// PLEASE CHECK THE LINKS BELOW BEFORE REQUESTING ///Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.PLEASE ENCODE YOUR LINKS BEFORE YOU POST THEM HERE!Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!>Thread recap file, updated 08-NOV-2024aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvT3VoeW1SWUIjUWZlaW5RTGhTbk5pRDFsdVBNdWVLX2hFZ1JmYVJMakJHRjg1MVJJMVplVQ==>Artbooks:aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZWRpYWZpcmUuY29tL2ZvbGRlci8xN2F4cGY0ZDdrMDV1L2FydGJvb2tzI215ZmlsZXM=>The /ic/ Torrentmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:0aebc0f02e6c179b62e04c69af3e5adee3abee12&dn=IC-STUDY>Can't find it? Want it? Try looking here first:https://e-hentai.org/tag/artbookhttps://e-hentai.org/tag/how+tohttps://annas-archive.org/>I don't know how to use these links!>Are they encoded somehow?>What the hell do I do with them?No, they're not info-hashes or magnets; we're encoding the links to keep bots and scripts from recognizing them as URLs and harvesting/reporting them. You will see a GIF in the first two or three posts (the previous thread recaps) that explains what to do. Don't understand some of the terms in the GIF? Google them. Some of the encoded links *may* have multiple layers - like ogres ... or onions! You might have to "peel" them more than once to get to the good part.>Have you seen them?https://pastebin.com/UxwtuAzp... and before some dumbass asks, here's the book from the OP image:>(C104) art of momo29>(C104) momo29 ラクガキ画集aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9TekU1QVY=
>>7360873Last time, on artbooks (>>7324185):>『Kareshi Inai Reki = Nenrei』 Ja, Doushite Ikenai noyo!? INO Artworks>「彼氏いない歴=年齢」じゃ、どうしてイケナイのよ! ? INOアートワークスaHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvaW14eVdBd0IjUUdyTnVOeDMzaXNjVjRqQk9aZDJzbmRsY3E0MUE4SkF6aGVkNWpuTHd5MA==>Alex Ahad Skullgirls ArtbooksaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9hbjRjcWs=>How to Draw Manga and other related booksaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9yekp0YWM=>How to Draw Manga: Guns & Military, Vol. 2aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9GTFpEVHA=>Makoto Kobayashi's Hyperweapon (2008 and 2009)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC84UjdXSkE=>Kim Jung Gi 2022 CollectionaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC93cXhTNVo=>KJG's 2011 sketchbookaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9OYWNiY1Q=>Learn to Draw Manga Faces for Kids Learn to Draw with Easy-To-follow Drawing Lessons in a Manga Story (Yuyu Kouhara) (PDF 115.92 MB)YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdWJXVmthV0ZtYVhKbExtTnZiUzltYVd4bEwzaHVZWEk0Y1RoNGMyaDVjRE0wYUM5TVpXRnlibDkwYjE5RWNtRjNYMDFoYm1kaFgwWmhZMlZ6WDJadmNsOUxhV1J6WDE5TVpXRnlibDkwYjE5RWNtRjNYM2RwZEdoZlJXRnplUzFVYnkxbWIyeHNiM2RmUkhKaGQybHVaMTlNWlhOemIyNXpYMmx1WDJGZlRXRnVaMkZmVTNSdmNubGZKVEkxTWpoWmRYbDFYMHR2ZFdoaGNtRWxNalV5T1M1d1pHWXZabWxzWlE9PQ==>Tom Fox Anatomy BookaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9vSmlVaGQ=>Michael Massen's The Artist's Guide to Drawing the Clothed FigureaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ZVzdUb3o=>Peter Parr's Zen of Drawing: Drawing What You SeeaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9vUG9ncFA=>Junji Ito ArtbookaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9SdEt3OUY=
>>7360876This thread's recap is pretty skimpy. With so many links in gofile expiring, you might find that you won't be able to get back to a book's previous location. It can't hurt to ask, though... maybe one of us kept a copy and can throw it up really quick.
