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>post doodle
>what do you like to doodle
extra points for video
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i like robot but i'm not skillful enough to draw them yet
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i shouldn't even be on ic
for everyone's sake
how about instead of self deprecating and shielding yourself from criticism you just try harder?
Looks strangely erotic
what i meant by "on ic" was there's a whole containment board for degens, although i might agree, less critiquing there
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She had to go to army. I hope they can accept her as one of them
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Did some styling/proportion study of sorts.
If it succeeds, I will screw everything and everyone over in a general direction.
I feel you, desu. Personally, I cant be bothered to move, I dont know where to post in /i/ either.
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Proportions are very weird, my bad
actual dead thread
last one lived for like 2 months idk how
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This is what I've been doing this week
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doodal bump
>Do doodle for thread
>Lines are scratchy and fucky
>Become wibbly and wobbly or extremely inaccurate if I try to do them "confidently"
How can I get past this? I wanna be doodleGODDED enough to post here.
you just roll with the punches sometimes. Try to not use eraser at all sometimes tand see what comes out of it. trying to attain perfection at micro scale just slows you down when macro scale is what will matter in the end. just my 2 cents
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> I wanna be doodleGODDED enough to post here
It's a DOODLE thread sir. Just post your stuff.
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pure sovl art
got a blog?
I don't have a blog or anything like that.. It's nice to hear that someone likes my drawings
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but then how will i get a dose of your nice doodles anon?
i wanna keep tabs on your work so i don't lose track of it
its genuinely pleasant to look at
Try to keep the thread a live but people don't seem to intereted. Better OP might help.
To elaborate. The OP should be a collage of works from previous thread with an easily recognize heading.
that's the nicest thing anyone has said about my drawings. thank you anon. I don't really post my art anywhere, so I don't even really know what my skill level is. I've never thought about having a blog, but maybe I could start one
this and the previous one were both made when the doodle thread was gone so i made them. i dont have pictures from the previous thread because i was not planning on doing it again, and the old one is gone so i cant get pictures from it
also the last one hit bump limit im pretty sure so dont blame me
Harsh word
>Thread gone
Warosu archives /ic/ newfag. Just type "doodle thread"
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Commission's sketch phase.
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Nice muscles wowee.
Thanks mate. I look exactly like that irl.
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Very cool style
Is that rule 63 General Guy.
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No, client's Shygal OC.
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i've got horrible organization skills man
evenafter saving your doodles
i'll lose them in my sea of references in new folder (151)
I'd really prefer to have a blog/twitter to follow and have acces to at all times
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I'll think of something if I draw for long enough without giving up
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Some vacation doodles!
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I have had drawn an inquisitor in tactical dreadnaught armor while at work
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Very cool post more anons :^)
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Trying something new and having a little bit of fun.
The brainrot is progressing quite steadily lmao.
i just did this idk
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i just did this again idk
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yeahp. just testing out a new mech.
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i never finish anything i only have doodles
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Anotha 1
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Anotha 11
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Anotha 111
WTF dude, you're fucking incredible! What are you dong in this shithole?
Thanks. I cant finish shit though n just doodle.
I enjoy the toxicity of ic.
Same. Ay, if your still drawing in a couple of years, you'll look back on your doodles and instantly know what to do.
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i doodle at work all day I wanna start seriously learning fundamentals now tho
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You aswell.
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Cardinal I doodled yesterday from reference. I don't know shit about shading values (or anything) so I'm trying to work on that. Very open to criticism/suggestions :~)
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You can try using grid as training wheel for accuracy.
Holy shit I love the way you draw muscles
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TY! been grinding anatomy for a while.
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Very cool. Batman TAS vibes.
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Did you have this drawn already or did you make it specifically to mog me? Either way, very nice lol.
Drew this a couple years ago.
Been drawing for 11+years. Im mogging myself at this point.

I genuinely just love Berserk. Keep it up.
this looks nice i will try to put it in pc
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Dope image to start the thread, love it.
>what do you like to doodle
My brain will say things are wrong and I draw to relax. I let my hand flow across the page in a way that feels right to "get it out". Nothing specific in mind.
And they say soul is dead
I won't mass reply but I loved all of these pyramid heads.
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and here it is not really good but with time i had its okay.
now draw her grilling for gods sake
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this ? or what
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eh what's going on in here? you decided to try and color my doodles :D. that's not really how I visioned her hair color, but nice effort anon
I didn't really know what colors she should have so i used basically purple. :D

Cute doodles neverless and thnaks.
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This is pretty neat, the cutouts are a nice touch.
Thank you
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I made this one too i like the character.
the hair keeps on changing color :D
I thought pure black would be better XD
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Looking through this thread, I see a lot of things I wouldn't have thought of as doodles. I feel as though I define them as something made off-the-cuff and without aim or structure. I would love to hear what you think of when you're doodling, and what separates your regular art from it.
Something that I enjoy looking at here in this thread is the mix of simplicity and intuition, as well as a constant sense of appreciation and levity in all the art. I really like a lot of the art here, I quoted like 10 of them but I suppose 4chan thinks I'm spam. Here's ones that didn't get any quotes from others >>7357213 >>7354161 >>7354164 >>7352522. Not that my opinion matters, but I just want to show my appreciation :)!
Here's a whole bunch of my doodles as far back as a few months. I filtered out a bunch that were scrapped too early to really be worth anything, but hopefully you'll find it amusing to peruse through. If you asked me, I'd probably have said I like drawing and doodling scenes. But going through them, I'd definitely say I seem to have the most fun drawing silly faces and dynamic poses. I've been doodling scenes lately, but I end up coloring them and so I think they might be too refined to belong to the collage.
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/pro/ post more
0 likes on twitter whitevoiding has come at a cost
What's whitevoiding?
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Nice doodles, however, even here, your drawings are pretty refined, to me anyway. I'd still call them doodles, that or unfinished/abandoned.

