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I will start tracing AI art. I just can't learn anatomy. Hopefully nobody is going to notice as it would be impossible for them to get the same picture as my prompt.
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Semantics, but I always thought of "giving up", at least in the context of large commitments like hobbies, as a temporary retreat, or one that is not definitive. We give up on things every day and we make choices that can be taken back at any time, so why not give up and hold the promise of picking things back up once you feel more recovered? It's okay to give up every now and then, anon.

Today I gave up on drawing, knowing I will pick it back up tomorrow, or the next day after. I have to do it eventually, since I got to finish a commission.
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Have you tried just copying.
My learning process is 1:1 the learning process of an AI, I look at one gorillion drawings, extract the average of all that, and put what I have "learned" to practice, and regardless of if it looks bad or good, I try again.
I have not read a single book of anatomy in my life and my memory is so bad I always forget the advice I recieve.
I am currently doing what I said with animals, a hard thing for me.
Cris fuck off
>Hopefully nobody is going to notice as it would be impossible for them to get the same picture as my prompt.
Scroll through an AI gallery, midjourney or dalle thread. starts to all look the same right? some people will be able to tell if they are familiar with the most common patterns AI produces.
If you're going to go that far, just pull a full niner and just make AI art.
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just go full AI and save everyone time, no one wants beg scribble traced AI
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Just get her to help you.
Stop hiding your skull
thats so much more work in the long run though.
>oh, i feel like drawing a pretty lady today
>let me just grab my computer machine (lol)
>and my graphics card
>and my pre-trained model (you like to save time and use the same fucking model everytime right?)
>and now let me generate something to trace
>ok... no... wait, let me generate that again
>and again
>ok this ones PERFECT! now I can trace it
why? imagine one day having the ability to scribble on some paper exactly what you want to see by sheer force of will like a normal human being? get to work
do this + run it through img2img with the same prompt to then study what the AI is correcting you on
The worst part IMO, is that anyone who remotely gets into art should hate AI, and not for some morality bullshit, but because it's impossible to get it to make exactly what you want, in the right pose, with the right elements, in the right composition. Even my beg doodles are less frustrating because at least things come out the way I want them to be, not how some prompt interprets them.
Using AI to draw is like getting someone to fuck your wife for you.
>I will start tracing AI art
For what purpose? If you don't like drawing, just stop. If you never had a passion for drawing and started learning just for the money, you were ngmi from the beginning.
And aside from what I wrote above, if you're tracing drawings or photos, the difference in quality between good proportions and beg-tier rendering or bad lines is very noticeable.
Don't do it anon. Just take a break of you're feeling overwhelmed. I used to "give up" on art all the time but always ended up coming back to it. Until I realized it was better to just take a break sometimes. I'm never giving up again.
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Y’all niggas postin in a Cris thread.
>tracing is the shortcut to success
Do nodraws unironically believe this?
that's because you know little about AI and art in general. Anyone who knows his art enough and the AI could make better drawings because only needs to merge both workflows.
Example, if you are beg in the ai knowledge you will use txt2img to get the "perfect image" then img2img or inpaint with the same image, that could go to this state = >>7353150, that is just going circles around a well defined workflow to this days. If you know, then the workflow should be, at least, make the sketch first, then put that on img2img, then work again by hand, then img2img, and done, you have a perfect reference to work, so you make your drawing all by yourself but now you have a 1:1 reference to follow, exactly as some commissions go with the reference images that the customer provides.
Is easy because from the sketch you just put plain base colors and then the ai put light and rendering to follow to your taste. Yes, it will take a little to define first what "style" of generation you want in the prompt, putting artists tags, or using loras, models, etc, but is baby level shit.

And as someones already write in /ic/, you could just make a lora of your style, YOUR style, and generate images with that; sketch, img2img, done, drawing in your style so you just paint following the reference.

Of course for that you need to understand at least your own workflow, your style, and your level. If you are a beg drawfag trying to make the AI complete everything, is not different to just copy random shit on the internet, so whenever you need to make something creative or a commission, you are fucked because you are still a beg. Like... those guys who trace 3d models and are still begs, is the same shit, you need the knowledge to use it with the technology. Same story as always, tracing from grids, mirrors, clay models, photos, computer graphics, etc.
>>that's because you know little about AI and art in general.
I hear this cope from every AI shill, that anyone against AI just doesn't know enough or they'd love it.

