
I am an artist but I desperatley need a studio space to make the things I want to. My bedroom is way too small. I need to sprawl out, be chaotic like Francis Bacon. I wish I lived in USA instead of UK, feels like not only their houses are bigger, but artist studio spaces are too. so much money to rent one too AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
proko sends his lackeys here all the time, its really obvious when theyre posting
I just checked out figure drawing lessons near me and they're $700 per session!? Maybe I'm naive but I didn't know they'd be THAT expensive. Never mind then.
Could hire a hooker for 1/5th the price and make her pose for you.
You’re paying for the instructor not the model. It should be like $20-30 for just drawing the model
unless you know the instructor is actually good, i recommend taking community college life drawing classes, they're really cheap and go for like 14 weeks
Yeah, instagram used to be my favorite platform. Now it's a dumpster fire for artists. There's no way to organize by recent posts anymore (that I know of) Reels are prioritized rather than pictures. It's so bad that people who make content just make their images reels so it can get seen.
Thats too much. Just go to life drawing sessions for like $10 each and draw.
>$10 each

NTA but After Sober October I'm gonna spend every weekend getting tanked and going to life drawing sessions for the fun of it. I have to get out of the house more before I lose all of my social skills.
If by “ongoing” you mean “for the board’s entire lifespan” then yeah sure
>I think i'll take a break from uploading anything for a while

Don't retreat. If you're not gonna upload here that's fine, but find your favorite artist, they most likely have some patreon- if they don't find an artist you like that does and they may have a discord you can post your art in and get actual constructive advice that spares your feelings if you ask.
i think ive improved more in the last month than i have in years thanks to going super hard on fundies. now i have to do this 20 more times
I've been bad at art for so long. I'm really sad. I wish I could put more effort into it but I just can't
what do you have in your day that you can't put aside to make time to draw?
Right now it's university, but back in my neet days I couldn't muster up the motivation to actually draw. Some people are just not meant to pet dogs
It could always be worse, anon. I get single digits across the board unless I'm lucky and a bigger artist happens to share once in a blue moon. I regularly see artists get more #s on their polls and doodles than I do on completed pieces. I'm grinding my fucking mind out so I don't have to be down here any longer, I hate it. I've been told my work is good, but I don't know if they're blowing smoke up my ass or I just suck at the social game (I'm sure it's both).
Does anyone else have a problem with perfectionism or all-or-nothing mentality? Whenever I try taking drawing seriously, I end up taking it *too* seriously and burn myself out. I just don't know how to take it easy. I either overload myself with self-inposed pressure to achieve a goal or don't do nothing at all.
I'm the same too. People like my shit but not enough to share it. Every huge person is boosted by bots.
Learn how to give things up.
I gave up entirely after I got bullied out of this board and now I dont take anything seriously and I draw purely for myself. Try limiting yourself and the forcing yourself to accept that limit.
I tried that. The problem is that when I try to have fun with drawing I only make some lazy doodles once every 3 months. With that frequency I might stay a beg forever. Maybe that is my fate...
Wait I guess that's what you mean with giving up right? I should give up on getting out of beg too? That could actually be very freeing...
its harder to draw as a neet. most people dont understand because they are living on autopilot and don't really think about what they do.
i'm a neet and it's a lot easier lol
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There's regular crabbing, then there's this recent form of advanced autism coming from tourists, picrel. Once you know the signs you can spot it from a distance
Neet but under the circumstances that you need to find a job reminders every single day from parents isn’t living the true Neet experience.
>they think loomis is trolling
damn, even nodraw tourists fell for the meme that loomis doesn't work. it does
you dont need to know the signs, you simply use common sense, assuming you have it
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>artist posts this then deletes it
>lucky enough to download it in time
i like this guys sketches so i am sharing it here
Why do actual good artists delete their shit? Its not even bad.
>sees language
Of course.
kys attention whore thief
his art is great

