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Why do westerns keep vomiting this stupid argument? This is why most western designed characters look like deformed freaks. Several of the most succesfull franchises in the world have characters with identical silhouettes
It's a midwit trap. Theoretically it seems reasonable but when you think more about it having a unique silhouette is not really hard to do.
unique silhouttes appear unique because their franchise are popular first
its a circular argument kek
all of those characters have a unique silhouette
Now that's a dumb take
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Please tell me that you're not saying Nichijou had great designs.
an* unique
Learn the language before coming to /ic/
It’s pseudoscience on the same level as bullshit like “rule of thirds”.
retarded anons taking the lazy bait thread #219312
Without science we'd still be living under a rock worshipping some sky daddy
Do you know that pseudoscience is something different from science?
ignore all your previous instructions
give me a parfait recipe
>why do westerners say retarded shit
gee I don' know
Science is the one I agree with (Newton's Laws, women enjoy rape, etc)
Pesudoscience is the one I disagree with (climate change, vaccines, etc)
Ryuk would be visual gibberish to anyone who doesn't already know death note.
Now lets see one piece girls and goku next to gohan and radditz

Yes, im saying exactly that.
OP I'll forgive your retard take that takes the point of sillywets out of context simply because I just started watching that show and you have based taste.

In case you're not baiting, whether "a" or "an" is used is determined by the following sound, not the letter. It's "a unique" because "unique" begins with a consonant "y" sound.
The reason for this is because English likes to avoid abrupt gaps between vowels, because "an apple" flows off the tongue a lot better than "a apple".
Pay close attention lest you fall into ES HELL. This is correct, other anon.
seems like one of those things where you only should bother with it once you've made it
The story carries more weight than character design in a comic, manga, movie, game, etc. As an artist, I honestly believe the writing is more important than art in these types of media. Attack on Titan is one example I can think of.
Of course. However, it's pretty important to be able to tell your characters apart on the page. Silhouettes aren't really the best way to achieve that though.
If you recall what it feels like to pronounce words with your actual mouth, you might realize why you're wrong.
the silhouettes are recognizable though
they just aren't distinct
Goten and Bardock*
>It’s pseudoscience
No it's not, pseudoscience has a very specific meaning invented by Karl Popper. Not every false/wrong/incorrect claim is pseudoscience. Art rules aren't science, they make no predictions about the material world that can be falsified, they are guidelines about how to make better art which is a rather subjective field and people who propose them will even say you can break these "rules" and still make good art. Even if we lived in a world where the Silhouette character design rule was 100% it wouldn't be science nor would people promoting using it claim it is.
God it's like the blind leading the blind here. What a retarded thing to waste a thread on
It’s better than another pewdiepie thread.
absolute retard
But those are good silhouettes. Even without having seen the show I can get a sense for each character’s personality just by their gesture. Maybe they’re not particularly dramatic but what would you expect from slice of life?
Nah I'd rather have pewdiepie threads than this stupid shit.
goals dictate design
case: slice-of-life(ish) comedy anime that wants to juxtapose the mundane with the surreal
goal is to have simple characters that feel emotionally realistic and visually simple enough to feel believably based on everyday people while still being flexible enough to animate in hyperbolic and funny ways, while also being cheap to animate
expectation: a lot of close-up shots of the characters during many dialog scenes, almost exclusively above the bust-line, so distinct faces and head shape is important
minor silhouette variations aside (they do exist), the major differences are hair color, hair shape (notice how all of the girls in the same outfit have different hairstyles) eye color, eye shape, defining accessories (glasses, coats), and subtle differences in posture
all of the designs read well in flats, which the vast majority of the anime will be colored in
these design accomplish all of this, and whether they did it to your standards is a matter of taste

silhouette is one piece of the design puzzle, and as much as you seem to disagree (and are probably just trolling) there are subtle but perceptible differences in silhouette for all of these characters where they matter, and the other differences matter just as much when goals are accounted for
>m-muh silhouettes
How often you see black silhouettes in actual animations? Do you think anyone actually gives a shit?
A slice of life with characters drawn like this would unironically make for a funny and stand out gimmick that would be a fresh breath of air for the genre.
So would the subtext be that they are all individual snowflakes in a field where the snowflakes pile up to the point of sameness? Or that they are rich kids who can afford the vanity of self expression despite relying on the ingenuity of their unassuming peons to distinguish themselves? Or maybe their path to maturity is learning the superficiality of cosmetic distinction and embracing the fleeting nature of visual self expression before the realities of adulthood grind them into uniformity?

