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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Recommended Resources:

/mmg/ - Manga Making General:

Previous Thread:
My pictures never make op, I'm gonna go form my own group from now on.
Are there any specific Coloso courses that would be good for someone who has been drawing for a year but isn't happy with their progress?
Ixy if you want to focus on hands
i was looking into chyan, mogoon, or okku, are any of them good?

i really want to do Neg's but it's not on coursebuster yet
I have trouble deciding on hairstyles for my character designs. How do you decide?
Some day the whole 'log will have my pics as OP
oh also throwing rinotuna into the mix
so pretty much which should I do to sort of quick-fix me through the basics and get me back into "how do i draw figures, faces, eyes, etc"
>figures, faces, eyes, etc
That's really early stuff, i'd choose a random old white man teacher to learn from instead...
you jest but doing both simultaneously = max gains
Rinotuna was really popular here last year
I like your head more, the facial expression is better in the original, good stuff overall
i guess im not really sure what i need or how far back I have to go, it feels like somewhere along this past year I lost the message and stopped improving
does someone have ixy´s course pirated?
course busters
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Am I going wrong here by starting out at the top of her head? The weird little cowlick went wrong, and I'm getting this feeling like I should start copying elsewhere, but not sure where.
What is the best anime anatomy book?
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Start by drawing a rectangular shape for the frame, then start drawing within the frame. Start with simple shapes.
I drew Lum in pencil, took a picture with my phone, applied some filters to it, cleaned it up by hand a little and colored it with a hard round brush. Kind of looks like an ancient Deviantart drawing.
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Oops, forgot pic.
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doing oridays 'blind' method on top of krenz. might drop the 'fix by trace' part since i don't think i'm getting that much out of it
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>last post 6 months ago
How do you expect us to know who this is? If you're going to post this, stop cropping the name, worthless faggot.
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I usually draw as a catalyst for gachashit and it worked, but man I cannot get over how much worse I draw males. I want to say it's because I started "seriously" drawing with NMA courses but that's just cope
good, keep practicing that
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I'm completely new to drawing, i don't know where to start. Should i start studying simple anatomy (head, hands, figure, etc.) or read an in-depth guide.
Gonna practice so i can draw something similar to a simple artstyle well enough like pic related, then the bottom part as i progress
I had the same issue when starting out where I couldn't figure out what to study and how to, I recommend checking threads on this board for book recommendations and drawing along them while also watching some videos on basic construction methods, then find artists that you like and try to copy their work applying the construction techniques you learned
doing pages and pages of boxes, shapes, perspective exercises and drawing specific body parts, gestures, poses is really helpful but it's hard to recommend specific resources and ways to study
you eventually just kind of figure it out yourself and start doing shit like drawinb a box, then drawing it from different angles, doing the same with anime heads, feet, hands and whatnot
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how does it look for now? (ignore the missing hand)
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Okay. So I can tell something is already going wrong here, but I can't tell what. It feels like there's not enough room for the mouth, and I don't know if that's a consequence of lack of distance from the tip of nose to to the "lip" or the distance from the "lip" to the bottom of the chin. Or I could be looking at it entirely wrong and it's disproportionate for different reasons. Any ideas?
Ah, okay, thanks! I'm this guy, too,>>7352439
I guess I thought this was a new thread and I had missed any replies to this. This board moves so slowly!