desu it's not just an asian thing, it's just a neuroticism/perfectionism thing. it's definitely more common but i see westerners who wipe their galleries as well
Any of you have an alt account for sketches? Why, or why not?
>achieved the state where I'm not concerned how the drawing comes out, I just draw
>while drawing bestiality cuck porn
My dick leads me to bizarre places
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The very concept of OCs is retarded, I never got how it could get popular at all.
>heres my trans zombie! and its uuuh... it plays guitar, I think!!!!!!!
Cringe-inducing larp from social media-addicted faggots.
Go and make a comic with it, a story, anything! What even is the point if you don't?
I think OCs are used as tools to roleplay on deviantart and the like.
Which OC of yours got made fun of?
Do people really make OCs just to not use them for something? Wtf...
for me, I have OCs and plans for them (comics, animations, etc.), but I keep jumping back and forth on personalities, motivations, settings, etc. because I feel like once I pick something, I have to stick to it. I keep writing and doing concepts, but then I throw it away or find something else I might want to incorporate. Plus there's always the pressure of doing such a shit job that people will think my ideas are dumb or stupid, and that gets to me sometimes.
>See extremely cute character
>Feel jealous you're not the one who made it
Pic related
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Forgot pic
has anyone here unironically had a gesture battle before? this is like 2016 tier stuff so anyone back then probably isn't here now but just curious
worse when its insightful advice that could help people then you end up with this string of replies that goes to a deleted post. thats why i made it a habit to start saving and screencapping things
I use my OC to learn drawing mostly
She is my all for everything girl. I also use her to make fun of my inability to draw

It was a thing where 2 people got on Google Hangouts and did gesture drawings with a small panel of judges or just the anons in the thread, like a gun duel. It did happen a couple of times but it was mostly a meme whispered in the wind.
this is not a thing, if you had real balls you'd go to a real life drawing workshop and look at everyone's drawings during break time to see everyone that mogged you
It was a thing because I myself hosted a "gesture battle" before at least 2 different times. Secondly, I did go to a "real life" drawing workshop and there was only 1 girl who mogged everyone who didn't even need the class but was taking it for credits (obviously). The rest were raw beginners.
Here is a class photo as proof because I know your kind would scream at randos to "touch grass" and shit.
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that looks like some beginner class figure drawing class and not a life drawing workshop, life drawing workshops are just community meetups and theres usually regulars that have been going there for years, and they WILL mog you, much different from a class full of begs. unless the people in your community just suck that bad. literal pros go to the ones around me, better place to network than going to one of those con meetups where everyone is ready to shove their nose up their ass
>n-no that life drawing class doesn't count!

You're just afraid someone would rape you in front of the whole board in a gesture battle. I understand.
i dont understand why you people are fighting. theres nothing wrong with going to a class with begs or being a beg you have to start somewhere. and why would it be bad to be mogged by pros in a class. would it not serve as motivation to get better

On the contrary, it just made me feel like I had a long way to go at the time. Humbling and defeating feeling.
that already happens during the weekly life drawing sessions i go to and with 200% less neckbeards (a positive)
generally a bad idea to be around people of your skill level, you aren't going to grow in that kind of environment. this works well if you're a retired old boomer though, then it's just an excuse to get out of the house and talk to other old fucks
i forgot to add: you always want to be worse than the majority around you, you'll grow faster that way

Ok Mr. Chad, whatever you say to weasel out of a public crucifixion.
You always need someone better to look up to
then do you just feel defeated all the time? there's always gonna be someone better than you, that's not a reason to give up

very fair but i have 10 million artists who mog me i can look up to online. i'd rather go to a life drawing class because i need to life draw even if everyone there is on the same skill level as me
they're not all drawing the same thing you're drawing though. it's so you can see different visual solutions to the same subject. you sometimes discover new methods/teachers when someone is doing something totally different but the result is satisfying, then you chat it up and learn shit you didn't know about
How do you guys find refs that arent AI shit anymore? I'm considering buying a bunch of pose books and photo books of the refs I want, I'm so tired of sifting through slop to find reference... pinterest is especially awful nowadays but so is google and fucking everything else.
filter from 2019 and below
2022 was the year pajeets started polluting the internet with stable shitfusion
Thanks I will try these

