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Post your favourite esoteric and thought provoking art here.
I kind of don't get this piece. Like if I get off my phone I get somehow punished? Only good things come from less phone use and there is no boogey man punishing you for getting off social media, it is just yourself and your addicted zoomer brain. Still cool piece though.
you must be good goy and consooom! do not become a nooooticer!!!
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takes a very high IQ to understand
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No, you misunderstood the picture. It's supposed to show you that if you get off your phone you realize that you are being enslaved by these social media sites that make money from you by wasting your time and feeding you unnecessary information. The lawn mowers are the corporations stripping you off your time and preventing you from upholding your own life.
Being arrogant is bad and shit.
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midwit take

This sounds good until you think about it. Pilots have to go through training and proper testing before being responsible for the lives of passengers on commercial airlines. They have to follow an international standard and can be measure on performance and flight hours.

Politicians on the other hand can technically come from any background usually legal and the barrier to entry is just how well you speak public ally and get along with people. The problem is there's not measurement or standard to follow so depending on the people you're around you can change your talking points, accent, opinions, policies in order to garner votes.

There's also no objective standard on "The right way" of running a country or having a correct policy. There's lots of WRONG ways like communism/fascism because those systems always lead to citizens lives being measurably worse as parts of the population are killed due to famine/camps/governmentsanctioned killing etc. but it's hard to say "This is the right thing to do" when you wont know the downstream effect until years later. Politicians also need to work within their timeframe, sometimes a policy that was good 30 years ago when the environment was different doesn't work well now.
you didn't get the piece either
How about this: stay away from social media. The corpos cannot do anythign about it. This cannot be it, right?
he got it
great if this is satire - but the artist really is an elitist bootlicker
It's supposed to be an allegory for democracy, retardo.
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love these things
>midwit take
Midwits are far above your level, moron.
Ah, Pawel kuczynski, the most obvious #deep art there is. Makes you think that if you could make generic blaring art about WAR IS BAD, PHONE IS BAD, you could be famous. Don't blame him while many are duds the one like in OP is pretty good.
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I got it :D
this desu
>(you) lecturing people on reading comprehension

lol lmao even
You have more control over the corpos than you realize, you're social media addiction is the fault of none other than yourself
You can tell a retarded leftist made this shit. A politician is a representative of the people so if he loses touch with the common man that is a huge issue and a valid critique of those running the country, but a pilot only needs know how to fly a plane safely and no one gives a shit if he understand the average passenger a retarded analogy.
>the lawnmower represents the corporation's inability to control people who don't use their product
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bros, whats gonna happen to Alex Jones? im so scared...
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got some real slop to peddle
>There's lots of WRONG ways like communism/fascism because those systems always lead to citizens lives being measurably worse as parts of the population are killed due to famine/camps/governmentsanctioned killing etc.

