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How I'm supposed to depict non-passing trannies in an anime art style while still keeping them male and uncanny as they look irl?
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tokyo godfathers hana
big, hard chin
Do you intend to keep them attractive or something?
You could either caricaturize them or as shown ITT, or you can be more subtle and emphasize features that might be more common in a biological male. You can still make them attractive in the latter manner while still keeping them somewhat masculine if you intend to keep them attractive, that or aim for androgynous.

It just depends on your intentions, whether it's meant to be a roast or a genuine attempt at an attractive character design.
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>still make them attractive
> keeping them somewhat masculine
unless its a teen pre-pubescent twink
no man either toon or fag
looks attractive to the male gaze (primary audience)

unless you plan on catering to the fujoshoid failure market
which if you do its better off copying the typical shovel chin hunk x almost feamale with a cock twink arcgtype
the fujoshoid market is too shallow a puddle to have creative variations hence making the query itself moot
>How I'm supposed to depict trannies

Easy, don't
1000 self portraits
draw your 2nd dad
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Only 1% of trannies look like this. The rest are severely coping.
that's a chick, dude. ignore the bulge btw.
Isn't that just a British woman?
Probably this though I think Hanas appearance is pretty specific to tokyo drag queen culture in the 90s/2000s, you see the archetype come up a lot in anime made around then.
Remove the makeup, filters, photoshop, and 893 pictures taken to get the right one and they look nothing like that.
mimic the way uncanny westoid anime tumblrcore girls try to draw normal looking women IE concord dev
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They had a few characters like that in Cowboy Bebop.
Man..I wish modern anime would still have the style as cowboy bebop..it's all over..Japan has fallen.
These are good examples. Because anime men are feminine by default, you shouldn't draw a faithful recreation of this person's likeness in an anime style. Rather, you should amp up his masculine features like a caricature.
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See bottom right
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But I don't care about that, I care about the final result. And this final result is very fuckable
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Why can’t I post
I will comprise a bunch of references for you so, bump.
Fucking retard
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Done, I recommend looking into crossdressing yaoi as most of my suggestions were. Most trans manga they look indistinguishable from biological females. Add tits or subtlely lighten the masculine features & you've got urself a slightly clockable twink-hon tranny that is kawaii.
I'm intrigued. Looked up the series but could you give me the tldr on how the crossdressers factor in?

Thanks for including the sources anon! I might look in to a couple of these.

Based Fucking Retard
konnichiwa dude
the boy meets maria art looks nice desu
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Oh shit we postin in a Gabe thread? FUCK YOU NIGGA BITCH ASS GABE THE SCHLUB
south park if it were anime
You don't. You accept yourself as a man.
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Trannies are
A) Gay men (usually bottoms) who decided to present as women in order to expand their dating pool outside of other gay men. They crave straigtht men because they don't like or are not satisfied with their gay peers.
B) Porn induced AGP coomers who decided to present as women as a fetish.
C) Men with genuine gender dysphoria coping with it by dressing as women. My hearts goes to them as they were dealt a terrible hand in life. Gay men in general are ultra degenerate and most of them have HIV, avoid them if you can and never have unprotected sex with one of them.

Neither of them want to be portrayed as unpassing. But if they must be portrayed as non-passing, they still want to look at least somewhat attractive.
And everyone that isn't a tranny also wants them to look attractive.(unless they're making a political cartoon to bash them).

If your intention is for people to feel sympathetic towards them make them look good. Androgyny doesn't have to look bad. What matters is how you stylize it.

Look up anime or anime style cartoon art that has non-passing trannies that you find look good.
Most gay men also have STDs, and those who have HIV have to take drugs (known as PrEp) to prevent it from becoming full blown AIDS and killing them.

If you're C) please avoid gay men and trannies that engage with gay men sexually.
Homosexual men are sadly the opposite of careful when it comes to their own safety.

If you're a C) tranny you're better off dating women (biological ones) or straight men willing to date a tranny that haven't done it before and hadn't sex with men with yet.
And always using protection no matter how healthy whoever you date seems like.
>B) Porn induced AGP coomers who decided to present as women as a fetish.

I need this in my life. Since this is anonymous, I like trannies and think some are hot, but the absolute baggage they come with is not worth it A and C don't want you to touch their dick ever and makes you feel bad for fetishizing them meanwhile you know they have some weird ass BBC BNWO fetish or some shit. Lastly because they are mentally ill, they think it gives them an excuse to do horrible things.
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>B) Porn induced AGP coomers who decided to present as women as a fetish.

B) & C) aren't mutually exclusive. Blanchard himself (the guy who coined the term AGP) believes that a man can experience both gender dysphoria and AGP.

>Look up anime or anime style cartoon art that has non-passing trannies that you find look good.

These are extremely hard to find.
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Here are two from Wandering Son, one passes more than the other.
So same as regular women
Wait, that last one. Did someone try and drug a woman to find out they were a guy? Kinda funny ngl.
you realize prep stands for pre-exposure, it's a preventative drug you fucking moron.
A literally doesn't exist. B&C aren't mutually exclusive. youre a fucking idiot.

> most of them have HIV
categorically false, and if you remove the boomers most gay men are far more responsible with their sex life than heteros because we are aware of the dangers of it.
Nope. No matter how ugly a woman may be their body will always look like that of a woman (bone structure, fat distribution, muscle mass, etc.) and all without any kind of chemical/surgical intervention. Can't say the same for dude troons.
you really failed stats class huh
just browse 4chan's LGBT board, search for /passgen/ this one is the current one

Or reddit's Transpassing subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/transpassing/

Try to browse for the lowest reply post on the /passgen/ or new post on Transpassing subReddit.