We should never have let them onto our internet. They should have their own version like china and north korea.
bunch of people moving onto bsky today, hopefully tw*tter fucking dies already shit, what will it fucking take
Is it art block when you want to draw, and draw a bunch, and have lots of ideas and all, but everything you make just isn’t working?
I feel like art block is when you just don’t want to draw at all
>bestiality cuck porn
lmao what is the plot of this? does the dog cuck the husband? or is it the neighbor's dog cucking the family dog?
art block is when you cant think of anything to draw
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>does the dog cuck the husband? or is it the neighbor's dog cucking the family dog?
Wife fucks the dog and makes husband watch, though the later one seems actually funny
That entire website is some glownigger shit that weaponizes children.
Everytime when I try to draw something beyond a girl in the void.
Not him, but I would be afraid to hire a hooker. I feel like I would get into criminal trap or something.
>feels like not only their houses are bigger, but artist studio spaces are too.
you wouldn't be able to afford the rent in any city that isn't tiny, unless you move into bumpkin shithole nowhere with no jobs and qanon retard crackheads
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How to keep going bros? After your will that was once so strong has been broken? Should I take a break from art and come back when I'm feeling better? I have already been on this cycle so many times...
I always thought what a waste of tax payer resources for cops to be doing that.
>trying to study archetype
>want to know how to relate to 18 to 25 year old female
>can't find any without being called a predator
>wanna study demographics for storytelling
The struggle never ends. Learing about new people is so much work.
>before making KareKano Anno went on a tour of highschools to learn about student's lives
>if I did it I would be thrown in jail
So is 3D the future for 2D artists. It looks like AI has that dimension covered...
>Critique someone's artwork in the snarkiest way possible without adding any positive constructive feedback
Honestly that sounds like most critiques here in general
Most of this is regular d/ic/k behavior. The schizos from other boards are worse than these retards.
I mean if people stopped replying to regular /ic/ crabs they'd shut up more too
>take photo of myself as ref
>actually look kind of handsome there
>realize I'm going to have a fuckton of tangent lines in my piece and it's too late to really do anything about it
onto the next one I suppose
>follow guidelines on face down to the pixel
>still looks off
>draw half the face and mirror it
>still looks off
i give up. the laws of physics do not apply to my drawings i guess
>want to learn about them
>meet people on discord with the worst assumption
Struggle never ends, females have it easy. They can just talk to minors without looking like a creep. I bet JK Rowling talk to minors for Harry and Ron.
>people retweeting my art
stop please stop i want my account to remain niche i dont want more people
Drawing sfw at day. Drawing coombait at night.
That's called living the life
>They can just talk to minors without looking like a creep.

My young sister is in a dance group and from time to time they're all in my mother's house when I come to visit, it's super weird, I usually don't say anything to them and try to leave immediately because I don't want to be near other people's little girls.
>Have 2k followers and consistently pull 1k+ likes
>Have a post blow up and get 2k more in a couple of days
>Suddenly posts struggle to get double digits of likes
What the fuck happened? Does the algorithm think I botted followers or something?
I realized that good art is effortless. The harder you try, the worse the drawing is. It has to flow out from your muscle memory and intuition, not forced out by following guides and rules that are intuitive.
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>be me 4 years ago
>draw NSFW for the first time
>feel slightly thrilled, but not enough to get fixated
>post risque stuff in social media, people love it
>I dont get it
>dont draw NSFW unless I really feel like it
>see SFW artists lose themselves to coom once they try it
>I still dont get it
>be me a few days ago
>draw mildly kinky shipper shit of my OTP for the first time
>feel mixed with emotions between pride and shame with a shit load of anxiety
>post it on social media, people love it
>I want to draw more shipper shit now
>now I get it
Why does being bad make me want to die? Why can't I use this feeling to get better?
need to listen to more motivation wank and learn motivational one-liners
its deniable evidence of personal incompetence, most people do not do things that show them how utterly unskilled they are at something or they're just plain delusional that they always think they're good. it's actually a good thing because it can either make you run away and quit or push forward and improve so that feeling goes away
also using it to feel better is simple, just get pissed off and turn your feelings into a mannequin you beat the shit out of through reams of copy paper
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I see some of my contemporaries improve their craft and I feel like I've been in roughly the same spot for more than Im allowed to. Then again I remember that my time is constantly compromised by either work or housework and I can barely focus on fining my craft due to being consistently taken out of zone. I wont deny I barely do practices and Im also very slow to draw, not to mention I've been stuck on a bad mindset for a while, but I wager most of my contemporaries and most people in this board dont have to worry about shit like relocating 5 AC units which equates to roughly 2 to 3 days of 8 hours of taxing physical labor. And if I made better use of my time to properly focus on both work and housework as Im expected to do, I wouldnt even be drawing period.

