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If one was born with inferior motor skills would they still be able to be a great artist?
I love art but I have always had very poor fine motor skills, I didn't learn how to tie my shoelaces until I was 12. I have always wanted to do art but it feels like I have a genetic disadvantage and must work 10x harder than anyone else to succeed.
Is there any way I can improve this?

I have started drawing consistently for the past few months and I have progressed but I still feel like if I was born properly I could have been way better by now.
drawing is like 95% thinking/observation and 5% motor skill
iq is the actual filter
Anyone can make it If they have the right attitude and put in the effort
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> if I was born properly
ahh jesus...
Ohhhh I get it now.
You're looking for an excuse to fuck off and do AI
No of course not
Yeah this is true I probably shouldn't have posted this because I just wanted to complain and didn't think it through

I'm still going through multiple pages/hours a day of drawing but I still feel like I couldn't get it and ended up blaming my genetics
Your biggest hurdle is going to be your mindset. If you can conquer that you can conquer the world.
What do you like drawing?
An example of your work would be cool
Bro there's some paralyzed bitch out there who draws with her feet
>Is there any way I can improve this?
There are probably some specific exercises than can help but you're better off looking somewhere other than this hellhole
Post your line work so we can judge
it's more about perception than motor skills
so yes
Chuck close became even more famous after his accident. His work went from generic super realism to having soul because he was handicapped.
Lol yea figured as much thanks
I'll be gone from this thread now cause I regret posting it
maybe you're better off making AI art? look at this AI Vegeta I just whipped up.
post drawings
Only applies to people born with a ligameme.
half the popular artists on any given social media rely solely upon smoothing and renderfaggery without an ounce of any drawing ability
Taiyou Matsumoto can do it, you have no excuse.
i saw some japanese artist on twitter with wobbly as fuck lines but great art. i think his was a stylistic choice but you can still get better
you can't make good trad art without good motor skills. anyone telling you different is lying through their teeth. This is probably the #1 filter for autists. Digital seems slightly more forgiving.

And here's Moebius:

> It’s very important to educate your hand. Make it achieve a level of high obedience so that it will be able to properly and fully express your ideas. But be very careful of trying to obtain too much perfection, as well as too much speed as an artist. Perfection and speed are dangerous — as are their opposites. When you produce drawings that are too quick or too loose, besides making mistakes, you run the risk of creating an entity without soul or spirit.
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i love my prince
Yes but you need to compensate with intelligence, like >>7370191 said.
If you watch football imagine Sergio Busquets
Is okay bro, arts hard, you don't need to blame some disability. you probably just suck at it like most people. I know a guy thats 19 and still doesn't know how to tie his shoe, and he can draw.
grew up with a brain injury which led to dyspraxia, I'd say the biggest disadvantage you might get from poor motor skills is difficulty absorbing new information. that fag who said drawing is 95% observation skills doesn't seem to get that 1. you're meant to process what you observe too, if your own brain has a hard time comprehending what you're looking at there's not much you can do and 2. poor gross motor skills are associated with poor memory, you might learn something and completely forget it the next day. it fucking sucks but if you practice a routine every day it will help you a lot, like every once in a while repeating exercises you've already done to keep them fresh in your brain.
What is your personal definition for a "great" artist? Is it a skilled artist? Is it a popular artist? Is it an artist that just enjoys the process and creates? Define what your end goal is and what you want out of art. Technically a lot of successful artists aren't "great" at all, and skill can be a subjective thing. You need to define your end goal rather than just think "I want to be a great artist" as that will greatly help you in the end.

Personally, my definition of a "great" artist has shifted quite a bit since the advent of AI and any more I appreciate those that do something with what they've got over the traditionally skilled artist.

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