Have anyone tried to optimize their inking, coloring and rendering steps?I need a faster method than just doing inking the traditional way on a 2D raster tool.Like, have anyone tried to do inking on vector tools like inkscape or 3D tools like blender?I think Coloring can be optimized with stuff like GMIC random automatic fill color, but not sure.About rendering, I think it can be made using a normal map or depth map tool from 2D textures, then use blender to create a 2D normal map rendering.Then all would be compositing in Krita, I assume.
you have enough threads, crisreuse the ones you havedon't be wasteful
>i need to draw as fast as possible >but why cris?>to spend the maximum amount of time shitting on 4chan
>>7355685HE'S TOO POWERFUL??
>>7355685so so powerful
>>7361436Will it take me over?
>>7355679>>7361436She has strong kumiho vibesI bet she salts her victims livers before scoffing them down.
>>7355679Use real physical tools. Stop relying on a computer to do the work for you. Fake fucking artist
>>7361436average yellow bug look
>>7363070colonizerbros... save me
>>7355685He’s going to just keep getting stronger
>>7363125>10 heads tall/ic/ would have crucified me if I drew this, yet this guy got away with it
>>7363070sea mammal
>>7355679>inking on vector toolsobjectively slower than do it by hand. Is more efficient learn to make decent lines + stabilizer.>inking on blenderretarded>use maps for textures and blenderretarded>stuff like GMIC random automatic fill coloryou mean macros? you can do that shit on photoshop, and csp i think, is a record option, but, to do that you need a well defined workflow and style to... accommodate, the macros. For example you could do an auto-fill-coloring macros on photoshop, but for what? because in a standard way you just use the magic selection tool and fill the shit on a layer, or reference other layers and fill there, and done, is like seconds of difference, so is irrelevant to speed up, focus on that is retarded and stupid.On another points, you could use that to auto some specific parts of your painting process but again, it needs to be a fucking generic shit enough to the macros to be flexible because if not then it will be worthless in different kind of drawings. Examples..... if you always do a line in the interior contour of the skin, yeah, but in the intersections... you see? is not flexible enough, so you end spending more time, and it's easier to do it as usual. If you always make a gradient on top of the hair layer with a multiply layer with a color more black and desatured (or whatever) of the base color... yeah you could macros that definding how the color should change. I think the more efficient points to worry about first would be... the way you color, the style of the line, what your workflow is like between the sketch-lineart part, and that would be. To accelerate that you are forced to change your style, that's mandatory.
>>7364008i used to to the contour shit that's why i comment the "generic shit style workflow" because the only way a macros could work on drawings is that:>is a specific, uniform, part of the painting processfor example adding blur, some gradients like the hair example, or some brush configurations that is what CSP fags do a lot in things like brushes for highlights or color parameters, a brush to auto spot your color curve for the shadows for example, shit like that.>the "thing", object, zone, you apply the macros is consistent enough across all yout drawings. because of my skin painting example, if you do a interior soft shadow for contour volume but you enter a zone like the breasts or the abdomen then you will still to do manually on those zones, so is pointless. I remember some primitive AI that auto-shadow base colors but the shit was generic so you are more fast just making a traditional cell-shading kind of shadow work because with tools you will still need to retouch the shit, wasting way more time than just doing it yourself good in the first place. For that example.... in the balance is even more fast just use a traditional 3D stock model, "strike" the pose, then copy the shadows on your drawing, just the shadows, for that reason DesignDoll and the 3d models of CSP exists also, to get the pose and shadows fast.
So if you aren't prepared to make sacrifices on your current style, you will not be able to speed up. The point is that you sacrifice your current state to low your quality, then, you build on that current state that has more speed, to achieve the previous high point, then you sacrifice again, and continue. Or you could set all your points on the lowest for appeal to speed, and build on that, that's the ideal scenario for starting begs, anything above that should sacrifice on one point.Some stupid examples for things that people do:-one time years ago we talked about sakimichan's learning process, and how she used to to this 1-2 hours drawings if i remember correctly. That´s the argument i made before, you set a speed goal from the start and build around that, no matter the end result, will enough time and dedication, you will be able to make the shit in maybe more time, but your workflow will be speedup in the core around that time, that's why she was able to some years later stablish a core workflow to make drawings in 6-8hrs and make them almost everyday with a good quality. -Some people sacrifice the slowest parts like the lineart or coloring and focus the strenght on the other part to balance. Example you see some drawfags that use a sketchy lineart and focus on the shape and basic coloring, so they can get fast enough to upload at least 1 work per 2-3days with minimal time invest. -the concept-sketch part can speed up if you make a schedule to specifically make sketches, and then simply select them and finish them in your normal session, that can speed up hours compared to doing everything from scratch in one session>base sketch - base colors - rough shadows - img2img on your style - using that as reference. If you are a AI fag.
How would yall draw the texture on her shirt. Id imagine it wouldn't be that hard to paint it but for pencil pen and paper. Is it just a matter of the right shading technique
>>7361436Half white asians with actual human eyes are the best, that thing is an abominstion.
>>7363914>sea mammal
>>7364405Bug in the hug
>>7355685he say he only makes one every two weeks.
>>7363070They’re already in food
>>7365748name 5
>>7366107Acheta Protein/Powder added to everythingChocolate has lots of cockroaches in it, up to 74 per barPeanut ButterRaisins are frequently full of fruit fly eggsCoffee beans
>>7366118white people don’t season they food.
>>7366118And to add to this. Red dyes are used from bugs
>>7366118not really in the food but spiders hang out in cranberry bogs
>>7366118This knowledge has ruined chocolate for me
>>7367090end of chocolate
>>7367090I remember when they invented chocolate
>>7365731EATTHE HELL
>>7367090i still eat it tho
>>7363070watch out she'll eat you after fornicating
>>7363070i swear i thought i had the moth lady
>>7367090you can still eat it thru ignorance
>>7366118AW DAMN
>>7355679Could you give an example of the kind of rendering?
>>7373201Oh it’s the incompetent artistWhat’s up incompetent artist?
>>7373222Nothing much, what's up with you? I wanted to ask, could you post an example of the kind of rendering you/op wants to see?
>>7373222What the fuck is this hostility about lol
>>7373201Based drawfag>>7373222Cringe nodrawEverytime.
>>7355679im in love with this eastern seductress
>>7373279LOYALTY LOYALTY LOYALTYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxGMK9Hb6n8
>>7363806Isn't using more than 8 heads a method to drawing big chacters though? Its called like the heroic ten heads or something
>>7366118>Chocolate has lots of cockroaches in it, up to 74 per baranon u either got some cockroaches in the micron range where u live or ur buying 30 kilo chocolate bars cuz ur a fat fuck, a chocolate bar can contain a maximum of 7 insect pieces, which means like half a cockoach, which mind you is still more than what i'm ok with having in my chocolate, but 74 full roaches per bar means that'd be more bug than cacao on that shit and at that point we might as well just start eating roaches cuz they taste exactly like chocolate
>>7374980I cited American FDA rules on bugs. You may not like it, but our chocolate is full of bugs
>>7374980Big people is real…