>If you know, then the workflow should be, at least, make the sketch first, then put that on img2img, then work again by hand, then img2img, and done, you have a perfect reference to work, so you make your drawing all by yourself but now you have a 1:1 reference to follow
Yeah I know this is the closest you can get to your true idea being interpreted by AI, text2img will forever suck. Still, this is a ton of tedious steps and fixing the AI generation until it's good enough, I'd rather always be in control, than tard wrangling AI. And it's still not perfect, the AI might choose textures, materials, or colors I don't want, or change shit too much, like that schoolgirl example that gets posted here or shartiversity's art.

>Is easy because from the sketch you just put plain base colors and then the ai put light and rendering to follow to your taste.
No, it's to the AI tastes and whatever lora it trained on.

>putting artists tags
Yeah, ripping off other artists, that'll surely be well received

>And as someones already write in /ic/, you could just make a lora of your style
Which would require being good at art in the first place, and at that point why would anyone want to use AI if they can already do it themselves? AI is a tool for permabegs trying to skip the grind, anyone who already made it doesn't need the crutch.

It's always the same story, if you want to make something good that doesn't look like obvious AIslop, you need to be a good artist, but if you are a good artist AI is worthless. It's for NGMIs or artists like NegroJosh who give up and get lazy, and want to tank their quality in exchange for perceived workflow optimization (suddenly this optimization takes 500 fucking hours of AI tard wrangling instead of a fraction like he used to).
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AI will make inject more meaning into their artworks, more storytelling and symbolism. Go beyond `1girl, standing`. Ideas and messages are important again.
saar... do the needful english studying, youre grammer is bad like ganges water.

Also I want to see you prompt that bandage girl but with >>7353083 this eye style, see if your slop spewer can do it.
I think you can solve your problem with this:
>AIjeets somehow think these 2 styles are the same
And this is why AI will never replace art
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you clearly demonstrate my point, ai is a tool, as you said, is you dont know how to use a tool, dont use it, if you do, then use it to take advantage of it, as all artists have done since the beginning of time.
Is your take if you are a mid or high tier artist and make a comic by hand, or speed up the process if you know to use 3d models like some guys do, the same way, is your take if you a comic by hand with no references or use photos as most of them to take references by referencing poses, or literally tracing like several western traditional comic artists, do, the same way, is your take if you do the comic all by yourself from imagination, or speed the shit refining sketches or backgrounds.
So if you dont take the time to learn to use a tool, of course you will still making shit. Using a camera doesn't make you an expert cinematographer and doesn't leave you ready to participate in a film with that position. If you dont know how to properly prompt the text, or dont know how to properly modify a base model to your particular goal, or dont know what is the current state of the tool, is not a problem of the tool. Is like photobashing fags not knowing how to use properly photoshop or their favorite image editing software...
For use a tool you need to gain experience, yes, that take time, yes, the same way those artists learned to use 3d models to trace poses or 3d models to make cgi in animations, or take correct photos to use as references, etc.
I dont know why people take with so much exaggeration the use of a tool that just works and follow the same rules of any other tool: you need time to learn it so is your choice if the time investment is worth or not, you can use the tool and depend completely on it, or just use it for parts, or whatever, you can let the tool to take completely your art style (like people do with photos in traditional paint), or not, you can raise to new medias if you want or use it just to speed up, is your choice.
Thing is, beginner artists see AI and see it as an easy way, then tank their own learning progress by cutting corners, skipping fundamentals. Higher skill artists who have already grasped the fundamentals might use AI to cut corners because they needed the efficiency increase.

Tl;dr: AI will make permabegs out of you all, and actual skilled human art will dwindle because there'll be no artist that actually bothered to learn the fundamentals.
Look up "michael Hampton Anatomy" and go through the vids. He simplifies it enough for people to understand and if you don't like him, look at other people's vids your algo will start recommending more after you watch a couple of art vids. Then practice.
Anon as someone who has drawn for 15 years and I am still shit, I can tell you that anatomy is something you can learn over time. What is hard to learn is concept design and appeal.

Don't give up on learning anatomy
good luck, you're not missing out, just ignore the hate mob and use it like a tool