I do appreciate it, though. I'll give it a go. I just keep fixing things and other things keep looking wrong in proportion to them. Pretty soon, everything looks wrong, even the fixes. I'll try just keeping it boxed in! Freeform seems bad for me.
Her hand is missing
hueg torso, very wide shoulders
is she a bodybuilder? that's how it looks like for now
still fixable, I know because I make worse mistakes
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another page, focused on eyes this time
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i wanna stop being a render fag
Past ol me would have laughed at this image and say how much this sucked. But now that i'm starting to draw i never realized how hard would it be to even draw something like this.
It looks like you tried to hide her arm, so the piece feels a bit unnatural to me.
drawing clothes and frills makes me wanna kms
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Sometimes i poop in the shower.
I’ve been drawing on procreate on the iPad for years and am getting back to drawing on the computer with a normal Wacom tablet with clip studio paint. Fuck it’s so hard
How can I get used to drawing on the tablet again? Procreate spoiled me
Genuine question, how many people who start drawing late even make a living off of it? All the mangaka I know of all the people doing art on twitter, thay all started really practicing and got good at what they do back when they were 18-19, I've never heard of someone older getting good at drawing at that becoming their profession. It makes me feel even more like shit that I only started getting consistently practicing now when I should have back when I was 20-21.
The drawing is a blend of bait and the artist legitimately being shit and your reply is also bait.
Why do you want to make a living from drawing
People who "make it" usually don't draw with the objective of making a living from it
If you want to make money from drawing then it won't take long, just look at all the cuck/scat/terrible fetish/furry/feet stuff that's popular and copy that, you'll find your niche
"making it" money-wise to draw full-time as your career depends entirely on whether you'll make a product that people want to pay for, not necessarily your individual skill
look at artists like Limebreaker, who can draw but are nowhere near the level of many others and yet their commissions are constantly full and they sell commissions for $500 to $700 a piece
I want to draw because I want to make fan art of the stuff I love and because I have tons of ideas for manga and such I want to make. I just feel like shit because I should have already gotten better years ago when most of these idea's came up in my head and now i probably won't be able to do what I want with my art for atleast a year when I should've been doing this shit back when I was 21. It's not even like I was busy or anything, I was just being a neet and thinking "ill do it tomorrow" until years fucking pass and I'm realizing I'm an old man now and still haven't learned to do this shit. Hopefully saito's 3 month method really does take 3 months for me.
It also feels worse for me because drawing is all I've wanted to do since I was in middle school and when I had all the free time to get better at it i wasted it.
Maybe drawing Lum is going to be my thing for a while. Easier to draw figures with very little clothing on.
Clothing varies from being alright to draw to a complete nightmare depending on how bodyshape-fitting it is imo
I'm only beginning to be able to draw the female form from observation so drapery can wait for now.
I don't understand when Krenz copy-by-"pentagon" method is useful. You're basically eyeballing when you're making a pentagon out of the target shape, so why not just eyeball and draw the target shape's lines directly? Both require the same observational/contour drawing skill that's trained.
I'm trying to draw everyday but I'm getting so tired, and my ass hurts. as a half japanese mother, life sucks.
Any resources on how to stylize hands and hand gestures? Trying to learn how to simplify them from other artists is really hard because most of them seem to fuck their anatomy up really bad
Go back to /lsg/, pedophile
But they sent me here in the first place
fuck off and stop trying to troll other generals
I could never get used to the regular intuos since i started on paper and scanned my drawings when i was a kid. I need the screen.
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currently trying to copy and learn proportions of amime, but i can't get it right
>pig nose
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I learn from everything I like
meant for this nigger >>7355514
from aishit? ngmi
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Fanart of -Wizards of Waverly Place.
if it looks good it's good
Brush used? I really like the difference in opacity
It's one of 4 different brushes that my sensei gave to me... And I stored em on a private discord and am too lazy to go get them. I have to work tomorrow. I asked chatgpt how to adjust my pen pressure setting correctly with my Huion Kamvas. (With Mdo-h as the example). It recommended a gentle curve at the beginning and then a gradual sharp curve up at the very end. It also recommended that i start my pressure curve with 5% and not at 0% so that I can cruise that opacity very lightly. For the overall setting. For the individual brush on CSP i set it to default line. My kamvas also default. The guy that shared it with me is much more skilled than i and uses just a regular tablet. So I'd suggest reviewing your settings. If I get my energy back I'll try to share the brush in a catbox file.
Was looking through the pastebin, it looks like

