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I just cured my aphantasia through meditation. It literally levels you up. you can look at a piece of paper and visualize the drawing before you even move your pen. Anyone who doesn't learn to cure this is NGMI.
You don't have aphantasia and you're still NGMI
idk if you can "cure" aphantasia really but if you have some level of visualization you can improve it quite a bit. i used to think i had a pretty good ability to visualize but once i started doing tech drawings, meditating, and actually practicing visualization it got waaay better
i think the problem with this line of thinking is mostly that people who bitch about muh aphantasia dont actually have some debilitating condition, they just want an excuse they view as unfixable to blame for their lack of skill
(also ive found that caffeine/nicotine help with visualizing but basically all they do is force you into a focus state)
You niggers will do everything but draw.
I've cured my aphantasia by tulpamaxxing
literally documented and proven for centuries to develop visualization so strong it convinces monks the world is an illusion because they no longer see a difference between the imagined object and reality
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>Imagine a thing
>It starts fucking rotating again
Will this hell ever end?
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I am curing mine. weeks and weeks of just nothing trying to recall visuals etc, and then I saw a glimmer of a ball, each session I try to see a ball now, sometimes there is nothing, sometimes I can see the ball in different lighting and move that light. oneday I hope to see it roll off a table and shatter
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old meme, this is the work of an artist with aphantasia
been drawing for years, it literally only stops you if you're looking for an excuse
The fastest way to cure it is to learn 3D modeling If you learn 3D modeling. Your brain will add all of that info to your subconscious. Visualization is just you learning how to think through the subconscious mind. Do 3D modeling to master visualization within a month.
They're drawing.
With their mind.
Good god.... they're beginning to believe
Let's take it a step further and do clay sculpture so you can feel the form too
Having aphantasia is more like instead of imagining a picture youre thinking of the prompt for generating it
you dont have aphantasia you autistic faggot and at this rate you wont ever have any skill at drawing either
just touch things bro
>Thought I had aphantasia
>Start drawing NSFW in despair.
>spend HOURS looking through TONS of porn images like kissless virgin.
>Go to take a shower to cleanse my sins
>Holy fuck.
> All I see when I close my eyes is a slideshow of vivid porn!
>Not just memorised shit, hundreds of NEW images flitting through my brain.
>All gone the next day.

Not sure, but key part seemed to be absorbing myself in the material I wanted to imagine. Haven't really tried on anything but NSFW
Honestly I genuinely believe "aphantasia" is nothing more than mental laziness.
try atrophy
that's a very cynical take, but might have some merit to it since eeg shows that related parts of brain stay passive.
Aphantasia is a physical brain disorder, literal brain damage, as seen by braun scans. There is an area of the brain that is the minds eye, an aphantasiac does not have access to this, or it is very limited. The high functioning aphantasiacs can dream but not imagine, low function cannot even dream at night.

You probably just had a sort of block in the way of using what you have. This can happen as a response to traumatic events, for example. Your coomer brain decided to unblock itself for the sake of porn.
I think some people do have it. But I think it is excessively rare and most people here that claim to have it are just lazy.

Aphantasiacs draw often and become very good at drawing from life. If theyre not out here posting realistic cast drawings and still lifes, they arent real aphantasiacs.
If someone can visualise a place they're in a lot, at work or school, your house, you probably don't have aphantasia. It might be "laziness", or just a lack of regular interaction with the subject being imagined.
>If theyre not out here posting realistic cast drawings and still lifes, they arent real aphantasiacs.
there's a very simple workaround that let me draw anything: just sculpt everything. once you have a rough shape on canvas there's no need for imagination anymore
So did he cure it by imagining lolies or did the they need a reference for that
was there any particular meditation you used?
didn't cure it
Fucking sucks man. God bless this artist though. Fuck these crabs using that bullshit as an excuse.
It's a real thing, but the people it effects aren't normal people. You aren't going to meet some guy on the street who can't picture an apple in his mind.

It's retards. Literal retards. Adults that needs constant care and supervision, because they cannot function alone. It isn't something normal functioning adults have.
I don't really understand this whole mind eye's cope shit, I don't have to visualize anything to draw because I just start drawing
its just cope from no draws, if they could visualize themselves picking up a pencil they wouldnt be making these threads
No theyre regular people.

The retards here are the ones that claim to have it so they have an excuse not to draw
That's called the Tetris effect. Works with Tetris, late night anime, porn and mathematical problems.
That looks bad. All he does is polish for 3 hours. Also that reflect trick... His right side brain is rotten.
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>That looks bad. All he does is polish for 3 hours.
what's the rush
It's not about the rush. It's a relief you can make anything look good as long as you put time on it. You can almost call time a crutch.
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>there's a very simple workaround that let me draw anything: just sculpt everything. once you have a rough shape on canvas there's no need for imagination anymore
Not even that, just learn perspective. You'll be able to rotate objects, people, places "in your mind" once you get map it in your head - some people just have to do it physically on paper while others probably have an easier time imagining what they want and drawing it.
Which perspective learning are you doin?
Well, it's real in the sense that illiteracy is real. If you're not lazy or retarded you can learn to imagine any sense, not just vision.
I couldn't visualize images in my head at all before I started to draw. It's still not really my preferred way, but I can do it now.
>It's a relief you can make anything look good as long as you put time on it.
Obviously false, you can find plenty of evidence to the contrary in this board.
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>have an excuse not to draw
learn perspective but you just posted fake perspective.
I could easily imagine a scene in my head, but my technical skill were garbage and I couldn't draw it, so I did hundreds of drawings with reference until I could draw properly
now I can't draw anything without a ref
That was just your brain gaslighting you before. "Sure boss, we can definitely picture that scene, it's basically a picture we're looking at, perfectly detailed. What's that? Oh, you want to know where even a single shape would go? uh.... hold on something came up i'll get back to you"
I can't really conjure a clear image all that well in my head, I don't think it matters all that much.
I'd kill myself if I had aphantasia. Thanks god it isn't real.
bingo, it's nonsense peddled by tumblrinas
new entry for the wiki huh
he just drew a generic anime girl. No visualization required. It's more a composition skill, imo.
it's like 20% of people. Crazy.
Why can I dream in perfect clarity but see nothing when I'm awake?
dmt and being asleep not thinking about doomscrolling
which ass did you pull that number from?
Do people with aphantasia not dream? Do they just close their eyes and exist within an empty void whenever they sleep?
I tried some methods, like watching at a very bright light and closing your eyes after. Didnt really work. Is there a tutorial how to cure it?
If aphantasia was actually real or present in someone's mind they would be unable to write words from memory or know basic math but curiously every woman who diagnoses herself with this can do those and she lives just like any other person "without" the "disorder" can.
it was revealed to me in a dream

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