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How do you avoid getting doxxed as an artist?
Let me guess you draw furry, loli and similarly deranged crap and are now considering to do it for money?
Make your real name public from the start. Can't get doxxed if you give up who you are from the start.
don't be a retard
Don’t use PayPal or any payment processors
You are not a celebrity. Nobody cares about the artist behind the drawings.
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if you never have any followers or audience you can never get doxxed. that's what I do.
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I see artists who draw and say safe positive stuff get hounded. Dedicated groups that harass artists just because. And even if just a single person in a three letter agency gets a hateboner for you it's over.
>And even if just a single person in a three letter agency gets a hateboner for you it's over.
do you live in some 3rd world country like south africa or usa?
Don't post finished work or anything with a recognizable style on here. Post purely observational drawings and fundies.
Don't do anything without a middleman and how those middlemen don't get databreached
you be surprised
don't be political and ignore all drama
great shirt i need it
im too spiteful for that. xitter is for cruelly making fun of stupidity
Honestly don't interact with anyone at all. Just drop your art and dip.
>get doxxed
>cute girls appear in your door
You are not doing art for incels or are you?
Nigga if you struggle with english please use deepl. Is not that difficult
for the nsfw to avoid doxxing i use a vpn every time i post lol. no idea if it actually does anything. make sure to remove metadata rom all your images, and have 0 link to who you are, be it passwords youve used multiple times, emails that connect to other emails, anyone who follows you in real life following you, dont mention where you live or your name. and dont be silly and use old usernames/ accounts linked to your real emails and shit
beyond that you basically have to hope no one pulls your ip, but you have to be witchhunted for something like that usually.
The biggest criminals are out in the open, they are fucking famous, CEOs, politicians, showbusiness people, but they are ahead of the curve, they just DENY anything and everything, because they do what you just said, detaching themselves from any real thing or legal document linked to their shady business or "secrets". If you took all the measures that you listed there, and yet someone pulls out your name, why would you care? If nothing real is linked to you? In the world of present virtuality shit's only real if you accept it to be real. People are still hooked to a past that's no longer there. This ain't the 2000's anymore. Anything can be faked, and forged. That's the world that is coming. At some point someone will hack millions of digital bio-metrics just to use real identities to forge Onlyfans accounts, because users will be tired of AI fake models. Unimaginable Chaos is coming, and normies won't know what hit them.
>If you took all the measures that you listed there, and yet someone pulls out your name, why would you care? If nothing real is linked to you?
good point anon. plausible deniability is the meta
>he says on an anonymous board
dont post on social media you stupid use pixelv, deviantart or bilibili if you are a sfw animator, the problem is that you a narcissist who wants fame rather than just doing art just caz
OH i got one (doxxed one OF artist myself, so I'll enlighten you)
Don't use your real name in an Instagram (or any social really) account like a complete retard and advertise your work with said real name on said account, instead use an alias; otherwise this would be bad opsec.
Don't try to give a reason for people to dox you.
Congrats you won't end up on doxbin.
VPNs won't really help IF you're name is attached somewhere to a IRL account btw; but they could help with other things, otherwise you wasted money.
>Don't try to give a reason for people to dox you.
And yet, they'll always be a reason anons.
They never believe it until it happens to them or their friend, lol
It's funny because there's a whole image board dedicated to doxxing and they love going after artists.
At this point anyone that says they shouldn't care about privacy is just gaslighting
that's just the contrarian hive mind this shithole site has going on. some boards are worse than others with it /ic/ is one of the main offenders
>Mention nothing about your real life
>Never reuse names, emails, passwords
>Don't interact with anyone you know from other online accounts
>VPN if paranoid enough
by not interacting with anyone or posting anything related to IRL. just upload your work, like and RT other ppl's work and dont give a shit about anything else.
>but you need to interact with the art community to gain followers
not at all. you'll get followers anyways no matter what.
sharty or basedjack party, I don't know what the cesspit is actually called. They have a wikipage dedicated to just trolling /ic/ lol