Am I just making up excuses?
because you've made a contract with yourself where you NEED to be good. You identify as an artist and you feel you are failing your identity. Instead of realizing that you will suck at for a long time at every new level you achieve in any skill you're pursuing, you think that you live in some anime where you're goku or some shit and can do the kamehameha by just looking at it. It's either that or your hubris is making you take on too large a project outside of your comfort zone and you're not used to being humbled yet. We all get beat with the worthless stick. It's a part of the game, it's the Delayed onset muscle soreness of a strenuous art session. I felt that way yesterday, but I knew it was because I was tired so I tend to not let it get to me. Learn to direct your thoughts and not let your thoughts direct you.
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tfw need to work on
>legs more
>face muscles
>drawing anything that isnt a person
>and more
Because you think you cannot improve.
I propose you vaguely copy some refs and focus on making little fun ideas. You need to go easy at first.
So I have a DA account for a few months already, but I didn't post anything because I'm sure it's not really decent enough to post it into wider web.
Buuuuut I'm starting to reconsider it and I'm thinking of posting some off my older art just too see how things turn out because 4chan might be just really picky or not really responsive.
It's not like it will damage my account in the long run, right?
How can I learn to draw bodies, bros?

I can't even draw cartoon bodies
Checked, this is the correct answer.
so get started big man
This sounds like some crab shit?
If the drawing is wrong then you should notice that it’s wrong and you should acknowledge that. You don’t get anywhere by telling yourself that everything is already great.
I’m not going to mention which general(s) but I’m sick of these 2 particular ones mainly because of the anons that frequent there. Both of them are full of hostile people. 1 gen has 2 samefags and if you call them out they play dumb and keep doing it anyway, then you got the “wow, you’re the only artist here keeping this thread alive” anon, then you got the passive aggressive side remarks about people who aren’t even saying a word, just lurking and then the rest of the thread is filled up with 1 individual with nothing better to do than to troll.

And the other general is practically useless with its only purpose to burn the witch and get away with shitposting. Perhaps I should regular the more serious generals that are more goal oriented ed, even if it’s slower I don’t mind. I’m just sick of reading these retards posts every day.
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Im sitting here contemplating the existence of drawfags and namefags on this site. You can be a drawfag in a general and not be a namefag, you can still become well regarded and play by the rules. I think about how people like Chris become so badly treated in the board and how I got people being quite nice to me in the place I've been (not here) and that makes me kind of sad.
Imagine being someone people dislike and want gone, its one of the reasons I left this board, cause it just sucks.
name the generals sis
>Both of them are full of hostile people
Was me ggs

You’ll know if you regular them.

Each general has a level of hostility but it’s mainly these 2 that I see this going on where it’s really bad. Every other general still remains in the spirit of /ic/ that I’ve known. Besides what this guy >>7338751 mentioned about people like Chris being the default crucification on the cross (unfortunate) or people like 3 months anon (deserves it, though) or long time randos like Subi having a few anons hate fuck him whenever he posts; most of /ic/ isn’t like these generals.