Does anybody have process recess by James Jean? Please :(
Requesting this book pleaseThe Art of J C Leyendecker by David Saundershttps://books.google.com.my/books/about/The_Art_of_J_C_Leyendecker.html?id=H4kK0AEACAAJ&redir_esc=y
I'm trying to find official reference sheets of old anime from the 90s. Is there some term or easy way to find them?
>>7360873The GOAT
Is there an artbook with the complete drawings of Gustave Doré in high quality?
>>7361508>Is there some termYes. That word is "settei" (設定 or せってい).
where can I find Toriyama's Artbooks? Specifically about original DB and other works, not DBZ
>>7361700thank you very much anon
>>7360876>Tom Fox Anatomy Book>aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9vSmlVaGQ=Link is down. Says "This folder was not found." Can someone reup please?
Will we ever get more Shane Glines books?
Shane Glines instagram sketches:aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9aQmJSN2o=
>>7362279Both faces and manga basics are out there and they are honestly not exactly amazing books. Definitely more in the confidence to draw rather than the technical explanation side.
>>7362318which books that we don't have already online? I might try finding in the library
>>7362570>which books that we don't have already online?The only book that's ever been uploaded around here is his first S Curves book from 2005.All of his artbooks are nowhere to be found, and extremely rare and expensive to buy. I think most of his work is only sold in print, never digital.S Curves volumes 2-3 are missing.Cartoon Retro volumes 1-2 are missing.All of Lily & Flinch are missing.All of Gotham Girls are missing.All of Sparrow is missing.His new book "The Art of Shane Glines in Color Volume One" is available on Amazon though, including Kindle:https://www.amazon.com/Art-Shane-Glines-Color-One/dp/B0DDJJ841D
Requesting any Mine Yoshizaki books that you might have. I already downloaded all of the ones from e-hentai.
too many trash threads made by newfags instead of posting it in generals
>>7360873>>7360876>>7362082Yeah I cant get the Tom Fox link either.
>>7363951True, This might be the worst board on this site with how many fucking useless new threads get made.
>>7362082>>7364236The gofile links don't last very long, but it shows that at least one of us must've had this book. Here's the link to Anatomy for Artists: Drawing Form & Pose The Ultimate Guide to Drawing Anatomy in Perspective and Pose with tomfoxdrawsaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC8wQ2R1aGs=
>>7364252Thanks fren.
>BlazBlue Material Collection>BlazBlue Chronophantasma Official Setting Material Collection>BlazBlue Chronophantasma Story Maniacs -Official Setting Material Collection IIaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC83ZHFzTXE=
for anyone interested:https://mega.nz/file/Q24FSBRD#28OPwkVdlBAAcrHbT_PkjEzvRsLJkIH2Xq5uGkgrmJQ
Another anon brought this up a few threads ago, but I thought I´d ask if anyone has picrel>もっと魅せる・面白くする 魂に響く 漫画コマワリ教It's a book about paneling
>>7366165inb4 the same crab shows up as that other time, get bent.
>>7362527NTA, but that's exactly what I need. Is it actually good for gently shoving you out the door to draw? Or are there better books?
>>7360876>>How to Draw Manga and other related books>Has several "Cartoons For Little Girls" things and nothing elseIf you're just naming a bunch of anime books that, you might wanna change it, that's awful labeling.
>>7362279seconding this, can't find it I'm retarded
>>7362279My wife is so cute!
>>7360876>Tom Fox Anatomy BookDoes anybody have the digital version of this book? I remember some anon shared it a few months ago but I can't find it. The one ITT is the scanned version that's missing a few pages.
>>7362279If someone has this I can trade with pic related (- my minecraft world)
What book is this from and is there a download to it?
>>7366947Title: 联考自然光 (素描头像临慕范本)it's from the artist Wang Xue Ran (王学然)Published by Sundo.Preview here: https://www.sohu.com/a/551379799_121124658 it's probably on the 美术云 app.
>>7366978aack, upon closer look, I think it's a different edition (years) of the book when I look at the drawings and photo. or perhaps it's a teaching material custom made by the art teacher (?) based on the slightly different wordings used but it's the same explanation of the eyes.
