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Go, my fellow trend chasers, draw this in your style..

I really love how goofy she looks..
I ain't drawing that, it's bad to.
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I have been seeing trends come and go for a while now, but this one, this ones special, this will be THE trend I will participating into.
That loli is going to get drawn as a Belmont in my shitty style whenever I have a bit more of time.
Maybe that will be what gives me some promotion and followers, dammit.
I want to see her getting railed by dat dog
it's your chance to gain some followers
Is /ic/ being raided or something? This board consists of social media attention. This year and a little bit of last more than half of the board has been spammed by social media and getting likes.

Literally what happened?
It is constantly being raided by a bunch of plebbit retards. Soicucks or something I cant remember their name. They have a whole wiki guide about how to shitpost here, but it's basically just being a regular crab and making low quality threads.
Pope is a gooner confirmed
Wait wait wait. So if the Catholic church commissioned the likes of Michaelangelo to create fine works in the past... that means the Catholic church is placing Anime on the same footing as Realism. Anime is now holy. Anime has been recognized by the Catholic church as modern art worth commissioning. Holy shit. Renaissance realist fags in shambles.
Wasn't expecting to see tokidoki here, nevermind him working for the fucking Vatican. Orgoglio Nazionale
shame, thought it was a cute shota
Many ancien artists would be drawing furry and beast porn today
Me an anime enjoyer, enjoying an art style recognized by the church as having substance.
You dont look like thus... You have a choker and chastity cage equipped
Also you are tall and have stubble
Omw to pipe down Luce.
I'm gonna stop desecration the sacred ground that Luce walks upon with AI and draw her in my style.
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I'm going to do it.
I love Jesus Christ-sama.
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I'm gonna be honest with you, I just wanted to make the fotm thread before anyone else, and I do genuinely wanna see people draw her.

I dont even post in social media lol, sorry for the confusion however, have this fairy armadillo as a symbol of peace.
>I've got the power of anime and God on my side.
The prophecy is fulfilling itself. The return of space Jesus is nigh.
Bust out laughing thanks anon
antichrist HATES anime
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she has friends
It's a loli with a futa cock, Jesus came into my dreams and confirmed it with me.
I don’t know the character off the top of my head as my memory is fuzzy but this looks like a modern version of that older cartoon character with the small horizontal eyes and large head and related to christianity.
ok that's even more ultra giga based, let's go
>let's go
I like how they saw Gura and decided to copy her with their own spin.
>he thinks gura invented blue haired chibi girls
chat can we just kill vtumors
Gura invented hoodies don't you know
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as orthodox i don't care about cathofeelings, but as orthodox i can't sexualise kids, so i can't post it anywhere
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This thread is definitely one of the toughest battles of patience that the lord has given me.
looks like generic olympic mascots
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The character was designed by an Italian artist. The same guy who designed these little unicorn figures that are for sale in every Barnes & Noble, FYE, Hot Topic, Target or any other store that sells fandom/weeaboo merch

The brand is called Tokidoki
Are they supposed to represent Christianity in Asia, Africa and the Americas?
Ugliest thing I've seen today.
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I remember I almost had the chance to meet him 10 years ago. He did a collaboration with Hatsune Miku and was a featured guest at some Miku art exhibition in NYC back in 2014. There was literally only 5 people left in the room for signing, but the people running the exhibit said I couldn’t get an autograph because it was only for attendees who got a wristband earlier.

At least I still have my Miku x Tokidoki tote bag
The artist’s name is Simone Legno. Tokidoki is the name of his brand
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I tried lol. Gotta practice drawing lolis, cant draw them to save my life.
oh hello no it's cryptoshit
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No just Italian

Also, why would a Jew design a character for the Vatican?
That reminded me of that one time a Jewish architect designed a church and they let him put the star of David on the rosone
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True. In this case though, the artist was brought up Roman Catholic
Ironically the Great Synagogue in Rome was designed by two Christian architects
Are you really happy chasing trends for the sake of numbers? Seems like a depressing hobby/job
How did you even find this trash?
The great rounding up and executing of crypto bros cannot come soon enough
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They even sell them at Five Below.