What about Portugal anon? Portugal did nothing wrong.
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we truly... live in a society
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There is nothing wrong with this. It perfectly describes how maturity strips off our spirit from ourselves.
no. its about you being a whinging faggot who is mentally IMmature, is too interpersonally weak to resist being influenced by external forces and is incapable of viewing life outside a carefully constructed reality
Thank you for the free art.
Everyone is influenced by external forces, you faggot. You are not special, you midwit retard. The entire human advancements were a collective effort that was accumulated from different civilizations and generations up to this day. Every culture gets inspired by external aspects since that's how progress happens. Long story short, you are a gay ass nigga.
Literally me but less sick and twisted
speak for yourself, cattle
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Do retards that make shit like that understand that trade and business with richer countries brings in wealth and opportunity to these places and allows them to rise quickly in quality of life?
Especially when compared with places that don't have it.
And all this is voluntary, they get higher wages that way than comparable labor in other sectors.
Change comes with time and everything is not going to get better immediately but they are on the upswing.
playing devils advocate, mass industry and global trade have been around for decades now. there isnt some secret unknown problem going on in those corrupt nations. its almost been a century, how much longer are they expected to wait for things to "get better" for them?
Haha, go back to redit, neolib.
they don't even understand that porn is an industry and not slavery, how would they possibly understand global trade?
you've been fed the white supremacy cool aid, oh it shows.
They already have, the quality of life has been steadily going up for a long time, despite people who claim otherwise. Things like food availability, earnings, life expectancy, health, living conditions, etc, they have been going up.
It took hundreds of years to build the west's advanced economies as well. Nobody is saying that white people are some kind of a blessing that automatically makes problems go away when they're nearby, development takes work and investment from everyone who wants to have it regardless of if it's achieved in isolation or with external help.
In any case most third worlders do have access to things like better medicine and the internet and other technology, not to mention the opportunity to go work overseas.
And where they don't, you can usually find some attempt at socialism or communism at the point where their development flatlines or goes into reverse. A hundred years ago New York and Buenos Aires were equally rich and had the same rate of advancement. Most of Africa is piss poor because right past decolonialization all the countries adopted African Socialism which prevented them from trading with each other. It's not the westerner's fault that third worlders keep shooting themselves in the foot.
I think the joke in the image is that the white guy is wearing a socialist icon on his shirt while all the actual subjects of socialism do everything for him, and he's just smugly looking at you as if saying "isn't socialism great, we should do this here too"
What are you talking about?
Maybe the west shouldn't have destabilized those countries for their own geopolitical interests then. There have been so many times where the western organization interfered with developing countries since they didn't want strong nations in certain regions because they always want countries that they can easily control and manipulate.
this is what becoming a leftist feels like
>divide and conquer developing countries
>fund the extremist groups to undermine their progress
>le the west was innocent
lol Fuck off kid. Do some research.
The soviets did it too and the chinese communists are still doing it. It sucks when countries become play pieces for greater powers, but that doesn't mean that the west is uniquely at fault. Or even uniquely the beneficiary.
And even if the strawman case was reality, what are you going to do about it? Wait? And then ask how long you're expected to wait?
You are justifying evil deeds with your own confirmation bias. Just because they also do it doesn't mean the west is not morally corrupt. The west has been doing it for a lot longer in the first place because the people living in the west are oblivious or indifferent to it all. Those people are as guilty for being stupid and ignorant. Well, don't cry about it if it comes around and bite you in the ass then, which is exactly what happening in the US and Europe these days. Every empire collapses on it's own incompetence and corruption after all.
What's with this suggestion that immoral behavior should cosmically have bad consequences?
how comes every civilization did and does this, but somehow Africans always get the short end of the stick?
It's as if people aren't the same.
Vae victis.
Africa wasn't "destabilized" by westerners at all. The continent, before European contact, was a sea of tribes so embroiled in tribal warfare that the people literally couldn't afford to own anything, as if they did, it would be stolen the next day and then used to brutalize the original owners.
European colonization began with the importation of firearms which stabilized the continent and allowed a few warlords to conquer multiple tribes, which could then be taken over by Europeans. Today African national borders are more stable than European national borders.
>Do some research
The most knowledgeable has spoken... As if "the west" is at fault 100% for everything. Stop projecting your own ignorance.
Groundbreaking cold.
Why is the bm white?
>negro cant control its impulses or find employment due to extremely low IQ
>somehow it's white mans fault
Talk about confirmation bias, you think because the west was more powerful than other that they are morally bankrupt and the other are innocent? Others have done it throughout history way before they ever met any westerners.
All peoples all over the world are guilty of this, only their ability to do it and the scale was different.
Hell if some of those kingdoms of the past had the power the US had they would have just wiped out their competition.
The quality of life for people around the world had gone up drastically the past half century, just because you can find evil deeds or abuse of power does not make everything about the west evil or wrong or having a negative on the world.
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Europeans are the only people to outlaw slavery in their own countries and then fight wars to end it in others. In the early 1800s Britain tasked one quarter of its navy with enforcing bans on slavery in West Africa. Conversely, Mauritania didn't officially abolish slavery until 1981, which is well within living memory, and still unofficially practices it to this day. Europeans are exceptionally kindhearted, idealistic, and magnanimous in victory. This idealism will be our undoing, not our past misdeeds.
This except it's my cock instead of my stomach
where is janny?
Are you blind?
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new jak
>Being a leftist rids you of the gay juice
Seems good to me.
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>David Dees
Hai..good den magnetron..awe stresstricken faÿre espać here. Pace un moment ente lux.
David Dees died before AI was even a thing. It's photobashing.
I have received the message from the mw that was broadcast yesterday, 4.4623 ghz

Translation has yet to be deciphered, but it's been broadcasting for 26 years and no one noticed until now.
I don't know English..I only know ai.

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