>>7366165>It's a book about panelingBUMP
>>7367307arigato sensei
>>7367307based ty
>>7367307MY WIFE IS HERE
Requesting to complete the set
>>7367830cute model
can someone recommend me a good book on value/light/shading (whatever the term is that describes something like picrel https://x.com/fce_9/status/1856969617349951549?s=46) that isn’t too old? i’d like something modern-ish, lots of learn by example photos
>>7368062Here, all 3gofile(dot)io/d/SULRWf
hello friends, just re-upping my request for Toshio Saeki's Death Book
>>7368072>>7368062>>7367830>>7367812>>7367307>>7362279/ic/ is so retarded low IQ and autistic they neeed books for CHILDREN. !!!CHILDREN!!! to learn. Holy fuck
>>7369297yeah and?
>>7368450not a book, buthttps://asgg.notion.site/Krenz-238090f8a5934eb883fc644bef1d1214alight course
>>7368515I-I kneel!
>>7369297Sorry I can only learn if a cute girl teaches me
>>7369297It's just one boring loser who has been spamming the same request.
>>7369348thank you. do i need to find krenz videos to go along with this? notes seem a bit confusing on their own to me
>>7370315implying you can't erase the other (You)s in mspaint
>>7370737for what purpose? do you really think it's that impossible there is more than one weeb on the anime website?
>>7369966It's really like the military idea of breaking you down to rebuild you.
Any recommendation on art deco books? Both for reference and learning the style to replicate it in drawing
>>7362926Bumping any shane glines por favor
Need books that focus on background paintings such as Yoichi Nishikawa, Kazuo Oga, KUSANAGI etcHell, I'm going through early pokemon right now for those beautiful bgsAlso portrait/figure books by pen and ink artists because my faces are lumpy potatoesThanks
>>7370892>breaking you downInto the leetle cubes?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ld5XBsB5q8M
Some one?? Pls
can i have a good artbook on figure drawing? most of the links in op are ded
>>7368450For value/light/shading: BOOKS:Light for Visual ArtistsHow to RenderVIDEO COURSES:Fundamentals of Lighting - Sam NielsonUnderstanding Value with Devin KorwinForm from Imagination - Steven ZapataYou could also try to look a composition book like Creative Illustration concerning the value separation in a image, like Creative Illustration. The concept is probably touched upon in these courses, but It's mainly a composition thing. Super important for Landscape painting. It seems to be what is really happening on the image, instead of form rendering itself.
Does this exist in English?
>>7360873Wait what's the artbook on op?
>>7372082if only you could read
>>7372189>>7372092Fuck my bad my bad I got it...turns out I already had it anyway lol
>https://hide.booth.pm/items/4583805does anyone have this? or anything made by hidethanks
>>7360873Does anyone know what brushes momo29 uses?
>>7372379anons I found pic rel>aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9LRm81d1o=still looking for more shit made by hide tho>>7372057aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9hY1lybWM=I only found a compressed korean version :(
>>7367307am i retarded or is this magnet link not working
>>7372514I kneel!>>7372526>magnetAnon.. I...
>>7372526Anon, I can only post the Buckaroo Banzai WEBM once.
>>7366165HOLY SHIT that was me, I haven't been here for weeks but I'm glad that many people still requested this book
Does any unfucked version of Framed Perspective exist? I downloaded one that is a shitty scan with blurry areas from Anna's and the one up on sad panda is the same.
>>7372514found anotha one>YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5c04zWmFUVEk9
>>7372797just buy the book
>>7372573just change the file namet. pro spammer
>>7371670thanks again
Comic Dream Works Volume 2YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5cFMyTTFaV2M9
I bought the new Shane Glines book.It's a shame more people here aren't interested in stylized western art. I like anime too but there's a lot to like and learn from Shane Glines' unique style.
>>7373019Is it digital? Any chance you could upload it anon?
>>7372514>>7372851Thanks anon!P.S. There's a higher quality scan of rockhe kim's book on e-hentai, only the machine translated version has a working torrent tho.