1-month illustration improvement course: YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5Q2NUVnZkRWs9

the folder is down. Anyone could help me with a link?
It should be encoded in base64. Decode it using cyberchef.
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No, I meant to say the folder after decoding the link is down
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Someone recommend hide sensei last thread, at last I can kind of draw something resembling an anime girl. Still need tons of practice but I'm happier than a few hours ago
can confirm
keep at it brother
Would you say something like Morpho, perspective drawing and maybe some traditional figure drawing would be a good prerequisite to doing anime studies?
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totally dog shit humanized technicolor mini technicolor chores draw here! was experimenting with this based on an ai image. the hands def need more work as does my shading. this is fucking total ass.
> humanized technicolor mini technicolor horse
is what I meant
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napping WIP
Why even learn...why the 10000 hours of drawing dogshit..when AI can spit this out in 10 seconds..tell me? It has gotten so good, and will get better, why even bother..
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I like these two absolutely tiny anime girls hidden in the background. what's their story?
Cute and sweet. I'm wondering if Frieren's arm is too small/short. Also her calf on the right is very fat and big.
>Why even learn
to fix the hands that the AI's been fixing for "2 more weeks" for the last 4 years
What's a good reference or book about adding shades and light? Even better if applied to anime style. Assume I'm a retard that's been drawing for 8 days so nothing too advanced
imagination is cutest
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Why even live... why the 1000 hours of pain and shit pile up... if the doctors can just put me out of my misery for good?.
>Why even learn...why the 10000 hours of drawing dogshit..when AI can spit this out in 10.
To show that I have big dick energy. Something that Ai will never have.
A little rusty because a family trip put me out of practice, but it's good to be getting back to it
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Does anyone else use vtuber gallery to make poses for drawings? It's pretty helpful imo as a beginner. It has a few different models and decent amount of preset poses, but you can use the kinematics to make the model do a lot of custom poses. Also it's free
Her left our right eye is small and misaligned. One leg is slightly thicker than the other and the feet look out of perspective Mr. Baylego
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Bottom one is the best
Focus on learning the basic proportions of the face and you'll see quick gains.
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What are your recommended vids and materials on workflow with hair? I swear at this point I'm going insane with trying out vid guides and experimenting
Choosing carefully what i upload online. People say don't worry about others taking your ideas, This is true to some extent if they can't replicate you. The hypocrites who say this are making 2k a month.
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>why even bother..
To add soul.
It doesn't solve the issue of me wanting to create something with my own two hands.
Is it easy to transition from paper to digital?
shit nice booba very based edit I approve.
omfg I was looking for a 3d thing to pose a model, you read my mind
found this to download characters to pose, this is a nice application
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I want to steel miruras art style.
What inspires the new generation of anime enthusiasts? nothing inspires me anymore.
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I drew chibi Alya
Ranma after a couple month break. Feeling rusty but getting back into the groove of things. I tried doing a: "gesture, blocking, and details" workflow and was pretty happy with the result.
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>months break

