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Post bloggu links.
i dont have a blog and i dont draw
is the tradeoff of getting 20 follows but also now being a 4chan artist worth it
>5 years from now anon is now a world class artist
>billions of followers
>billions in bank account
>billions of women at his door
>nothing could ever ruin this
>"uhm actually anon posted on 4chan once so he is a big retard"
>everyone knows now
>le cancelled
>anons life falls apart
>its over
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Why not, I already posted my twitter once
No, I don't think I will. I post my art here and have shared blogs before, but threads like this are gay
Insanely, unironically, undeniably omegabased.
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I have a deviantart, two instagrams, a tumblr, a pixiv, a bluesky, an artstation and a baraag account, but why would I share them here when only the last three mentioned are the ones that are kinda updated? Oh, almost forgot, a fiverr too.
I don't even post on social media anymore since i don't seem to reach randoms like before. I used to get like hundreds of likes from hashtags but now they don't even seem to show up for people that follow those hashtags. Anyone knows why this is a thing now?
I unironically thinks this might happen
i said it because im slightly worried it could happen but im also never getting followers so i think im safe
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I recently made it to 2k follows with a huge follow spike last draw, so I'm excited to see where things go from here.

The "tradeoff" really depends on your activity on the site and the nature of whoever finds out. If all you do is draw and talk about stuff that isn't "le problematic", there's no reason for the average retard to go after you, whoever does will only do so for the fact you use 4chan at all and that on it's own is too harmless for the average user to care about.
There is something about living in fear about your anonymous activity when there's nothing you should be afraid of that rubs me the wrong way. There is a time and a place for everything and talking about 4chan outside of it has it's trickery, but I'm not going to be living afraid of what anyone has to say about me having fun on the site assuming someone ""finds out"". I fear no god, that's why the AO3 link is above, I'm not afraid of you, let alone internet randos that are too ignorant to understand 4chan is nothing but a bunch of basement-dwelling nerds being angry and/or retarded on a regular, rather than the den of neonazi hacker terrorists people for some reason believe it is.

"He who owes nothing, fears nothing."
I know of at least two female artists that lurk and post here. They are well known, pretty, and while 'm pretty sure they saw my work on other sites, messaged me on facebook and twitter after I posted on here.

I was surprised that girls posted on here, let alone really pretty ones with talent.
/pol/ has rotted your brain. Either stay there, or never go back there ever again.
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I am a virgin doomer (zoomer)

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>"uhm actually anon posted on 4chan once so he is a big retard"
In that case, I'll say it was someone who was larping to be me.

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Part of it is them kneecaping non-paying users but I suspect artists generally have posting patterns that get them flagged by bot detection algorithms and shadowbanned.

>Only post images with a few words next to them
>Those images are sometimes porn
>They have outside links to some platform where you can give them money
>either no hashtags or 30 at once
>barely @ anyone and when they do it's some account with 10 times more followers who ignores them
>IP says they're from some third world jungle but they never interact with other accounts in the same area
>Followers are 60-80% confirmed bots too
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>oh a social media thread
>i'll give aspiring artists a follow
i don't think you guys need my help
To be fair, posting socials isn't always about getting new followers, it's also about letting anons see who they're posting with.
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tsk tsk coward
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Hi I'm FlashFirePrime, you can find me on Twitter and Bluesky under that name and HallowedMarmalade on DeviantArt.
Consider joining the art server I run (Expires in 7 days): https://discord.gg/dNFdzJmk
I've only posted my socials a few times in the self promo thread but I'm worried that even if I spread it out I shouldn't do it again
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Good idea.

I draw porno manga for Comic Mugen Tensei. Don't really care about growing socials or anything (I work with a publisher specifically so I don't need to think about this at all) but maybe anons want to chat or ask questions or whatever.
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mentioned this in /proj/ but I'm making my own series too
nigga, you definitely don't need it, but thanks for the good art tho
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I mainly draw THICC League of Legends Mommies but other waifus too

>Daily posts/NSFW/sometimes SFW Content (Twitter/X):

>Daily/Semi-Daily/SFW Content (IG):