People need to realize just being an artist has the magical power to make people seethe at you for no reason and the rate goes up exceptionally if you're skilled, popular, making money from art.
all this baseless vpn shilling
i don't think an average schmuck on /ic/ would be able to set it up to be fully covered by it (and they're proxies for hire anyway)
what you actually wanna do is use as little software that requires accounts as possible. it's almost always what exposes people, after the obvious opsec oopsies like irl photos
don't use skype, discord, tiktok, watsap, etc
hell, don't even use windows if you can help it, because it comes with a lot of garbage preinstalled
Ahem data breach?
the trick is to have no family or social life so it's irrelevant to you
Just don't take part in those artist VS art trends
Is that easy
Can't dox me if I want to be known
What if you have lies made up about you?
Use crypto idk. We're all fucked
doxxers can swat, though...
Join antifa and punch nazis. These rightnoid doxxers will fear you. Messing with you means messing with antifa!
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holy mother of ngmi. The picture you posted was bad enough, just look at the fucking punching fist and the eyes. Is THAT what happens when idpol is the only motivation for you to get into drawing?
A4 paper with all caps ALT-RIGHT or WHITE POWER written on it/10
That works until Americans go through mass hysteria over some nonsense again and pull out the "silence is violence" card
I wonder why no one objected the art style during the production and publication. Just because you are a leftnoid doesnt mean your comic needs a unapealling art style.
Antifa super-soldier at least had an acceptable art style(because he emulated scott mccloud). Even if it's generic and looks like something you find in a newspaper comic strip.
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>why no one objected the art style during the production and publication
Because any kind of standards = ableism, genocide and nazism.
Also because you can always say that the readers that criticize it are nazi incel tate corporate bootlicker bigot weirdo freakshow chuddie basement neckbeard cripple or something.
Nobody cares about the drawings themselves
We're on the verge of not caring anymore about anything.
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Social platforms in general doesn't allow dooxing. Even 4chan does not allows that. So you're safe.
Don't get political, don't draw extreme stuff
Sharty exists
Is that where all the old flags went? Loly wasn't that common 7 years ago outside of people mentioning that one guy who they claim "made it" and drew muscular giant loly
Are you stupid?
What about commissions?
do you think william bouguereau said "i don't want people to know muh real name"

fuck no, put your full signature and ip address on your animaniacs piss fetish art, own that shit pussy
did you draw this OP? It's very sweet. You got an art twitter I can check?
Is this nigga serious
I don't know the source
Just don't admit to anything and you will be fine. Everything can be faked with AI nowadays. Don't sweat it.
If you want to get paid, there's no way to not getting doxxed. If you want to be successful, there's no way to not getting doxxed. Like if you get your YouTube award button where will they send it to? To "Anonymous street"?
it only takes one guy
the thing about people who dox is that they don't see any ethical, moral, or social trouble in just finding someone's information and will use that to their advantage, whatever that might mean
even if it was a lot of work for them to do so (and it usually isn't) they'd still do it because cataloging people is a hobby to them

even if you think you haven't done anything wrong, these fuckers just need to feel like you did