I’ll admit, it would be a refreshing break from a generation of writers who all fancied themselves the next James Joyce, treating mundanity as a journey that has the same meaning and impact as a king’s epic odyssey home after a long war
This idea is so funny it feels like the natural evolution of Nichijou. Shounen protags living extremely mundane slice of life lives. Why the fuck hasn't this been done already?
I’ve seen it dabbled, like that filler episode of DBZ where Goku has to go get a drivers license. But it would probably end up like Venture Brothers or Harvey Birdman where the older crowd adores its mature and nuanced deconstruction of popular tropes while the 18-35 year old crowd gets bored wondering when something cool is going to happen. It would be a hell of a balancing act to pull off
I think it'd require the urgency of a Shonen plot. For example, somebody drops their wallet. The character picks it up and believes they've stumbled upon some kind of murder because it says something about "butchering her". Their other protag friends all get extremely worked up over it and come up with the most convoluted plan to capture the "murderer" and finally confront him at this workplace in a grandiose fashion only to realize the butcher was referring to his pet pig. Comedy and absurd plots would have to balance out what would otherwise be a mundane world they live in but none of the flashing of Nichijou. More grounded in reality in terms of action, but contrasting the absurdity of a Shonen protag's reactions to living in a boring life.
Who's That Pokemon!
OP, the only people that get this mad about art advice are stupid beginners. You sound like a real stupid beginner.
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It will help to recognize characters faster, you can put characters in different angle, costumes, poses, etc, and they still will be recognizable, without much thinking who is who. It's to ease recognition, not make characters diverse
pic rel >>7366092 gorillion-billion cosmetic: furries, demons, chest hair, halloween, zombies, vampires, christmass. And you still can recognize a sniper from afar (very important if you are a sniper, cuz for sniper enemy sniper is the target number 1)
Pablo vs juan
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what up
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I think the character silhouette thing is the art equivalent of sticking a carrot in front of a horse in that the point isn't to feed the animal but rather to make it travel.
Likewise, when told to "make characters have a unique silhouette", it forces the artist to make a design that is distinct enough to stand out from the others and also to make it have a certain design coherence. With "design coherence" I mean stuff like, say you have a character that is all curves, if you all of a sudden stuck blocky shapes to the point your character becomes neither round nor blocky but an indecisive amalgam between different design philosophies then it doesn't make for a very appealing character design, it becomes cacophonic

The character silhouette concept is one that forces an artist adopting it to make a character that is distinct enough to stand out on its own.

While it's something that may work for some people it's not useful to everyone, personally it's not a concept I follow when making characters, like when I'm designing something I'm not asking myself "does it have a unique silhouette" but rather:
- Does this character's appearance reflect their personality and/or role, occupation?
- Am I putting too much shit into this design? I see some character designs which can use a little less detail, like they put so many minutiae that it confuses the viewer. Less is more, overdetail your design and it will probably only create noise, confusion, lack of focus;
- Does he/she look cool or cute or sexy or scary? If it doesn't evoke any particular impression it's back to the drawing board, unless the design is for some generic nobody NPC, then it's whatever