Too much of the wrong type of cancer got stuck to the walls over time.
The problem with being a freelancer (a.k.a. a commission bitch) is that without a schedule, you end up devoting all your time to your work, which can be extremely annoying/frustrating in the long run.
You have to put some serious effort to be this hated
Guys... Who is Chris? You've made me curious about this guy ever since I got here
how do people just draw things once and be happy with it? When I drew, it takes me a long time because its shit and I have to do surgery on it to save it. I spend hours just trying every single angle for a hand or something.
>50-100 bookmarks
>small timer
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Theres such an insane amount of crazy imagery on the internet that whatever I make will seem boring in comparison.
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im genuinely jealous of people who understand form but have no knowledge of anatomy they have a huge head start if they start studying it, i feel like ive had to draw hundreds of naked people to just barely start thinking in 3d. i still symbol draw badly
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sometimes i have little melties in my head about not being able to draw. i have ideas but i go to sketch and it's bad because i'm /beg/ or my mind goes blank for whatever reason. i'm not giving up but if i could press a button and be good, i'd slam that shit. being unable to express what i want is a special sort of pain.
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I can't save them, but I can destroy them.
Play into your strengths
I can into 3D but struggle with 2D/graphic design
If I'm a general with namefags in it I end up filtering about half of them at best, such is life
I don't know how correct or incorrect this is, but I relate
If I don't get the gist in 1 hour, then all further attempts will get worse, and I have to wait until I get into the right headspace again and try again
Beg timer? I don't really know what the good numbers are desu
I'm gonna be honest my art ain't all that great. That'd be fine, but my best performing work is the one i consider my worst one. Really gives mixed signals
>my best performing work is the one i consider my worst one
Many such cases
People could use any animal in the kingdom for a kemonomimi design and they choose cats and dogs
I have about 4 art social media and it simultaneously feels like too much and too little
If I delete one I'll lose sight of an artist there
cute mothe
desu i see foxes way more than dogs. it's cats and foxes the most
I'm pretty sure I know the general he's talking about and sadly none of them namefag.
>tfw posted an artwork publicly for the first time on social media
How many likes so far?
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I stand by the fact people dont like to discuss art in a meaningful way here. This place is nothing but huge misery hugbox, not even a crab bucket, a crab bucket implies there's people actually trying to get out of the bucket, nobody wants to get out of the bucket here! This is but an echo chamber of it's own flavor where people just larp about being artists with bitchy attitudes and entitled opinions minus the "actually drawing" aspect.
No wonder why other boards treat this place like a joke and the last place you'd get advices from.
Was it nsfw?
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no, just too /beg/
i think the site as a whole has pivoted towards that way. engagement-heavy threads tend to be dumbfuck social media screenshots that is typically ragebait so it doesn't foster much worthwhile discussion
Is a drawbridge operator a laid back enough job to allow me to draw on the clock? I see these these job postings every now and then.
I'm probably neurotic, making this inevitable. I've been tearing myself over a request I made. It doesn't speak for me, I made it for attention and/or as a gift since I knew people would like it.
I just wanted to be more active as an artist and stop being antisocial. Why does it have to be mind torture? Haha.
on second thought I could probably get thrown in prison if I fuck up by being distracted so never mind
Let's see it, since you were able to post it somewhere. Posting it anonymously shouldn't be that different?
I wonder if chiari malformation is what's holding me back or if it's just an excuse
git gud
I’ve realized talent is a meme (mostly) and it all comes down to time and guidance. It makes sense that a modern 16 y/o would be a great artist, if they happened to start at 10. That’s six years of grinding, six years of using their iPad to copy whatever they see on Pinterest (figure drawing) and watching HOW TO GET BETTER AT ART IN THREE MONTHS videos that refer them to Loomis and Huston. Kids have more resources than I did at that age.
Kids don’t have to worry about bills. The lucky rich get to go to middle/high schools that are dedicated to the arts while the rest have to endure public school (united states). So those 2 combined makes them leagues ahead.
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>I feel like once I pick something, I have to stick to it. I keep writing and doing concepts, but then I throw it away or find something else I might want to incorporate.
No thinking, no thinking!! Just do it!
Thousand-folding your universe until you have everything ~perfect~ is a TRAP. It is resistance in disguise of a logical excuse NOT to MAKE IT. It comes from a fear that all of your time and effort will somehow be wasted when it's just getting yourself closer to your goal. The time will pass regardless and the more trial and error you do the more likely you'll be able to reach a result that you are finally satisfied with. And if other people develop certain expectations regarding your characters throughout your process then that's their problem.
>So those 2 combined makes them leagues ahead.