and remember, the art community is full of people with weird hang ups
The best way to avoid it is just avoiding being a weirdo
Start by
1. Not being signed up to any public governmental database
2. Not introducing vital, private information in any site of the net that doesn't absolutely require it (and if it does, chances are it'd be too minimal to reach out with ease by the average idiot)
Assuming you fucked up step 2, go and purge every single piece (and I mean EVERY SINGLE PIECE) of information you have introduced and pray to your god of choice that one of those details is not your ID number, otherwise there's a chance you have no saving if you fucked up step 1.
Assuming you fucked up step 1, and you most likely did, just hope nobody gets your hands on you ID number and you don't live in a shithole where personal information can be accessed with stupid ease through government sites.
>t. Miraculously hasn't fucked up step 1 by refusing to sign up the election system of his shithole
>t. Found a foreign friend's personal details after he slipped up his ID number
don't become a personality-based artist just make content without interacting with anyone, nobody will care
Forget about it. We're living in a post doxx reality. There's no fucking way you won't get doxxed in this hyper connected and verified world. And the people above us already faced that. They are living in a new paradigm already, way ahead of us. That is: "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK".
Kick, scream, shout, piss and crap yourself, "THAT AIN'T ME".
>"But I have your ID, I have you on video, I have your audio, I have yo.."
Known public personalities has been applying this new "approach" since a while now. Because they know that's the end of the line right there. They have been cornered like this for decades, living in a "doxxed reality" where they can't even take a shit without everyone making a story about it, so they are fighting back from that corner. "That's not me" "That's AI audio", "That's deep fake video", "someone hacked my account", "some anon is framing me"...
There's a million cop-outs for accusations, real or not, it doesn't matter. It all boils down to the subject resilience and mental fortitude to build up his own reality, aside of what anyone else thinks or do about it. And normies are just waking up to that new world.
The easiest way is to avoid becoming a target. The overwhelming majority of artists and entertainers nowadays get their following by being parasocial figures, If you avoid that you should avoid any autistic, terminally online idiots.
>Like if you get your YouTube award button where will they send it to? To "Anonymous street"?
PO box
At that point you would be monetizing your videos and you would have already provided your info and real ID to allow any payments. That's the bottom line of the whole thing, if you want to be a player in the market in any way, doxxing yourself is unavoidable. That or you can be some drug dealer or ghost criminal in the black market living in some third world hell hole.
PYW in 4chan
Werent his cats all massacred by the swiss guard?
Everyone's trying to give reasons to avoid getting doxxed but the reality is if you ever become a man with a name chances are you're going to get doxxed regardless of what you've been up to. It all depends on if anyone feels like taking on the challenge to dox you or not
Around 2011 every artist stopped using an internet handle and started using their real name. Yasahime changed all her accounts to Jasmin Darnell, Mariyumi changed to Maria Menshikova, artgerm changed to Stanley Lau, LolitaArt changed to Daniela Uhlig, Wakkawa changed to Jace Wallace.

If your art becomes well known enough then your name will get out there too. You're not going to be an amateur forever now, are you anon?
What do then? Just denymaxx? I think as long as you don't have something like a facebook account that says "I drew this" or "I am an artist" with your face on it you should be fine right?
It's all about EGO at the end. You could remain anonymous forever if you really want it that way. Posting shit here, "throwing" your stuff away for the heck of it, just for fun. And you would be totally disconnected from the "grid" no matter what. Even if someone say "this is you", that's useless in a site like this where anyone could be playing anyone.
BUT, people need that recognition, that appraisal, that "something" in exchange for their "hard work". If you want ANY of that, then you HAVE TO get doxxed. Like anon >>7361551 said.
If you don't want none of that doxxing business, then stay away of all social platforms, stay away from twitter, pixiv, DA, IG, YT, snap, TikTok, FB, or ANY site with a needed account.
"B-b-b-but that leaves only this shithole to post stuff anonymously"
>no one pulls your ip
the only people that I saw doing that were admins from Furaffinity or e621 because they're eager to crack down on alt accounts of people they don't like
>willl go another 4 years and still won't list them as a terrorist organization
America gotta stop voting for absolute pussies
okay I lol'd
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the patreon "pay to early access + hi-resolution drawings" and no commissions route is the most effective one. Think about the top porn artists out there: they got >500 if not >1000 subscribers for years and nobody found out who they are irl, not even their real name.

Say what you want about patreon, but shouldn't we know who the guy that made Summertime Saga is by looking up the billing info?
Is Ko-Fi safe if I want to get paid for commissions or will the person get my real name when they give me money there?
Sign your work.
That's when you send a subpoena to reveal the person's identity for libel.
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someone got doxxed via ko-fi but shit if I know if that's true. see picrel
lmao try that on kiwifarms. on 4chan it's doable since you can report posts in archive sites pretty easily
Oh that sucks, I've looked it up and it seems to be some general shittery with paypal so I might just delete everything and just post my art on my socials instead.
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Consider picrelated
never take payment using paypal for any step in the process. even if you have an llc acount they can still look up who owns the llc.

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