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For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
i2p or tor?
Late to the party but thoughts?
Also, since apparently graphic design is dead, what are decent options if you wanna do something related to art?
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I want to make my lineart more like ASK's, I want it to be thin and smooth but it always end up either smudged or pixelated...Any advice?
>Also, since apparently graphic design is dead, what are decent options if you wanna do something related to art?
is not, of course your shitty beg tier designer is gonna gone or be mcdonalds level employee tier.
Pick a bigger canvas and zoom out
Experiment with brushes
Are perma/beg/s unironically retarded? How the fuck does someone get stuck there for over a year
How do you fix Twitter not showing people my shit? If I don't tag I get literally no views, if I use a fanart tag it gets like 1/4 of views of the other posts. No I don't do nsfw. I guess my account is just bricked and social media isn't for me after all
Okay so Huston, Loomis, Proko, Goldfinger, Will Weston, and even Morpho have filtered me when it comes to anatomy. Anatomy for Sculptors as well though it was helpful at first... Is there a book that doesn’t require so much READING? Just pictures to copy and study, I am visual learner.
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Anyone has a torrent o link to the latest and safest version of CSP EX
How does one develop the ability to critique art on a deeper level? Lately, I have been reading books about specific artists and often, the author describes the paintings in oddly specific, almost esoteric ways. "The colors vibrate with a restless energy, the lines express the artist's playful attitude" - things like that. It seems interesting to me to be able to view art that way, but I'm just not capable of this kind of perceiving. Is it like a language I can learn, can I learn it just by reading others' interpretations? Or does one have to have an art education to be able to do this? Or is it all just nonsense and I'm wasting my time?
>The colors vibrate with a restless energy, the lines express the artist's playful attitude
that's so pretentious and useless, completely not worth the bytes it's used to be put to text
Morpho's simplified forms is literally just copy what you see. Is this a troll?
Unless the author is also a renowned artist they're full of shit. Only other famously skilled artists can truly tell what is intentional and what is not and even then if they're things like the shit you're regurgitating it serve no purpose other than to create a mental divide between you and them. "I describe these things in an esoteric fashion because I view the world so differently than you. I could describe it in a rudimentary way but I want you to understand where you stand in my world" type beat. I think Moebius gets close to that, but even he tries to maintain some essence of insightful yet valuable knowledge instead of just having it be a mental masturbation session.
This thread is LITERALLY for stupid questions. Are you a troll?
is it just me or has the posting behavior changed in the last 5 years? like there used to be only 3 generals and they were all about artbooks or nude ref, since when do we allow /trash/ tier threads?
So the point of this thread to ask retarded questions for the sake of asking retarded questions? Alright I'll give it a try.
Is /ic/ filled with retards?
You could try bridgman I guess, the text is utterly fucking worthless gibberish so the only thing of value is the pictures which are in fact fun to copy.
What do you do when you lose motivation because you feel you're not improving?
morpho literally has the least text of all of those. anatomy for sculptors doesnt have text but if you're beg you're not going to get much out of it without some explanation. you literally need to read
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How doable it is to make a living from Patreon/Subscribestar/Fanbox/Gumroad or any other subscription platforms drawing hentai comics and art?
I'm leaving in a cheap 3rd world country.
400-500 bucks a month is enough for me to live comfortably.
I can’t get good line control unless I zoom in, would I need a bigger tablet?
Do you lack pattern recognition or something? Keep making copies of the anatomy you don't understand until your brain connects the dots. You don't need to read pages of text or "understand" anatomy consciously, this isn't math. Just keep drawing copies until you see the pattern, you stupid monkey. How many copies/studies have you done before coming to your /beg/let conclusion?
How do I accurately estimate how long someone took on a piece?
Or ask the artist
Erm, are you a fucking retard…YES, this thread is LITERALLY FOR STUPID QUESTIONS. Telling me my question is stupid is pointless, idiot tier activity. The quality of this board has gotten so bad, you’re all weirdly rude and unable to read a freaking post.
And “making patterns xDDD” does not work for me, I need to know insertion and exit points and where muscles lay on the bone…! I need them clearly pointed out without a lot of words.