you'll benefit in the end
Some people like to express themselves through a finished piece instead of through the process of drawing.
Never Give Up. Trust Your Instincts
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They unironically do.
That's badly traced, tho. Certainly the beg lines don't follow the actual photo ones.
that's the joke
/ic/ can't even trace properly
Enjoy permabeggin it up.
I thought the same. Like check out the right forearm (the one holding the phone).
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It's okay to give up anon. Come home and free yourself from things that hurt you
Who is Cris? Cristiano Ronaldo?
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Ai art is amazing, you can paint over it, change it up, but the bulk of the work is already done. I love it.
tracing AI is valid art, fuck the naysayers
why not just trace real stuff lmao?
faggot just accept you can't draw
AI is not a tool, it's an artist on a chain you get free commissions from.
I know this whole thread is bait. Either that or the tech Bros are getting so desperate to try to convince people to use their crap. Everyone knows it's a bubble it's over budget no one's using it outside the small group that's been most of their days uploading the same video screaming about AGI and how we're two weeks away. They're bunch of losers who act like learning any skill is torture. They spend most of their days desperately spamming any place they can put their crap on to the point where it kills entire platforms. That's one of the reason they're trying to spam on every board day and night to try to push it to legitimacy because people are getting tired of their patheticness. Between the lawsuits and the general apathetic nature of everyone towards AI is become quite clear that this is just one big Ponzi scheme
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>AI fag trys to debate typing like that
I have serious question for you. Why am I not taking you seriously?
This parcel is your hint.
Im too stupid to get AI to work.
I tried to download sdxl on a1111 but I kept getting nan errors and I couldn't fix it so I quit.
I just wanted it for generating backgrounds.
he has grown stronger
Don’t trust him
Cris can’t even use AI right
He waited on the train for HOURS
You must rise from your grave.
have you js been postin the cris mix?
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Why do you draw? Ask yourself that. What are you giving up on?

Is it just anatomy? Do you have some vision for your art you are trying to reach? Is it to get popular?

I think figuring out why you draw and what your end goal is are both very important things. AI made me realize a lot about myself and my end goal plus why I even draw in the first place and I have to remind myself of that from time to time when my art isn't getting thousands of likes like it used to (I've completely shifted out of what I used to draw after all ((ie:lewd art))).

Ai is great if you only care about the end goal or drawing like somebody else. It's actually perfect for that, but after 3 years of using it I found myself craving the process and human touch/imperfections. People on here constantly fall into the trap of holding themselves to a perceived standard or judgement instead of just letting themselves draw and enjoying the process and eventually that will cause a MASSIVE burnout making you question why you're even drawing in the first place.

So are you sitting there comparing yourself to others and killing your enjoyment of the process? Did you enjoy the process to begin with? Was it the praise of your peers that go you into it or did you enjoy the process and now that you've been introduced to others you're just trying to keep up with the joneses? There's a lot to ask yourself.
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This seems like a good place to start dumping the stuff I've made. I clean up some images, I collage some, some I just like how they came as is. I'm not selling them, I just make them because I find them pleasing and view it as art. So here we go... you may notice a few reoccurring themes such as eyeballs, eyeballs, robots, and ancient Egypt. There's a lot of eyeballs.

This one is from when I got up earlier today.
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Wish I still worked at a foundry so I could physically make one of these.
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A departure from eyeballs with a little more effort coming out of myself
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This one's actually pretty heavily edited, or maybe I shouldn't say actually it could be painfully obvious.
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forgot the eyeball
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actually trying to get away from the eyeballs but I didn't realize a lot of these images are too large to upload :-/
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I'm just bored quite often.
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This one is just something I always wanted.. that's art right?
Congratulations faggot, now you'll make me remove this thread from my bookmarks to avoid your spam.
oh.. sorry
Congratulations you just triggered a vietnam flashback
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Hey you win if you're still here, you don't have to remove it the bookmark. I'm bored, gonna do something else have a nice day.
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awww... you were so close lol why'd you have to go and do that
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I am good though, l8r
This, that Minecraft slop proved it, good AI is just good source material and if the source material is good, why need AI? It's literally just redundancy, the algorithm. It's literally pointless for something like creation of useful formation.

It makes more sense in fields humanity hasn't had the time to master the knowledge of like DNA/protein strand combinations for medication, but art has basically been mastered and a good video game has not only been mastered, we'd been actively losing the plot on that for shitty pointless realism graphics. Which AI is spending far more time on instead of actually being fucking useful.
this makes me depressed to see.
>have all the free time in the world
>have the will to create something
>have the intelligence to learn
>procrastinate for no reason
Cris sort yourself out!
>procrastinate for no reason
And he’s a melon
aw shit GALACTUS conspiring
Another one bites the dust
Cris, I can generate anything in your style too. That's the funny thing about using generators online, other people can find and use your shit.

I will become you now.
he already made his own model
you motherf-
it’s all rapejeet talk
the cris shareholders
I've been doing this for a little over a month on a new account. no one's had any suspicion yet, and I've gotten almost 300 followers from nothing with the count raising exponentially every day.
I actually just started taking commissions and already have several requests
I wish I knew how to run that ai stuff on my computer so I could generate my own dynamic poses.
damn you
It's really fucking easy honestly.
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He’s Chad king seen here.
You're giving /ic/ too much praise

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