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Considering investing in a drawing figure. Anyone knows one thats versatile and make a wide range of poses?
I want one thats lean but is not a female figure.
why waste the money when theres unlimited free pose references and 3d models to use?
anyone have a crack for design doll 6.0
We have this thread like once a week. 1000toys synthetic human and romankey x cowl figures. Expect to pay at an absolute minimum like $60-70. The figuarts body chan and kun are kind of shit.
what about sticky bones? I heard its made by animation vets. Saw a mangaka, yoshikazu, use it as well
>if I use the term 'invest' to justify this purchase it'll sound less like wasting my money
You're not going to use it as much as you think you would.
Its body-schizo again
I was gonna say the same thing you did. We have these threads pop up every now and then and we keep telling the OP these figuart dolls are absolute garbage that can't do splits, limited rotation/flexion, and are a lot smaller than they appear in the photos; about as small as your palm.

You're better off using pose apps like Magic Poser, Easy Pose, or Design Doll. Or you can "consider investing" on wasting your money because you're a fool that parts with your hard earned cash. The choice is yours but I vow not to respond to these threads going forward. We've told anons like you numerous times over the years. Take the advice or leave it.
What are you talking about?
Nigga I literally collect anime figures, I have multiple of everything I mentioned with hundreds of others to compare them to.
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>these figuart dolls are absolute garbage that can't do splits, limited rotation/flexion, and are a lot smaller than they appear in the photos; about as small as your palm.
All incorrect but ok schizo keep schizoing

You're just as annoying as the retards in /dtg/. Not worth arguing with.
>gets proven wrong
>"youre not worth arguing with!"
Good. Fuck off.

I bought both male and female version and test it myself. The limbs fall apart and you have to spend time sticking an arm back in. It's flimsy.

God I'm getting a migraine just talking to you. Nobody cares about your fucking gear. You don't draw.
You bough knockoffs then. I have a shit ton of these things, they're sturdy and I've never had the limbs fall apart like that either.

Sorry you wasted your money on alibaba figurines!
me when i bait someone for three posts straight
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>Sorry you wasted your money on alibaba figurines!

I’m good, nigga. I like to save my money.
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stop shilling for absolute garbage
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such dynamism, i kneel
they feel pretty limited compared to what you can do with a model in a 3d software
For 54$ us you can get clip studio for less than the price of your shitty figure plus shipping and duties.
Samefag schizo
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You should instead study 3D projection and actual anatomy.
What is it about this board that attracts such unhinged fucking freaks? Are you the same retard from /dtg/?
Unemployed 20 year-olds get mindbroken when they realize drawing isn't easy. It leads them to do this.
>Youre wrong, all but one post is my samefagging! Hahaha! Got em!
You still made 5 posts in a row because you were mad and got ignored for 10 minutes. Schizo go take your pills.
This is sad. Why are you editing the HTML to make me part of your soap opera?
those cowl figures are still being sold? Last I checked, they were all sold out
Nope, sold out.
nigga you are really fucking stupid
2nd hand figures exist.

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