Requesting Neon Genesis Evangelion Storyboard Collection Vol 1-5
>>7365938https://sanzo-wada.dmbk.io/Same thing but in website form.
>>7373019>It's a shame more people here aren't interested in stylized western arCalarts did a number on it, stuff like hazbin hotel is bringing it back though. You gonna upload that book?
>>7360873Osti books
>>7373019Looks outdated. Same as Bruce Timm
>>7373019>stylized western artI enjoy, but sex-oriented stuff is unappealing to me
>>7373679>Looks outdated.How does it feel to be retarded?
>>7366727Looking for this too.I downloaded it but I lost the file.
anyone have japanese books on animating action scenes? anything choreography etc.
>>7369966fucking lmao
>>7373787Yes, even if it's stylish, you have to be very dedicated to fap to anthropomorphic geometric shapes.
>Shimada Humikane ART WORKS EXTRA Luminous Witches (JPG, 49.4 MB)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9oY1VJMmE=
>Atelier Ryza 2 Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy Official Visual Book (JPG, 96.1 MB)aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ycktoeXA=
>>7374587>>7374588Can someone explain what the string of letters are the end of these posts are?Also, tangentially related, wasn't there a hentai website that hosted free art books?
>>7374711>Can someone explain what the string of letters are the end of these posts are?Sure! Just follow along with Quentin Tarantino (>>7372621), my friend!
>>7374711>AI shitter>m.jpg>doesn't know how to use the links3 strikes, you're a faggot retard
>>7374873>m.jpgNTA (newfag here) what does that mean
>>7374893If you download images from 4chan on your phone it gives you a crappy compressed version and adds an "m" to the end (m = medium quality).In this case 1731537233925817m.jpgSo if you want the original image you have to remove the "m" and download 1731537233925817.jpgSo a filename with m.jpg means it's a:- Phoneposter- Too lazy to get good quality images
>>7374711fucking retard
>>7374873it's not AI though, I'm pretty sure
>>7374711fuck off
just a heads up for anyone interestedMEMEME's material artbook is available on kindle>https://amzn.asia/d/7jswm6K
>>7373581>Bump>Roberto OstiWhy is that book so hard to find now?
>>7373019I like both anime and western cartoons.I like old and new anime art but only old cartoons like Bruce Timm because modern cartoons suck ass unless they're more realistic or anime like Vox Machina.
>>7375585I love MEMEME someone upload please
Anyone got the workbook? Doesn't seem to exist on the internet. The older version available online is pretty bad scan too. Good scan of Keys to Drawing is ok too as an alternative.
anyone know any good books on storyboarding animations, preferably japanese maybe ?
Is this a thread for art/lore book requests or just art books?
what happened to video course general??
>>7375623bump>>7375921it can be whatever you want it to be, baby
Alien: The Weyland Yutani Report Collectors Edition.I've been hunting for a scan of this and about on IRC and haven't been getting lucky, does anyone have a decent link or scan themselves?
>>7376802NTA but thank you.
>>7360873>OP picMy copy came today. Feels a lot hornier than his last book lmao. Also every artbook should use this spine that lets you open it flat.
>>7372684Yeah, I've been interested in a book that goes further into the theory behind paneling than just the bare basics that most content online touches upon. Alas, it seems that nobody has it and if that stays the same until this thread reaches bump limit, I think I'll just bite the sour apple and buy it myself. Not sure about physical or digital yet. If its physical I'll only upload it as a photodump though. Scanning that shit without first tearing it apart is too much hassle and also a waste of the money desu
>>7376965tearing it apart for proper scans is a waste of money is what I meant
Sharing the Artist's Master Series trilogy of books:Artists' Master Series: Perspective & DepthArtists' Master Series: Composition & NarrativeArtists' Master Series: Color & LightYUhSMGNITTZMeTl3YVhobGJHUnlZV2x1TG1OdmJTOXNMM1kwUTFsNVptZGo=They are digital scans in .epub format, saw the ones available online and they are terribly formatted
>>7376802You're a good man anon. Thank you.
>>7376802Thank you, good sir.
