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How can I actually become good if not great at drawing?
I am 23 years old so worried it's too late.

This is around all I can do, ms paint doodles, not even a body. Just sameface doodles for nothing.

Just no loomis or Drawing on the right side/Keys to drawing, that didnt work out for me at all.
>Just no loomis or Drawing on the right side/Keys to drawing, that didnt work out for me at all.
have you been practicing these for years or did you do them for like a week and decide they didnt work for you
if they really dont work for you, you might just be more suited to painting
You don't have the right mindset or attitude to improve.
You will NEVER be able to get good at drawing as long as you keep thinking like this.
They didnt really click, but no, didn't finish. Say I tried for some months. If I wanted in paper I could get a shit but better sketch on observation, only thing I gained. Nothing else
have you only been drawing for months? you do realise you need a lot more time to draw well
I tried to learn years ago. I would say I havent studied or drawn anything with the aim to improve in 2 years now but I miss the idea, I want to
You likely won't become great, just off the fact that you don't seem to have initiative.

To answer your question though, determine your goal. I'm assuming you wanna get good at just drawing and i'm assuming you want a general knowledge. Most Ic/ anons seem to like Manga/Anime so I'll assume you want to draw in that style too.

List out all the fundies, choose book matching those fundies. As you learn, experiment and play with the fundies so that you get a better feel for them and so that you don't just rely on copy work.

After you get the fundies down, copy manga/ anime that you like. Ask yourself why the things you like are things that you like.

After that, start taking larger personal projects and keep a list of both your progress and your faults.

Find ways to fix your faults and celebrate your progression.

Best of luck
ok if you actually practice you might get it . why make this thread if you havent even been practicing lol
It good.
I need to be great. I want it,in my bones and heart. I just can't deal with fear.

My question is what to use? What to learn? What to study? To make up for lost time?
you cant fast track lol. just make sure you practice now so youre not mad you didnt 2 years from now
But what to practice? That op pic is dreadful, I am insecure others have a better start than me
> I am insecure others have a better start than me
no one actually started worse than that
>But what to practice?
you can start with >loomis or Drawing on the right side/Keys to drawing
Not those, those dont work
I want the real good ones
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I dont want to just doodle forever.
I want to get really good.
>Be me
>Try drawing for dozens of times, quit less than two weeks in each time
>Four years of trying and quitting
>Basically no hope of ever getting good
>20yo rn
Should i just be done with it forever or try it in earnest one last time? And i don't mean try it in some hypothetical future, or tomorrow, i mean like right now literally at this very moment.

