What are some good modern manga to study from purely for art direction and style in your opinion?Gachiakuta and Tank Chair come to mind when it comes to interesting character designs
>>7369636"art direction and style"I will preface this with I am not recomending you get your art style from them, but page layout and how they convey motion, almost any long running shonen before the author wants to quit drawing it. you dont get to be a long running shonen without good page layout, motion, and knowing when to play with the styleas for good moden styles... personally, I would just look at actual people and learn from that, then apply what you learned to a style rather than trying to copy a current style, most of the good ones have strong foundations in being able to draw traditionally.
>>7369636the ones you like
Less pointless threadcrastination, more drawing. Do a study of it or something. You won't, pussy.
>>7369636Chainsaw ManDorohedoroShiori ExperienceBLAME!Tongari Booshi no AtorieKuutei Dragons
>>7370679Test test wow
>interesting character designsWhat do you think about mine?
>>7372058i wish i could burn it