>>7377092>Artists' Master Series: Perspective & DepthNICE
>>7365938looks pretty interesting. Thanks fren.
>>7372514>>7372851B A S E D
>>7372514>>7372851What are these by the way? I can't read the moon runes, I only speak English.
>>7377280Pose references for copy studies from hide sensei on YouTube.
>>7377446Why what?
>>7360873Ni hao fellow gweiloAnyone got 动漫人体结构 表现技法专项训练 by tenten云画画?
>>7378323Your browser probably blocks the PDF reader script.Just click "Download".
>>7377092I liked the Color and Light book but this is pretty silly
>>7379643Now he's giving notes to fucking MatisseI don't know, this book is pissing me off
>>7379657>How do I make a narrative?>I don't know, dress a bear up like a person or somethingI can't believe the same people that made Light and Color made thisMaybe Light and Color is pure bullshit but I don't know enough to catch it
>>7379774same publisher, different authors. the light and shadow one is way better than the others
>>7379657>>7379643What do you expect from a bunch of concept art monkeys?
>>7366852>"pwease give me thiws fwee awtbook, i pwomise to twade yew uwu">recives artbook>does not delieverYou're a faggot
Requesting: Debt-Free Art Degree: Foundations in Drawing: The Affordable Way to Learn Professional Skills
>>7379844What is there that you could possibly need that has not been pirated yet? nvidiaProfileInspector?
>>7380392>What is there that you could possibly need that has not been pirated yet?No. Catbot bitch.Its the principle of the thing
any similar scribble books like momo29's?
>>7372379>>7372514>>7372851anons i found the one i was requesting plus the drawing practice book (if you have more please share them thank u!!)>https://hide.booth.pm/items/4583805>https://hide.booth.pm/items/3802568 >YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5UaHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9QRjF3Ukc=VJqRjNVa2M9anon out
>>7380815Nice, thanks anon
>>7380815I think you're missing something? I get "P"
>>7380815>>7380822>refuses to elaborate further>leaves
>>7380832I already had the Drawing Practice Book so I can share thatYUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5bVNXMWhhbGc9But I'm missing the "Pose ideas & copying tips!"
>>7380815sorry i'm retarded and I fucked up while encoding, so here's a new link>YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM5UVJqRjNVa2M9have fun!!
>>7380837Works now!
>>7373059>>7373456>You gonna upload that book?Should I?
>>7380815is this book good
>>7360873Does anyone have these two books?
>>7381170it takes seconds to download it find out for yourself
Do Rinotuna books in English exist? like official ones
>e-hentai went full webp For what purpose? images load fast as JPEG
>>7381818Might be because of scriptfags like me. My bad kek
>>7381818They compress better to lower size. Not sure how though. I recently compressed some ref pack JPGs to WEBP. Got to around 40% file size with 90% of the quality (loses some skin texture and grain, but colour fucks up sometimes)
>>7381958you can do that jpg to jpg
>>7381992Didn't occur to me to try, but WebP is a bit better.Probably a lot for the site, but I dunno shit.
>>7375623Ok, turns out 151 MB Keys to Drawing found online is pretty good. I tried reducing the size with all the tricks I found on the interned, but I failed. The most I got was ~100 MB. I'll still buy a copy I think, even though it's expensive in a third-world countries. Couldn't find really good pair of text+workbook of Betty Edwards books.
Does anyone know where this image comes from? Author or X account?
>>7380701yoh yoshinariatmosphere's sketchbookthere's one literally called scribbles
>>7382535Not artbooks, fuck off idiot.
Anybody know amy good books on paper marbling?
>>7380372Yes anon, this is the actual fucked copy I have, you raised my hopes there. Thank you for trying though.I guess I'll just wait for the rich anon who recommended buying the book to buy it and scan or send it for me here in Chile, hijo de puta.
>>7362926Hi, I got the book and I'll do my best to upload it as soon as possible. Picture for proof, it happens to be an autographed copy. It won't be scanned, though. Just pictures using Google PhotoScan and a fairly decent phone camera, that'll do.
