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I love when retards claim that you shouldn't make your art like ultra charged of elements, like they did in the baroque era.

Because the arguments aren't from theirs, but always because they learned from some youtuber or teacher that told them that art shoiuld be minimalists.

Minimalism suck dick shit and looks like garbage.

There's a reason why baroque art is preserved at museums but modern art is mistaken with trash to be thrown.


This miku video > 99% of shit made by the graphic designers and bahaus school.
fuck off cris

most of the time when someone who sucks trys to draw something complex, it turns to fucking mud because thats well the fuck beyond the scope of what they can do.

from an animation/illustration perspective, its best to only have what's required for you to know the character.
Hating on modern art is THE npc opinion though
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modern art is the style used by international corporations and international news media.

nobody outside some conservative schizos at the art renewal center and some religious fags even care about baroque art.

So no.
Modern art is the npc globhomo style.
Every good thing is minimalist and simple. For something to be good it should stand on a few core principles that is why limitations breed creativity. Midwits and retards are the ones impressed by complexity for that reason
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modern mindset brainrot.
tasteless kitsch
typical protestant insult from anglo subhumans.
This looks...boring.
some of baroque is impressive.
This looks pretty good....for me to poop on.
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Tastelles visual noise.
If you can't see the line between deficiency and excess, you should stop drawing and do something else.
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Andrew Loomis presents the book to a crab chief (the secret of artists' greatness).
Nothing to do with modernism, you fucking moron. Traditional arts were minimalist too. Look at Roman arts and architecture, you will see how minimalist they are in comparison to baroque or rococo, which are ironically a lot more antiquated.
Visual vomit
not true when you consider how shitting anime art looks when it's been overly rendered. Keeping in balance the simplified faces and realistic bodies is a big struggle
im telling you why minimalism is taught

globohomo is another thing all on its own, being completely inoffensive to anyone who sees it.

I could draw muhammad being fucked by a pig with as little detail as needed to convey this, and it would be offensive to not only most people who see it for various reasons, wouldn't be in a globohomo style, and would be clear as to what's being depicted.
there is a point where its too much, this feels like it hit that point, but god damn would it be nice to go to and see.

I have to assume this would be more impressive when it was first made and not cnc doable.
im paraphrasing here but terry davis said something to the effect of the idiot admiring complexity and the genius admiring simplicity.
jesus christ the cope replies, im not even religious but this is still beautiful
Lol the faggot(s) replying are going to literal hell for trashing actual beauty
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>reddit spacing
you must go back
Anyone who calls this kitsch should post what they believe is true beauty, for us to laugh at.
you can stop samefagging now

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