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I will stop rellying on my own sketches and constructive work.

It's a meme to do imagination work, because 100% there's always some issue.

I'm gonna relly on photobashing to create a base to work from instead of an initial sketch.
>this thing is hard so I'll handicap myself and take the easy route.
yes, that simply means the other method is superior.
you get worse results.
it's easier to buy a frozen lasagna and microwave it, but it will pale in comparison to a homecooked lasagna. if you're willing to take shortcuts, might as well just trace AI at that point.
starting from a photobash delivers higher quality while being easier to automate.

starting from a line of action is a meme, because not even vilppu does it 100% from imagination except as demonstration pieces.

All professionals use a reference or directly starts from a grid method or a camera obscura or a photo reference.

Imagination work is just a meme.
>this technique is too powerful it has to be a meme
Is a meme.

I did 17 years of pure drawing from imagination works.
Imagination and Reference
>I did 17 years
It means God simply didn't choose you.
Been a year since I started to use references.

I mean, I was naive when I was younger.
when you say this, you mean you initially referenced first, then you learned to do it from imagination?

oh, so you didn't. Silly goose, you're supposed to use references first, then you learn how to do it without the reference. the people that shill imagination will tell you start with reference first, then move off of it.
>starting from a photobash delivers higher quality while being easier to automate.
This is actually so wrong it's not even funny.
I did 100% reference works for almost 15-16 years.

I can easily rotate an object to any angle in a drawing after watching it for 30 seconds.

you get correct proportions while starting from a reference.
san salvador
wtf how long have you been drawing, 32 years? lmao
I started in april of 2005.
are you an animu artist?

I need imagination work most of the time, like 2D animated frames.
You've been drawing for almost 20 years and still can't draw without making a Frankenstein of other people's work and tracing over it?
Dude I was doing that shit for the first like 6 months of drawing and realized how awful the results were and decided to just learn to fucking draw instead.
Can you pyw?
He's larping, and very bad at that.
He's most likely trying to bait some powerful anon in this board to react.
What I really dislike about these threads is it ends up crabbing literal beginners who genuinely want to learn.
We should protect and support the beginners, it benefits US ALL.
i genuinely cannot understand how a person would call no-ref a meme. like, I could imagine maybe there are more realistic styles where no-ref isn't as useful because it will miss the level of technical detail you want or something, but there are quite a lot of people that don't give a fk about that, who would benefit immensely from learning to draw without a ref.
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This is the level that no reference for 18 years of practice can get you.
is that ur work lel
Oh, it's an esl that is confusing years and months
He meant he's been drawing on and off for 18 months.
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This is my current level after 1 year of starting to study reference.
do you have any drawing process video of your no-ref?
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fuck off you retarded spammer

This is one of the few videos I have of me drawing a piece.
Wow this is so fucking awful
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Get it right. FUCK OFF CRIS.
uh how
This is Cris' fifth active thread I think. How long until we get real moderation?
retards keep bumping his threads.
how good
who says?
Photo bashing isn’t good?
Are you alright?
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Let's see Homura.
That's the man himself. Zombie bumping threads to keep them alive for months is just one of his things.
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i dunno there is something about his artstyle, that feels ugly.
If they're your photos or stock photos/photos distributed with the intention to be incorporated in other works, I don't see any problem with it from a morality standpoint. That said you'd probably be better off using your bash as a visual reference instead of tracing material
Don’t give a genuine answer
Okay maybe a genuine answer.
if I drew heads like this anime I would have been crucified by /ic/
It’s okay because the artist is Japanese so there is a double standard.
>artist goy: -.-
>artist japanese: :OOO
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Even Hidamari Sketch?
how many cubes did they have to draw before they could do this?
They just drew.
yeah i guess so
Photobashing isnt as easy as
Photo collage >:|
Did you get much higher?
>food analogy
go ahead and point out what's wrong with an easily understandable and relatable analogy. this is the absolute dumbest fucking meme, and I hope you jump off a building you worthless waste of oxygen.
Food analogies expose midwits
True, the midwits point out that a food analogy was used thinking it makes them look intelligent.
I'm gonna poop on your head and not tell you about it so you'll walk around all day with poop on your head and everyone will think you're extremely un-cool.
Well, Marmalade, say hey.
how bad is photobashing
cool. show us some photobashing you've done, anon


you are literally a midwit trying to fit in because the food analogies are infamous for having negative connotations with them here.
start relaying
Hey marmalademum
FUCK OFF CRIS (do your best~!)
too late
too sad
too rad
how many cubes
I wish I could see into the future and copy good drawings that haven't been created yet.
You can't "just draw" on digital. My strokes look like shit no matter what I do. On pencil you have more consistency so you can just draw.

But even looking at that image for an example, the eyes are done with two quick strokes, its a habit they invented and is part of the style. If I draw two vertical lines for eyes, they will not look like that. They won't have any appeal to them. At the very second step I'm already failing.

So "just draw" only works if your natural muscle memory is good. Thats like a frog telling a fish to just walk on land.
How many works have you drawn this November? For me its 5 fimished arts and 24 studies of whole body, 12 anime heads, and 21 composition studeis.
20% of what I draw ends up in a final piece
I've seen marvelous works that are drawn with a mouse without a tablet. So your excuses about the lines don't apply. Draw what you like as much as possible, compare the result with artists you like and try to understand where you see the biggest difference. Improve on that and repeat. And maybe then by Christmas this board will see something good from you.
I'll try, sorry for crabbing
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all this nigga shit of an excuse just to not draw
wow, literally that mental gymnastics pic
well i mean, you just draw
just draw my nigga
combination move
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bad larp?
Big man eh?
Stop saying slurs, kike.
It's not a meme. It just takes an incredible amount of work and practice.
There are lots of videos of pro artists doing full pieces from imagination though, so it's not a meme.
u sure
so loony to me how cris whines endlessly about AI because he's literally too retarded/poor/both to set up stable diffusion but this one retard insists that he uses it. nigger if he was using AI his posts would not look the way they still do after a decade
he does use AI tho
Cris will be The New Messiah.
Return of the king.
He’s doing king shit
and this is the motherfuckin' thanks he gets?
stay on model next time
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i should draw more castlevania
madoca madofoca
Crissiah sounds hardcore

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