>>7383315Is this his new color book or volume 2 of S-Curves?
>>7382995The Dangerous Book For Boys has a really good tutorial I always meant to try out.
>>7379657It's literally the:"Kill all color and make it bleak and washed out." trend in action. > "Did you know good things are bad and shitty things are actually awesome?" - The entire Entertainment and Art industries (Asia not withstanding.)
>>7375623Bro, I'm pretty sure this is in one the links in the OP and also on archive.org. I always check because I had this book in college and like to review it sometimes.
>>7383322It's Vol.2, I've yet to buy Vol.3 (Hope I can get it) I just finished picturing the whole thing, now to make some adjustments with the app and it'll be ready. Pic related, last page of the book.
>>7383376Nice you picked up a rare book. I can't find any of those books that don't at least cost a few hundred.
/r/ing this chinese costume book or any other clothing design book with men’s fashion pls
>>7366165Another book I've seen that also explains it well is this one:>マンガのマンガ 初心者のためのマンガの描き方ガイド コマ割りの基礎編
Shane Glines any uploads?
Long shot but does anyone have a better scan of the Transformers Prime artbook than the one that's already out there?
here's a copy of Bridgeman's Human Machine that doesn't suck ass like the one on archive.org. picrel, left side is new, right side is old.move quick tho, 1 hour timer:https://litter.catbox.moe/qz71pz.pdf
>>7384313>here's a copy of Bridgeman's Human Machine that doesn't suck ass like the one on archive.orgpersonal scan?
>>7384321yes, I spent yesterday evening slicing and scanning, and the last hour or two figuring out how to get it into PDF. can't be assed to figure out how to put it up on archive, will leave that to Anons.
>>7384313thanks anon, this is great
>>7384313Thanks bro. You're a real one.
>>7384329>>7384333No prob, sorry I didn't clean up the levels more
>>7384313could someone re-upload it please, couldn't get it in time
>>7384325The link died during my upload to archive, will need a re-up to finish it.
>>7384313were you too dumb to realize you can change the timer option on litterbox?
>>7384389why be a cunt to someone doing something nice anon
>>7384392>doing something niceUploading someone's commercial work for free is not nice. It's stealing.
Cry some more, that'll get him to reupload faster
S Curves Vol.2 anon here, deliveringPlease share it around and keep it alive in case my Mediafire throwaway diesaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlLzlmMXFjOGVzMWx5djA1cS9TK0N1cnZlcytUaGUrQXJ0K29mK1NoYW5lK0dsaW5lcytWb2wuMi56aXAvZmlsZQ==If anyone knows where to find Robert Crumb sketchbooks scans, let me know
>>7384436Thanks anon.Bonus for your good work, his new color book: aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9FdTVCbFg=(limited time download)
>>7384440>aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9FdTVCbFg=Right on, thanks a lot!
please reupload the Bridgman scan, and don't do the limited time thing
>>7384389>were you too dumb to realize you can change the timer option on litterbox?no
>>7383851>>7383855>>7383858I've seen this a while ago. I think its one of the downloads where the pages ended up being 72 pixels for no reason at all.Thanks for the suggestion, anon, I'll try finding a different download
>>7384440Can this be reuploaded? Thank you you for your consideration. Ill post my santa drawings in your honor if it is.
Any books that specialize in drawing boobs?
>>7384903yeah there's a Japanese one not sure if it's been uploaded called something like おっぱいの描き方
>>7360873Looking for picrel, I found a pdf in Spanish but the pages are fucked up.
>>7384903Picrel and the pdf is on internet archive.
>>7385080Alternative cover.
>>7385081Forgot to attach pic.
>>7385188Any other way to get it? All I get is a blank page
>>7384440>>7384809Seconding. Please reupload Anon
>>7380842She’s so kawaii
>>7385188>no torrent>have to pay for non-compressedNope.
>>7384436wow, thanks for your efforts!!>>7380815i'm back and got pic rel but sadly is in a kinda bad quality (downscaled) :(( (is not that bad though)>happy drawing anons!!