did you broke both of your hands? how the fuck do niggas that always be saying they took months of breaks don't have 20min a day to doodle, that's literally all you need to keep your level and even make some gains
I know, I really should have. I don't think anyone really cares to hear my explanation but basically I went out of state to visit family and introduce them to my fiance, then when I got back I was just out of the swing of things and it tok me awhile to sit down and get back into it. Not really an excuse because my fiance was bugging me the entire time to draw with her, but it's what happened.
I'll definitely get some models from there, thanks
> Step 1: Gesture
> Step 2: Construction
> Step 3 Details
There’s no right or wrong answer. Whatever process consistently gets you good results across multiple drawings is correct.
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Doing more th copies. I don't want to draw cuck art I swear. I didn't realize how fucked up the eyes and ear placements were until I juxtaposed them.
You forgot her ribcage, the space below her breasts looks concave. Try tracing over the ref image for construction before doing your copy.
>You forgot her ribcage
Thanks. I didn't see that either. Do you mean that I should trace before starting my own drawing?
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It's not cuck art if you self insert as the bull and not as the cuck. You forgot the chest definition. Takeda hiromitsu's art is a complete mystery to me. He uses the G-Pen for his latest drawings. But I've seen him re-draw a picture 4-5 times over. That image is from an artbook. How'd he get soft lines over the panties like that?
You could also give her a bigger ass too.
>Do you mean that I should trace before starting my own drawing?
I meant to ask "why". Is it to get a clearer view of what the drawing should look like in the initial stages?
Any tips for drawing hair?
Just feel what you imagine it... and post your work.
Grind 3 billion floating loomis heads first so you can feel the form
touch grass? (inoffensively)
Try blocking it in with an abstract shape first. It's really counter-intuitive but it really helps.
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Tried doing both of these really quickly
I do, just not loomis.
>What inspires the new generation of anime enthusiasts?
Fat titties.
There you go. I should have added after you block it in add lines to actually make it into hair like what you have to the right. It might not work for you but for me trying to freehand hair can get fuckity but having it blocked in helps you sculpt it from there.
Thanks for the help. I unironically wouldn't have been able to figure it out by myself.
Noted. I will try to touch more grass.
Because I care that I made it. I don't care how it looks in the end. I care that I put in the time to draw the thumbnails, sketch it, refine it, paint it, and polish it until I called it done. AI "artists" will never have the satisfaction of having something they can call their own. When I finish an illustration or have some nice sketches I can look back to - that is mine. Each pen stroke, each eraser mark, each mistake is mine. Even if the final product isn't "good enough" or someone can do it better, that only motivates me to keep learning from my mistakes and to do it again.
The hair volume and it's own shape. It grows from very specific parts of the head. It's placed over it it doesn't grow just from the skull, it follows the shape of it but it's over it. Just look at your own head, hair's similar to fabric, learn how draw folds and good clothes and you're pretty much there, you'll figure it out on your own.
I also don't believe on loomis, but you aren't good enough to not use it
Depends on how good you are, like everything in life if you're a good athlete you'll do good on other disciplines
Thanks for the advice. I'll keep this in mind.
what kind of construction do you use?
pretend youre already there and just draw stop worrying about all that shit because it will burn you out and take even longer if you dont just outright give up
all will come with time just please dont give up
t. was in your situation
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how do I draw like this?!??
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I would like to make my line art sexy like fishine. It's just a draft right now. But when I compare myself to bluethebone drafts. I might be on the right path.

Ah. It's very simple. Just use a tablet and drawing software. :D
Stop baiting Oukamo, it's getting embarrassing.
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Overlay your drawing on the reference and you'll see the hair has more volume and the eyes are bigger. Also her crotch is too low.
I feel like the lower half is too long in general. What I dislike most is that I didn't draw the waistband as a rounded shape. I wanted to give it clearer structure but it ended up ruining the sense that she has a bit of a tummy.

Thanks for replying. I often miss out volume in the hair.
I'd expect to meet funny and like minded individuals online but it's all just lame art people. Sure some are better than me. But that doesn't make me like them or their art. Only 1 flashed their tits and it wasn't that great.
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I like the shading. Don't forget that takeda uses a glow for objects and limbs furthest away from the viewer. It's a noticeable glow in his newer pictures.
The Krenz perspective 2023 gofile is not available. Can someone reup?
Arigatou! I think I see the glow you're talking about. I'm avoiding any attempts at advanced rendering right now because I don't know enough about it and I think that it warrants a focused, separate study. The only way for me to attempt to do those affects right now would be to copy each detail from the original and I don't think that's the best way to learn.

Usually when I do copies I try to look for the general idea and go from there. For rendering that should be something like the light sources and the basic shapes, but I'm not skilled enough to do that.
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Looking for this particular course. Has it been shared to the public?
>reflected and ambient light
The absolute state of this general.
>The absolute state of this general.