The context given by the term is just too broad to pin down imo. COMPLETE looking art (i.e - fully rendered, clean cut, consistent perspective, large scale, 1:1 likeness with a subject etc) is probably the only way I could distinguish it. Once you start fixing criteria for it though, you just end up with pretty specific sub-genres/categories/styles. A doodle is probably just an imaginitive piece of art that flows from imagination. I'd say its best to leave it that way...

... Especially since my most imaginitive "doodles" come from my flockmod days, picrel.
Id like to know whether these could be classed as doodles or not. I personally do, since I know they are purely imaginative, but to others, maybe not.
I really like the tree, my only criteria I use for doodles is that it has to be under 5 minutes.
I didnt think of time as a factor. Interesting, instantly remembering drawings I'd do on a napkin or on the back of a receipt/bill. hmmm...
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I enjoy anime, I enjoy tits, but am not very good at drawing them. Silly doodles are fun thougheverbeit.
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Since you're referring to the refinement of doodles, I'll take that first part as a reply to me(>>7364478)! I can understand how my drawings might come off as unfinished/abandoned due to some of it being clean and some of it clearly being sculpted out. But that's actually my reasoning as to why they're doodles. I wouldn't consider them unfinished, as I never had a goal in mind while working on them. I think that's my intuitive metric for it
With that said, I would consider your art to still be doodles. As they keep that off-the-cuff quality that comes from freeform drawing purely for the enjoyment of it. You put it very well when you said it's just an imaginative piece flowing from an imaginative place. I do agree though that trying to constrain it would be completely arbitrary! I hope it didn't come off as an attempt at prescribing a metric to the word and therefore invalidating existing posts in this thread, but instead exploring what others perceive doodles as, like how >>7365018 uses a time metric, >>7346711 shares a study, or >>7354133 posts a WIP. I won't assume their metrics, but it would clearly differ from my previously unchallenged perception of doodles as 'without aim'.
Speaking of, I misrepresented myself by expressing it was "too refined due to being colored". What I had actually meant is that I had spontaneously doodled linework, but then introduced color to 'finish' the doodle. It was no longer a 'doodle' in my eyes, as I had returned with an aim to finish it. My bad!
Your doodles look radical by the way :)! I'm very impressed with how effortless it seems. You're very skilled. I especially love the the little foot guy on fire, I love the rendering on the skin and how it seems to be inside him. And the blue cat guy with the eyes turning into stars? That's great stuff!
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Been off of using refs for longer then I'd care to admit. I can do simple straight poses but really wanna earn some gains with more dynamic refs.
>previously unchallenged perception
Same.Im not trying to force anything here, just discussing.

>No goal of completing to begin with...
Understandable. I didn't mean anything negative by calling your art "unfinished/abandoned" btw. I agree, the non-comittal approach is often indicative of a doodle.

>What I had actually meant is that I had spontaneously doodled linework...
My original point is basically that THIS level of specificity is antithetical to concept of a "doodle". It's really a lazy term for artists to use when it's bothersome to properly categorise drawings that have little direction. Yet another angle on the issue. The broader you keep the definition the better, imo. Shouldn't need a whole sentence to describe the image.

> but then introduced color to 'finish' the doodle
To me, it's perfectly fine to add a wash of color, or even to just splotch it about in a mess. lol.

Good chat.
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Stuff I doodled on character sheets.
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And the other.
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I got Lucepilled.
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I fucking love doodles
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whenever i sketch smth is mostly out of boredmon, so they dont tend to be very complex
good ol these boots pose
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always a joy to see your stuff i love that style but its not very common anymore
just drawing subjects with no background or larger comp
Feeling happy with this little witch I drew during a doodle sesh. It’s fun to take a break from studies and just see where the ole’ pen takes ya

These are fucking awesome btw good stuff anons
Mb, I forget every time I post on mobile
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>incoherent schizophrenic pattern recognition artist also draws furries
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Just throwing out some ideas and trying to vibe with her again.
i usually like doodling figures or my ocs
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Insanely cool, do you have a blog?
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YA MISSED ONE! (or three, or four, depending on what you count)
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couple fellas i thought of for a comic I'm probably never gonna start
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TY! mate, but I don't have any.
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404 girl sketch
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I like to doodle in fountain pens
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Ok 5 mins from the time I posted I will post a doodoo.
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.. More or less.. post time not included
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trying to retvrn to gpen
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I like to doodle cute things
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I'm trying to get better at drawing. Here's this
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i like to doodle whatever comes to mind. unfortunately my mind is often blank

do you have a blog? your artstyle is super cute
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doodle that is no longer a doodle i guess. at what point does a doodle just become a drawing.. maybe at the same point a rock becomes a boulder, or a droplet a puddle
Dunno, don't care, good shit, share more.
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i'd argue "doodle" designation is more of a intent thing, and the effort is just limited by what you personally consider worth for that goal
still, you can still reevaluate why you're drawing something
How cute. I love this dog girl!
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sounds like a good enough definition
>pure sovl art
Reminder that "soul" is just a meme word used by morons that can't explain eloquently enough why they like a certain thing.
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Some doodles I made while browsing pinterest and drinking coffee.
Lmao, is this a Jojo Piramid Head?
dont need no thesaurus to praise good art
cope harder filthy psued
get into the fucking mecha Amuro
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Nice colors


Mah thread
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For another thread, but doodle all the same. I enjoy mucky brushes.
what classifies as a doodle?
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Cute blog
These are nice anon
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>Kubrick, bitch
what the fuck am I looking at?
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