>>7385617holy shit i'm so retarded >YUhSMGNITTZMeTluYjJacGJHVXVhVzh2WkM4ME1UbElRWGc9
>>7384651>"I think its one of the downloads where the pages ended up being 72 pixels for no reason at all"What
requesting the Eldar Sketchbook by Jes Goodwin. Double points if I could get the Drukhari sketchbook as well.
>>7385243Fucking newfag
>>7379657>The vibrant colors distract form the subjects! So made the background and subjects the same color!Fuck I hate this retard
>>7383858>>7383855>>7383851Anyone have a link?
>>7385759>"Anyone have a link?"
>>7385740 Very helpful anon, thanks.
>>7384436Hey Anon, is it correct that the green girls are the last page of the book. Asking since I've delt with some faggotry in the past where they don't upload the whole book.
>>7385920You're welcome ;^)
>>7386048It is, no joke! I took pictures of the entire book. I've downloaded many good books from this board, so it'd be wrong if I share the incomplete book. Especially nowadays that this volume is expensive to get and hard to find
Can someone post the Valkyrie Profile artbook(s)? I don't have any GP.
>>7384809>>7385312Here you go guysaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWFmaXJlLmNvbS9maWxlL3F2aWJncDJqZmpuamRvby9UaGVfQXJ0X29mX1NoYW5lX0dsaW5lc19pbl9Db2xvci5wZGYvZmlsZQ==
>>7386073Thank broski!
>>7386291I kneel
>>7383376eagerly awaiting this
>>7381138hell yeah
>>7385732Zoggin' Panzees!aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9DcEJiZ0s=
>>7386464see >>7386291
>>7386291Amazon lists the number of pages as 241, but the pdf has only 239. What gives?
>>7386462It's up, I already shared it. Download link here: >>7384436
>>7386600The guy who uploaded it is a fucking moron and needs to piss off.
>>7386600>>7386632Ungrateful and broke zoom-zooms that think this book and the two blank pages that the anon didn't screenshot with his tablet will put them in GMI status btw
>>7386599>>7386627Thanks i ended up scrolling down and seeing them eventually lol
>>7386541Hey, thanks! That was a faster response than I expected.
>>7386632kill yourself
looking for aftrmrkt by brian sum or tankhead by emerson tung
>>7386632Yo no need to be aggressive. I just wanted to know what was up witht he missing pages. Don't be a fucking spaz>>7386853Fuck off old man, I was just asking. I appreciated anon for uploading it
>>7375623It must exist because I used to have a scan of it. Not sure where I downloaded it from, maybe libgen?
>>7366165>>7367335>>7372684>>7376965>>7379377I just bought this book. Will scan and post when it arrives. Probably not before Christmas from what I'm seeing. Be patient anons.
>>7387226Not you then, just the baiting faggot that keeps lurking these threads because he's got a hate boner for piracy.
>>7360873my copy hasn't arrived yet due to naked content inside, sucks to be here
Requesting The Eldar Collection(Asuryani and Drukhari sketchbooks) by Jes Goodwin for Warhammer 40,000. Asuryani one is very diferent in content from older Eldar Sketchbook.
Why everyone is requesting books that's are available online? You're supposed to request books that's RARE, NO LONGER PRINTED and NOT AVAILABLE AS EBOOKs to purchase. Support the artist/authors as much as you can, retard.
>>7387783policing the artbook thread about what can and cant be requested does not seem like a good use of your time anon
>>7373019A mix of there being no currently running shows that actually have a style as nice as this, but I think people are really into cute things right now and most good american/western art trend towards a more "mature" feel
>>7387770Sorry, m8 - the only other Goodwin book I have is the Gothic and the Eldritch.aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9ZazF5dzA=
>>7387783Not everyone wants to spend dosh to get a book, but some anons will and they can fulfill the request. It's not that deep anon.
>>7387783What are some rare books?
>>7388739>What are some rare books?I know the Art of Ooo, the Adventure Time book, was pretty hard to get a hold of. I have both a physical and digital copy.aHR0cHM6Ly9nb2ZpbGUuaW8vZC9MV1U4QkQ=