>For all my Hentai/NSFW Content (Patreon):
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I agree with >>7371599, one does not post expecting to get follows from this thread, we're just here to share socials and talk about social media in general.
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I would agree with you.... But most art fags in general do not have a fun personality to be around with for too long.
I am mostly a NSFW artist. I've been here for years and have not formed any meaningful connections with anybody here.
I am always the pro active person,
I have fans and Rivals. Fans will leave you after awhile, and Rivals will leave you when they make more money than you...
Money is also important for motivation. now i have none to continue. Maybe people don't want to support me? but taking people's advice and forming a connection with people is not the way... I am the example.
Our time is spent here because of our free-time too. that's another way to think about it.
Only support the people that support you. or people that show interest in you. it makes life easier.
Not saying that i have distain towards larger artists. but it really does seem like that when i see that literally 0% of them are helping out smaller creators.
I can confirm this too....
best try your luck on reddit if you are a nsfw artist.
it's a fighting chance.
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People who want to hate you don't need a real reason, they'll just make one up. You can get cancelled for existing. So I wouldn't worry about it. It's like getting struck by lightning, happens or it doesn't, but you don't really have much control over it.
>no friends
pyw, you sound retarded anon,mayhe you're just autistic
You'd lose nothing by posting the ones you keep updated and it would have been less work than ranting like a dumbass.
But I'm the bigger dumbass for (you)ing.
You sound like an awesome person that i want to share my artwork with.
go fuck yourself.

You have cool artwork. I agree, You can't please everybody.
Do you mean getting noticed online since you have a lot of followers.
not saying that you don't deserve it...but.
Don't you question if most of the "followers online are fake"
for example. i had a few posts that did well.
but not many people commented on them or followed.
but a shitty post and "real people" followed me for it.
That would explain the "lighting" luck"aspect for me.
YTA, and-
>I would agree with you.... But most art fags in general do not have a fun personality to be around with for too long.
True, artists are insufferable one way or another regardless of the craft... but my point (and anon's) is not about making friends/peers here, it's about participating in the general discussing about social media and stuff as opposed to just seek for followers. You don't have to be friends with anyone if you don't click with anyone, anon.
>Maybe people don't want to support me? but taking people's advice and forming a connection with people is not the way... I am the example.
That's a different point, but I will humor this.
Your experience is one that happens to many, attempting to make connections doesn't always work. But here's the thing, it can be possible and it can be extremely beneficial if you know your way around people's hearts. The trick is knowing how, where and who you reach out to. I am one who made extremely great online connections throughout that had led me to important lessons learned, peers made, followers reached and commissions earned. All because I found my way with sincerity, patience and general friendliness. When you're cool, people are cool with you.

You are the example of someone who tried and couldn't, and I am the example of someone who tried and could. Two scenario that can happen to anyone who tries to get along people, such is the way of being social.
I have a habit of looking through my followers, and I'd say maybe 5-10% are fake max. I think those statistics are highly skewed by extremely large accounts. People with followers in the millions, especially political accounts, have a far higher percentage of bot followers. Middling artists aren't really affected, as much as they like to bitch about it. There isn't really any benefit to expending bot traffic on people that, in the grand scheme of things, are totally inconsequential.

But someone deciding to cancel you for something is more like just pure random chance, nothing to do with bot followers. It's just a matter of catching the ire of some mentally ill schizo who makes it their personal mission to destroy you because you made a sarcastic comment about the tv show they're autistically fixated on. People like that like to cluster together, so it can spiral out of control sometimes.
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Not posting a blog but looking for a blog.
The anon who posted these never left a blog but did mention having a NG.
do anons like onions
I remember you.
Are you Japanese now? aren't you Australian from the doartdaily interview?
>Are you Japanese now?
>aren't you Australian from the doartdaily interview?
Yep, that's me.
You have interesting style
>Only support the people that support you. or people that show interest in you.
How about only support/follow artists you like? I want to see good and great art I like regardless if the person follows back. The mentality of ‘only support/follow those who support/follow you’ is a bit selfish. If you’re only goal is to gain followers, I suppose you can stick to a hard ‘follow4follow’ strategy but it’s kind of disingenuous on your end and results in followers who don’t really care for or about your work, as well as you following and forcing yourself to ‘like’ and engage with art that isn’t good/you don’t like.
>but it really does seem like that when i see that literally 0% of them are helping out smaller creators.
It’s strange how some of you think this way. Why would any other artist owe you that? It’s all relative, but plenty of larger artists share works of of artists with muxh smaller followings. Regardless, no one at all owes you this in anyway. Most people understandably want more eyes on their art, so that whatever percentage who actually like their stuff will see it. But this sense of entitlement is a bit shallow, shortsighted, and results in disingenuous engagement, fake interactions, and potentially the prosperity and propagation of mediocre-to-shit art.
Yes, they now intentionally hamper reach (even to your followers) to coerce you into paying to ‘promote’ your account and posts, pay to have the platform simply do what they used to do, what people want. Gotta squeeze out every shekel they can through every possible angle.
It's uncanny, anon. Why was this made. I wish it wasnt.
Your furries are cuter than your humans and i say this as a non furfag
what do you expect from a guy that you need tor to access his self hosted art

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