I have the books, i have paper, i have a pencil, i have a Huicon if all.of.thst fails.
Do i do it or do i just eat shit and die?
Start with fukcingn traditionally drawing shape objects that includes Shading, Perspective and Lighting
step out of your comfort zone and draw the rest of the body!
your first faces probably looked even worse than this.
the more you draw it the better you get at it.
try to copy real life faces from example celebrities
you will start to memorize the features better.
If you have fears then you will not make it. Good artists are confident and consistent.
>spends 10 minutes on portrait as a beg
no fucking shit, next
Take art classes/join an atelier.
Ok so do i or do i not.
I could. It's evening but not too late. I could draw for like 2 hours at least.
obviously do it and dont pressure yourself and post what you drew here for us anon
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Hampton, Huston, Loomis (figure drawing) then once you've finished them (or just one if you feel like you're ready) go on to figure drawing from whatever refs you find for a month or two
after that it's the wild west just draw whatever you like since you technically have all the tools you need to sketch people
but if you don't have a good understanding of form, volume and observation from those earlier books you'll struggle immensely (although it's possible to build those skills as you go too, just harder)
>refuses doing observation drawing
How wrong am I?
I really don't like doing it. There isn't anything worth drawing around my room, and i refuse to draw in public.
it sounds like you need to learn to learn first
and if loomis and all the other stuff doesnt work maybe watch some youtube tutorials isntead until something clicks
if you dont wanna do that just
>i wanna draw x
>"how to draw x" on youtube or pinterest or whatever
>try it
>try again
>repeat until improvement happens
>i wanna draw y
>look up how
>try it
>repeat until improvement happens
with practice you will get better but you have to try to improve and not just do the same thing over and over
every day try to see why your art sucks and what you can do different to make it look better
idk what else to tell you op if you truly want it it takes effort for it to become easy
My advice would be to drop digital and grab a fucking pencil and paper. Learning to draw feels so much more rewarding when done old school. Once you've reached a certain level of mastery then yeah, go back to digital. But please start out /trad/.
this sketch is fine, maybe follow along with a figure study or something, but check out some workflow videos to get onto next steps so you can end up with finished goods for a portfolio. As you polish a work, you may redo some parts and have to learn more about color theory and lighting, but the attention you'll pay to your composition will be more rewarding and drive your self-learning further
Procastrinated for too long, it's 11pm now. Mayhaps in the morning.
I'll check in with the thread if so.
ANOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON why did you not draw :((
> I just can't deal with fear.
Anon, I sincerely feel your pain. I struggle with self-doubt quite a bit. It's the hardest part of drawing, harder than any advanced perspective or anatomy. And it's the one fundamental beneath all others you've got to tackle first. I want you to forget about Loomis or boxes or such and such fundies for now. There is no secret technique or book that's going to make you improve. Mindset is everything. I can see a dramatic difference in my own art if my mental approach changes. Some days I feel like I'm pushing against a wall trying the same thing over and over. Others I'm in a more experimental mood and unexpectedly beautiful things spring from my pencil. I'm trying to do the latter more often.

Learning is basically changing your inner self, discarding wrong ideas for right ones. If you want to learn, you need to be okay with the idea of letting go of the parts of you that might hold wrong ideas about how to draw. For me, when fear rears its ugly head, it wants me to avoid drawing hard things because it might turn out ugly. But that's a stupid thought. To learn I've got to make mistakes. The best advice I ever got was to treat drawing like creative play. To be like a tinker or a scientist, always testing theories, "What if I do it this way? What if I go opposite to my instincts? What if I change the stroke order? Is it better or worse?" To be okay with the idea of failure, because a mistake is just a data point I can use to improve future attempts. Be open to the idea of trying new things. Stick with it for just a bit to see if it works, and if not, try something different. Some vids that helped me: "Iterative Drawing" by Sycra, "How to Draw Arms and Legs" by Steve Huston.

I believe you can improve Anon! Your first mission is to experiment with placing the eyes in different positions and trying different types of lines for them.
Fundies. Do them step by painfull step. There are sets of many fundies depending on who you ask but most of them are connected one way or another.

You have many layers image processing in your brain that help you figure out whays what, what looks nice, and what to pay attention to and extracts true or false info out of it.

Example of relation between fundies.

Gesture is the resoult of anatomical limits and interactions as well as our brains ability to predict movement/lack of movement. Learning gesture well is ussually enough but learning detailed anatomy helps out a lot to understand gesture.

Color theory is ...umm... ..basically your perception of colout changes depending on how much of a certain color there is. Our eyes/brains ability to adjust our vision.
>example: if everything is green, you will see more shades of green and the smidges of reds and blues and yellows will stand out (if you ever saw an old painting where you see blue red yellow and green but 99.8% of the painting is in a shade of yellow ((determined by scaning it with a color picker tool))

>construction is the oddball out, bassically scaffolding to help you overcome your brains limits. Or Low resolution image to high resolution image

Composition is the way we scan the enviroment. Exmple: regular triangle down to up. Reason being that inverted triangles topple over and become regular ones.

Shape language comes (amog otter things) is our ability to see secondary sexual characteristics in people as well as determine the phisical abilityes of other animals be it predators or prey and our ability to notice weak and strong surfaces to climb or stand on/hide under

The sticky has some decet fundie resources, they are booring painfull but become second nature with practice (thrust me with this)
literally just draw everyday, but learn some fundamentals

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