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Why cant I draw?
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Tried to draw this yesterday
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My attempts
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Meanwhile others
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I am unable to percieve and understand 3D shapes, the nose eyes and jaw, I gave up
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But theres more
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The timeline
yep, is the ego
anon, i know you feel despair as of now, but you are being a bit too harsh on yourself
maybe take a break and come back and draw when you are in a better mindspace to do so
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Why? I think its talent actually
yeah, anon you are being too hard on yourself man
i feel like you are also putting in less effort due to demotivation
you are not a failure just because you trip up one or two times
maybe sometimes after you fall down, you feel like you wanna nap?
take the nap and when you are refreshed you can tackle your goals with maximum efficiency!!
still can't get over the fact that it took Arcane Season 2 to revive our local schizo
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There needs to be a why? Why did I fail? Is there anything to solve this?
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Because you, like me, have no talent...
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:3 i dont know
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Say it
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if only you had grinded 5000 floating loomis heads...
Is the ego anon, you are permabeg because of that, is the common thing with people like you.
Take what you write "why i cant draw", first ego problem, you are automatic tagging youself in a category and state even when is obvious that you are a beg that still dont even start to learn seriously >>7368601, this proves that argument, because if in 4 years you only timeline is 16 pages... yep. Your mind is putting in that eternal circle of negation or alienation, that state doesnt matter, what matters is that you are in that state because you are doing nothing then you said "why": you are doing nothing: why?: you are doing nothing: why? easy to understand for everyone that see it from the outside, not to you because you are under that mental state. That's why you are also answer this things with searchings of... definitive answer that are already answered.
The thing with the ego is that your interior self put a designated expectation of what you should be doing OR what is your current state of, anything in your life, but the thing is that it needs to correlate with the actual reality to move on and not be in the denial stage. That shit happens in both of the extremes: for one side you could be a permabeg that never improves because his ego said "why i'm not good/better" when that doesnt correlate with the invest, or you can be the guy stuck because the ego said "i'm good enough look this blablabla is good right now why people dont like it", in the middle you have the guy that thinks that he's good but also acknowledge that he's beg still, but you see the contradiction? the ego make him said a lie to comfort his feelings but that's put it in the denial that on time he recognize.
That's your problem, you can take the way you prefer, but is the reality, you are saying to yourself "why im not good" when you clearly have a minimal, almost zero, practice over the years, so, of course you are.
¿How to fix that? literally not memes "just draw"
no drawings = zero improve.
Drawing doesnt mean you will improve on the positive or negative, but, if you dont draw at all, you can't say that to begin with.
That's the first basic, minimal, step, if you cant draw, then move on to another thing, is that simple, if you can't, then is confirmed that your ego is the problem because you will make an excuse to not quit (imagine not wanting to quit something you're not even doing, yeaaah the ego problems can be quite difficult to handle)
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Blah blah blah
I know I am not drawing. I have more drawings than the timeline.

I stopped drawing because others were improving faster. I then knew that if others improved faster they had more talent