The blending mode is called "glow" or "screen"....
When I'm guiding somebody in digital art. It would be retarded to say. "Hey yo! Add that ambient light layer. Add that reflect light shit."

This isn't even including other things like correction layers and post processing that's included within anime boob art.

If the anon was in his apartment painting an oil on canvas with his penis. Then I'd phrase it differently.

There's no need to complicate things just to impress Krenz-sama.
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please spoonfeed me... how do I draw appealing anime style faces?
picrel is my art with no references. I just draw from imagination. I tried tracing anime drawings I like but it always looks like ass. I even tried drawing shapes and relationships I see on their faces but nothing sticks.. there has to be a better way? hell even just getting the eyes to be good would be good enough for me. Any advice is appreciated o/
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trying to use the ref of the character to draw this one. Also i tried keeping in mind her head in like a cube manner to make sure only tthe planes we should see are visible so the front side and bottom planes
what's a renderfag? Isn't rendering just coloring digitally in layers?
I've been looking for this as well, not even the best but a good, solid one
You're disgusting unlike your drawings.
Good job, what is your studying material? I love the style in the reference
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Missing out a bit of that forward pulling rhythm with the face and the arm.
Oh yeah I forgot to ask: does anyone have any tips for those highlights in the hair? I tried drawing more of them but I thought it looked like shit.
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Just my opinion but I think the armor becomes hard to read with that hatching. It's easier to read if the hatching changes direction for different planes of the form. It doesn't take a lot of time to do this so it's good for more sketchy drawings as well.
Cross-hatching like this always great
Thinking on getting a drawing table (screenless) and draw on my computer. What software do you guys use? I see the 3 "big" ones seem to be photoshop, csp and krita
I use krita. Works well enough for me but I'm not advanced level.
He can study hatching like this:
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GM of game 'kingdom of winds classic'
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any redliners in the chat? my drawing's right arm is fucked and I am a retard.
it's not too bad honestly I can tell you no one is going to even notice any perspective issue because they'll be staring at her fat fucking tits
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i wouldnt make the perspective that hard on the body it makes the tits look to high on her chest, the last to2 fingers on the right look like they only have 1 joint ywim
nta but this is some fucking pro artist right here, are you bbc-chan or something?
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Thanks! Especially for the hand. This is how I got it after alot of re-drawing, tweaking, and drawing some more. It still looks a bit strange to me, but I think any more than this is beyond my skill level. So I won't be really changing the pose, and I'll just live with any imperfections in the pose. This is what I get for not doing any construction for the body.
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Le tutorial girl. Looking at it from further away the eyes are pretty fucked and her left cheek is swollen i guess.
If you noticed these things, and the drawing is in pencil, why did you not correct them?
The eyes I did try a few times but didn't really get any better and i spent way too much time on it. I haven't really drawn stuff before so this may be a bad way to think about it but I dont think polishing things is a good idea at my level and i should note the mistakes and move on to the next thing where i try to not make them again.
If you're at the level that you see it, then you benefit from fixing it. It's not polish to fix basic shape and positioning errors, that's just learning how to draw brother.
Just redraw it dont fix the same drawing you already finished. Go learn something and then try drawing her again, with your corrections in mind.
Is it common when referencing/copying that you find the drawing much worse the morning after? Like you don't see the mistakes the first time but later on when you look at the drawing from different angles? Or when you take a picture and look at it after?
>start over completely instead of just moving something out of place like a normal artist does 1000x per drawing
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How does it look? I don't draw often so be kind.
>this cheek is fucked
>it's one line go fix it
>I don't think polishing things is a good idea
I love /asg/.
NTA but normal artists do that because they are creating a new image. Their goal isn't to learn from what they are doing. It is a completely different scenario. We have to ask if correcting things is the better way to learn.

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