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generally is stuff like this lineart that gets coloured or paintings that just get a thick outline
do you mean in general or that artist specifically? because im pretty sure he does lineart
i meant generally but your answer still applies, I always thought i was doing it "wrong" when i would start with outlines and then colour it afterwards to achieve something that looked like picrel, feels good knowing that isn't the case
where should you even post your sfw pictures? I post on pixiv and I do get consistent +100 views per image, but I get like 2 likes every picture, but I do get comments. Do people just not like or bookmark sfw images on pixiv, because there is no inclination to do so?
Give up, you don't have what it takes.
either way is fine desu diff artists have different processes. doing the lineart first is much better for learning though.
These stink. The compositions are flat and lifeless, the symbology is too literal to be interesting while telling you nothing about the film, the quotes he chucked at the bottom seem randomly chosen and again tell you nothing about the film, the shapes are either too simple to have any personality or too detailed to really be called minimalism. For half of them you can't even tell the genre of film.
It looks like a graphic design student's first high school project, who had a cursory glance at the principles of design and went for his first draft on everything.
Variety of reasons
>Likes the idea of being an artist but lacks the discipline for focused training
>Lacking in baseline fundamentals like observation and hand-eye coordination
>Their tastes lie solely in heavily abstracted and stylised work lacking in fundies
>Genuinely mentally disabled
Draw better, advertise better, stage a multi-pronged attack, and draw things that people will be interested in. It's very rare that an actually good artist who also produces secondary art-related content doesn't get picked up by the algorithm unless their work is very niche.
Better yet, treat social media accounts as a portfolio, any engagement they do receive is just a bonus.
Learn the fundamentals of art and evaluate them. Waxing lyrical is a crutch used by fart-huffers, pinpointing the technical strengths and weaknesses of a piece before you examine its context and symbolism is far more concrete.
Focus study on my weaknesses. Balance life and artist studies. Do some pushups. Draw some girls with big titties and muscled-up dudes with weapons.
Anywhere you like. Numbers don't matter. Treat socials as an online portfolio, or engage with your commentors and artists you like that are at similar levels to build a circle of colleagues. /ic/ is the only place I've gotten helpful feedback from, everywhere else people just say "Wow cool! :)"
I can't ask every artist how long they took though. I just need to accurately approximate how long it took so I can properly demoralize myself when I compare them to myself. Right now, those 1 minute videos of artists drawing really fast got me in the dumps.
The real question you should be asking is how long do your own pieces take, and how long did they take one year ago
Does anyone have advice or videos or books on how to replicate Simon Bisley's art style?
after all these years, its still a classic
Is there an anime how to draw that either starts with the basics or includes drawing drills? most of them just list "dos and don'ts"
"How to replicate Simon Bisley: A definitive guide" ,the ebook is on e-hentai
should i do medsmap if i can't even draw?
>guy wants to commission me
>asks me how much he owes me
>I haven't priced my own work
Should I go high and let him haggle down if it comes down to it? Should I tell the truth and say I have no idea? What do?
Follow your heart.
>These stink
See. I thought I was crazy or someone who didn't get it so I'm glad that we both share the same opinion
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Here is a very stupid question.
When will that retard stop bumping fucking cris threads? He is worse than cris himself like what the fuck, cant those crabs just draw?
Is it worth it to sacrifice a few hours of sleep a workday to increase my possible drawing time from ~2 hours to ~4 hours? My lifestyle is nearly perfectly healthy so I'm confident I could shrug that off
Why? (Not going to argue)
Sleep is more important than you realize. It helps your brain and body rest, plus it lets your brain actually process what it's learned. Sleep deprivation is no joke and can fuck up your life. It's better for your improvement to maintain good sleep habits and make the most of your actual drawing time.

source: was sleep deprived throughout most of last job, working when sleep deprived is not fun
trying to understand this tut. are they making the sketch layer transparent and just coloring over it on another layer?
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To those asking a thread or 2 ago if nightshade and glaze really work, yes they do. Its bad enough that professional aifags consider it abuse and are trying to find a way around it.

