literally what is the point of learning to draw. it takes so much time and I'll probably never get good and even if I get good probably no one will want to look at my art
>>7371632you learn art to then make other projects you like, like games or comics.
>>7371632That's just you
>>7371635Grown ass man making comics
Art boiled down to the process is really boring. It will filter autistic narcissists. Just be a political grifter like this one challenge channel teach
>>7371632I started drawing to participate in one game. It was a lot of fun and I was constantly learning how to draw so that the other participants would like to see what I draw. I had fun drawing then, I still have fun drawing now, many years later. If you don't have passion, love or respect for the process, you really shouldn't be drawing.
>>7371637Many comics are done by grown ass men,yeah
it's funI must look like a retard when I draw, I often catch myself smiling while I'm in the midst of it
>>7371637Who do you think makes them anon? children?
>>7371632If you have to ask, you ain't never gonna know.
>>7371632I want to do it just to get 5 likes on pixiv
>>7371632Don't draw then, go pick a guitar or start knitting
>>7371637Who else is gonna make em
I wish all the neurotics and nodraws on this board would fuck off. If you don't want to make art, that's fine. No one is forcing you to draw pictures or paint or whatever.
>>7371632>loser can only look at things through the lens of getting other people to give him attentionGive up. I don't mean on drawing, I mean on life, you're peak NGMI.
>>7371632Drawing helps you retain brain mass by continuously forming neuron links. It also prevents alzheimers.
>>7371638Say what you will about Promo but of the three he's the one that actually makes art. The irony of Art Chad is that I've never seen a single piece of artwork from him.
>>7372002>Promo*ProkoFuck phoneposting.
>>7371632>i want to learn (literally any other hobby) because it’s fun and fulfilling!>art for some reason, every single fucking time: hurr durr what’s the point, art is so hard I’m only doing this for transactional benefits like popularity and money but it’s so difficult!!! what’s the point hurr hurr duurrr *chokes on dicks*
>>7371632I draw because I have autism
>>7371727children>>7371665children yeah
>>7371632Drawing is fun.
>>7371632Everything takes time.
>>7371637Retarded nodraw subhuman fuck off
>>7371632>what is the point of living? Like we are all going to die at some point right?Faggot nigger
>>7371632there's no pointdrawing is funjust have fun drawing and you'll naturally feel desire to learn more
>>7372043And yet here you are, a grown man unable to do things a child could do.
>>7371637based AI chad making tards seethe
>>7371632The point of drawing is to show to the world a piece of your soul, and this is only in your power: no one else can do it.
>>7372439like what?
>>7371632> what's the point of learning to draw?The point of drawing is to enjoy the act of drawing. That's really the point of any hobby. > it takes so much time and I'll probably never get goodYou definitely won't with that attitude.> even if I get good probably no one will want to look at my artIf you're doing a hobby just because you think it might make you more popular, you're completely missing the point. You do a hobby because you enjoy doing it.
>>7371632I would also recommend trying different mediums. I'm a traditional artist that uses watercolor pencils. I found them to be viscerally satisfying to blend with and got me drawing more.
Even very crude drawings can be useful as storyboards for other Media. Setting up a scene,getting an interesting composition, where to tuck in word balloons if any,and the beginnings of dialog to congeal a narrative. Even Dilbert can be insightful and moving at turns.
>>7371637masterclass in ragebait or OP is retarded, call it
>>7371637One of the dumbest comments I read in a long time.
>>7371632Stop trying to get good and spend time with the people who love you. Then come back refreshed and draw something you want to draw. It will refresh your brain and make it easier to dig into whatever material you're studying.