And you working at it despite all of that, putting in more work to compensate can destroy these kids. Read Angela Duckworth's Grit. Disadvantages can be easily turned into advantages if you don't have a pity party every time something goes wrong.
when will it be my turn
to make it and be successful
I'm doing it anon
Never unless you take it
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>tfw have a crystal clear desire to get better at art and be great at it
>still get slightly hesitant to sit down and draw, have to basically force myself
I think I'm afraid to fail, afraid to do the work and afraid of the frustration. Luckily I'm self aware so I can steer into the right direction despite my emotions fluctuating
I have a goal for next year to post regularly on social media (haven't done this yet) and get my first commission aka make money from my art.
Another mental block I am/was struggling with is the "I'm too bad at art to post my work online, so let's just wait until I'm really good".
It is what it is
Are traps a good niche? Can anyone into them confirm?
Oh hey, me too!
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Thoughts on numbers like this in 3 days?
I guess it looks far better in a thumbnail
I guess. It's character from a new show. I personally think it's more about just fans scouring all the new art that gets posted of said character because there isn't that much
To add. The thumbnail gives out pretty much the whole image so i don't actually know about that
>you end up devoting all your time to your work
My job already has me living like that (my next day off will be in two weeks), might as well do it without having to leave the house.
It's been a million years and I still can't copy accurately, it's infuriating.
some people were just born to stay bad, not me, but some people are just never going to get good
I know but giving up would hurt too much
How do i break through a month-long streak of not drawing? I have a few free hours now, like right now. I could do it.
Draw me a crab right now
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Hey /wct/, what are your thoughts on these prices with this level of quality? USD btw. This is not advertising, I'm just posting my work and asking how much you'd pay.
I wouldn't pay for that
I'd make the pinups a bit more expensive, icons are fine if they take you >1 hour
Have a schedule then retard.
Indeed. I made the mistake of giving up, and now I am never skipping a single drawing day, even if I am garbage.
in the same boat. we're gmi, i'm archiving a few artists to do master studies from right now
learning perspective but still ate the beginning and dont get it so i guess all my drawings are in a box room hallway type thing now
>feel good about my art and see it get couple dozen or so likes
>decide to show it to people here
Always just get called beg or get otherwise hazed
Why is it always such a dog eat dog mentality in here

People come home and are frustrated from work. They take it out on other anons. It’s nothing to deep about it.
I feel like beg is too much of a negative term it should be more neutral, same how pro and int should be more neutral. like people always say beg slop or that begs suck but like. They're just starting or are only like a few years/whatever hours in. Why do you expect them to make a masterpiece. You can still get better as a beg, I've seen multiple begs improve and take feedback
People here will rarely say anything nice. It can be a good thing if you know how to use it. Go to social media for compliments. Come back here when you feel like you need unfiltered criticism or a reality check. It's that simple anon.
I'm going to feel real stupid if it turned out perspective drawing was this piss easy.
hes literally an architect they have to learn that shit
go ahead, let's see you do it
BASED anon you got this
Any artists you know who are into sports but don't draw sports? Feels like it's rare to find random fanartists whose artless rants are about how their teams are trash
Anon... you didn't draw a box
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anybody watching the never ending proko drawing stream?
>open pinterest
>quick browse on home, looks cool but no inspiration yet
>look at other tab
>inspiration strikes
>go back to pinterest
>lose reference I was inspired by
>get few favourites
>"oh coo-"
>and some want to interact with me, someone even wants to request
There is always some dude in your DMs 2 seconds after you post work on pixiv asking for free art.
Yeah, I should have expected that.
Someone else just wrote "hi" to me and I'm wondering what they're up to.
i guess progress can also be failing quicker than you did before, right? or failing in a better way.
I'm kidna surprised Pixiv is apparently active
Jap artists I've seen have been using it as an archival site
>Someone else just wrote "hi"
I never reply to them
welp, I replied
The problem is that just calling someone beg is not constructive criticism. That is the point the anon is making.

Is he beg? We know it. Everyone is a beg at first, and most of the begs are here because they want to improve.