It’s funny to see people losing their minds over Luce when this toy line has been everywhere for almost 20 years
so where's the dilated pussy with a crucifix?
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Not even close.
I almost did this thread myself after realizing no one had made yet. You did good.
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Control narrative. Obviously.
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Heres one explaining the different parts
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It's beautiful real. All of yesterday and last night people began tirelessly pouring their skill and degeneracy into creating images of the Luce. Over the course of this week a plethora of art defiling this character will come out. I mean it's truly a testament to the times we live in.
the stick was done multiple times already, don't underestimate coomers
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Very nice anon, gorgeous
this is unironically a holy image
It actually is. The realist artists are in shambles right now that the art style they've shit on is now recognized as holy by the very church that produced images they glaze.
You should be asking how long until we start anime style illustrations that show depictions of angels fighting sin. Coincidentally these artists will also probably draw hentai.
You say that like actual anime doesn't already do that. Japan treats Christianity like westerners treat Tolkien.
I'm talking officially commissioned. I know Japan glazes Western culture, Christianity and European culture even more so.
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Why is it holding one of these?
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nigga it looks like she stabbed her eye out
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I wonder what'd be her stand
Beside the awful design.
Why the blue hair?
It literally explains why the colors are chosen on the left.
What’s not even close?
holy shit Bible Black was AHEAD OF ITS TIME
I want a sketchbook w/ her on the cover, quite possibly even a videogame
please tell us how the bird symbolises Asia
wtf i'm a christian now
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The internet:
>The catholic church is filled with pedophiles grrrrr!
Also internet:
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LoliNIGGERS are making it really hard to love them with their hypocrisy. Not to mention ignoring stuff like picrel.
>Learn from us and ban it!!!111
Even doe a large part of christians are protestant or orthodox so it is not a monopoly or something o algo.
This but unironically.
Vast majority is AI generated.
this needs to have like 50k likes on Twitter yesterday.
Call me crazy but I think there may be a subtle distinction between jacking off to cartoons and actually molesting children.
omg I've been thinking about what to draw all day for this and you just inspired me to do a My Neighbor Totoro remake.
100% of Pedophiles have cranked it to loli
100% of Lolis are pedophiles
I think it checks out
Eh I don't care about engagement, I just think it's a cute character I've been wanting to draw. When I post it any likes are just a bonus.
vast majority, not all of them my esl friend
Pedophiles yes, but but not hypocrites. What the Catholic church does is a lot worse.
>the stick
Now I see it.
What was the artist thinking?
Mmmmm I'd call it hypocritical to a lesser degree. It's still hypocritical but I do agree the church is fucked for hiding and protecting it's predatory pastors etc.
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>the abused include mostly boys
of course
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oh my science!
low effort coal
Best rendition itt
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Working on my own right now
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This thread.
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Unfathomably Based
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>This thread.
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And it's done now
cool Jesus
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>A10 eyes.