Observe what they want to be perceived as, and how their bone structure betray or uplift them, make note of hair volume or fashion

drawing transgenders is pretty complicated for a beginner.
Yeah, most women have a different body structure than dudes but the majority look like dumpy cows, not supermodels.
Bone structure doesnt lie.
Narrow hips, wide shoulders, large bones, male cranium and jawline, long thighs, big hands and feet. A man is a man is a man.

Sorry, sweaty
Just draw a girl and give her a dick. For a guy just make him androgynous. People like idealized forms of reality. The people who would throw a fit over this are trans people.
>But muh .000001% says it doesn't happen all the time, checkmate atheists
Not sure why you brough that up, my saying women have naturally feminine bodies did not mean they'll all look like models

And to circle this back to drawing, learning these biological differences is what's going to separate drawing accurate depictions of trannies like >>7360063 to the ancient, copout technique of drawing a girl and calling it a boy like pic related (which is what radicalized so many into thinking they could pass)
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And for comparison Tadano has a wide neck, shoulders, and upper body and large forearms for the rest of the manga.
They're such a small percentage of a population I'll leave accurate depictions to trannies. Nobody cares dawg.
It's the trannies that don't like the accurate depictions homie. If you want to appeal to them (and the people who jack off to them) just do like this guy said >>7361206
Don't reduce their inherent masculine traits and exaggerate their feminine traits. This carries into whatever style you wish to draw in.
It looks like a common theme is a long midface and slightly more angular jaw
huh. Nice observation anon. Thanks.
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>If your intention is for people to feel sympathetic towards them make them look good
Kill yourself, trannykike.
Tokyo Godfathers has the most sympathetic tranny in all of film, by portraying him as the pathetic, yet genuine being he chose to be.

No one is entitled to beauty, and trannies will keep suiciding out of disappointment until they understand not even women get to choose "good looks" by default.
Draw a woman with a masculine voice
i suggest you ask on /lgbt/, the trannies there the best at neurotically and accurately measuring their features
All of this
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off topic somewhat it's always been interesting to me that eastern works draw feminine men (otoko no ko) as girls but the few troons i see are almost always obviously men in skirts or cruel caricatures. in the west it's almost opposite, a man on estrogen is drawn with breeding hips and a feminine man is more akin to a tranny
Go fuck trannies IRL then, faggot.
I like fucking real women more. That doesn't make the picture less hot
Draw Benjamin Franklin in a dress, that's how they always look like.
It's rare for a comic to fill me with as much irrational hatred for its creator as this one
F1nnster won
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thread challenge
the feeling is mutual, probably
> Benjamin Franklin in a dress, that's how they always look
Isn't he basically audience captured at this point?
We let these people in, we treat them like equals, and they repay us with hatred.
Try to weed out the jewish ones as they seem to be the ones that are a wreck and project. This should solve a lot of your problems. From there maybe look for ones that like to top sometimes. It's common to not like the penis touched but some of us like to use ours.
He's got a point
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Be quiet mr.shalomburger
Draw a guy. Give him long hair and women's clothing and call it a girl/tranny. That's literally it. Look up transgender anime characters. And not the one's that trannies cope and say are trans. The one's that are actual trans as said by the authors.
draw them taller than normal women but only as tall as the men, not taller or it looks weird
the body is probably the most important part, dont give them super broad shoulders like some weird boomer tranny but definitely give them a slightly inverted triangle type body, nothing crazy just dont do an hourglass figure
give them a slightly longer midface than usual too, you basically just want to give them slight masculine features so they look different from all the girls you draw but not too different, just enough to be noticeable
you also want to pay attention to mannerisms, make them kinda awkward and not effortlessly feminine but also not effortlessly masculine
the biggest thing you dont wanna do is give them stubble or body hair or anythin weird like that because only boomer freaks actually go out like that, basically nothing like this >>7359349 >>7359360 >>7359673 because it just makes you look retarded
please make sure your trannies are clocky but not too clocky - sincerely a tranny that wandered in from the tranny board who wants to learn to draw someday
too long didn't read. they're men with wigs and exactly looks like >>7359349 >>7359360 >>7359673
>comic: the cope
maybe he should stay in Philippines or something and learn the """"local"""" way
have fun never being able to draw a tranny then, your shitty low effort caricatures will never sting as deep as accurate representation, but i guess a low iq beginner like you cant be bothered to learn basic male and female anatomy anyway
You one of them banana asians??
I'm a visual learner, not comprehending a wall of text.
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Unfortunate Twinkhon who started in her 20s meets a youngshit enjoying her cis lifestyle
oh so you're illiterate? what if i drew that text out for you as text would that help?
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here, draw them clocky like this kinda
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I actually avoided this when creating my recc list since that's just a tall girl from a yuri manga aka a cis woman, but yeah, she's definitely extra gangly and awkward which I think is really good. Height and body language can go along way, see picrel. (Didn't add names this time because I couldn't remember & I'd have to find them. First one is Call of Night though.)
Forgot to mention they're all cis-women.
Also based.
they are both cute tho
>it was a gabe thread all along
get a tripcode already
go back
Unironically based, sometimes learning harsh 60s facial structure fucks anime artists too, but /ic/ isn't ready for that conversation
/ic/ isnt even ready to recommend an art book to start with
probably makes you draw like this >>7359662
ignore them
Is he hapa? I find white/ethnic mixes tend to be mentally unstable
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>How I'm supposed to depict non-passing trannies in an anime art style while still keeping them male and uncanny as they look irl?
Just draw a tombstone.
>I find white/ethnic mixes tend to be mentally unstable
Do tell.
he's even worse. he's a filipino with chinese blood, born in california, but grew up in italy and iceland.

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