Another person in 3 years can become a pro, I could draw 300 years and never get better
So why?
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yeah you confirmed the premise, good luck dealing with that anon, i'm really sad when i'm encounter this type of persons because they are on a dead end.
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glad to have you back, 3 month anon
Hey Howie, how are you? Draw me 100 more boxes.
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Ok bu why did i fail?
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I drew boxes back then. I didn't improve.
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Because despite drawing a lot, you didn't learn from them.
+also you try to compare yourself to others, which is a major L move. Consider comparing to past you instead.
wait did he progress backwards??
This guy's name is Lyrebird. Howie is the box retard.
It's a skill anon just keep practicing you're doing fine
do you mind giving up quietly instead of spamming this shit in every thread?
>why give up
cus you're ngmi
genetics. mothernature just hates you.
Ok but why, give me a real answer
that's the real answer. you just don't, and perhaps can't, see it, because you're too /beg/ (as you've proven in this thread). not everyone was meant to be a world-class athlete, not everyone was meant to draw well.
Thats not the real answer
See this
and tell me
already looked at it, it's genetics. you can begrudge all you want, but you'd be effectively begrudging the sky being blue.
But why? Which genetics?
>But why?
genetic lottery
Others have drawn worse so why cant I
it all goes back to genetics. you have a given potential, as does everyone else. some have a higher range, others lower.
Review the timeline now
yeah, you're bad
Why? Be detailed
haha what the fuck how'd you get worse
your genetics does not allow for the understanding of detail. to attempt so would be to insult your disposition. I have too much respect for you, though you perhaps will never see it.
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I gave up, I made more drawings in the early part
Those were mostly all drawings I made from the parts that got worse
I went months without drawing
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What made me give up was the fact that I was unable to grasp how to draw and imply 3d volume in a picture
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Heres my only drawing from imagination back then i gave up
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Have you tried drawing instead of making gay threads
But where would I start again?
I dont know so I dont do it
My latest failure
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You seem genuinely unhinged. Why do you keep reposting the same images you've already posted?
Also fuck off Soda, this isn't a cris thread. Stay in your containment threads.
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He's been doing this for literal years. He legit doesn't live in the same reality as the rest of us.
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>this isn't a cris thread. Stay in your containment threads.
i know, it's a Akechi schizo thread which i will contribute with drawing
Thats someone else
I think hes doing something to the images. The size and filenames are different
don't listen to him, anon. do your thing.
It would be great if you contained your drawings to one single thread instead of necrobumping seven different fucking threads you worthless scumbag.
You're actively encouraging one of the worst posters in this board.
>You're actively encouraging one of the worst posters in this board.
And Cris isn't?
>You're actively encouraging one of the worst posters in this board.
in a thread like this, his posting is an improvement
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The worst part about Soda is that he will keep garbage threads alive for weeks even after the original poster has been long gone from it. If it weren't for him all cris threads would die within three days. But because of him, you get to experience a total of 5-12 cris threads at a time for months straight. Wonderful! At least he's not "as bad as Cris", right? Let me use my critical thinking for a second...

Haha yes! I love it when the shit threads get necrobumped endlessly instead of naturally falling off of page 10! Because schizo shitposting definitely cancels out schizo shitposting rather than just pile on top of each other!
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instead of arguing you could be drawing fan art of the potential /v/ queen
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You don't think I don't? I have six cris/soda threads hidden right now, about to add a seventh because of shit moderation and retarded peers. But that's only a bandaid. Just last week there were a total of TWELVE FUCKING CRIS THREADS for a whole fucking day, and if it weren't for me and others who don't stick their heads in the dirt they would still be around right now. Unfortunately our nonexistent moderation chose not to delete all of them.
There's an expression about a kingdom that ignores its problems is doomed to implode that I'm misremembering. Anyways, just remember that you determine the quality of the communities you inhabit. I'm only angry because it feels like I'm one of few who actually care about this place.
You type like a hole, I won’t be surprised if you are one given that a lot of them occupy this hobby.
Well it's always Dis Bitch, Dat Hoe.
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And what made you assume that? I think you're projecting your own stupidity to your gender, so let me remind you that you're the exception and not the norm.

Half of this board is schizos and retards. See ya fellas, enjoy the self-wank thread. And if you're one of the sane few be grateful you have the mental capacity to not fall to the levels displayed in this thread.
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Just keep going anon, every "failure" is an opportunity for learning.
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6 months schizo you mog me to oblivion at having had le sex, I’d trade what meager ability I have for some le vagina. You mog me in drawing too

Soon you’ll be 6 years schizo at this rate
>those hands
literally how does he "mog" you? You're fine
I read this diagonally, but I think you're not being fair to yourself
it's not easy to start from an empty canvas and just perfectly put down the right lines and shapes
when you see other people's efforts, you are not seeing all the scaffolding they put up
yes, even in "sketches" they probably blocked out much sketchier sketches before they ended up with something they were happy to show the world
also, don't just keep going. you probably notice the drawing is wonky way before you give up. if you don't, try mirroring it. literally hold it up to a mirror, since you seem to be working traditionally only. measure things. measure angles and lengths and proportions. use grids. trace stuff until you're comfortable. you weren't born with a perfect ability to do things. you need to practice and learn
good luck anon
good taste
How did you do this?
why do you feel entitled to instant drawing skill? if others have more talent how does that affect your skill exactly?
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I studied the character and their features, also daily drawing for about 6 months helps too.
I don't use the Loomis method explicitly, probably has influenced my way of constructing heads however. I usually start with the regular circle or a box for the head and then go from there.
Talent isn't real. Hard work is.
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I drew for more time, I drew for much more time in total. I couldnt draw your jinx
draw more, however long it takes
He gets laid, I don’t, simple as. Law of the jungle
Good Job Albert Einstein Can You Sign My Baby Now
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thanks a lot niggas you killed the senran line art thread now i will use this thread as the new senran and taimanin asagi drawing thread

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