Even doe Jesus told us to love our enemies and pray for those who have wronged us or something o algo.
what is it called what hashtags do i put to get this supposed twitter followers
>Evangelicals from Latin america are Already calling her a Satan Idol or some shit
Youre insane, the only thing I have seen are memes about how much people love her.
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>catholic church unveils cute mascot
>all the pornfag make porn of her because muh evil church raping kids so they deserve to have porn made of the child mascot
i do enjoy the irony of pedowars
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drew this in 30 mins, i wanted to draw Alexander Anderson and Luce but someone already did it
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billions must draw
Glistening tanzaniterald.
Nah it's true. My mom thought her name was Luce as in short for Lucifer. I had to point out to her that Luce means light and Lucifer was a named derived from light because Lucifer was literally God's most beloved angel. She watches too much YouTube, doesn't speak English and is uneducated. The videos over on YouTube are literally calling it a product of the devil to lead children astray. Their reasoning? Because it's too silly. It's just retarded boomers.
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the church is not the lord, ofc.
>Vatican II
sharty bros... too strong...
Luce was created to connect with the youth, the youth loves her, so she succeeded, who cares what boomers think.
Very cute! Good job!
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One part rendering practice, one part fun doodle. She is extremely precious
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Maybe i will actually go for it, idk this design seems very cute
best one so far
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>everyone else’s shitty low effort doodles of Luce get 50k likes on twitter
>mine only gets 5
It’s not fair bros…
No it isnt. Which is why following trends a bitch.
Im drawing Luce because its a perfect oportunity for me and I want to, not because I expect to be famous. Well, maybe a bit, but thats not the point here.
By the way, what hashtags you used? What are the ones people are using?
A lot of that has to do with already having an established base. You have to be consistent with the content you produce until you get a sizeable enough following to start doing what you want to do.
holy sovl
nice T_T
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Still impressive that some fuck in corinth made a cutesy style artwork of herakles 2300 years before modern anime or cartoons
the catholics merely took from what was around them
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>it's a cosmetic box lid
I now imagine a teenage girl in ancient Greece who wanted to have a cute boy drawing on her stuff
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My cunny game is pretty weak anons, sorry.
holy 'em
Good feet.
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My two cents
i didn't intend to trend chase, but had a thing in mind and got a lot of attention for it
now i'm mad that people don't really like the nude bitches I draw
that and X fucks your ass for posting nsfw for some reason
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The only thing that looks did was show the amount of pedophiles and degenerates that there are on the internet, it is impossible for a normal person to masturbate with a doll that doesn't even have a shape, it's just a yellow pilot with big eyes The funniest thing of all is that the Satanists make fun of Luce but they have a similar doll to teach consensual pedophilia to minors, they are honestly disgusting, damn sick people.
It's beautiful to see how Satanist pedophiles like you, masturbate with a fictional character, I mean they are so inferior that they desire a character created for children, that's how pathetic you are, go worship your cuckolded masopotamian idol, and bite his vega with your ass.
Hypocrisy is the nature of communities. Too many differing opinions and thoughts brought together by a common interest.

If everybody believed the same thing with no difference in opinion it'd be a cult.

So by nature, hypocrisy is the state of a community as the vocal minority will always speak for the group even if their opinions and thoughts are hypocritical.
Oh look at retard who can't pick up on sarcasm. Maybe look at context next time before skimming through to be outraged about something.
You touched the sensitive fiber of all idiots of this thread
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That's an edit, this is the real pic
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post socials
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At least its not a cucumber and a tomato this time.
They were based.
Tell her there is an Orthodox Saint called Lucifer
Yeah I had a surprisingly productive discussion with her the other day. She came around to Luce after I told her how Lucifer can be literally translated to light bringer and how after he was cast out he was referred to as Satan which means adversary. I guess it clicked for her that the name Lucifer isn't intrinsically bad, it's just intertwined with Satan.
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This is the only one I liked so far. Watching Catholics get distracted and celebrate a vector file drawn by a pervert while their Popeunravels their Church before their very eyes is so disgusting. The fact that Catholics are such blind clericalists and so fucking gullible ensures that I will never, ever join their faith. Surely a protestant sect would be better.
Their creator is now a trans rights, pro-choice, BLM supporter. Not much worse than Pope Francis, but it's pretty fucking gay that VeggieTales was made by such a sack of shit.
>is now
That means he wasnt all that when veggietales was created, so its fine.
Bump, because not enough anons have drawn this in their style.
Nobody really cares or remembers VeggieTales that much anyway. Even /co/ ignores it.
explain this again like I'm retarded
Your brain loves to simplify and categorize things for efficiency, which worked great for survival in the past. Nowadays, with the internet exposing us to massive communities, our brains still try to fit people into neat boxes. If you think of a group labeled "males," it's easy to generalize and see them as one entity.

