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cant draw anything, you have a million ideas of what to draw but cant because you can barely draw a stick figure
people who started drawing as kids dont know how good they have it, its basically like being born the son of a billionaire and sole successor of his fortune
there is truly no harder part of drawing than trying to start as an adult /beg/
>draw a stick figure
Draw circles, simple rounded shapes, and calligraphy. That's the secret to start.
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>but cant because you can barely draw a stick figure
do /beg/tards really?
didn't realise there's a different point
but i wanna improve without actually drawing ever!
Drawing is nearly just mashed together shapes+foreshortening, so go draw a square. The other 10% you unlock by befriending a wizard, i have several. Gift them funny books, and they might offer you the forbidden knowledge.
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Allan say no more I got just the right thing for you
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>you have a million ideas of what to draw
No you don't. Anime girl head on a white background isn't an idea.
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anime girl wearing a swimsuit on a beach background
>lichtmann didn't predict /beg/s coming from /po/
it's over
Breaking news - local anon discovers learning a new skill you never attempted before is hard.
the problem is when you start you dont really know how it works, it all seems to be a bit mysterious, and you dont know what you're just not capable of doing or whats your lack of skill to beat yourself up over

I used to think that I should be able to draw from imagination easely, and that most of the art or good drawings that Ive seen are the products of solely imagination based drawings
or that I have to draw thousands of boxes for some stupid reason to be any good, and construct everything with anal percision or else I suck
like when I saw some people autistically construct a fucking chair or chestbox, I lost my shit and left, like that's crazy
Drawing is the only skill that is actually hard to learn. Everything else is completely trivial in comparison.
Anime girls on white backgrounds are braver and more essential art than 99% of what's in modern art museums. Desu.
when did he say that was his idea
It's the only skill that is mystified to such an extraordinary degree. And because of this midwits don't even try to properly learn it like they would any other skill. It's also the only skill autismos cling to, even if they hate it and don't really want to learn to draw and would be better off doing anything else.
It is and it isn't. You know what other skills are hard, even harder? Being a surgeon. Brain surgeon. A fucking dentist. A psychiatrist/Psychologist. Even being a carpenter and crafting furnature is really hard to master. Same with almost every craft. The difference is, drawing has the lowest barrier of entry, all you need is a pencil, a sheet of paper and the time. But the most important thing you need if you want to learn a new skill? Neuroplasticity. Just kidding, it's to believe in your self, to not hate yourself when you fail, and to critique yourself constructively. Now go, pray to Jesus and draw.

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