Keep nightshading and glazing, friends. Keep abusing these nerds trying to steal from you. This shit is hilarious.
this >>7366398 after one-two weeks you will get tired so much you will become angry and want to drop everything only to sleep
NTA, even if 1 day per week?
Yes, it'll mess with your schedule and accrue sleep debt.
Its best to keep a consistent schedule. Being an hour off one way or another is fine, but changing the times and amount of sleep positively or negatively gives you a sleep debt. And the debt cannot be paid all at once, it is something your body takes an entire week at minimum to recover from.
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why is line economy important
I know nothing about making backgrounds. I would like to make backgrounds akin to the ones you see in early Yu-Gi-Oh cards. How should I go about creating these type of backgrounds?
With abstract stuff like that you literally just experiment around
Colour theory helps also
How or where do you make art friends? I think it'd be cool to have other beginner artists a pals
When you draw people (whatever be it anime girls or realistic people and everything in between) digitally do you use construction lines as well? Do you do it on a different layer or how does that work? (I've only ever drawn on paper)
discord or x (formerly twitter)
Yes, you draw it on a layer underneath your lineart layer
I tried this before, I got a better result using an airbrush. The colors are a gradient of two hues with different values, yours has a dark purple to light pink gradient. After choosing your gradient, overlap the colors to create the effect of lightrays, swirls, vines, smoke, or mix them up.
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Tired of poorly drawing anime girl heads and want to learn how to shade (like basic objects) I've been seeing this style online a lot and am kinda obsessed with how it shades rhe area but the lines curve and give the subject volume (i think). This isn't cross hatching is it? If not what's it called? How do you practice cross hatching and whatever this is?
That's still just hatching
Do these books work great for learning art with the goal of learning pixel art in the future or do I need to start with something different? And if that's the case, could anyone tell me where I should look for guidance?
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they are called fundamentals for a reason
a lot of the classic designs were concepted / drawn traditionally and then digitized
I assumed so, since it doesn't technically ever cross. Do you or any anons in this thread know any good resources for learning how to hatch? It's pretty hard for me
Question: in CSP is there any way to build a preset of layers with names, settings, etc, that are created every time I create a new drawing? I've been looking through every menu and option but I'm either dumb or missed it. Google is useless.
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Thanks, I wasn't sure if these fundamentals are the "right" ones for something similar to metal slug pixel art https://www.spriters-resource.com/mobile/metalslugattack/
you need all of them: perspective, value, color, composition, anatomy, etc
snk artists were highly skilled
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yup, time to grind
Maybe scripting? I'm not coder or did any in any art software, so can be wrong
I guess you are actually retarded. Here you go, open wide.
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how do you do this watermark a lot of people are doing now?
Good drawing software??? Paint is getting annoying.
There's nothing to learn that's specific to hatching. Warm up with some value scales and then practice it a shitload in situ.
I've been using Krita and like it, much better than the old Paint Tool SAI crack I used. It's also free!
why would you want to ruin your drawing with a watermark?
Why would you make your house inconvenient to get into by adding a lock on the door? Just leave it open.

Sometimes, I am a bit retarded. Didn't realize that is what I was looking for. Thanks.
why is that when someone praises my art I feel pretty good for a few days then when the happiness wears off I go back to feeling like my art is mediocre
>AI learning prohibited
well, good luck. I feel like that would only draw attention, train off it out of spite/challenge.
>that gif
what a day... it's really historical
That's just being human, totally normal. Try to internalize the positive feedback more deeply, to genuinely, deeply be happy with your current ability, to see how far you've come, that others appreciate your output, and to thus find contentedness in your craft.
Should I have different account for different art styles? I love drawing cartoony, manga and realistic paintings and I don't wanna do just one so my galleries are inconsistent in style and messy and I think that turns people off from following me.
Anyone have an easy anime head guide pla
This guy has a playlist using Loomis (heh) with anime heads, might want to check the playlist. I think he's good at explaining
>sphere inside a box
Only gooks are autistic enough for shit like that.
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Is there a booru for classical art?
no. artrenewal.org
hmm thank you, this will do it's just to pick color composition.
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