But the internet gives us access to the opinions of billions in that group. And, naturally, not everyone aligns perfectly with the group's ideals. The vocal minority, often with radical or hypocritical views, stands out more because their opinions differ so much from the majority of the group.

This makes it easy for our brains to latch onto these inconsistencies and generalize the whole group as hypocritical. It takes a lot of mental energy to account for the nuance and diversity within large groups.

For our brains to see groups as non hypocritical, we'd need groups to be cult-like or lack the hyper-connected nature of the internet because our brains have unga bunga tendencies and will generalize when possible.
he is risen
Based. Love your neighbor.
Why are you gae?
I'm a faggot
Nope. Antis are pedophiles. They literally placed real cp on a loli lover
Not all pedophiles molest children, though. Self control and all that
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holy kek
Luce is a goofy goober, pretty happy to see The Vatican using anime as marketing . 1000x better than Hollywood.
>9 days
>already forgotten
centuries fly fast huh
>Pink hair: eyelashes, skirt
>Blue hair: no eyelashes, skirt
>Brown: no eyelashes, no skirt
>Nigger: no eyelashes, no skirt
That's a man and I will not draw a tranny.
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Lucifer is also fan fiction. The fallen angel's name is Semyazza.

Semyazza leads the rebellion in heaven then goes to earth to teach people dark arts and have his fallen angels birth giants with human women, for which God sends Michael to fuck them up.

"How art thou fallen from heaven, Oh Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"
Is the one and only mention of Lucifer in all scripture, and it's just Isaiah trying to get a sick burn on the king of Babylon saying "Look at you falling from the sky like Venus in the evening". in the most obscure way possible.
Semyazza and Lucifer are distinct figures within different traditions. While they share some similarities, they are not the same entity.

Lucifer, often associated with the "morning star" or "light-bringer," is a figure in Christian tradition known for rebelling against God and being cast out of heaven. This narrative is influenced by various biblical texts, such as Isaiah 14:12 and the Book of Revelation.

Semyazza, on the other hand, is a leader of the fallen angels in the apocryphal Book of Enoch. He leads a group of angels called the Watchers, who descend to Earth, teach humans forbidden knowledge, and father the Nephilim with human women.

While both figures are seen as leaders of rebellions against divine authority, they come from different stories and traditions. Conflating Semyazza with Lucifer oversimplifies these distinct narratives, although they both contribute to the broader theme of rebellion and fall in religious literature.

So, while there are similarities, Semyazza and Lucifer are best understood as separate entities within their respective mythologies.
Lucifer is not an entity. Isaiah 14:12 is literally the quote previously posted. And in Revelations it is Jesus who is called Helel/Eosphoros/Lucifer, again in reference to Venus.

At some point the church took this much more marketable title and applied it to Semyazza's role in the bible while adding some lore about him being hot, and editing out the nephilim. Similar to how Satan is not a character but a state of being in opposition to Christ. But is now assumed to be "the devil" because we apparently can't deal with higher concepts.

Either way it's not surprising the Vatican didn't care about the potential nomenclature connection between Luce and Lucifer because any novice theologian would know Lucifer is vulgate fan fiction.
Is somebody gonna tell them? Do I have to?
Your mom is right, why would a heretical church make anything good? Tranime has hit its final form of brain rot
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cunny is beloved by ultra conservatives, it's the trannies who are in the closet about it
Why is she wearing a raincoat?
wtf i love hags T-T
>fellow trend chasers
Asia would obviously be the one with the cherry blossom on the staff
great. more niggers and women
nta but I’m interested to know more if Lucifer was fanfiction or not
lol that you're going to hell
strawberry shortcake/MLP forumla
Bunch of no draw faggots on this board.

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