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Thoughts on this artist?
he's alright
It's a female artist you fucking retard.
female or "female"?
no woman draws like this, it's either some dude larping to get attention or trans
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it's porn
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>offmodel proportions
>all coom and no substance
>exaggerated proportions
>japanese slang in english
Just another run-of-the-mill coom artist. Why are we having a thread about another run-of-the-mill coom artist?
>>japanese slang in english
Actually it's not slang, it's a sentence ender particle + an emphasis colloquialism.
This is the type of artist who is completely replaced by AI, and for that I am happy.
Kek, fair enough, I stand corrected.
Still, there's something about mixing language specifics from different regions together, specially when they dont even belong to the same alphabetic systems or geographic roots. For plain words it's somewhat passable, maybe for expressions too if they can be translated, but for things that are absolutely specific to the source language and can get lost in translation, it just doesn't work. It's not only wrong, but also cringe da-ze.
After I see something like this in English text, I just pretend everything said before this is said in "katakana spelling", so it works in my brain.
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wow what a puritan ur just jelly and mad they make more money and have way more subscribefollowerspatreonbux that you will ever dream of and they draw way better that you
pyw beg crab puritan
How do you even obtain this built
Surprisingly enough, the artist didn't get their art used for a civitai model.
I think that AI is slop actually
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>retarded coom proportions
>muddy beg rendering
>cornball dialogue
>indistinct practically nonexistent background
I Have No Impulse Control And Must Coom incredibly dime a dozen shit. don't even dislike coom as a whole but the ratio of internet artists who churn out tasteless, vaguely disgusting shit like this to ones with a modicum of taste as to what makes things erotic has got to be 250+ to 1.
>Slop gets replaced by slop
I don't see the issue.
It's a comfy silly SOVL illustration
Looks fun enough to fap to and move on. I don't like the teeth though and he should've picked a better color for shading. There's literally no point in further critique because it does what it was created for. Nothing more and nothing less
>japanese slang in english
Da ze? That's just something Marisa likes to say at the end of each phrase you retarded faggot,you will see it every translated touhou picture where she appears.
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>japanese slang in english
That's just an autistic tick Marisa has.
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Refer to >>7358861
The point isn't about Marisa's signature sentence ender, it's about mixing japanese specific into the english language.
Conveniently, the "da-ze" is missing from all official english translations of the games and what are the odds it's also missing from all official english translations of print works? That's the point, you don't mix language specifics into other languages.
You think I don't know who Marisa "Larger Hitbox" "I Borrow Books Permanently" "All my Spellcards are Stolen" Kirisame is? I'm a 2hufag, for crying out loud (or was, at least).
>missing from all official english translation
missing from all english translations*. Forgot the games were community translates.
>you don't mix language specifics into other languages
Only true if you're translating japanese text into english and you hate everything japanese. Literally every other kind of translation transliterates and makes direct literal translations for concepts that exist in the source language but don't have real equivalents in the target language.
I think it's good for a quick fap once every 4 months when you're tired of the same material. Like a KFC meal or something like that
>Literally every other kind of translation transliterates and makes direct literal translations for concepts that exist in the source language but don't have real equivalents in the target language.
Keyword, "concepts", refer to the post I cited earlier:
>For plain words it's somewhat passable, maybe for expressions too if they can be translated
I'm not taking away that words, slangs and expressions can be translated and converted to fit a language (calling the da-ze a "slang" in the initial post was inaccurate too); but When I say "specifics" I mean elements that come from a language's core structure and can be impossible to move to a different language when translated without doing something incorrect with the translation. English doesn't have sentence enders like japanese does, so you cant just put a sentence enders in plain enlgish and expect it to be right, much like you cant add articles to russian, a language that lacks them (partially or totally, can't rememeber) and expect it to be right.
>Why are we having a thread about another run-of-the-mill coom artist?
OP doesn't like them and probably thinks he should be in their position popularity wise and needs us to validate his beliefs
i was expecting some beg tier pixiv art but it's actually not that bad.
what gave me that first impression is the basic shading. i think, given the subject matter, it lacks some highlights maybe? it feels very flat, but either way the drawing is well done.
i approve
i never understood completely gigantic assess as being sexually attractive. is this what people actually get off on? hideous.
Because it's a gooner thing
If you weren't such shut-in dorks, you'd know those are fun to pound.
It's big, soft, and warm. That's all there is to it
Seconding this, prone boning a huge ass feels like conquering a mountain and the jiggle during doggystyle is a spiritual experience
>gigantic assess
If you saw her twitter profile you'd know OP's pic has the least big ass compared to her other works.
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Mass produced and mediocre porn slop for brain dead, dopamine addicted retards.
Not worth talking about really and I wish that this shit would go away or get segmented in to it's own website away from everyone else.
By being a NEET.
When is that gonna happen?
get your own taste instead of asking everyone else to figure it out for you
>I have no impulse control and must coom incredibly dime a dozen shit
That's such an bullshit overexaggeration about NSFW artists, if they really had no impulse control and masturbated 24/7 they wouldn't be able to get any good at art like this.
i believe this is correct. post nut "clarity" can hurt motivation to do anything that requires effort
that's also why i believe it's easier to draw non-erotic things or be kind of asexual so you don't have to suppress or sublimate your desire
Looks like ass.
fuckin hot, too bad I got bothered when proportions don't match the actual character
Build for BBC

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