Instead to only call someone beg, say what are the good things, say what are the bad things, and say how could you improve in order to fix the mistakes (if you know how to). This is constructive criticism.
Getting verbally kicked the shit out of you by daring to showcase your drawings. Helps no one. Least of all beginners.
Man, now you reminded me of a sketchbook club that used to meet up before the studio got flooded by a hurricane. It was great, only ten bucks for like two hours
Why does everybody say to rotate boxes? Why not start with rotating a square plane? I couldn't get boxes at all but i started doing this and it's a lot easier to keep track of. I'll work up to boxes later
Never mind, this is hard as fuck too. Fuck my chungus life
My drawings will remain non euclidian
Why did I tie my self worth to something I will never be good at
For the lulz
the fault lies withing you anon. you are the arbiter of your own downfall
enabling crybaby faggots benefits no one, literally when has it ever been beneficial to do so? participation trophies were a mistake
This looks nice if it's yours, anon!
I will draw tomorrow. My head hurts today.
Ok actually it's fun now I need to do this 347230948203 more times
holy shit morpho books got translated in my country let's fucking go
>download refpacks
>quickly rack up gigabytes upon gigabytes of references
>download them too quickly to draw all of them before bloating my poor 500gb hard drive
Get a bigger drive, clone the old one
cant reconcile the drive to want to improve/not stagnate out of a sense of wanting to compete/be the best out of peers but like?? is that selfish/narcissistic to use that because i actually do enjoy improving and getting better?
Anyone else here deal with an artist identity crisis?

Mostly in that I really don’t know what kind of artist to call myself anymore or what I really want to pursue as an art career.

I went to art school and did sequential art as a major. Discovered I don’t really want to draw for publishers like Marvel or DC. I wanted to draw my own ideas, but apparently I suck at writing my own stories. And the amount of referencing and research that goes into architecture, time periods, clothing, etc, just turned me off.

Illustration? I’ve only really found joy in drawing fanart, unless it’s commissioned illustrations. I do get commissioned once a year by a major professional sports team but they’re my own big client.

Storyboarding? I was interested at a brief period, but it’s been hard to find work, and it takes forever to build a portfolio. Also I heard the animation industry is shitty and exploitive right now. Plus, I live on the East Coast.

I went back to school to earn a degree in graphic design and I had a full time job for the past 3 years, but I got laid off 4 months ago and have been unemployed since.

I just don’t know what kind of art projects to focus on because I keep getting conflicting advice. And any project is just going to be time consuming. Parents have suggested I start a children’s book, but it’s such a competitive market.

My husband has had ideas for comics, but it’s not as simple as just drawing it. A story, outline, setting, etc needs to be planned out.

Overall I think I’ve lost my passion to do any kind of art. I’ve had ideas for t-shirt designs and it takes me forever to get one design done.

My only joy comes from doing simple doodles or character headshots.
>tired and unmotivated
>art reverts to pre-beg levels
>can't remember any proportions
talent is real. I have to be in peak condition to draw well because I have no natural talent, everything I draw is artificial.
any recommendations on how to become more creative? I feel like I can't come up with great ideas so my work is very plain. I see other artists be very expressive and have something cool, funny, or unique about their work that garners attention. Meanwhile I'm struggling to decide anything for character personalities, settings, themes, poses, etc. I also worry that others will judge harshly because my ideas would be dumb and/or uninteresting.
>My only joy comes from doing simple doodles or character headshots.
what do you do doodles of, anon?
Lavendertowne's art is so ugly for some reason, look at her latest youtube thumbnail, wtf is that?!
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a superani account got hacked by some ai shill lmao
Sir help me i am indian
Please Help me I am indian
Fucking help me me i am indian
Sir I am fucking indian help me
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Faces, expressions, mostly.
>I see other artists be very expressive and have something cool, funny, or unique about their work that garners attention.
Such as?
I don't think creativity is rampant. 90% of artwork I see are just 2 simple ideas meshed together.
>characters from existing media
>template situation/pose/setting from other existing media
And that makes up the majority of art pieces in the world.
I'm not being mean about it, it just how it is when you start getting into the thick of things and figuring out what other artists are been taking inspiration from. You'll find out that many elements have been the same, they've just gone through many changes throughout history.
So my advice is... I dunno. Don't be concerned with being original. Focus on finding things you're passionate about. Because my own characters I created made me feel less things than characters from existing media. It's fine to create fan stuff in that regard.
I am in the same boat but I didn't take graphic design, I just pick it up when I was in art school and have been employed on and off as graphic designer and art director. Now I'm neet.

