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I don't lurk this board often, but where can I commission someone here to draw my PUBG character in 2D/Animeish style?

I can pay in several ways.
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It'd be a couple days wait, though, I've got a couple to finish still.
100-200 dollarydoos probably, depends what you want.
I like your style a lot. Does your "simple design" option include coloring? I would like one full-body drawing of the character with the mask on and a second close-up drawing up to the torso with the mask off, showing the face, just like in my OP pic.

Could you please let me know how long it would take and what the price would be for this?
'Simple Design' is colored and rendered, but doesn't have a complicated pose or background, that would go under Illustration. It's 'simple' as in you're not too picky about the exact details.

OP pic would be $120 for the two pics. Mask versions are simple enough that it doesn't change the price. Done by friday at the latest.
I'll let you know by tomorrow.
what gun?
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I'll throw my hat into the ring as well since I do character design and illustration as well
I have a few I need to finish but I can add you to the queue as well.
Feel free to DM me or add me on discord.
Damn looks awesome. Rates for a request like this >>7370753 >>7370799?
Basically I do anything from portraits to full illustrations, to full character sheets.
For a full body painting with full color (no background) would be 400 USD.
The second shot for a full render would be a Bust, for 250 USD.
For both that would be 650 USD.
I can also do flats or just lineart for lower prices, if character art without lighting is more your thing.
To do both of those would take only about 2-4 business days at the most. I accept payment via Vgen or Paypal, Paypal preferrable.
Whoops, wrong link. These should work a bit better.
what is thing vgen thing?
do people use it? what is your experience with the website anon? i'm really curious.
Because looks fine for the website, but in the end what matters is how many people go to search the artists.
A lot anime artists use vgen,but mostly younger folks who are just getting into commissions. There are people like me on there as well, but its much rarer, so ironically the main downside is the culture of underage artists undercharging, making it less likely to get decently paid gigs.

The website only has one other con being that it charges a 5% service fee + payment processing fee per commission. Not terrible, but if you're doing direct Paypal instead of bank transfer like I am then it can be a slight loss.
The main reasons I got it and keep it around are:
Clean, simple UI and website design to host a gallery of artwork. Not entirely to my design or taste but great for no additional costs to run.
Customizable terms of service
Customizable fillable forms that you can pair with aforementioned custom terms of service, allowing them to specify the tier and details of their comm upfront instead of having to play "20 questions", saving time.
Ability to show different curated galleries per tier of works, allowing for people to understand what they're getting.
I think it's still useful to have your own website for branding, aesthetic and customization controls but its a very convenient option to chuck at people online, with pretty much every option consolidated
This is now a commission thread lol

I'm new to this and I feel like you already have two very high quality options but if you'd prefer something simpler in terms of rendering/different kind of anime like style, I can fill that spot.

For full body Colored (just two tone shading) it would be
Around 100-140 USD depending on the style/pose requested

for a closeup portrait without the mask 80-100 USD

(Not including the background, super detailed rendering/lighting, or unique poses/angles which would bring it up depending on how complicated you want it.)

If you'd like a simple 15 minute sketch with just line art that could be done for 40-60 USD

I accept Paypal/ PlayerZ3d on discord
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I tried something and it didn't work (:
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without the shitty rendering if you want it

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