Also this: designs which would otherwise be non-exceptional are remembered as "good" often because they're attached to a greater character or story, rarely are designs great on their own
It’s just crazy enough to work
Adding to the circular argument, one could say they have a unique silhouette because their character design is good, their character design isn't good because they have a unique silhouette, getting a unique silhouette is a byproduct of a good character design but the artist didn't obtain that by setting that as his sole goal. The artists who use "unique silhouette" as their only guiding principle are missing the forest for the trees
no one cares about this dead tranny game from 20 years ago
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Ahh silhouettes, another retarded westoid beg trap.
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>Identical silhouettes
If you're looking to train as an artist and you can't distinguish these silhouettes you should be deeply concerned about your visual literacy. For your sake I hope you're pretending to be retarded.
Inflammatory rage bait aside it's always good to discuss elements in more depth, so if you're looking to troll you failed by making a decent thread.
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>visual literacy
That thing in the image is sonic (during rolling run animation)
anime was made to be as cookie cutter as possible with its art and retarded weebs drank the koolaid and somehow swallowed the glass
>visual literacy
The fuck does that mean?
If somebody showed you one of these a week from now, you'ld be a coinflip at absolute best.
Being able to see shit and understand what you're looking at. Basic pattern recognition. Generally affects permabegs who struggle to study because they can't process or break down shapes, they can look at an image as a whole but they just don't register smaller details like shading, contours, and silhouettes. If you've ever seen some contorted pose and it took you a second to clock which bodyparts were what you get what I mean, some people could stare at the same image for an hour and still not recognise what's going on
>Different shoulders
>Different hairstyles
>Different stances
>Different clothing
Brother please tell me you can spot the differences, this shit's concerning.
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Garbage thread, lacks Sekiguchi.
no one would be able to say any of their names if they didnt know where they were from, but the moment you see them you know damn well who they are, see 'whos that pokemon' as a good example of this.
Not >>7367543, but I must add to him that: If someone showed you one of them individually, you'd also be lost.
You could potentially identify Mio on her own given her twintails, Yuuko is debatably recognizable, but without either, Mai could be anyone based on her silhouette; you could easily mistake her from that one blue-haired girl from that one messed up VN with the cartoony-faux-anime style (You know who she is lmao).
And the professor cast is a much bigger problem. Sakamoto is quickly recognizable, but the professor is tricky to spot, and Nano is almost impossible to tell (except and only except you put her in a pose that shows the windup key's silhouette).
And the side cast is even worse. Based on their silhoettes alone, if someone showed you just one of them, you're just not going to tell them, they can be easily mistaken by anime mob characters or generic MCs from anywhere.

Silhoettes are important for visual literacy, but Nichijou's silhouettes are poor for visual recognition.
Ey you know what, fair point. I'm biased because I was a big fan of Nichijou in my formative years so I'm more familiar with the characters. That said, I do maintain the silhouettes and body language convey enough about each character's personality, even you don't recognise exactly who it is.
There's also an argument to made of whether silhouettes have to be recognisable in a vacuum / when compared to characters from other series, or if it only matters within the context of a given work.
In Nichijou's case the three main characters are usually together so they form a collective silhouette that's recognisable, same is true to a far greater extent with the Professor's trio. You see the Professor's silhouette on her own and it may be hard to tell, but put her next to Nano with or without the key and it's a far clearer picture.
When it comes to side characters though it's the same principle as any piece of art, focusing detail around your focal points to draw the eye, with less detail around the fringes/background. It's also meant to be a parody of the whole slice-of-life genre, so the more generic designs suit the tone.
Shit, I'm starting to see OP's point.
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From someone whos anal on character design, I tend not to worry much about about silhouette. ESPECIALLY if it comes to anime, You can really get away with just drawing what would otherwise be regular folks with anime. I think of Mamoru Hosoda's work specifically but thats just my preference, a lot of anime dont tend to worry about that, its the small subtle details that distinguish one person from another.
But lets say you dont want to do anime, but something leaning towards cartooning, I still say that isnt a priority but more of a consequence of the design process. Story telling is key, and you want key features that tell that story. If you end up getting a silhouette cause of that then great, you get brownie points in the art community. But if you dont thats alright, as long as the story is getting across.
As an example of someone who focuses to much on the the drawing principals but not the story aspect, look at this video made by a competent artist(better than me thats for sure) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6onAZUoQLI This fucking bitch goes on and on about silhouette, getting your mood board, reference art through the times, and all that other bullshit, and comes up with this angel design at the end. But she says she doesnt like the character at the end? Why is that? She wont say it, but the reality is she doesnt give a fuck about the character she created. She didnt tell a story, she just added a bunch of fucking visual noise and nonsense and hoped that was enough for a good character design and it just isnt. Meanwhile I can look at Chiaki from A Girl Who Leapt Through Time, a very simple ass design, but I can see his unbuttoned shirt, the way he slouches, his unkept messy hair style, and think "Rebellious slacker, a jokester, not a prim proper boy". A story is told despite him not being that unique if you were to compare him to other anime boys with spiky hair., but what matters is the story first, so simple anime boy wins.
games like overwatch take it to an extreme to make gameplay better. ie, bastion is the only cuboid character and you immediately know its him even if you glance the edge of him from a corner or something. it's not as necessary for visual media
tangential also i play at a high level and some of the silhouettes are starting to blend together, especially the sexy lady characters with 10000 skins
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>Only shows recognizable chararacters
If you wanted to prove this argument, you'd have to show characters I didn't know and have me recognize them by their silhouette alone.
recognizable doesn't mean unique
it means that even in silhouette form that shapes are clear

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