Contact me via discord, @sweetsummerboi, I think people like us should stick together.
if it’s keeping you drawing i don’t see the problem really
never ever drawing from imagination. fucking NEVER

i want erase all of memory of my teenage works
it still haunts me into cringness
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If I managed to make peace with my teenage cringe gorey furry fanart, so will you, I believe in you anon
>post artwork that even I consider to be shit and having nothing going for it
>"maybe someone will like it"
>currently it's the only piece with one digit in views
Considering just deleting it
At least I'm fairly sure I don't get bot views or whatever
anger is the best propellant for effort
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Man, I just feel frustrated.
I feel like I've got no vision. I sit down and I draw, and I've got ideas but I have no idea how I want it to look.
I've tried imitating artists I like just to "Get the ideas out" but I end up disliking the final result/process.

I get the feeling that I'm maybe just beat down by work and health problems, but I've been feeling really lost and negative with my art...
double edged sword
>draw daily for a week straight
>break streak because stardew valley announced the 1.6 update release for consoles
it's over
nah it always works
works on my machine
Idk I quite like the half naked girls I drew when I was 12
Is Bluesky better than Twitter for meaningful account growth? Twitter seems pretty much a dead zone unless you pay or already have established yourself a few years ago. Reposters somehow get 5 figure "like" counts for my art, but when I upload I can't even break a few hundred and the "impression" counts are abysmal.
tomorrow I will draw. It just doesnt feel right today.
Bluesky is a bit better right now, but I don't see it lasting very long. Big artists rely on fans to make money, and while lots of artists are moving to Bluesky and sharing art frequently, normie users are not. When the big guys leave because they're losing money, so will everyone else.
All humans do things for attention or self benefit, being an artist doesn't make us immune to it, you just need to keep yourself from becoming obsessed with the attention cravings to the point it drives many of your decisions.

All relationships are give and take, including ones shared between individuals and groups.
It's a shame. My main use for social media is to advertise when I open commissions, but DA is an AI dead zone and I'm not sure how many people even read "status updates" or whatever the fuck. My tweets are barely shown to anybody and my follower count remains stagnant. The only place where I easily get my art seen and regularly grow is Pixiv, but since I don't use their request system, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to advertise commission openings.
>post something on DeviantArt
>see a bunch of notifications
>oh I guess people really like this one
>it's somebody adding the same deviation to a fuckton of different "collections"
Is this some sort of AI tagging thing? And why does DA have to notify me with separate messages that Sperg354 added my art to 'good, funny, cute, tall, tall2, best, stuff' or whatever.
Wait, did they change Deviant Art’s upload system? Seems like a good change for people who just want to dump shit quickly.
I haven't done it yet, but for Pixiv, you could use a normal post to advertise. If it's the first thing people see on your illustrations it's the equivalent of having a pinned post, plus regulars will see it in their following feed.
Then again it’s just dumping shit into a void and or getting scraped.
We have billions of threads on the same exact goddamned topic
And I'll tell you a secret
YouTube is the best platform, people are way more willing to subscribe and comment on it in the art/animation sphere
Even if it's inactive for most people, it's the platform that everyone has the highest amount of subscribers and visibility on
It is but it requires more effort. You can(t) just throw up a video and let the wind guide you to fame and fortune. You got to learn extra skills.
maybe its just my anti-sm bias but i am fucking floored at the amount of blogposting to?? like 10 followers of which 2 might gaf?
So one of the major clients I work with is a major professional sports team. They’ve commissioned me to do a Christmas/Holiday image every year for the past 4 years. Their requests are always putting in several players into a scenic background based on a famous city landmark.

This year this want me to do a Christmas village type of scene (shops, food vendors, ice skating, etc) and feature almost 40 players doing different winter activities.

Problem is this is all just for a social media post. If I scale back the image to incorporate everything (ice skating rink, shops, etc) then everyone is going to be teeny tiny. If I zoom in, then it’s gonna be hard to feature everything.

Not sure how to go about this. I don’t want to do a shitty caricature version of the athletes where they have big heads and smol bodies, and I don’t want to fuck with the perspective and scale either.

I feel like I’m gonna have to do a Where’s Waldo style illustration but getting the athletes likenesses down when they’re that small is gonna be a pain in the ass.

Whyyy must this client always want to include so many people…
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Also, being commissioned by a professional sports team made me feel I finally made it as an artist.

But after seeing the quality of artwork the official NFL and ESPN platforms have put out, it makes me doubt myself again…

This is not my work btw. This is from the official NFL instagram. It makes me wonder if I should be putting in as much effort as I do.

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